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Current am the worm lord.
1 day ago
what happens in the burger kingdom of the burger king
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1 day ago
certified worm touching king
2 days ago
space racism is ok as long as they deserve it and man they deserve it in this case
2 days ago
i won't lie i just played through the next bit of rogue trader and now i hate the eldar so i won't pretend to be a part of the eldar in-group anymore. i should've known
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Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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>Justified text. It's been at least two years and it still doesn't seem to be here. Also, if possible, can we get an update to the BBCode Cheatsheet? There's at least one function--abbreviation--that isn't even mentioned on it, even though it seems to be a rather basic one. A link to one of the BBCode guides being put in there would also help newcomers so they don't have to go hunting them down, or wait for a user drop a link.

Building off of this, ages ago when I wasn't banished to the shadow realm from the Discord I had a discussion with Mahz about implementation of a sophisticated text processor -- think in-text editing, justified text, resizing images on the fly -- instead of... well, whatever this is we have now is severely hampering long form writing. He'd said it was something he'd played with before but I guess never got anywhere with it, but like, we're on a writing forum, the word processor should be the most important tool on the website. At least, that's what I think.
Hey fellas and fellates,

I'm looking for a post-apocalyptic RP, ideally set in the Fallout universe but open to original settings also. To keep things brief, I am not looking for any specific pairings but will add that I lend myself well to male roles with a dominant (err, whatever that might mean to you) role within the interpersonal relationship we'll be writing about. Whether that is a smutfest 18+ NSFW superparty or just a normal relationship is up to us to decide, but my characters tend to be forceful and masculine. Maybe to a fault. I can bounce off of any characters except those that are basically empty shells. You can play a self-insert or a super original character, as long as they're well written.

Either way, that's what we are working with. Thanks for reading, my atom bomb baby.

PM me if you want to chat about the idea!
Mandatory yearly bump.
@nodogs yeah, I think with Jack's attitude and her apathy she'd probably fit in well with Ben personally. His friend group is pretty non-descript but I can see Jack and Ben "hanging out" by just quietly hanging out and not really engaging too much with anyone beyond the regular friend group banter. I envision Ben's friend group as being sort of stable for the most part so it probably wouldn't have been teen drama that drove her away from them and maybe more their status of just generic dude that did generic things and didn't stand out much? No juicy goss to overhear with them either which way besides maybe what videogames they're playing or what happened in class that day.
@Eleven there is definitely some possibility for us to cooperatively come up with a backstory here -- in fact, her dad would fit pretty well (err, more like perfectly) for what I want Ben and his dad to be involved in. The fact that their powers are sort of the same but also totally different is really interesting too. Would you mind if I PMed you with some extra info? We can figure out from there if there's a link between them -- if you like, of course!
@Prisk yeah inclined to agree... she probably knew of him but unfortunately (and I get that this is probably lazy writing, but it was a setup for his power and future arcs) I wrote him as being sort of under the radar, yeah. I guess the only hook could be his father being a semi-important mid-level criminal of sorts if your character has any knowledge on that part of the world. But that's a big if, I think.
<Snipped quote by nodogs>

Honestly, I'm a little bit conflicted. I like the concept, but have a loose grip on where exactly the story is gonna go beyond this. I have a character idea that I like, but I'm a little bit overwhelmed by the character sheet's raw code and I'm not very good with using actual people as faceclaims. And, uh, the fact that so many other people are applying is also a little overwhelming - I'm a bit out of practice, you see 😅

If you want I can parse your raw plaintext into code for you but honestly the way I did it -- though I do use BBCode on RPG a lot so I'm not easily intimidated by it -- was just go down line by line and fill in what's needed. :-)
any idea when we get feedback or are we waiting for more applications to roll in? i want to get a feel for whether i'm in or not before i start thinking about who they'd get along with and who they wouldn't etc.
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