Avatar of Donut Look Now


Recent Statuses

10 days ago
Current A dear family member of mine passed away Monday - I might still take a few more days until I can reply and I'm sorry
12 days ago
Bad headache today - gonna try and avoid screens and hopefully reply tonight or tomorrow to RPs 🤍
14 days ago
I tried to stare at the sun to make it disappear, but all I got was this lousy permanent blindness. Hopefully I’ll hear from Matt Murdock soon. 🫠🥵
15 days ago
I’m melting 🫠 It’s 105 F (40 C) right now and I hate it. Someone tell the sun to go away please.
16 days ago
The dogs have kicked me off my comfy corner 🥺


If you’re here to check why I’m online but not replying to you, odds are my computer just randomly woke up in the middle of the night. No, I don’t know why it does this lol

About Me

Names/Aliases: Don’t Look Now, DLN, Cait, Donut Look Now, DLN Cait
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Age: 29
Birthday: August
From: United States
Timezone: PST Currently
Occupation: Full Time Sales / Part Time Student
Work Hours: Tues-Thurs 9AM-5:30PM || Fri/Sat 10:30AM-7PM

Languages: English, Learning Spanish
Orientation: Bisexual / Cis (Married)
Pets: Margot (10yr Australian Shep/Mix Rescue) & Luna (1.5yr Belgian Shep/Lab/Mix Rescue)

Current Roleplays

Chicago After Hours as Kimiko “Kiki” Voss, Nero, & Nicholas “Nic” Wu
1x1 with KazAlkemi
Bunnies & Beasts as Willow Estelle Kinsley & Others
1x1 with Visyn
Yellowstone Disaster as Aurelia “Lia” Walshe
1x1 with ThatLostDude
How to Transfer Mana (and Other Adventuring Tips) as Wren Sionnache
1x1 with Cleveraptor
ArrowFell: The Wizard Queen’s Court as Nyx Hier the Wanderer AKA Lady Olivia Rhys
Casual Large Group by Estylwen
Archaic Circuitry: Old Code, Young Blood as Merripen “Penni” Perran
Casual Large Group by Kronshi

Current Hyperfixation: Hazbin Hotel / Helluva Boss

If you made it all the way down here, you get a donut 🍩

Most Recent Posts

Kimiko “Kiki” Voss

Location: Caden & Nero’s House - Chicago, IL

“So, you don’t want me to sit in your lap?” Kiki counters, flashing Avery a smirk of her own.

Nicholas “Nic” Wu

Location: Cassi’s House - Chicago, IL

Nic grabs both of Cass’ wrists with one hand, gently pulling her closer and inspecting the wrapped finger. “I know you didn’t mean it. You’re too sensitive to be that cruel.” He whispers, avoiding eye contact. “Can you bend your finger for me? I just want to make sure you didn’t hit a tendon or anything.”

Once satisfied that Cass won’t need hand surgery, Nic looks her in the eye. “I want you to know that I would never ask you to just forget or move on from the devastation of losing your whole family.” He speaks in a soft tone, a gentle expression on his face as he releases her wrists. “I just don’t want you to be alone in this world if I were to die suddenly… I guess that’s a little selfish of me though, isn’t it?” He smiles wryly at his girlfriend.


Location: Caden & Nero’s House - Chicago, IL

Nero buries their face in Caden’s chest, wrapping their arms around him tightly. “Alaric and Leofe Warde.” They mumble into the fabric of their shirt. As soon as they say the names, more memories flood their brain. These ones don’t take Nero into unconsciousness, but Nero holds their breath as they whirl around their mind and flash by.

Kimiko “Kiki” Voss

Location: Caden & Nero’s House - Chicago, IL

Kiki chews and swallows her bite, choosing then to rest her head on Avery’s shoulder. “If only our biggest worries were heffalumps and woozles.” She says before finishing her waffle in one last bite. “If you keep massaging my legs like that, I’m going to jump into your lap.”

Nicholas “Nic” Wu

Location: Cassi’s House - Chicago, IL

Nic can hear the emotion thick in her voice as he gets up and opens the door. “I’m sorry for pushing. Can I take a look at your finger though?” He asks meekly , holding his hand out to Cass. He thinks of how she had ripped her hand away from his earlier and his jaw feathers as he fears that she’ll do it again.


Location: Caden & Nero’s House - Chicago, IL

Big, fat tears roll down the imp’s cheeks and Nero frowns, not sure what to feel at the moment. They blink rapidly up at Caden as thoughts swirl through their head. “But how?” The biggest thought they say out loud in a confused tone.

Kimiko “Kiki” Voss

Location: Caden & Nero’s House - Chicago, IL

“Am I also braver than I believe and smarter than I think?” Kiki asks with a wry smile, what Avery’s said made her think of the Christopher Robin quote. With a drawn out sigh, she sets her now empty dish back on the table and grabs the last of her waffle to munch on. “If only my subconscious was aware of that, though.” She says as she takes a generous bite of the waffle.

Nicholas “Nic” Wu

Location: Cassi’s House - Chicago, IL

Nic can see his own reflection in nearly any surface in the kitchen by the time he’s done cleaning. Knowing that he can’t do anything else, he makes his way upstairs to Cass’ door and slides down to the ground to sit against it. “Is your finger okay?” He asks through the door.

Cass’ comments about his family still linger in Nic’s mind, especially with how his father had acted the day before. He can’t shake the feeling that whatever the older Wu man is hiding has something to do with the death of his mother. He feels shut down and exhausted at this point - unable to help between all the problems that just keep sprouting up.

Bowing his head, Nic takes deep breaths in and out, wanting nothing more than to hold Cass close despite everything. All he had wanted to show her is that she needs Caden - Nic won’t be around for her forever.


Location: Caden & Nero’s House - Chicago, IL

Nero tilts their head as Caden leads them back to the other side of the house, watching Caden curiously. The robe is quite comfy though, so they have no complaint there. When at last they stand in Caden’s study, Nero peers closely at the glass case at the swords. There, the earliest sword in the series, is a short bronze sword. Though clearly weathered, they can see a pronounced ‘A. W.’ engraved neatly into the hilt, but underneath that is a smaller, scribbled set of initials. ‘L.W.’

“W-wait…” Nero can feel the familiar tug they have gotten so used to in the last few weeks and tightly clutch Caden’s hand in both of theirs as they start to tremble. “Th-that’s too big of… coincidence, r-right?”

Kimiko “Kiki” Voss

Location: Caden & Nero’s House - Chicago, IL

“Well thanks for thinking of it, I’ve enjoyed the idea so far.” Kiki jokes, but she could probably fall asleep to Avery rubbing her legs. At the mention of his festivities tonight, her smile falters. “Maybe, but this way I would be doing something for you and also keeping my mind and hands busy so it’s a win, win, win.”

Nicholas “Nic” Wu

Location: Cassi’s House - Chicago, IL

Nic has never felt afraid of Cass until this moment, where her voice takes on an eerie tone that chills him to his bones. He desperately wanted to tell her that the closure he had meant was for her relationship with Caden. He doesn’t give a damn if she does or doesn’t reconcile with Nero, but Cass and Caden’s lives are so entangled in one another that he doesn’t see this fall out being anything but messy.

When Cass leaves the kitchen, his hands twitch to follow her, stop her, or say anything, but he finds his feet frozen. Nic clenches his jaw and slams his hand onto her counter, hurting it a little in the process. “Idiot.” He tells himself, still unable to make a decision regarding chasing her or just straight up leaving her house.

Nic opts for his original idea and takes over cleaning her kitchen. He could shower at work if he needs to. He frowns at how red the sink water is, but knows it doesn’t take much blood to make it red like this. Once I clean the kitchen, I’ll go check on her. He promises himself before draining the sink and starting to scrub the dishes.


Location: Caden & Nero’s House - Chicago, IL

Nero gives it a moment’s thought, trying to think if they had gotten any hints like that in their latest memory relapse. “So weit bin ich noch nicht gekommen, aber sobald ich das tue, werde ich es euch wissen lassen. Das ist der Grund, warum ich das Buch noch ein wenig mehr lesen möchte. Ich denke, für den Moment. Sie können aber alle mit einem "W" als letzte Initiale im Auge behalten?”

Kimiko “Kiki” Voss

Location: Caden & Nero’s House - Chicago, IL

“I swear you read my mind sometimes.” Kiki says, opening her eyes again to smile at Avery as he pulled her other leg into his lap. She pops some blueberries into her mouth as he lists his favorite foods. “Maybe I’ll ask the chef to teach me how to make you some of those.” It would help the night pass - she’s still tempted to to just try and stay awake until Avery makes it back.

Nicholas “Nic” Wu

Location: Cassi’s House - Chicago, IL

Nic resists the urge to sigh, instead running a hand through his hair as he gets up from the table. “I still want to do our own thing, but it could make it a really nice and comfortable experience without having to deal with cheap motels or crowding into an airplane.” He’s about to take over dishes for Cass, but he knows that’s her preferred method to work through things.

“He asked me to mention it to you. I still understand your anger with him, but are you going to give him a chance? You’ve been friends and basically family for what, three-hundred years? And you’re willing to throw that all away without at least talking about it?” Nic has had spats with his family, with Jane, with Kiki… He wishes he could take back any argument he’d ever had with his mother and sister, but he doesn’t say it out loud. “Just… I think closure might help you more than anything.”


Location: Caden & Nero’s House - Chicago, IL

Nero shrugs, confused at the shift in Caden’s vibe. “Uh, probably Germany? I was hoping to maybe find more information from reading the book a little more.” They hop off the bed and walk over to Caden, tilting their head. “Why?”

Kimiko “Kiki” Voss

Location: Caden & Nero’s House - Chicago, IL

Kiki grins as she swallows a bite. “Apparently it’s what Australians call it. I’ve met some people who put proper sprinkles on it or butter first but I like just plain sugar much better.” She takes another bite of her waffle before setting it back on her plate, grabbing the dish of fruit to eat next. Her eyes close as she hums in content at the feeling of Avery’s hand as he brushes her leg with his fingers. She’s tempted to throw her other leg in his lap, but hesitates.

“What’s your favorite snack after ‘wolfing’ around?” Kiki asks instead.

Nicholas “Nic” Wu

Location: Cassi’s House - Chicago, IL

Nic focuses on how to phrase the conversation, the small shift in her tone reminding him a bit of when she nearly bit his head off right after Nero was revealed to be the Calvary leader of Cass’ family. “It started with Caden offering me a car, which I declined,” He adds the second part of the sentence quickly before she can interrupt him.

“I might have asked why you haven’t learned to drive and he mentioned that you used to ride a horse everywhere.” Nic doesn’t want to reveal that he’s planning a date with horses, so he leaves out the real reason for now. “He mentioned the ranch and I mentioned the convention.” He looks down at the as he debates adding the next part. “He misses you, Cass.” He looks up, reaching a hand to hold hers gently.


Location: Caden & Nero’s House - Chicago, IL

“Well, genetics while I was a human.” Nero quips with a smirk, sitting up to watch Caden walk away after kissing their nose. “Then I guess it sort of became a preference.” They shrug.

Kimiko “Kiki” Voss

Location: Caden & Nero’s House - Chicago, IL

“Before we found out I was half-fox, my da was convinced I was going to get type two diabetes from everything I would eat. The boarding school practically starved me - the headmistress would somehow always find my snack stash.” Subconsciously, Kiki leans in her chair towards Avery and hooks the knee he’s touching over his leg before shaking her head at his question.

“It’s mostly just with things such as pancakes, waffles, French toast… crepes.” She holds one of the waffles with both hands, taking a bite while she tries to think of anymore before shrugging and leaning back in her seat, her leg moving to rest on Avery’s lap more than just his leg. “Although… I do occasionally like just grabbing a piece of bread and dusting it with sugar. We would call it ‘fairy bread’.”

Nicholas “Nic” Wu

Location: Cassi’s House - Chicago, IL

Nic grins lopsidedly at her, finishing off his plate in no time. He relaxes back into his chair as he drinks his smoothie before he remembers his conversation with Caden. “Caden offered us his place in Montana for when we go to the convention in November. He also said we could use his jet…” He glances sidelong at Cass, trying to read her expression and overall reaction to this information.


Location: Caden & Nero’s House - Chicago, IL

Nero sticks their tongue out at Caden with a stink eye to go along with it. “That book weighs more than I do!” They protest in faux outrage. The reality of it is that Nero has only skimmed the pages, not wanting a repeat of what happened with the molten lead memory. That and the fact that their concentration has been on Mundus and finding more information on him.

Kimiko “Kiki” Voss

Location: Caden & Nero’s House - Chicago, IL

“I mean, I guess that makes sense.” Kiki says with a tilt of her head as she gives it more thought. She’s pulled back to the present as she feels her chair slide closer, letting out a soft squeak in surprise. She recovers quickly, though, starting to laugh softly with Avery. “I mean, after we would be done with breakfast, there was always a few pancakes or waffles that weren’t eaten so I would just swing by the kitchen and grab them to eat.” She pushes her leg against Avery, their thighs touching.

Nicholas “Nic” Wu

Location: Cassi’s House - Chicago, IL

Nic feels his heart swell with gratitude for Cass. “YOu didn’t have to do all of that but thank you. That really means a lot, Cass.” He grabs her hand and kisses it before flashing one of his big dimpled smiles at her. He doesn’t think ‘love’ really encompasses his feelings for this incredible woman - it feels much grander than just a small four-lettered word.

“Careful though, someone might think you like me or something.”


Location: Caden & Nero’s House - Chicago, IL

Nero kicks their legs as they dangle off the bed. “I can read, I still have the other half of that thirteenth century book to get through.” Maybe now that they’ve unlocked some of their human memories, finishing the book might offer some more insight.

Kimiko “Kiki” Voss

Location: Caden & Nero’s House - Chicago, IL

Kiki takes a seat next to Avery, dragging her chair over a little so she could be closer to him. As she ate her waffle like a biscuit, she nearly chokes on her food with a snort. “‘Dry’?” She swallows her bite and coughs, grabbing her water to help.

“That’s such a weird way to say it,” Kiki says once she’s able to with a laugh. “But, I don’t know… I’ve done it since I was a kid. Sometimes I’ll put syrup on it, but it’s usually just as good plain…” Her ears warm, but she smiles as she thinks of some of her childhood memories. “My da would get on my case about eating pancakes like biscuits.”

Nicholas “Nic” Wu

Location: Cassi’s House - Chicago, IL

“It’s from a kid’s cartoon - he mentions all these things he’s wishing for and you listing your juices reminded me of it.” Nic says with a chuckle before taking a bite of his food. His eyebrows raise in surprise - Cass’ breakfast is delicious. As he swallows, she explains the smoothie flavor and Nic takes the next chance while she isn’t guzzling it to try a sip.

Nic hums in delight before passing the smoothie back to her. “You can’t even taste the kale… That’s nice.” He says, starting to think he might order it next time he gets smoothies.“Also, breakfast is delicious, thank you.”


Location: Caden & Nero’s House - Chicago, IL

Wrapped in a large plush towel, Nero plops onto the bed, hair sticking out all over the place. “When do the contractors and stuff arrive?” They ask of Caden as two cats jump on the bed to cuddle the little imp. They give their wet hair a wide berth though.

Kimiko “Kiki” Voss

Location: Caden & Nero’s House - Chicago, IL

Kiki accepts her plate and fruit from Avery, thanking the staff before heading upstairs. Of course, she feels her face warm when Avery says he likes her blush. “I wonder if there’s an ‘original’ kitsune.” She takes a bite of her waffle as they walk. She could eat really any breakfast carb plain without syrup or anything. She smiles to herself when she thinks of the memories growing up with her da completely bewildered by the strange habit… and all the missing pancakes.

Nicholas “Nic” Wu

Location: Cassi’s House - Chicago, IL

“Large fries, chocolate shake?” Nic teases, referencing a children’s cartoon before he follows Cass and sits at her table as well. He makes sure to grab his smoothie on the way, but pauses before he sips it, reaching out a hand towards Cass. “Wait, I need to taste this. Was banana and kale a combination you thought of yourself?”
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