Avatar of Donut Look Now


Recent Statuses

9 days ago
Current A dear family member of mine passed away Monday - I might still take a few more days until I can reply and I'm sorry
11 days ago
Bad headache today - gonna try and avoid screens and hopefully reply tonight or tomorrow to RPs đŸ€
13 days ago
I tried to stare at the sun to make it disappear, but all I got was this lousy permanent blindness. Hopefully I’ll hear from Matt Murdock soon. đŸ« đŸ„”
14 days ago
I’m melting đŸ«  It’s 105 F (40 C) right now and I hate it. Someone tell the sun to go away please.
15 days ago
The dogs have kicked me off my comfy corner đŸ„ș


If you’re here to check why I’m online but not replying to you, odds are my computer just randomly woke up in the middle of the night. No, I don’t know why it does this lol

About Me

Names/Aliases: Don’t Look Now, DLN, Cait, Donut Look Now, DLN Cait
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Age: 29
Birthday: August
From: United States
Timezone: PST Currently
Occupation: Full Time Sales / Part Time Student
Work Hours: Tues-Thurs 9AM-5:30PM || Fri/Sat 10:30AM-7PM

Languages: English, Learning Spanish
Orientation: Bisexual / Cis (Married)
Pets: Margot (10yr Australian Shep/Mix Rescue) & Luna (1.5yr Belgian Shep/Lab/Mix Rescue)

Current Roleplays

Chicago After Hours as Kimiko “Kiki” Voss, Nero, & Nicholas “Nic” Wu
1x1 with KazAlkemi
Bunnies & Beasts as Willow Estelle Kinsley & Others
1x1 with Visyn
Yellowstone Disaster as Aurelia “Lia” Walshe
1x1 with ThatLostDude
How to Transfer Mana (and Other Adventuring Tips) as Wren Sionnache
1x1 with Cleveraptor
ArrowFell: The Wizard Queen’s Court as Nyx Hier the Wanderer AKA Lady Olivia Rhys
Casual Large Group by Estylwen
Archaic Circuitry: Old Code, Young Blood as Merripen “Penni” Perran
Casual Large Group by Kronshi

Current Hyperfixation: Hazbin Hotel / Helluva Boss

If you made it all the way down here, you get a donut đŸ©

Most Recent Posts

Nicholas “Nic” Wu

Location: Nic & Ren’s Apartment - Chicago, IL

Nic chuckles when Cass suggests he’s trying to save all humankind. It’s not far off, but it does sound lofty out loud. “If that’s what you’d like, I’m totally fine with that. Caden did say his staff stays out of the main house or something like that, but if it’s anywhere near as big as his place here, a quiet and quaint AirBnB sounds preferable.”

Nic leans down and kisses Cass’ forehead as the elevator doors open to his floor. He leaves the lift first and unlocks the front door, letting Cass in first. The apartment is dark right now, meaning his dad must be out. He wheels his bike to the little foyer right of the door before he starts turning on lights.


Location: Nero’s House - Chicago, IL

The demon shows some fear at the suggestive words Caden says, but it’s not fear of Nero. At the threaten of their meat suit being mutilated, the demon heaves a heavy sigh before leaving the human’s body. Black smoke escapes from the mouth and disappears into the ground as the human vessel falls limp.

I’ve got everything packed and ready to go in the car. Don’t play with your food.
I was thinking of waiting for @Donut Look Now to post first, but if not I'll post tomorrow.

I wasn’t sure if I needed to get a Nyx post out or not (just cause it would be her playing observant/inner monologuing unless someone wanted to collab) but I can if you would like ^-^

Nicholas “Nic” Wu

Location: Nic & Ren’s Apartment - Chicago, IL

Nic leans against the elevator wall - he’s glad the elevators for the building are big, but it’s still a bit squished between him, Cass, and his bike. He shifts his gaze from holding the bike upright to look at Cass with a smile. “Yes? What about Montana?” He asks, letting himself get his hopes up.


Location: Nero’s House - Chicago, IL

Nero opens the door and silently counts to ten in their head, trying not to laugh at Caden’s impersonation of them. It’s pretty spot on for their behavior. Once they reach ten, they step out of their house and head straight away with their arms full of the box of books. They’re glad that Caden accommodated for Nero to grab them though, hopeful that the two of them might find some answers.

Meanwhile the demon in the field, though clearly intimidated by Caden’s Nero, doesn’t answer his question. However, they do tilt their head to mirror Caden’s and smirk, raising an eyebrow in a silent challenge. Mostly likely a facade to mask their fear, but they also know who they work for - someone much more powerful than Nero.

Nicholas “Nic” Wu

Location: Nic & REN’s Apartment - Chicago, IL

“Hopefully that day is soon.” Nic replies in a wistful tone as he brought her hand up to his lips to kiss it. They arrive at his new apartment and he hits the handicap button with his knee, careful not to kick it and cause it to dislodge or malfunction. The doors open and Nic leads the way to the elevator.


Location: Nero’s House - Chicago, IL

Nero quickly goes over their house in their head, moving away from the front door and going to a side door. “Okay, I’m ready when you are.” Nero holds the doorknob and twists it, putting their toe under it to hold it in place until they’re ready to leave. The hairs stand straight on the back of their neck as they still try to figure out who the demon could be.

Nicholas “Nic” Wu

Location: Walking - Chicago, IL

Nic happily lets Cass pull him forward, his stomach starting to growl as he remembers it’d been more than two hours since he last ate anything. “I told you, I’ll happily take on the role of apprentice with you.” He glances around to make sure no one is within earshot, but still leans close to Cass’ ear to whisper. “I could call you ‘Master’ and everything too.”


Location: Nero’s House - Chicago, IL

Nero frowns at the cedar chest and opts for one of the moving boxes in the office instead, carefully playing a game of Jenga with the books before everything is neatly packed into one box. “Okay, now I am!” Nero replies, easily picking up the heavy box.

“Am I okay to go through the front or should I find an alternative route?” Nero’s nerves buzz with anxious energy. Crowley wouldn’t have sent one of his demons to spy on Nero the same day he visited in the flesh, so who was this intruder?

Nicholas “Nic” Wu

Location: Walking - Chicago, IL

Nic lets his bike rest on his hip so he can cup Cass’s cheek when she places her chin on him. He understands her concern - when they had all come back from saving Kiki, he knew from their injuries that he wouldn’t have made it out alive as a human. However, he still feels like he can manage relatively okay on his own.

“You mean like Bubble Boy?” Nic asks, bemused by Cass’s request, before cracking a joke. “Maybe I can get a life alert necklace that calls you for help.”


Location: Nero’s House - Chicago, IL

“If I think of one, I’ll let you know.” Nero calls over their shoulder in response to Caden. First things first, they grab their shirt to put on and add Caden’s sweater over it. The knife they first had when Caden had played his prank is picked up off the floor and placed back securely in its hiding spot.

Entering their office now, Nero dash to their desk at the pile of books they’ve obtained and finds a cedar chest to put them in, hoping Caden drove the SUV today. If he assumed he would be hunting with Cassi, he probably did drive it. Nero lets the thought bounce around before they call out.

“Okay, I think I’m ready! Also, did you drive the SUV today?” Nero calls out, hoping Caden is listening for them.

Nicholas “Nic” Wu

Location: Walking - Chicago, IL

Nic nudges Cass with his hip, chuckling to himself before he stops at Cass’ words. “You thought you didn’t deserve the most basic parts of being in a relationship?” He asks in mild concern. “I’m sorry you ever felt that way, but I hope you realize now that you deserve every little bit of happiness that comes your way.”


Location: Nero’s House - Chicago, IL

Nero grins despite the situation. “That seems a little too indulgent, even for us
 But I’ll keep it in mind.” Nero winks at their twin, kissing their cheek in return.

“Don’t do anything to get yourself hurt though, okay?” Nero says pointedly before giving themselves a tight hug and dashing back towards where their shirt should still be wherever Caden had tossed it earlier.

Nicholas “Nic” Wu

Location: Walking - Chicago, IL

Nic can’t help the grin on his face hearing that one of her ancestors had already been cheering for him early on. He turn to look at Cass with shock when she mentions she’s stubborn. “You? Stubborn? That’s like trying to mix oil and water.” He says cheekily before smiling at her crookedly.

“I’m glad you listened to the this time.” Nic finally adds with a genuine smile, squeezing the hand he holds.


Location: Nero’s House - Chicago, IL

Nero tilts their head, a little unnerved at how uncanny it is to be staring at a clone of themselves, but they also start smirking. “I knew I was attractive, but never this much.” Nero teases before grabbing their own face. “Okay, you being the same height as me is definitely something to get used to. Don’t forget how tiny you are now.” They say before looking at their clothes on Caden’s body.

“Is there time for me to go pick up my shirt and the books, or should I consider clothing a lost cause at this point?” They had a bralette on anyway, so they’re not entirely topless at least.

Nicholas “Nic” Wu

Location: Walking - Chicago, IL

Nic’s face turns to look at Cass when she talks about how her mother and grandmother would do that, feeling nearly ready to start crying at how beautiful it is to hear that. Not only that, but that Cass is even talking about her family without looking guilty or otherwise depressed. When she declares her love for him, he can’t help but adore her, an easy smile lifting his lips.

“I love you too, my little tomato.” Nic says softly, leaning down to kiss Cass on the lips one more time. A car passes back and honks, cheers from the drunk dudes in the car, and Nic pulls away to kiss her forehead again before taking his bike back.

“Are you able to tell if they like me or not?” Nic can’t help but ask as they start walking again.


Location: Nero’s House - Chicago, IL

Nero look quizzically up at Caden, an eyebrow cocked as he rubs their cheeks. “I mean, yes, but can I know what you’re scheming in that head of yours first anyway?” Their eyes glance over to where the office is in comparison to where they are right now.

“I just really don’t want to lose those books, not when we’re this close.” Nero tells their mate honestly. They trust Caden completely, especially now that they know dragon beats demon, but they’ll feel much better if he will just clue them in on his plan.

Nicholas “Nic” Wu

Location: Walking - Chicago, IL

“Yes ma’am.” Nic says in a mock salute, giving into her command and kissing her forehead tenderly. “Hopefully your ancestors are okay with a show?” He teases in a whisper before kissing her forehead again and pulling back. “Hello, I’m Nic Wu and may I just say what a magnificent descendant you have here? Quite adorable and compassionate too!”
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