@Eric Horst I'm not gonna lie, you had me going there with that line about "cracking his first big case at age 15" and I thought for sure I was looking at some Detective Conan level prodigy... and then I read the rest of that paragraph. Well played. Accepted.
Also that's the second character sheet out of four that include a blight in the backstory. I only mention this because I made no mention of any plague like that in the OP post. That's a good thing by the way. It gives me ideas for backstory and lore to add to the setting as we go along. Kudos to you guys.
On that note, everyone feel absolutely free to make up some places and citizen NPC's for Ravenport. Whether they're just neighbors who live nearby, or some pub or shop your character frequents on a regular basis, go ahead lay em on me. The more life and personality we give to the city, the better, since fair warning: we're going to be spending large chunks of time within the game's narrative in Ravenport. It's basically our own little home city of hub of activity, and even when cases take us out to other locations, we'll still be reporting back to Ravenport when those cases have been finished.