Name: Ezra
AppearanceBio: 22 years ago, a Makai Knight named Ogawa and his wife Asuna - a Makai Priest - were investigating a forest where people had been reported to go missing. They suspected a Horror to be involved and were fully ready to kill whatever demon they encountered. The last thing they expected to find was a child, not even a year old. The baby boy was alone, having been seemingly abandoned there and with no indication of his identity save for a single name sown into the blanket he was wrapped in: Ezra. After ensuring the child was indeed human and not a Horror in disguise, the two took the child home where their own son Shun was waiting in the care of one of Asuna's fellow priests. The child was adopted into the family and grew up undergoing the same training as Shun, the parents believing it was best for both boys to understand the threat of the Horrors and to both be prepared to fight against them when the time came.
When the boys came of age, it was the elder brother Shun who inherited the Makai Armor from their father. Both underwent the same tests to determine their worthiness of being able to lift the Soul Metal that the Armor and Sword accompanying it were made of, and in the end they chose Shun. Whether it was his biological relation to their father was unknown, little was ever truly known about Soul Metal other than its potency against the forces of Darkness and the Horrors. So Ezra instead took up his mother's role as Makai Priest, learning from her an assortment of charms, alchemical formulas and even dabbling into some dark arts. During Ezra and Shun's first true outing as Makai Priest and Makai Knight respectively, they found themselves against an opponent they'd never seen before. They were small, twitching fox-like creatures that seemed to melt in and out of the ground and were purple and blue in color. They didn't behave like Horrors, but they were still aggressive just the same. Shun's Makai Armor protected him rather well against their dark attacks but Ezra fared a bit worse.
But that was when Ezra's hand flashed a bright light and produced a mysterious blade that he was able to use to cut his opponents down. Neither of the young men knew what this weapon was, and neither did their parents. It was completely new to them. There was one however who did know. Moogles had already come to this world, but few ever stuck around due to the threats from the Horrors and the Makai Realm. But there was at least one who did and had been sharing some of his knowledge with the Makai Priests to better arm them for their struggles. He explained that the weapon was something called a Keyblade, that it was weapon of Light. He did not, however, recognize the description of the foes Ezra and Shun fought. He knew of an enemy known as Heartless, but these blue and purple creatures did not match that description.
But Ezra, now armed with a Keyblade, became much more formidable in the hunt for Horrors. He and Shun rapidly became known to be among the best of the best.
Age: 23
Skills: Before becoming a Makai Priest, Ezra was given the same Makai Knight training as his brother. This gives Ezra the distinction of having a Knight's battle prowess and a Priest's ability to cast certain spells, although Ezra tends to lean a bit more toward the former in part because of his possession of the Keyblade. Ezra even discovered additional powers his Keyblade, it being able to transform into a whip weapon that gives it a significantly longer reach and a considerably sharper edge in its attacks.
Keyblade:Personality: Ezra usually tries to stay as stoic as possible. Growing up, one of the many things hammered into him during training was that however hard they fought, they couldn't always save everyone. Ezra took that to mean he should minimize the attachments he forms with people on the premise that it will make it easier for him make a tough decision later on. Of course, that's a lot harder than it sounds, and more often than not Ezra will grow attached to his allies despite his best efforts to remain detached and stoic.