Name: Clayton Neville
Nickname: Clay
Age: 17
Gender: Male

Personality: Clay is pretty much a farm boy through and through. He understands chores, knows how to rough it, and enjoys occasional guitar and harmonica music. On the surface, he seems like a rather simple-minded guy, compounded by the fact that he never finished high school, preferring to withdraw in order to help out on the farm full time. And yet, sometimes he manages to surprise people with his "simple" insights, be it with common sense or through the fact he *is* genuinely intelligent. He didn't quit school due to bad grades or lack of brains, he did so in order to work. And given the chance, he'd make that choice again in a heartbeat. He was also raised to be honest, decent, only throw a punch in self defense or to defend someone else, the works.
Short Biography: Clay was born on a farm in a rural Kansas county. Needless to say, he spent a great deal of time around farm animals, learning to use and maintain equipment. Hell, by the time he turned 16 and got his driver's license he had already been driving tractors and his dad's pickup around the farm since he was like 12 or 13. He'd gone to school, his parents hoping he would be able to put himself through college in order to get off the farm and not be stuck there. And for a time, that was indeed Clay's goal. But a series of bad harvests left the family in a rough patch, forcing them to let go of several hired hands. That pretty much solidified Clay's decision. Without even hesitating, he dropped out of the school and began working on the farm full time. Even after the family was able to hire back a few workers, by then Clay had gotten so invested in the farm that he stayed on permanently.
On the farm, Clay didn't hear very much in the way of Digimon-related stories. He did hear about them while in school, but that was two or three years ago and he never thought much of them then, so why would he do so now? On a certain day that was no different than any other, Clay sat himself down under the shade of a tree and nodded off for a quick nap. He had no idea what waited for him when he woke up...
Other: Clay's been camping many times, so roughing it in the woods, even somewhere he isn't familiar with? No sweat. He tends to be an early riser, and is also never without his worn out old cowboy hat and harmonica.
Nickname: Clay
Age: 17
Gender: Male

Personality: Clay is pretty much a farm boy through and through. He understands chores, knows how to rough it, and enjoys occasional guitar and harmonica music. On the surface, he seems like a rather simple-minded guy, compounded by the fact that he never finished high school, preferring to withdraw in order to help out on the farm full time. And yet, sometimes he manages to surprise people with his "simple" insights, be it with common sense or through the fact he *is* genuinely intelligent. He didn't quit school due to bad grades or lack of brains, he did so in order to work. And given the chance, he'd make that choice again in a heartbeat. He was also raised to be honest, decent, only throw a punch in self defense or to defend someone else, the works.
Short Biography: Clay was born on a farm in a rural Kansas county. Needless to say, he spent a great deal of time around farm animals, learning to use and maintain equipment. Hell, by the time he turned 16 and got his driver's license he had already been driving tractors and his dad's pickup around the farm since he was like 12 or 13. He'd gone to school, his parents hoping he would be able to put himself through college in order to get off the farm and not be stuck there. And for a time, that was indeed Clay's goal. But a series of bad harvests left the family in a rough patch, forcing them to let go of several hired hands. That pretty much solidified Clay's decision. Without even hesitating, he dropped out of the school and began working on the farm full time. Even after the family was able to hire back a few workers, by then Clay had gotten so invested in the farm that he stayed on permanently.
On the farm, Clay didn't hear very much in the way of Digimon-related stories. He did hear about them while in school, but that was two or three years ago and he never thought much of them then, so why would he do so now? On a certain day that was no different than any other, Clay sat himself down under the shade of a tree and nodded off for a quick nap. He had no idea what waited for him when he woke up...
Other: Clay's been camping many times, so roughing it in the woods, even somewhere he isn't familiar with? No sweat. He tends to be an early riser, and is also never without his worn out old cowboy hat and harmonica.