Name: Kusaka Riku
Age: 16
Occupation: Student
Personality:Despite a mean-looking exterior, Riku's nicer than he looks. Well, he is to people he knows and trusts, anyway. To the rest of the world... he's more or less about as cold and unapproachable as he looks. Not from any sort of malice or hatred, mind you. Riku simply values his privacy and prefers to be left to his own devices more often than not. There are some nasty actions that he won't tolerate if they are done in front of him, but otherwise he's content to shrug his shoulders and mind his own business. It's only by delving into his views on Gunpla does one begin to understand how he thinks beneath the rough shell. He's come to think of Gunpla as an art form, viewing the plastic as merely a 3 dimensional canvas upon which a builder can express their thoughts and feelings if they so desire. This extends to his Gunpla itself, which almost seems to have different specs and paint jobs on a regular basis, often reflecting the mood he was in that day while working on it. But unlike most builders - who shy away from battles for fear of damaging their builds - Riku is quite the opposite, viewing Gunpla Battles as an extension of the art. He believes that how the machine moves or looks while battling can convey much about what the pilot is thinking or feeling much like with building. He has no problem whatsoever taking his builds into battle and even seeing them destroyed as a result of it. For him, that's merely an opportunity to rebuild, redesign, or even start over from scratch. Who wouldn't want to take that kind of opportunity to exercise their creative juices?
Background:Riku didn't always dress and act like a metal head. That actually started right around when he was 12 or 13. Before then, he was surprisingly normal. The change was almost certainly brought about by his dad up and leaving the family. Riku never did learn why, and after spending enough time never getting a clear answer from his mom, he stopped caring about it. It didn't help that all this was coupled with what seemed like the beginning of a rebellious streak, Riku barely ever doing as he was told at home or in school. With frustrations building up, he vented it in the only way he could figure out how: art. Well, he called it art, others called it graffiti. He started tagging walls all over his neighborhood, and even the door of his locker at school. It got him into trouble more than once. The school principal even threatened expulsion if he didn't make weekly visits to the counselor's office, apparently thinking that would lead to a solution for the problem. Honestly, Riku's behavior only worsened as a result of this, but only briefly. It turned out the counselor wasn't a half-bad guy, usually just letting Riku vent to him however he wanted. And after a few weeks, he finally had an idea he offered to Riku.
The counselor, as it turned out, was a Gunpla fan. He showed Riku one of his prize Gunplas, a crimson Gelgoog fashioned after the one piloted by Char. He suggested Riku look into acquiring one for himself, noting that his desire to vent and express himself could be done so in Gunpla building. He wrote an address and said Riku should check the place out if he was ever interested. Riku brushed it off at first, but later that weekend decided to go to the place anyway if just to humor the counselor. That was about a year ago, and Riku has since become a very prolific builder and battler of Gunpla. He's built and rebuilt several creations, so many in fact he started keeping an album of sorts filled with pictures and specs for his previous builds, calling it his Catalogue. And with all this, he also became a staunch regular at the Iori Shopping Center, though because of his tough/heavy-metal looking exterior, he's not approached often by other builders or pilots. The staff are friendly enough toward him though, at least after the few visits anyway.
~Piloting Ability~- Battle Sense: 3
- Perception: 3
- Mechanical Knowledge: 4
Other Skills: He has a knack for sensing what his opponents may be thinking or feeling based on analyzing their Gunpla designs and how they move them in battle. He isn't always spot on, but the skill has been surprisingly helpful in beating his opponent through mind games.