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@Crimson Lion

Riku was silent at first. The suggestion made by Tomiyoka was a genuine surprise to him, and thus caught him off guard. That moment of silence almost felt eternal at first, Riku clearly racking his brain and considering all the options. At least, what few options there were. Since no one appeared to be coming here, it looked like the two were going to be stuck with guard duty. Not the most glamorous role, but still important right.

"That'd be a pretty reckless move..." Riku finally said in response. It sounded like he was about to reject the plan, and truth be told part of him knew he probably should. And yet, he still ended up saying the next words that came out of his mouth, "...you sure you can handle it?"

Of course, even as they spoke, Blade was unfortunately having to deal with a 5v1 battle with no help save for Haro and the Yamato. And while the flagship could provide some support, much of it's offensive capability was devoted instead to the secret weapon. So even its support could only help so much before Blade could be potentially overwhelmed. As such, Riku didn't wait long before he spoke to Tomiyoka again, "Just hold your position here. If anyone comes, take whatever shots you can afford but prioritize keeping your distance over that. And make sure you call me back here before you do anything else." was it the most intricate of strategies or battle plans? No, not really, it was incredibly simple in fact. But it was better than nothing.

"I won't stray too far. I promise!" was the last thing Riku said to Tomi before his golden Gunpla shot off in the direction of Zone C.

Thanks to the Tactical Arms flight unit, his Gunpla could move incredibly fast and with equally impressive mobility due to how the wings of the Tactical Arms worked. In fact, from a distance, it looked like like a streak of light through the darkness of space. At least, it did once it was outside the confines of the Colony anyway. Riku was careful to slow his speed when he reached the edge between Zones B and C. Better not to waste too much energy, and he also wanted to remain undetected for as long as he was able to.


When Blade's Snow White came into view in the distance, Riku stopped. Having arrived here a but later than anyone else, the 5 Gunpla from Seo's team would have already begun their assault against Blade and the Yamato. But there was one among them that wasn't like the others. It moved faster, with much greater speed and mobility, practically identical to the Shin Musha's current level of speed and mobility. And it's design was absolutely nothing like the other four. The others all used GN-X variations for the most part, but this one looked like a Testament Gundam instead. In other words, it didn't look like it belonged in the formation at all.

"One of the mercs. Has to be." Riku whispered to himself. There was no other possibility. He knew Blade could handle himself, but he also heard that one of the Mercs was far more experienced than any of them. They'd be a challenge even in 1v1, but while being backed up by 4 others? No, Riku didn't like those odds at all. And that was why he had come. To hopefully even the odds in Blade's favor. By now, the Yamato's longer ranged sensors would have detected Riku's presence and thus Haro would very likely have informed Blade. But the shorter range sensors of the Gunpla would certainly have not detected him, at least not yet. That possibly gave Riku the incredibly important element of surprise.

The Tactical Arms on the Shin Musha's back was suddenly ejected. But rather than be discarded, the golden gunpla spun around and grabbed the part in its hands. Immediately, the Tactical Arms parts shifted into the shape of a massive sword. But rather than charge forward, Riku held his position. Upon another activation, the massive sword opened up on both sides and extended into the shape of a giant bow. The weapon was easily as long as the Gunpla was tall, if not a bit longer.

The gunpla held the bow out in order to take aim. This wouldn't be like sniping. Riku didn't have the luxury of a long range aiming computer in this build. That meant he would have to eyeball his shot. As such, Riku once again held position for a bit of time. He was only going to get one solidly good surprise shot, and he wanted to make absolutely sure it counted. And so while the battle between Blade and his five opponents fired up, Riku watched from his position and waited for a good shot to present itself. And when one finally did...

The Shin Musha Hyaku Shiki let loose its shot. A arrow-like beam shot lanced across the distance and would threaten to nail the merc's Gunpla square in the back.
@Omega Man Yeah I was leaning toward Drive the most, myself. Taking what was originally a Police-style Rider and spinning that into something Government-related seems the simplest and easiest route to take.

On that note, my idea currently is for the Rider to have been developed by Biolabs (or perhaps a more dedicated weapon manufacturer that is possibly partnered or merged with Biolabs). The intention is to *eventually* roll out a standardized version of the Rider powers usable by all members of the Silver Guardians. But for the moment, it's still only a prototype. Yes, Biolabs has access to the Quantum Morpher and at least one Chrono Morpher, so it seems to make a certain amount of sense that they developed this as result of studying and reverse engineering them over the years. There's no Zord, because the current consensus is that the Silver Guardians don't really need any as they were intended to deal with ground level threats (anything larger than that can be dealt with by the Quantum Ranger and Q-Rex). So instead of a Zord, it instead comes with a highly advanced pursuit vehicle (the car from Drive) that, similar to the belt/powers is a prototype intended to be later standardized/mass produced.
@Omega Man Trust me dude. No amount of spin could ever make Ex-Aid not be video game themed. His transformation and power up trinkets are literal game cartridges.
@Omega Man

So if the desire is to have a government/man-made Rider, then I can name 3 series that translate to that the easiest:

Kamen Rider W
Kamen Rider Drive
Kamen Rider Zero-One

There's technically a 4th (Kamen Rider Ex-Aid) but it's video game themed, which means all the suit designs are deliberately made to evoke cartoony video game characters, so not really fitting the gov't theme of the desired adaptation. W also presents a potential issue, as it was originally written and designed to be 2 characters who fuse together when transforming into the Rider form a la Firestorm. And while W is my favorite of the above 3 series, I feel like Drive or Zero-One would have an easier time translating.

The premise of the game needs tweaking some to accommodate for everyone's varying experiences with the source material, but I think I've got an idea how to still work it together.

- An original group of Power Rangers loosely based on the classic MMPR will get attacked.

- A new original 6th Ranger will return from space and find his/her friends' HQ wrecked, and bring in an old friend from the planet Edenoi [a version of Masked Rider currently stationed on Earth] to fix Alpha 5.

- Upon tapping into the Morphing Grid, one or two of the Power Rangers will be rescued as well as the last VR Trooper.

- Another Masked Rider the governments of the world created to combat the alien from Edenoi also exists, but it is unclear who's side he is on.

- The threat of the RP will be a version of the Machine Empire in league with the main villain of VR Troopers.

Same basic premise of the OP, but I cut out the second PR team in favor of a new 6th Ranger. This is all meant to be in one universe, and nothing is set in stone from the previous iterations. I also made spots for two different Riders since there seemed to be a bit of interest for more than just one, just need one of you to be an alien from Edenoi and the other to be man-made. I'll take the VR Trooper spot, as I've got an idea how to change that up and play off the original American iteration.

Dibs on the man-made Rider.
As soon as the attack was made, Han's training and instincts wasted no time kicking in. With the red dust kicked up by the blow, it actually made for a rather decent smokescreen which would only help cover their next movements. Following Niko's directions, Han cut back and to the left, ultimately putting them at an entirely different section of the wall. Everything looked like it was going well so far. And then Niko ran out in front, also part of the plan. The flash needed to be at his back or he'd get just as blinded by the Taiyoken as the cameras were about to be.


By now, Han would have shown Niko what the technique looked like when it was used. Both hands were placed instantly at his face, and both eyes were squeezed shut. Han was never sure if it was possible to be blinded by his own technique, but preferred not to ever take that chance. As for the flash itself, it came about by focusing one's Ki to a singular point in the face. Just as suddenly, the Ki is then allowed to explode outward in all directions from that singular point. Never powerful enough for the light to actually harm anyone, but certainly bright enough to leave the surrounding people blinded for a few precious moments. According to Niko, this flash would also be capable of disorienting the sensors of the security cameras to afford them a window to slip over the wall.

Han had actually considered sharing this technique with Niko, as he may very well find a use for it as Han had. But decided against it for the time being, as Niko had only just begun to grasp the concept of Ki control. And even so, Han was no true expert himself and was uncertain whether he would able to suitably teach a more "advanced" Ki technique like this to someone still so new to the concept.

"But bear this in mind," Han recalled telling Niko once during their training on the ship, "even if the Taiyoken won't physically harm you, there does still exist other Ki techniques that are far more deadly than it. And You can be sure my Father and his top men are versed in some of them."
This is about to be an explosive battle. I’m excited to show you guys the pure control skills of Ryoichi Seiten!!!

Also I’m far too enthralled in this at this point. I have my next Gunpla all written up, you guys are gonna shit-bricks when Disaster Baelstrom is unvieled

That's pretty tame compared to me with my THREE Gunplas currently in the works.
@Crimson Lion

BTW, if it pleases the GM I think the modifications made to the Shin Musha calls for a tweaking of its stats to reflect the increase from 25 to 28. At least for the duration of this battle. As follows:

Destructive Power: 8 (unchanged)
Defense: 4 (down by 1 due to removal of shoulder armor)
Mobility: 10 (up by 3 due to the addition of a flight unit)
Energy Output: 6 (up by 1 due to Tactical Arms + Beam Sabers)
Ya gotta love how everyone's taking turns mentoring Tomiyoka. xD
@Crimson Lion@Renny@Dezuel - A Decisive Sortie!
Riku POV

Thanks to Naoki's assortment of weaponry, Riku was finally able to find something he thought would suit the Shin Musha well enough. It was one of Naoki's spare Tactical Arms, meaning the Shin Musha's entire backpack part had now been replaced. In addition, the extra shoulder plates it had sported were also removed so as not to get in the way of the Tactical Arms during it's various mode changes. While this did have the unfortunate side effect of causing the Shin Musha to lose a little bit of its Samurai aesthetic, in exchange it now had greater aerial maneuverability in addition to a wider range of attack options via the Tactical Arms' Sword Mode and Gatling Mode. But fortunately for Riku, this particular Tactical Arms looked like it had originally been used with a Astray Gold Frame build, and so it was colored mostly gold and white. That at least made his inner artist feel better about using it, since the Red or Blue color would have clashed horribly with the Shin Musha's golden armor. Lastly, Riku had included a pair of yellow-bladed beam sabers that he attached to the Gunpla's right side leg armor.

Wonder if I should rename you the Shin Musha Hyaku Shiki Kai? Riku wondered to himself for a moment before shaking his head. Perhaps later, but right now there was no time left. During his last minute modifications, Riku listened in on the plan and heard Naoki pair him up with the kid, Tomiyoka. A flight-based Zeta build made for a good support unit, and so Riku decided then and there that he would open this battle using the Shin Musha. The Manticore was, itself, a squad support unit, so pairing it up with another support wouldn't make much tactical sense. It also meant that Riku would have to play the lead role in this squad due to the kid's confidence issues.

"Haro..." Riku said to the AI privately over the comms while waiting for his turn to launch, "...if I get shot down, then I want you to change positions with me. Use my Manticore to provide the others support while I take command of the Yamato. If things get bad enough I'll use the secret weapon and destroy the colony entirely. That might hopefully still score us the win." he wasn't fully confident in that idea, not knowing if destroying the capture points still counted as "capturing" them. But still, it made sense to have it on the back burner at least, giving the team a sort of safety net to fall back on if things went far enough south in the battle.

And then it was finally his turn to launch, "Tenkagomen Kogane no Samurai: Shin Musha Hyaku Shiki... mairu!" and the newly modified golden Gunpla flew out into space like a horseback samurai galloping onto the fields of valor and honor. He let himself keep pace with Tomi's Zeta, no sense in the two of them separating too much. Especially not if Naoki's prediction about Seo was correct. There was a solid chance they'd have to face 3, 4 or even 5 opponents at once. They'd be crushed if alone, especially Tomi.

"You okay up there, Tomi?" asked Riku, wanting to check on the kid and make sure he wasn't too nervous, "Just keep within visual range of me for now. We'll play it safe for the time being, force them to make the first move." it probably seemed a little unusual to go with a defensive opening play when they were supposed to be the invading force. But everything Naoki had told them about Seo's tactics informed Riku that the Zenshin Team would be the aggressors of this battle regardless of the objectives, "Don't let your nerves get the best of you, Tomi. If you need to, just use this brief calm to practice controlling your breathing. It's something I picked up while doing my boxing training. Good breath control is a great way to empty the mind of distractions and staying focused. And if that doesn't work for you? I've also found that music has a way of really helping me to stay in the right mindset."
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