Film Those Freaks - What the Fac-tory II
@Archmage MC, Roxas and Captain Falcon’s
@Double, Level 13 Ms Fortune (153/130)
Word Count: 4,464
Exp: +5
Try as Falcon might, he couldn’t force his way out of the slime. He could only wait as he gradually passed through it, approaching its rear end. With its captive trapped inside its viscous body, the creature sped away from the stairs and into the underground Factory. The scenery passed the Captain by as an indistinguishable grayscale blur, making it almost impossible to keep track of the route, but after about ten total seconds he finally popped out. He tumbled across the floor as his abductor zoomed away into the gloom, and when he looked up, he found himself inside a dark, grim-looking labyrinth of metal and industry, alive with the noise of busy machines that masked the telltale sounds of unknown threats.

Back at the entrance, Nadia finally landed at the bottom of the massive spiral staircase with a grunt. Her method of dropping, embedding her claws into the wall to slow her fall, and then dropping again had spared her some fall damage, but combined with her fit of laughter her pursuit had gotten off to a slow start. And with how fast that slime moved, every second counted. By the time she stood up from her landing with her claws sharpened, she found no sign of Captain Falcon or which way his kidnapper might have taken him. “Well, crap,” the feral muttered with a frustrated smile. Her ears swiveled this way and that, but she couldn’t hear anything over the steady rumble of motors and gears. Maybe this factory wasn’t as dead as it looked, but if monsters swarmed Falcon while he and the others were separated, the team could very well lose its most famous member. “Looks like we’re capt-in for it now.”
”I know where Capt. went. We can go pick him up and get more footage along the way.” Blazermate said, pointing in the direction Falcon went.
Nadia peered in the direction Blazermate indicated. “Oh.” She stared down the dark corridor, squinting, and wondered how the medabot knew. She didn't waste time looking a gift horse in the mouth, though. “Lead the way then, I guess!” The feral bowed, gesturing for her companion to take point.
Blazermate led as best as she could, since while she saw which direction Falcon went, she wouldn’t know the oozes took corners or anything. With a strict time limit in play, the team moved quickly. Nadia had expected a scene of eerie silence and stillness, so an environment with lots of noisy machines with moving parts came as something of a relief, even if the distracting wheels and noises offered opportunities for unknown threats to sneak close. After only about thirty seconds, the Seekers rounded a corner and just about ran into their second creature: an ungainly humanoid snail, which turned to lurch toward Blazermate with sticky mitts outstretched.
Blazermate sidestepped the creature in the air with her superior mobility, but got a shot of it leaping at her as it moved around the corner.
”Ooh, jumpscare footage!” Blazermate said as the snail fell behind the group.
As that went down, Nadia just stood with her hands on her hips, an almost pitying smile on her face. “That wasn't much of a jump,” she remarked, chuckling as it struggled to get up. From her point of view, the mannish mollusc hadn't even gotten off the ground. “Or a scare for that matter. What's he gonna do, bore me to death?” She led the snailman around, letting it get almost close enough to grab her before slipping away. “Ooh! Oo-ooh! Almost got me there, champ!”
On the third time, though, she got careless. The snail grabbed her arm and stuck its mouth to it like a vacuum nozzle. This ignited Nadia’s phagophobia for a brief moment, making her jump hard enough that her arm detached on camera. Left frozen and wide-eyed, Nadia blinked a couple times, then tried to salvage the situation. “Aaaah, aaaaugh my arm, ow! Owwieeee!” She blasted out an absurd amount of blood from her bicep stump, then dramatically fell over. At that point she pretty much realized that this whole segment, comical overacting included, couldn't possibly be scary in the slightest, so just for good measure she blew herself up, body parts propelled by jets of blood in all directions.
Roxas was getting increasingly lost on what he should do. Nadia at least had something going for the camera, but he had no ideas of his own at the moment. This resulted in him just standing in what probably looked like dumbstruck fear or something. Although after Nadia had effectively “killed” herself off, and with Falcon nowhere around, Roxas knew he had to step up and do… something. So he led the snailman toward himself and then pretended to slip and fall from a puddle of Nadia’s blood.
"No, no no nonono stay back!" Roxas begged as he frantically pushed himself back and away from the approaching snailman like someone who was about to become the next victim - and also hoping that Blazermate was getting some useful footage out of all this.
And that was when Falcon came almost literally blazing onto the scene. From his position further away he could hear Nadia’s scream and had evidently come running. He figured it was something they were filming, but it was best not to take chances. And besides, maybe their video could use some kind of moment of rescue for the sake of drama or something.
"-PAAAAWNCH!" His voice boomed as his fiery fist made contact with the creature. It wasn’t a full punch, not by a long shot. Just enough to knock away the snailman and with just enough fiery flare to look nice and dramatic for the camera. He also made sure he was the one facing the camera so that anyone watching the video feed wouldn’t see what he was looking at.
"There’s, there’s too many of them!" He stammered. No, there weren't actually any other snailmen but he figured this little camera trick plus his acting could convince viewers that he was looking at an incoming swarm of them.
“Huh? Where!?” Nadia’s head twisted around, searching for the monsters Falcon reported. Though his escape from the speedy slime’s clutches relieved her, she could only imagine based on his sudden entrance that a pack of monsters were right on his heels. When she pulled herself back together and stood up, however, she couldn’t see much of anything. Her eyes narrowed at the Captain as he stood over the fallen snailman, trying to lead the camera away. “Wait, is this a bit…?” she muttered. Everyone seemed to be performing their own skits, without any planning or coordination with one another, and Nadia was just as guilty.
Then, with a jolt of surprise, the feral realized that something else
had shown up–just not in the direction of Captain Falcon. It was big, about as tall as Ganondorf, so dark in color that for a moment she thought she’d been seeing things. It slid in near-silence from the darkness on a trunk like a caterpillar, its hulking torso endowed with two brawny arms and a head somewhere between a seven-eyed mutant and a skull. With Roxas so focused on his own bit, he did not notice the
larve before it reached him, gripped him with massive fingers, and lifted him to throw at Blazermate.
"Look out, Blazermate!" Roxas managed to shout out as a warning. Only thing he could hope for was that she was quick enough not to let him crash into her. Instead of diving out of the way though, she caught Roxas and spun in the air with him a bit until she could get him back on the ground. Blazermate was mildly affected by the motion, but it wasn’t as bad as it could’ve been for Roxas. She then descended with him as she got a good shot of the monster… Only to step on one of her purgatory cracks as she landed and sent out a ghost that screeched before it dove at the creature, exploding in a big bloody mess… all of which she recorded.
”Uh… Whoops.” Blazermate said as the blood cloud still lingered in the air, seeing what happened to the creature. It emerged from the cloud without visible injury to slide across the floor toward the team, intent on repeating its strategy. Between the bulky larva aggravated by Blazermate and the newly-recovered snailman still going for Falcon, the Seekers had a couple things to keep track of, but neither posed too much of a threat. Neither would be likely to grab someone again unless they allowed it. For a moment Nadia floundered, unsure. At this point, she really couldn’t tell if they’d managed to get anything scary on tape, and she wasn’t sure what to do next.
One thing was for sure, though: too much of anything was a bad thing. The team probably wouldn’t get anywhere wasting the rest of their tape on these two. “C’mon, let’s give ‘em the slip and try somewhere else!” she called, jogging toward Falcon. The Captain had just punched away the snailman a second time. And Roxas was now back on his feet again after the timely save from Blazermate.
"Yeah, let’s get outta here." Cap and Roxas both said at the same time, with Cap offering his trademark thumbs up. Both were getting a little weary of this particular scene and agreed that they should look around elsewhere.
”Well lets go people! We’ve gotta find something good. Right now I don’t know how scary our video is going to actually be…” Blazermate said, drifting above the other 3 like the video drone she was at this moment.
The four sprinted through the factory corridors, putting enough distance between themselves and their invertebrate pursuers that the monsters seemed to lose track of them. That left them with just the ambient clamor of spinning turbines and clanking gears. At one point Nadia got Blazermate to film her jumping into one of the wheels, which flung her across the room like a ragdoll in a decently funny -and painful- fashion. She proved less eager to try her luck with the laser walls, which started turning up to partially block hallways.
For Roxas, getting past those lasers was no challenge at all. Flow Motion made him spry enough to get through them without too much effort needed. Falcon, on other hand, would have a harder time of it. He was athletic, sure, but he was also taller and more broad-shouldered than the other members of his current team. But maybe he wouldn’t be completely up the creek, because Roxas was struck with an idea.
"Let’s try this." He said as he channeled the necklace he wore in order to summon a structure of virtual cubes. They took the shape of a doorframe of sorts and he was hoping the glassy consistency of the blocks would allow them to reflect the lasers away and provide a safe passage for Falcon and Blazermate to duck through.
"Just be careful not to touch the blocks!" Roxas warned.
"Or they’ll damage you." Unfortunately, glass did not make a mirror in and of itself, so the lasers quickly started burning into the cubes. The others would need to move fast.
That, of course, was no problem for the Captain as he blazed on through the rapidly decaying virtual doorframe. Blazermate attached her healing beam onto the speedy Capt and flew right behind him, matching his pace perfectly with hers thanks to the speed matching properties of her medi beam.
Just after crawling beneath an array of the lasers, Nadia triggered an automatic door that slid open to reveal an open area of barred catwalks above labyrinthine rooms. “Ooh, in here!” She waved the others to follow her, difficult as that would be with the lasers. Then she turned to the new area itself. “Alright, we’re pretty deep in here. C’mon, factory! Give us all the freaks you got, bar none!”
”Your really tempting fate huh? Well, let's hope we don’t run into mis-fortune.” Blazermate said, trying to emulate Nadia.
Nadia grinned. “I’m right here, so if you run into me, you better pay a visit to the a-eye doctor!”
With the feral in the lead, the four set off into the new area, sticking between the high railings of the upper level to have a better view of their surroundings. They didn’t get far before a new sound overpowered the now-distant rumble of factory machines: a deep, guttural groan. A malformed mass floated through the shadows above, a
hideous sea slug longer than a car and lighter than air. When it shook its body, viscous globules flew from its polyps, and wherever they landed a snailman arose from the ground near-instantly.
“Ee-yuck!” Nadia yowled, backdashing away from the fresh crop of molluscs. “Slugly son of a bitch! It’s just…spawning those things!” In no time at all, a half-dozen snailmen stood directly in front of the team, and more would arrive when those that landed below found a way up. “C’mon, let’s escargo somewhere else!”
When she turned to flee, however, she found another problem. A monster like a
long-legged nightmare turtle climbed to the top of a ramp not far behind the Seekers, took one look at them, and opened its jagged maw to breathe out a stream of fire. The team was pincered on a barred bridge, with snails in front and flames to the rear. “Urk!” Nadia gritted her teeth in a smile. “Well isn’t this shell-alrious.”
"You just had to tempt fate." Roxas said to the feral in reference to her earlier callout.
Seeing this horror, Blazermate decided to get some good pictures of this new monster adn the ones before it, and soon found her Camera shutting off with a “out of film” error message, which she relayed.
”Hey guys uh, I’m out of film now. We should get going…” Blazermate said, letting everyone know they were out of film.
The Captain, on the other hand, was more concerned with solving their current dilemma.
"Then I say it’s time we head back topside!" He decided. If they were indeed finished filming, then he had no reason to hold himself back anymore. He dashed up to the fire-breathing turtle monster, then suddenly went into a fiery sliding kick.
"Falcon KICK!" his voice boomed as he was flying forward along the ground and into an incoming stream of fire breath. He figured if the turtle was the only thing blocking their path back, then all he had to do was knock it off the catwalk with a solid hit to its long legs - and that would give them a clear way outta there.
If nothing else this got him past the turtle and onto the other side of it. But in the Captain’s zeal to push through, he had forgotten about the lasers and the fact that he needed Roxas’ virtual cubes to slip past them in the first pass. In fact, his Falcon Kick had sent him careening right into the wall of lasers, which instantly knocked out all his hit points and rendered him as a lifeless prop imitating a dead body.
It happened so fast that Nadia didn’t even clock it, especially given her own exit strategy. Though neither slim nor small enough to squeeze through the catwalk bars, she could still use Charge to blitz through them in the form of a lightning bolt. Doing so put her at a safe distance from both the fire turtle and snail spawner, and from there her blood jets could take her the rest of the way. When the door slid open to admit her, she spotted Falcon’s body and cackled. “Hah, dumbass!” Then a laser clipped her head as she slid through and she dropped dead as well.
"Just us now," Roxas shouted up to Blazermate,
"Cap cleared us a way so let’s get out the way we got in!" And he dashed forward while the fire turtle was still recovering from Cap’s Falcon Kick - with Blazermate in tow thanks to her medi beam. It wasn’t until he got through the sliding door that he spotted what happened to Nadia and Falcon. Both of them must have made a mistake with the lasers. But since he got them through the first time around, Roxas could easily just repeat the same tactic to get himself and Blazermate past them again.
Once on the other side he dismissed the virtual cubes and then set up a wall of them on his side of the lasers in a checkered pattern so that they would cover as much area as possible while still obstructing the way. Any pursuing snailmen or whatever would have to contend with the lasers
and his wall of cubes if they wanted to give chase. From here he had to rely on Blazermate and hope she remembered the way out because he certainly didn’t.
Blazermate while being a robot didn’t have the same memory as one might think, but it was good enough at least. She would get confused at some split passageways as they retreated, but she had some context clues on where to go to get out, only tripping up on an upward stairwell that the slime had taken Falcon before. Still, she could guide Roxas out as they hadn’t been that deep into the factory, and it was laid out pretty…. Well it wasn’t intuitive, but it wasn’t maze like either.
Soon they were out of the factory and back out into the junkyard. That meant that the diving bell was just a stone’s throw away. Getting there shouldn’t have been hard, provided nothing else jumped out at them along the way. Meanwhile the diving bell - aka their ticket out of here - was just up ahead. With the whir of the machinery behind them, an eerie silence reigned, but the runners could already hear the sounds of whispers and skittering footsteps around them. They ran and didn’t look back.
And finally, at last, Roxas and Blazermate made it back to the diving bell.
"Yes, we made it!" Roxas celebrated while he reached for the lever to activate the bell. The door swung closed and the diving bell began its ascent back up to the surface.
”Phew, these minigames are getting pretty ridiculous.” Blazermate said as they ascended.
”I wonder how the others did.”
Falcon seemed to jerk awake. It was almost like waking up from a nightmare, but given his surroundings he knew what had actually happened. He’d “died” down there, and as a result appeared to reawaken on the surface in this, what, medical shed or tent? Though even that seemed like a rather generous description, as the structure was pretty much empty. Clearly it was just a place for “killed” players to respawn at. Cap sighed,
"All that effort and it was my own blunder that did me in." He said with a tone that sounded like he was disappointed in himself, which he was. But he still quickly followed that up with a short chuckle,
"Just goes to show even I can make mistakes. Haha!" So even though it was kind of an embarrassing blunder, Cap was pretty clearly a good sport about the whole thing.
"Nothing to do but wait for the diving bell, I guess." He said as he stretched his muscles and walked back out to where the diving bell was currently suspended.
Just a few seconds into his trip, an anguished yowl resounded from the medical shed behind him. “Ahhh, maaaaan!” Nadia jogged up behind him a moment later, a wry smile on her face once she pulled off her helmet.
"Hm?" Cap looked over at her with intrigue,
"Don’t tell me, you too?" He asked, shaking his head. It certainly would be a shame if they all got killed and lost their footage, but since neither Roxas nor Blazermate were reappearing he could only assume they must have made it past the lasers just fine. Hopefully.
"Well… I guess we just wait, now."The feral grinned at him, her eyebrow raised. “Well at least I didn’t, like, y’know die from running into lasers like you did, haha. How embarrassing that woulda been.” She nodded officiously. “Yeah, it was right after the lasers. Turns out there was this crazy monster just, uh, laying in wait back the way we came. Really big, lots of…teeth. Anyway, I pretty much had to sacrifice myself, y’know. For the mission and all. No big deal.” She shrugged off her heroics, turning her nose up with her eyes closed to make sure Falcon knew just how routine good deeds were for her.
Falcon and Nadia didn’t have to wait for too long before the diving bell came up with Roxas and Blazermate in toe,
”Go figure the environment was worse than the monsters!” Blazermate said as she saw Falcon and Nadia.
”I don’t know how you're supposed to make a scary movie from the stuff down there, it's more an attraction than anything as long as you don’t get zapped by lasers.”“Or eaten by monsters!” Nadia added, before changing the subject just as quickly. “Well, nothing for it now. How do we show people the film, again? I don’t see any theaters around. Or moviegoers, for that matter.” It quickly became clear that as far as edits and uploads went, the cat burglar wouldn’t be any use at all.
”Uh, we probably plug the camera in somewhere and do some editing. I only know how to do the first part though. Brass had the editor.” Blazermate said, looking around to figure out what to do.
Eventually it was Falcon who spotted the machine sitting outside of the house and pointed to it.
"I think this is it." He said, then lightly jogged over and inspected it a bit more closely,
"Yep, there’s an input space for the camera, so just put it here and I guess this machine does the rest."Finally, after some trial and error, the team delivered the disc to the big tv in the house’s living room. If seeing the silver screen miniaturized in someone’s home took Nadia by surprise, the sight of footage in color left her speechless. Floored by the technological marvel beyond her time, she barely even noticed the comments rolling on as the team’s video played through. Their upload began without an opening or establishing shot of any kind, with the first thing Blazermate recorded being the slime as it made a beeline for the group around the top of the Factory’s spiral staircase. “Wow, you totally just let it grab one of us, huh?” Nadia chuckled.
Huh? Did I miss the intro?
Who r these ppl?
Jelly right at the start, classicNadia watched with bated breath as the slime snatched Falcon, enjoying his distorted yell all over again. Once the Captain got whisked away, Blazermate panned over to record a second or two of the feral’s helpless guffawing.
Easy pickins
Wait wait wait was that captain falcon??
Wow, didn’t know he was on SpookTube
Ur laughing? Your friend got kidnapped by a jelly and ur laughing?
Catgirls rule!
so we’re just gonna NOT help him, then? with friends like these…Next was the medabot’s footage of the snail, complete with commentary from both her and Nadia. The viewers didn’t seem too impressed, some even criticizing the team’s attempt to oversell the snailman’s scariness especially once Falcon burst into the scene, but Nadia’s bloody display got the conversation going.
Wow a snail, how original :sleepy:
Oh I guess he’s back already
That plot sure didn’t go anywhere
Holy **** thats a lot of blood
It got her arm!
No way snails can do that, I call ********
I think she’s dead!
Oh, thats gore. Gore of my comfort character
She exploded? Thats gotta be against TOSAfter the brief encounter with the burly creature commenters called a ‘larva’, there came some establishing shots of the Factory depths, including the lasers. Those who noticed Nadia alive and well again in the footage shared their thoughts on the video’s nonsensical progression. It all culminated in the double encounter with the snail spawner and the fire monster in the maze, but the film ran out and the video cut off right before the action began, resulting in an anticlimactic cliffhanger. As a result, the upload ended on something of a sour note, and the amount of ad revenue earned did not impress.
Lol what a waste of time
This was honestly hilarious :cryinglaughing:
The **** is this editing style???
No way the real Falcon would star in something like this
yeah probably just cosplayer or something, didn’t look like he was wearing the right colors lol
I had a good laugh but it wasn’t very spooky
Cmon guys, it was funny at least. I hope they get another chance
It’s so overBlazermate saw the comments and could only agree with them.
”this reminds me of a comedy movie I saw once. It was this thing with this masked machete zombie man in space.. Although we’re missing the sleeping bag.” Blazermate said, scratching her head. Guess she didn’t know how to make a scary movie, but then she was more into healing and playing games and fighting, not making movies. Still, it was kinda fun.
Nadia leaned back in the couch. “Uh…well, I’m not sure what that all means, but I had a good time.” She clasped together her hands and put on a show of excessive wholesomeness. “And thaaat’s what matters~”
"Looks like we made them laugh more than we made them scared…" Roxas chimed in with a shrug.
"We definitely oversold it." Falcon said, appearing to take the criticisms in stride,
"And we didn’t film a proper intro or outro, either. Not everyone likes a cliffhanger ending, after all."”Well, I don’t think some people on the other teams know how to even use a camera, so I know we didn’t get last. I don’t know how well in general we did though.” Blazermate said, feeling a bit bad about losing but overall being ok with it since it was just for fun.
Unless the bar was insanely low, Nadia did not feel good about the team’s performance based on the feedback. But once all the results were tallied, maybe they’d get lucky in the end. And so all that was left to do now was to wait for the minigame to be over so they could all see the final results.