Graduation has happened - I am no longer a teacher. Won't have to work 12 hour days + weekends anymore, so maybe I'll actually have enough time for hobbies.
9 mos ago
Graduation has happened - I am no longer a teacher. Won't have to work 12 hour days + weekends anymore, so maybe I'll actually have enough time for hobbies.
11 mos ago
I sound like a broken record, but only 2 months left till I'm done teaching. Not sure what's next, but it feels like anything would pay more and be less stressful lol
1 yr ago
Only 6 more months till the school years over. If I renew my contract, someone kill me lmao.
2 yrs ago
Teacher update: I feel like a villain from a cartoon. The laughter of teenagers gives me migraines, and I no longer feel guilt when giving bad grades to kids that sleep through my lessons.
2 yrs ago
First day as a Biology Teacher tomorrow - hopefully the kids will be able to read my handwriting.
As the conversation between the trio of magical girls was coming to a close, Shiina's mind was a blur - She had met 2 new magical girls and, while Aegis-chan was pretty reluctant, she got both of their phone numbers! Since Shiina didn't have her phone on her, she left memorization up to Ogata. After all, since she had to give up most of her magical energy for Shiina to use her skills, she was mostly delegated to the secretary and radar role. While Ogata seemed mentally occupied with repeating the digits over and over, the other fairies seemed to sense a presence in the distance. Another magical girl, perhaps? Shiina grew hopeful a second, before the looks on Ariel and Megumi's faces faltered slightly.
"Negari just formed, and a good size one, too. It's a ways off, but coming towards us. I think it's sensed us. We've got maybe two minutes before it gets here."
Shiina's blood immediately ran cold. A good-sized Negari having just formed? Every time Shiina had seen a Negari, newly formed or not, it was always incredibly small, the largest she's ever seen being just over the size of a Great Dane, and doglike in shape... As thoughts rushed through her mind, she hardly heard the other girls speaking, and it took Ogata snapping her fingers directly next to her ear for Shiina to snap back to reality.
"Yo Pink, weren't you complaining about not having a big fight yet? Not to mention, you got backup. Don't wuss out and make me regret igniting your heart."
The last part was a bit hurtful, but Shiina knew that Ogata didn't mean it. That was her way of motivating Shiina when she was worried about something. Nodding her head slightly, she slowly lowered the three ribbons attached to her dress down to the ground, extending them and keeping herself steady. By the time she was 40 feet in the air, she was able to see the Negari in the distance, rapidly coming closer. Roughly estimating it's sizes, Shiina guessed it's height to be somewhere around 10-15' tall and it looked like it weighed at least 2 tons. The creature was jet black and it knocked cars out of it's path as it made it's way right towards the group of girls. at it's current pace, it would be on them in about 1 minute and 30 seconds, and Shiina was very thankful that there seemed to be a lack of civilians. Shiina was almost as thankful that this was a beast-like Negari, as the only humanoid Negari she had ever seen was small, like an imp, and was by far the smartest Negari she had ever faced. This Negari didn't seem intelligent in the slightest however, as it preferred to move on as direct of a path towards the girls as possible, throwing cars out of the way rather than walking around them. Still though this would be the toughest fight she would ever participate in, but the fact that 2 other magical girls were assisting her comforted her slightly. Shiina slowly lowered herself from where she was and, by the time she was back on the ground, they had about a minute left, and the Negari was clearly audible, snarling and scratching the streets with it's claws.
As soon as she made it down, Shiina immediately readied her ribbons, extending them to their maximum length of 50 feet and keeping them loose and cloth-like, so she would be able to quickly bind the creature. Shiina knew her role in combat soon after unlocking her power: she was best at support, and should only attack if the enemy is strong enough to break her restraints (and considering this thing was flipping cars with only mild effort, it wouldn't be too surprising if it could rip through steel. Shiina called out to the other girls, ready to snap her ribbons forwards and wrap the Negari the second it entered her range.
"Be ready guys, this thing is coming quick. Stay in the rear, Aegis-chan, only attack if you have a clear shot."
Shiina didn't really enjoy being bossy, but she just wanted to make sure Aegis was safe. After all, her powers didn't seem that good at range unless she had a rock or something to push, and Shiina didn't think it would be a good idea to attack in melee, and the glowing blue sphere in her hand seemed that it would be pretty ranged. Just as the Negari came into view, Shiina immediately focused, poising her ribbons in unison to bind it when it got close.
Personality: Troy is a kind man, and treats everyone he meets with the respect they deserve. In his youth, he was a terrible criminal, and had killed hundreds of people, but as time went on, he grew more apologetic and sad about the meaningless deaths he caused, and he devoted his life to medicine in order to help others. Unlike a large number of supernatural beings, Troy considers the humans as equals, if not superiors. Humans had advanced weaponry and, if they ever discovered Werewolves and Vampires, they would easily defeat them through a combination of superior numbers and weaponry. Without humans, after all, vampires could not reproduce or feed. Troy also loves the humans, as he views their works and achievements as deserving of respect.
Troy is incredibly jaded after centuries of boredom, and will do nearly anything if it will fill him with adrenaline, leading to his rapidly growing gaming addiction. Additionally, he is prideful, and can not turn down a challenge, the closest thing he could do to refusing one would be "giving them a rain check". Troy is on good terms with pretty much everyone he knows, and as one of the older coven members, he tries his best to guide the later generations and not step on the toes of the older individuals and his superiors. Above all else, Troy hates being indebted to someone, and he rarely uses the faculties and commodities provided by the coven, preferring to find his own food and lodging. He still drops in every now and then (about once a week) to see if there is anything they want him to do. Despite his age, Troy still relies on passion and spur of the moment emotions to make his decisions, and is not willing to follow a plan unless it is required to succeed of prevents the unnecessary loss of life.
One of the more popular portraits of the famed Troy "Demon of the West" Casey. Rumor has it that Troy shot the painter after he finished the portrait, but in actuality, Troy simply paid him for his services and let him go. The painter was promptly killed by bandits looking to steal some of the money that Troy had given him.
Troy typically wears a dark colored suit during the night, when he is most often outside. When he is forced to go out during the day, usually by his roommate Kenny, he wears a ridiculously large overcoat that shields him from the sun's piercing rays. Even with the coat, however, Troy can't stay in direct sun for over an hour, and has to regularly wait in the shade in order to not be in constant pain. Troy has a far more muscular build than most vampires, standing at 6'2 and weighing 230 lbs, very little fat. When doing work for the coven, he dons an old poncho, a cowboy hat he bought online, and a dark black suit. On his side, he carries a holster, and he has dozens of perfectly made cigars in his pockets. In his breast pocket, he has a flask filled with Jack Daniels.
Troy stands at 6'2 and, unlike most vampires, is very muscular, weighing about 220lbs. His eyes are dark grey, same as his hair. Troy has a mole on his lip, which is one of the reasons he stopped shaving - He was tired of accidentally cutting it, and he thinks the beard is cooler looking. His hands are rough and calloused, as expected of a bandit from the wild west.
Weapons: A seemingly endless supply of bullets (Regular, Silver, even a couple Demonic) and a Colt 1901 Revolver. Some people believe that this is actually a demonic weapon, but it's just your standard revolver. Troy doesn't plan on hitting anybody with his revolver, so he just carries demonic ammunition instead.
Pistol Mastery: Think of a firearm that you can fire with one hand. Got it? Troy has complete mastery over nearly all of them. From magnums to Uzis, Troy can shoot with the best of them, and has near perfect accuracy to boot! He's best with revolvers. He's so good with them, in fact, that he can even ricochet a shot if he focuses.
Reaction Time: Even by vampire standards, Troy has supernatural agility. His reaction time is measured in single milliseconds, and thanks to his vampiric speed, he can actually act in response to threats this fast. This combined with his mastery of firearms has made him infamous throughout history as one of the best duelists, and he has only ever lost a single real duel in his (un)life. Additionally, this has made Troy incredibly good at video games. He sucks at strategy games, however.
Medical practitioner: For most of his identities, Troy was a doctor, and thanks to little over a hundred years of medical practice, he is pretty confident in his knowledge of the human body. While he is far from one of the greatest doctors in history, he is still extremely skilled, though he rarely uses his full capabilities while he is on the job. Thanks to this intimate knowledge of the human body, Troy can save nearly anybody given the right equipment, and can use his aim and skill to hit nearly any opponent in the right spots for a sure kill.
Well-known: While he just seems pretty old to humans, Troy is well-known for his skill and feats. Need somebody killed, Troy can probably handle it. Need a guy to borrow money from? Troy is pretty chill about money, just pay him interest in a decade or two. While being well-known has it's perks, it also means that people working for the angels, or pretty much anybody who wants to attack the coven, have a much easier time of finding Troy.
Pride: Troy refuses to lose at something he tries at, and if he does, he will either pretend he wasn't even trying, or will demand for a rematch. Should he repeatedly fail, he will grow exponentially more violent, until he absolutely HAS to shoot something. Additionally, Troy is extremely stubborn, and will only follow someone's orders if it is needed to win, they are from a superior/someone who is paying him, or he has already come up with the plan. In any other case, he will ignore them, and possibly even insult them for trying to command him like some lackey. This pride actually originates from his deep-seeded inferiority complex, and no matter how much he wins, he will always wish he could find the one man that beat him in a duel.
Risk Taker: Centuries of boredom can lead a man to nearly anything to get some excitement. Troy will always up the stakes, always go all in, and never backs down. When he was trying to figure out the stock market, he had lost over $500,000. Just pray no one challenges him to a duel, cause nothing can make him say no to that, even if it's obvious he'll lose. Whenever Troy loses one of his bets, he usually apologizes to anybody he inconvenienced, but will almost immediately take another risk as soon as he is presented the option to.
Addiction: Troy is addicted to numerous vices, including drinking, smoking, and occasionally gambling. While his vampiric constitution takes care of the physical side effects of use and withdrawal, he is very mentally dependent on the substances. Should he go without a smoke or a drink for an extended period of time (A day, two at the most), he will become progressively more violent and aggressive, eventually becoming depressed, fatigued, getting migraines, and becoming depressed. Should he go over 5 days without a drink or smoke, he would require constant surveillance in order to prevent him from committing suicide. While it would be possible to help him over his addiction, Troy honestly doesn't want to get over it, as he views it as too much of a hassle. His drinking addiction was started just after he had been infected and he was drowning his sorrows after losing a duel, and his smoking addiction started in the 1940's.
Loyalty: Troy is very loyal to the few friends he has, including the coven. If anybody in the coven is harmed or killed, expect Troy to come back with a vengeance, usually without a plan, and almost guaranteeing his death if he is against a far stronger opponent. Above all though, Troy cares most deeply about his human roommate, Kenny. Kenny had shown him the world of video games, which are one of Troy's best forms of entertainment, and had been his roommate for 5 years. Additionally, Kenny had connected with Troy on a deep level, and they almost share a relationship like a father and son. This is an obvious weakness, and should anybody be able to find this relation and hold Kenny hostage, Troy will do and give nearly anything they ask for in order to protect his friend. Additionally, while not really out of loyalty, Troy respects and prefers to help the humans, and will get angry if someone kills them with no regard or without reason.
History: Troy Casey was born into the world on June 2nd, 1759, in the American colony of New York. Being a rather fiery young lad from birth, Troy spent his days lazily, occasionally causing trouble for the red coats by throwing rocks and running. As he grew older, he became even more violent and sought more excitement with his famous fiery temper. By the time he was 17, the American Revolutionary War had already been under way. Seeking to join the conflict, Troy lied about his age, and spent the next 8 years as a soldier. Once America had won the war, Troy was treated with great respect as a soldier, and eventually began to work for the newly formed government. Troy's life was fairly simple after that: he went to work some random task the government handed him, came home, and repeated. It wasn't until 1803, with the Louisiana purchase, that Troy was given something interesting to do: Help scout out the newly purchased land from the French.
Leaving on his trusty horse, Troy left westward. The journey had taken him two years, but he had mapped out a large expanse of the newly purchased land, and people slowly poured out westward to stake their claim. Deciding it was finally time to return home, Troy saddled up on his steed, and was about to leave, before a mysterious figure covered head to toe in robes blocked his path. Questioning him, it was revealed that the figure was a "bandit" who had one mission: to steal the map that Troy had spent the last 2 years making. Refusing this demand, the bandit promptly challenged Troy to a duel, which Troy's pride and still aggressive temper forced him to accept. Grabbing his musket, Troy and the bandit initiated the duel. As soon as they turned, Troy was shot in the chest, piercing his lung. The bandit proceeded to drag Troy to a nearby cave, as he slowly lost consciousness. Troy Casey died on July 22nd, 1805 at the age of 46 from blood loss and suffocating on his own blood.
Troy awoke a day later, in the middle of the afternoon, with a note from the bandit: "Dear Mr. Troy Casey, as response for your crimes against the crown, and the murder of roughly 27 fine British young men during the American Rebellion. As such, I have deemed it fair to curse you with a hunger for blood, and an eternity of life as an evil being, who even gods beautiful rays of light abhor. Hopefully, you take your own life, you disgusting criminal." The letter itself had no signature, but was almost guaranteed to be written by the man who had shot him. quickly taking off his coat, Troy was relieved to see that he had no wound, not even a scar - but the hole in his clothes remained, and the bullet itself was mere inches away from Troy, lying on the ground. Troy reread and reread the letter countless times, finally connecting it to the legends of the vampires causing hysteria across Europe... Ignoring the letter, Troy decided it must be his delusions, but as he walked out of the cave, the sunlight burned his skin like a torch to the flesh. Instinctively pulling back, Troy realized that it was not mere delusions, and spent the next 10 hours in the cave, thinking over what he could do about his situation, and how absurd it was.
Troy eventually made it to a small town, one of the few that had sprung up during his exploration of the west, using his newfound speed - His horse was gone, presumably stolen or dead from the man that shot Troy in the first place. Upon entering the nearly empty salon, Troy saw that the only person present was the barkeep... Gazing longingly at the man's neck, Troy didn't hear a single word he said. Before he knew what he was doing, Troy had completely sucked the man dry of blood, and had run out of town. It took another 2 days until he ate again, as he was in shock over how violent and how he drained the man to death... As the years went by, Troy slowly became better at subtlety feeding, and eventually grew fond of feeding on people in the middle of the night, as he couldn't see them and they couldn't see him. After the barkeep, Troy has never killed a man from feeding. Troy never tried to return to his old life, in fear that he would be killed for becoming a monster.
Troy spent the next 31 years, Troy continued with petty crime and feeding on the unaware, sleeping during the day in inns or saloons. It wasn't until the a man by the name Samuel Colt created the Colt 45 that Samuel made his first big purchase since he died. With new gun in tow, Troy used his new pistol to challenge others to duels, killing and feeding off of them, while slowly raising his reputation. He had grown a superiority complex, viewing humans as beneath him and inferior. As the years went on, Toy became more and more famous, and started committing larger scale crimes. Stealing from trains using his speed, robbing banks, and around the late 60's to the late 1880's, Troy was stealing herds of cattle and disgusting himself, selling them to the highest bidder. However, Troy's legend died with the wonder of the west - Everywhere had been explored, and the American frontier was now just the same as east, which had exploded in population since Troy was last there. Troy began to go into retrospection over his massive body count, and slowly grew more and more guilty, realizing that he was still human inside. Wishing to make amends for the crimes he committed, joined a medical school under the alias of "Joe Pearson".
Luckily, Troy was thought to be dead after so many years, so he was able to forge a new identity, and proceeded to use the fortune he gathered to go to medical school. Graduating in 6 years, "Joe Pearson" graduated with a doctorate in Medicine & Surgery, and was hired at a local hospital in New York, his home state. It was during this time that Troy was able to hear rumors of a mysterious organization of supernatural monsters that lived in New York City. Finding this organization through special connections he had made during his life of crime, Troy was able to find the mysterious Coven and, Seeking to find companions who were immortal and wouldn't die of age, Troy joined the organization. "Dr. Pearson" was employed for a little over 46 years, before dying of a heart attack. Troy immediately moved across the state, and was hired at another hospital as "Clyde Dickson", and worked there for another 49 years, before drowning in a lake after crashing his car.
All the while, Troy regularly assisted the Coven with any tasks they assigned him, and was generally a nice person to the other members. He had spent nearly a century by himself, out of fear that his loved ones would one day die, and he was just glad to have friends for once. Creating his next Identity, Troy became "Troy Bailey", naming this new persona after the child an old friend named after him while he was alive. Troy never lived in the coven, always to prideful to accept their help, and preferred accommodations in a relatively small apartment. Unfortunately, however, the complex he lived at went out of business about 10 years ago, and Troy was forced to live in the coven while searching for a new home. After 5 years of searching, Troy had not found a reasonable place - Damn New York City and your high costs of living! Just as he was about to give up, Troy found a listing for an apartment that was well-sized, decently priced, and only came with one condition: Troy would have to move in with a roommate, and split the rent with them. Deciding he had nothing better to do, Troy went to the apartment, where he met Kennith "Kenny" DeMoy. Kenny was an African-American man of about 20 years old, who said he was working at his uncle's office firm. The two initially started out rough, but Troy grew more fond of Kenny as they spent more time together, and Kenny taught him about the joys that the modern times presented. Kenny introduced Troy to video games, which he is extremely fond of, and the two grew close, similar to a father and son. It was thanks to Kenny that Troy realized that he didn't need to be a doctor out of guilt for all the people he killed - He could be a doctor in order to help people.
Troy visits the Coven every week, and he has weekends off work. He works the night shift, as does Kenny, and both usually arrive home at the same time and play video games.
Other: Troy has a massive collection of gold and precious gems that are worth about $150 million that he stole in his bandit days, which was known as "The Demon's Treasury". At the height of it's infamy, it nearly sparked a second gold rush. He has divided it across numerous bank accounts, safety deposit boxes, and even a couple safes he keeps in his apartment. He always buys more gold and gems whenever his newest identity "dies", and adds it to his treasure. In total, his treasure has grown to about $200 million total, thanks to over 250 years of saving. Troy believes that precious gems and gold are the most stable form of currency.
Troy and Kenny play video games every night to decide which one cleans the dishes after dinner. Troy always wins, except when they play strategy games or anything that requires calm and calculated thinking.
Troy likes: Guns, Video games, Cards, Anything Western relatedd (Music, Movies, clothes, etc), Animation, and going to the shooting range.
Troy dislikes: The safe options, backing down from something, not following your word, and lies.
{ ”There is no such thing as a disability. As long as you can learn to live with whatever you're missing, you're as capable as anyone else. Hell, I'd say you're even better than them.” }
| Name |
Simon Alexander Graham
| Nickname |
"The Blind Pianist". Given to him by a news report that was reporting a blind high school student winning a multi-county level piano competition. Simon kept it as a stage name for any of his performances, as he is quite fond of it, and it explains what most people are probably attracted to him for. Most of his fans know him by this moniker rather than his actual name.
| Date Of Birth |
| Age |
| Sexuality |
Was Hetero before he lost his sight, but has drifted more towards Bi. Still prefers women.
| Relationship Status |
Single, he doesn't want to burden someone by making them date a blind man.
| Occupation |
Full-time musician, actually somewhat successful. Regularly plays at "The Casalingo" (A formal Italian restaurant where he plays piano for the patrons) and "The Bus Stop" (A small cafe in the middle of town). Has been hired to open for more famous bands, but has a decent sized following himself. He makes enough money to afford himself a well-sized apartment, and he stores a large amount of money in his savings - He currently has about $30,000 in his savings.
| In-Depth Appearance |
Standing at a staggering 6'4 and weighing 240 pounds, Simon is very hairy and could be described as a "bear". He is covered in several, large scars, mostly from the surgery that saved his life. He has a tattoo of a heart that has a band aid stretched across it, and is actually pretty embarrassed about it. Additionally, he has a birthmark on the underside of his foot that is far lighter in skin tone than the surrounding flesh. It's impossible to see because of the hair, but he has a mole on his lip, and actually grew his beard out because he was tired of accidentally cutting it and spraying blood everywhere. His eyes are gray and are clouded over, while his hair is white and black.
For clothing, Simon honestly doesn't really care what it looks like (for obvious reasons), and prefers clothes that feel comfortable against his skin. This has lead to horrible outfits in the past, and has forced his mother and sister to pick out his attire, leading it to be fairly bland and interchangeable. He typically wears baggy jeans, a muscle T-shirt, and a coat/hoodie. The style and type of design changes frequently, but they all feel the same and he can't tell the difference. Whenever he performs at "The Casalingo", he wears a white suit jacket, black tie, white dress shirt, and white suit pants, a fake Rolex, the same belt he wears with his jeans, and black dress shoes. This is his "Formal attire". He wears his casual outfit when performing at most other places. No matter where he is, Simone will always carry his walking cane with him: a gray, collapsible variant that reaches about 5-feet in length. Metallic, but Simon never really cared to learn what metal it was made of.
| Quirks & Habits |
Loves Tchaikovsky and will play or hum his music whenever he has nothing else to do.
Whenever he is anxious or nervous, he will brush his hair or grab for his guitar (if he has it on him).
Gets a little sad whenever he watches a movie. They were his favorite thing to waste time with as a kid, and it reminds him of all the things he is missing out on with his blindness.
When annoyed, he will typically suck in his lips and rub/bite them with his teeth. This has lead to almost constantly chapped lips.
Whenever he finds out a kid is nearby, he plays any instrument he knows in order to show off and make the kid think he is cool.
| Hobbies |
Tabletop games
| Likes |
Classical Music
Spicy foods
Pushing himself
People with an interest in music
| Dislikes |
Drunk drivers
Metal music
| Fears |
A phobia of motor vehicles, ever since his accident. Will only get in them if he has to, and usually walks places. This fear applies to all vehicles, but is strongest with cars.
Violence frightens Simon, and while he will threaten people when pressed, it would take a life-or-death situation to make him attack someone.
Scared of water, mainly because it is incredibly difficult to hear under water, deep water prevents you from standing and being able to touch something solid, and Simon can't see if he is getting closer or further away from land. This has proved very troublesome for Simon, as he lives in a coastal city, and has nearly fallen into the water several times.
Has a fear of rejection, caused when his first girlfriend dumped him after his accident. This is one of the main reasons Simon has a hard time forming relationships, and only has a few close friends.
| Personality |
Simon is a very calm, mature individual, the type you would see watching an opera or play. He finds that violence is not detrimental towards having a fulfilling life, and he uses weightlifting to remove stress and aggression. Simon rarely feels bad about his disability, and considering he has lived most of his life with it, he honestly doesn't even notice he has a disability half the time. One of the funniest things to him is when people try to side step or not mention his disability, and he loves it when he points it out and they try to defend themselves. Despite this, though, he is not a big trickster and rarely laughs at others, especially not their misfortunes. Simon tries to be a good person, and is willing to let people figuratively walk all over him if it helps others. Simon loves music more than anything else in the world, and considers music as one of the main reasons that he is still alive. With his new powers, Simon feels a responsibility to help others, and will do his best to not abuse his powers for his own convenience.
| Abilities |
After the storm, Simon suddenly developed the power of Sound Manipulation. He recognized this awakening when his body unconsciously started emitting a tone nearly unpercievable for human ears, that Simon was able to use as a form of echolocation. It's fuzzy at best, but he can see in 360 degrees and his "Sight" isn't impacted by tear gas or anything that limits vision. Considering this echolocation only reaches about 50 feet in front of him, Simon assumes that this is his range of control. Simon can replicate any noise within this 50 foot sphere, and can make it as loud as 130 decibels at maximum. Usually, however, he is limited to 100 decibels, as any higher would tire him out quickly. He can selectively pick people to be ignore whenever he uses his power, such as for an extremely loud attack. This doesn't nullify the actual injury their ears suffer, just makes them ignore the pain they feel from the noise. Additionally, as an assistance to his power, Simon's ears have become incredibly resilient and regenerative, allowing him to withstand the constant exposure to loud noises without losing his sense of hearing.
| Limitations |
While Simon can create a noise in his sphere, and control it's properties while it is in the sphere, the noise acts like regular sound waves when it leaves his area of control. Simon's power is incredibly different underwater, essentially eliminating his echolocation and making his ability behave entirely differently, making it nearly useless. Simon's powers don't work in a vacuum, or anywhere that sound waves cannot travel. While not an actual limitation on his power, Simon refuses to use his ability to help his musical career, considering it to be cheating and doing himself a disservice. Simon's power is weak, and he can't do anything impressive like hitting the right frequency to make people explode or anything. If someone has something that blocks their hearing, and it is strong enough, Simon can't do anything to them with his power. Using his power is physically exhausting, and while using his echolocation can be done indefinitely, generating noises to quickly or loudly will force him to rest and recover his stamina. Trying to go over his limit has a number of effects based on how hard he pushes himself, such as a bloody nose, migraines, dizziness, blacking out, muscle spasms, general tiredness, comas, and eventually, death
| Place Of Origin |
Brighton, England, Born and Raised.
| Background |
Raised in a home right by the coast, you could describe Simon as a spoiled kid growing up. He was naturally gifted at music, and his parents nurtured this gift by hiring instructors and buying instruments. By the time he had graduated elementary school, Simon was already quite proficient at playing the piano, and was equally good at the guitar by the time of the accident. Simon's grades were average throughout his life, and he typically gravitated to more physically demanding activities. His parents loved him, showering him in praise and adoration whenever he played for them or placed highly in a competition. He was surrounded by friends, was well liked by many people, and was the role model of his younger sister, Emily. He was your average kid, and even managed to get a girlfriend by his second year of middle school. Everything changed, however, on November 22, 2000.
Playing soccer with Emily in their families front yard, he had just missed a well placed shot from his sister, and the ball had rolled into the middle of the road. Calling out "I got it", Emily rushed into the streets, not even paying attention to the traffic. Simon was just quick enough to see that a car was swerving violently around in the road, and thanks to years of physical activity at his young age, was fast enough to push her away. Unfortunately, he wasn't fast enough to dodge the car, and was ran over, suffering multiple broken bones, internal bleeding, and heavy head trauma. After a year in the hospital, Simon was able to leave and return to his old life - But lost his vision as a result of the head trauma. His friends were distant now that they were in a higher grade, and his old girlfriend had dumped him, not wanting to be in a relationship with a handicapped person. Simon was a completely different person, quiet and reserved, and was eventually moved to a school for the blind that was just outside of town.
Luckily, in his yearlong stay at the hospital, Simon was taught Braille, and was allowed to play his guitar during the day. When he was well enough to be moved around, he was even allowed to play the piano in the common room for the patients. Only a month after learning braille, Simon had already mastered musical notation in braille, and could play his instruments using muscle memory and braille markings on the keys of his piano. Scars littered Simon's body, but he was completely unaware of there appearance - he could only touch and feel the marks in his flesh that changed with each surgery. Simon was expelled from the hospital on November 5th, 2001, just shy of a year when he was admitted. His new school was very well-equipped, and the faculty was caring, but Simon hated the pity he felt in their voices whenever thy spoke to him. That only reminded that he wasn't normal, that he was less. That he had taken a step back, while everyone he knew took a step forwards. The only saving grace to him was that Emily was willing to do pretty much anything he said, as she was nearly crippled with guilt from making her brother lose his eye sight. She was the person that chose Simon's clothes and did everything for him that required his sight. At the age of 17, as a sophomore in High school, Simon entered a multi-county level competition. Out of the 48 counties in the United Kingdom, 5 were participating, and high schoolers in these areas were encouraged to enter and play for the chance to win recommendations to musical colleges, and coverage from the media. Through extreme effort and hard work, Simon managed to beat the competition.
While Simon appreciated the recommendation, he never really needed it - He never planned to enter in a musical college, preferring to jump straight into his music career once he finished high school. The media titled him "The Blind Pianist", and while there were plenty of blind musicians, people were surprised he was so young and had a disability, yet was so talented. Feeling proud that he managed to push his way to the top even with his disability, Simon finally realized that he didn't have a disability. A disability is something that held you back - Simon finally realized that his blindness doesn't need to hold him back. Simon finally moved beyond his regret and sadness that he was blind, and learned how to live again.
After the competition, Simon returned to a semblance of his old life. Was he sad that he was blind? Of course. But he had a loving family, new friends, and a talent that he could use and constantly improve on. Simon graduated high school at 19, and had begun to perform at numerous restaurants and openings for bands. While money was tight in the first couple years, he eventually made a name for himself as he started participating in national level, and even a few world-wide competitions. He never manage to place first in either, but he always placed higher than he did the year prior, and last year, he made it to 2nd place. While he was still ranking low in the world, he was incredibly glad that he was the 2nd best pianist in all of the UK. Despite this ranking, however, his popularity was only really widely known in his hometown, Brighton, where he was able to land two regular showings, "The Casalingo" and "The Bus Stop". While he played the piano he was known for at "The Casalingo", he almost exclusively played the guitar at "The Bus Stop", only occasionally playing his saxophone. Simon's life was changed forever when he was hired to play at "The Lights".
"The Lights" was very famous for being a tourist destination, and what would be a better attraction than having Brighton's most famous musician play for the guests! Arriving at the beach front property, Simon played beautifully, to the audiences delight, and was given free lodging and food for his service. Simon was just thankful that he was able to get into the hotel before the rain started, however, as a massive storm was in the forecast that morning. Simon closed his eyes, falling unconscious to the sound of thunder and wind. The next time he regained consciousness, he could see a map of the room he was in that was laid out in front of him.
After over an hour of experimentation, Simon eventually realized that he had somehow developed echolocation and the ability to generate sound. Realizing that he could use this power to live a normal life and possibly even help others, Simon left the hotel with determination in his heart. It's been a week since the storm, and Simon has found the general limits of his powers. Promising to only use his powers to help others and to swear off their use for personal gain, Simon continued his life as it was, but on the lookout for other's like him... Other's who had developed these strange, paranormal capabilities, who he could confide in and trust... Or maybe he just wanted friends after his years of adulthood had left his only companions being his family and his tabletop group.
@Ever I'm perfectly fine with playing someone else, if it would cause too much of a plot problem. I just love the bad ass normal guy trope and was checking to see if it was okay.
Edit: If you don't mind me asking, what would be the available age ranges of our vampires/ Werewolves be? The title of oldest is already taken for both species, and I was thinking of making a vampire infected during the wild west. Would that be too old?
@Ever Could someone play just a straight up human? Was thinking about playing an average Joe who got abducted by a vampire and was used like a blood cow, before escaping and realizing that there were other monsters and supernatural creatures, and then allying with the angels.
Shiina kept both of the magical girls in her sight, prepared to separate the girls or deflect an attack with her ribbons. The situation wasn't nearly as tense as it would need to be for something of that scale, but the media made territories and magical girls seem more brutal than the Yakuza. Luckily, these girls seemed pretty relaxed, and the two of them even introduced themselves... Or, Midori introduced herself, and Ariel introduced Aegis. Shiina was honestly surprised that a magical girl, especially one dressed in such a colorful and cute outfit, could be so shy. Then again, it was probably just nerves - when Shiina first went out, she nearly died of embarrassment from the outfit. All Aegis-chan needed was a little experience!
"We can do much better as friends rather than enemies. Personally, I think we should exchange phone numbers at the very least so we can call each other for backup. I think you can all tell what Midori's specialty is. What sorts of powers do you girls have?"
Lowering her guard, Shiina smiled and agreed. After all, having friends who could punch a man across a room and kill incarnations of negative emotions and the sins of humanity would be pretty beneficial. Then again, Shiina was always happy to have more friends - you can never have too many! Before she could respond, she waited for the meekest of the trio to respond to Midori.
"U-umm... As Ariel-san said, I'm Aegis Violet. My powers are pushing and pulling on objects, but... I'm... new to all this, so I'm not sure how useful I'll be to you. Ah, but if there's anything that I can do, then... erm... I guess... I'll do my best.... So I'll be in your care."
With that, Shiina couldn't help but squeal in delight. How could this girl be so cute? Not to mention, being someone's senpai was a feeling that Shiina always loved, even if she never cared if her kouhai addressed her that way or not. Taking a closer look at the purple haired girl, she seemed to be younger than Shiina, but by how much she couldn't tell. Aegis kept averting her gaze from the other girls, and her manner of speaking was very cute. She must be nervous. Shiina contemplated the thought of giving them her real identity, maybe hanging out in real life, but decided against it. The more people that knew her identity, the worse it would get, and she didn't even know what these girls were like. That didn't mean they couldn't be friends while on patrol, though! Maneuvering the ribbon on her chest into the shape of a heart, shiina moved it about 5 feet in front of her, before making a finger gun and pointing it at the two girls in front of her.
"Nice to meet you, Midori-chan, Aegis-chan. My name is-"
Shiina "shot" the finger gun, before unraveling the ribbon and striking a pose she saw in an anime, moving her right arm to her side and holding her left hand in front of her face
"THE PINK DELINQUENT!!! You can call me Pink, though. Anyways, I can move my ribbons and tie things up with them, even make them hard or use them as a shield! I'd love to be friends with other magical girls though - I hadn't seen a single one in the 4 months that I'd been a magical girl! Oh yeah, this is Obaka,-"
"-My fairy. She's pretty lazy, but she'll grow on you. Sort of like a tapeworm or something"
This snide comment earned Shiina a kick to the collar bone, causing a small amount of pain.
"O-ow... A-anyways, don't worry Aegis-chan! If you ever want help, you can always ask Pink-senpai! Oh yeah, you asked for our numbers, right Midori-chan? Don't you think that is moving a bit too quickly?"
Giggling slightly, Shiina proceeded to tell the other girls her number. There was no harm in it, after all - there was no way they would know it was her number, just that it was Pink's. The thought of continuing her patrol after this meeting crossed her mind, but more than half of the time she usually spent out went by, and she had just met two new accomplices. She rarely met a Negari anyways, so today's patrol was already pretty successful.
While externally, Karada was calm and collected to maintain his quirk, his blue eyes flared with anger and frustration. One of his only techniques, blocked by the man that held his future in his clawed hands. Karada barely heard the compliment over the blood pounding in his ears. What gave it away? How badly he ran? Surely it wasn't that obvious, tons of rejects who didn't even know how to run probably came here... No, it must have been that and the combination of something else, like his scars or muscles. He probably assumed they were caused from fights, and someone that experienced should know a headlong assault with no strength based quirk to help you attack was stupid. So he stood perfectly still while Lorken's claws traced around his skin. Karada couldn't feel a thing.
When the man ducked behind him, Karada began to panic - He couldn't turn his head to watch Lorken without breaking his quirks effect. Karada couldn't feel the clothed arm cover his mouth, but he was still able to see it - making Karada question him. He already knew about how his quirk functioned, or at least he seemed to, so why was he trying to choke Karada? He couldn't even breath whenever he used his quirk, so what was the poi-
Karada immediately snapped to awareness. He wasn't trying to deactivate his quirk, he was waiting for when Karada ran out of air! He was going to choke Karada! With his mind being so busy that Lorken may have heard it from how close he was, Karada quickly went thorough numerous options - Biting his hand would work, but it would break the quirk's defense, and since he wasn't fazed by the wound in his chest, that alone wouldn't work. Plus, being that close to Lorken's claws would be a problem... Ducking out of the hold was impossible, Karada could sense the strength behind the hold. Karada quickly crafted a plan in his mind. He would reel his head back, attempting to smash it into Lorken's nose and praying that he missed the horns. As he did so, however, he would also bite into Lorken's hand, and slam his elbow into Lorken's chest, trying to use his spatial awareness to push his elbow into the still open wound. If he was lucky, this amount of movement would be enough to break the chokehold, or at least shock Lorken enough to allow him to escape, and then run a slight distance away
Should he escape, the next order of business would be to attempt the bait technique. It would be almost impossible for Lorken to fall for it, but that would be the point - Karada planned to use his technique as a decoy. When Lorken doesn't respond to the attack, Karada would break out of his quirk's effect and grapple around Lorken's torso, squeezing with everything he could before staying still and using his quirk. This would leave Lorken with three options - endure the incredible pressure and pain for roughly 2 minutes and choke Karada when the time was up, concede the match to Karada, or break Karada's quirk effect using his raw strength. Doing so would almost certainly take up a lot of stamina, and leave him wide open for Karada to punch him in the chest wound. If he was lucky, he may even be able to get his hand inside of Lorken and cause some internal bleeding. Didn't matter how well he could handle pain, internal bleeding would at least slow him down.
Karada briefly considered the ethics of this. He was with a past villain, in a "school" located on the outskirts of town and hidden by the forest, and he was about to try something that would kill, or at least seriously injure a lesser man. Karada quickly dismissed it, however. Lorken said he wasn't going easy on them, and while being threatened with choking was pretty intimidating, Karada knew he probably could have taken him out a lot earlier with much less effort. This was a man who had dealt with heroes and the police on a regular basis. This was a test, not all out combat.
But despite this, Karada refused to take it easy, to give up. This man was standing in the way of everything he had worked for, his future, his only shot at survival. He had sacrificed so much in order to get to the bottom of the mountain for heroes. This man, Lorken, wasn't going to stop Karada. He was just a steep ledge on the mountain that Karada was climbing. A steep ledge that Karada was going to use to ascend higher, to become stronger and beat, even if it meant having the crap kicked out of him.
Was this a safe plan? No. Was it the best plan Karada's slowly oxygen-starved brain could come up with? Pretty much. Did it have a high chance of success? Oh hell no. But hey, it's worth a shot.
Karada bit into Lorken's hand, before slamming his head back and elbowing him in the chest.
>When you manage to beat a horned/clawed beefcake monster of a man in combat, or at least impress him enough, finally on the way to achieving your dreams, and you realize one of your upperclassmen is a girl, making the chance you get falsely accused of rape DOUBLE.
@GodOfWar Nah, it was intentional on my part at least. Our characters both have certain core similarities, such as being unwanted and sharing a disdain for authority figures. But on the flip side, our characters were raised completely differently and, as you said, have vastly different motives. I felt that you provided the best foil for Karada, and sharing cigarettes really helped cement their budding friendship. The power of addictive substances triumphs all!
Also, thanks for the compliment. Most of the time writing up that post consisted of me trying to think up a witty comeback, lol.