The wait didn't take too long - people began coming in faster now, and the number of attendees rapidly began to increase. Tony noted that, while the circus
always received a fairly large audience, the numbers were significantly bigger tonight. perhaps Pipeline said something in the invitations about Sickle-cell being invited again? That would surely bring quite a few people. This thought was interrupted, however, as the first betters came up. A line quickly formed, as not only was the betting area the place where bets were placed, but it also was the area to head to in order to find out the fights going on tonight. In fact, at least several people came up solely to ask when Sickle-Cell was fighting, and were delighted to find out he was the first fight of the night. A majority of betters simply began to place bets after Tony listed off the fights, and he quickly began to feel bad for this "Automaton" person. Even if they won, the only people who'd be happy were the people who bet for her - a fairly small number, mostly of people who thought the Wonderland rigged the fight last year.
One of the flashier betters, a girl with pink and brown hair with matching eye colors, placed a decent sum on Vector - a cape from the protectorate who was a tinker for archery. Normally, Tony would tense up when someone bet on a protectorate cape - It just creeps you out, you know? Most people who came to these things were criminals, and you rarely expect some thug to place money on a person who would toss him into the slammer without a second thought. Then again, Tony's power had given him a good deal of confidence (perhaps too much...), and the girl placing the bet didn't seem threatining. At least, she didn't look like she was - parahumans can look like anything, and act far worse than they look.
After the girl left, a couple minutes of betting passed, before another person showed up to engage in conversation. Normally this wasn't weird, but most nights, Tony's circus conversations were with drunk gang members. Instead, two somewhat relatively well adjusted girls were doing the talking.
"Up against Sickle, huh... guess that's one way to do a first encounter. So, how bad are my odds?"Tony quickly realized this was the mysterious Automaton, and immediately felt a pang of regret. Even if she was a tinker, she didn't look like she had any gear on her, and unless she could teleport it to her, she was horribly unprepared. Tony sighed slightly, the ski mask muffling his voice slightly.
"You're Automaton, right? Just know this - there's no shame in calling out of a fight. Audience might get pissed, but tapping out is better than ending up like Juggernaut..."Tony quickly reached underneath the booth, pulling out a small binder. He flipped it open, turning towards the folder labelled "Round 1" and, while his face was covered, his eyes noticeably crinkled.
"16 to 1 against you beating Sickle. Good luck - your fight is coming on soon."The two talked for awhile, before Tony had to continue taking bets. After another few minutes, another person striked up conversation - pretty impressive since the first match hasn't started yet and no one was trying to get their money back.
"Hey there, compadre, I'm here to enter. Name's Gamble. Independent entry. Just one question... This nullification field thingy stay active during the fights? Cause if not, I'd like to place a couple wagers."
Tony scratched his head slightly, making sure his mask didn't rise with his fingers. People occasionally wnated to enter when they weren't already in the matches, but they didn't often make it in - not many people do so, and it's hard to find a fighter just out of nowhere.
"I can try and get you in, but I'm not really sure who would fight you. Plus, you'd probably be near the end of the night if I can get you one. That alright? Oh, and the field is taken down during matches, so place any bets you want."Tony pointed towards the board containing the fights, before cringing slightly. He felt the chill down his spine the second he entered the circus - he knew about the field for awhile, but never felt it until today. It was disgusting, but Tony appreciated it greatly. It had saved him from numerous individuals who wanted to start trouble in the past.
The lines had thinned heavily by this point, and the first match was going to begin soon. Tony Pulled open the binder once more, thinking about that girl, 'Automaton.' He hoped she wasn't going to end up getting destroyed. Silently, he prepared himself, getting ready to introduce the first two fighters.