Avatar of Duoya


Recent Statuses

4 mos ago
Current Graduation has happened - I am no longer a teacher. Won't have to work 12 hour days + weekends anymore, so maybe I'll actually have enough time for hobbies.
6 mos ago
I sound like a broken record, but only 2 months left till I'm done teaching. Not sure what's next, but it feels like anything would pay more and be less stressful lol
9 mos ago
Only 6 more months till the school years over. If I renew my contract, someone kill me lmao.
2 yrs ago
Teacher update: I feel like a villain from a cartoon. The laughter of teenagers gives me migraines, and I no longer feel guilt when giving bad grades to kids that sleep through my lessons.
2 yrs ago
First day as a Biology Teacher tomorrow - hopefully the kids will be able to read my handwriting.


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The Guild Hall was filled with far more adventurers than May had initially expected - she knew it was a place that was constantly brimming with activity, but not to the point where people would be flooding it this late in the day. Dozens of Guild advisors littered the hall, and most of the adventurers were either talking among each other, with their guild advisors, or exchanging stones. May quickly followed suit, making her way to the nearest teller, a younger elf boy. He quickly weighed the stones, examining several before putting the stones away and handing May the appropriate amount of Valis - a staggering quantity, more than she had ever held in her life at one time.

May only needed 300 for her and her families food, every day, leaving a large chunk of savings - which she was already thinking of ways to hide with no one getting to it. The bag was held in an iron tight grip, and May resigned to head straight home and then to her familia to update her stats. The thought of mentioning the skeleton to one of the guild advisors crossed May's mind, but there was no point in doing so - it had done no real harm, and she was alright in the end.

The trip home was uneventful - her mother and father were asleep, seemingly gone to bed without eating. May dropped off the Valis, and then left just as quickly and quietly, promising to make them a larger than normal breakfast in the morning. She made her way to her familia, eager to update her stats and see the progress she made today - perhaps she even might see Klou on the way there!
Justin and his entourage took up several seats of the area surrounding the lecturer, roughly 4 to 5 rows behind the front row. He was currently accompanied by the Xaphan, the Tarrare and all three of his Albion units, while the pixies remained inside of the device on his back. All of the Albion Units were relatively unequipped, with all of them wielding oversized maces or hammers. Justin's eyes darted around constantly, his disposition clearly paranoid and nervous - he rarely came to the lectures in person, usually sending his pixies to several at a time and reviewing the data they collect later. He only bothered coming this time because it was the end of the midterm - a time for him to see what this horrid place actually offered for reprieve, especially after they had promised the students a field trip.

Pandora was tasked with both recording the speech take place, as well as recognizing any students, and compiling them into a list of those who had passed and failed their midterms. Justin planned to confront one of the professors about what would become of those who had failed, but that would have to be saved for later.

Justin had seen the Headmaster when he had first entered the academy, as well as once of twice on the rare trips he made out of his dorm, and every time he saw her was just as puzzling as the last. He had never seen her not being followed by the massive demon at her side, and she looked roughly around his age - of course, with the supernatural activities underway here, he had no doubt that she had somehow altered her aging process.

The woman proceeded to speak to the students in the same tone of voice he was so familiar with after coming to this academy - lathered in false pleasantries, ranging from a slight to blatant condescending inflection, and doing their best to show off their abilities and talents to a group of impressionable youths. The cackling laughter at the

"Recording paused - Synopsis has been completed. Headmaster, true name unknown. Possesses magical capabilities, seemingly assisted by a spellbook. Effects of spellbook on casting unknown. Accompanied by a large demon, strength and abilities are mostly unknown."

"Thank you, Pandora. Resume recording." Justin muttered, hiding his mouth with his hand.

He wanted to appear like the cool kind of crazy, the mad scientist kind where you lacked morals and lived risky - not the kind where you talk to yourself. The Headmaster quickly adopted a pose, something that the Justin a year ago would have found tacky and pathetic. The Justin now, embarrassed heavily, had done similar poses a number of times before.

"Note: Portal creation has been added under the file titled 'Headmaster.'"

Justin rose, the cold electronic buzzing of Pandora's voice echoing in his ear piece. Even with the Albion's poor AI, they remembered to follow Justin wherever he went, awaiting further orders. All of the robots surrounding Justin quickly followed, forming a tight circle around the boy and mirroring his movements. A small number of students avoided him because of this, but this was less from fear and more from not wanting to be ran into by one of the metallic creatures. Justin ignored them - most of them would end up monsters like the professors at this school, so there was little incentive for Justin to be buddy-buddy with them. Justin's labcoat, the primary aesthetic aspect of his person that denoted his status as a mad scientist, fluttered behind him as he walked at a brisk pace.

A small wire extended from Pandora's box, connecting to one Albion Units neck. the wire fell limp, no longer controlled autonomously - Pandora shifted herself into the Albion unit, and would keep the others from falling apart mentally once they crossed the portal. Justin hadn't designed them to act in foreign environments with no supervision, and he didn't want there to cause a fight. Finally, they were at the portal, and the group walked in, Justin slightly more paranoid now that he didn't have Pandora analyzing everything going on around him at all times. Especially with dozens of villains surrounding him.
Dirk Davidson

Health: 3000/3000
Mana: 1300/1300

Interactions: None
Location: Inn

It was a very strange phenomena - almost every time Theo heard about the death of one of his guild mates, the whole world seemed to stand still - unmoving, frozen in time, and stagnant. A disgusting, foreign feeling arose in his stomach, a feeling that he quickly realized was despair. Every time he realized the death of a guild member, he always vomited, his body seemingly trying to rid itself of the emotion.

Not this time.

Maybe it was because he was consciously resisting it - he couldn't' vomit in front of Hans and Julia for no reason, especially after portraying such a positive self-image to them. Maybe it was all his acting skill, or maybe the rosary was playing a bigger part than he initially expected - he wasn't wearing it when he learned of Kajin's or Paralyze's death, and he had gotten sick. In the end, it really didn't matter. Karma was dead - not from an accident or an enemy, but a player.

It was much easier to ignore the feeling that was building up, the nausea. His hands weren't even shaking, like they had done so often before. He would feel terrible for hiding his emotions once he took off the rosary in his room - but he'd have time to mourn later.

The festival passed with similar fun activities that the trio had experienced before the news arrived - trying different foods, playing the occasional game set up in a stall, or sometimes simply sitting and watching the crowds of people and NPCs go about their business.

Eventually, the sky grew dark, and the trio made their way to the gardens, where a small crowd had gathered to watch the fireworks go off in relative secludedness. The town square by this point was packed to the brim, and there was little space to walk, let alone sit down - Theo found a space for the group to sit down, and they simply watched the fireworks explode in the sky, lighting up the city like the sun had only a few hours earlier. Hans was drinking from a large mug, and was more than a little inebriated. The lines on his face seemed not as deep, and he was smiling and laughing, his face red from the alcohol. Every hair on his head were perfectly life-like, to the point where Theo couldn't imagine the work that the game had taken to develop.

Julia had not drank much by comparison, simply staring at the fireworks, which exploded into hundreds of colors and in detailed patterns that would almost be impossible for the real world. The night air was warm against Theo's skin, and upon closing his eyes, Karma's death, and the deaths of hundreds seemed to slip Theo's mind.

He was wrong.

This wasn't just a bunch of ones and zeroes. No way in hell. The grass gently rubbing his feet, the crisp sound of the fireworks exploding, Han's laughter, Julia's soft hand covered by his own, the warm night air - it was real. They were people, real people he could understand and be himself with, who wouldn't mock him for the way he dressed or acted, or the places he had lived. They could be friends, like Joe and Vinny were his only friends in the real world.

Theo couldn't tell if he was deluding himself or not, but he didn't care. He simply enjoyed the moment.

Hans needed help getting back to the inn, and once Theo and Julia made sure he was safe, Theo went to his room. It was already 12 PM, and just like he expected, removing the rosary caused the disgust to well up once again. It took a great deal of willpower not to get sick - Theo simply laid down, turned off the light, and focused on the fun he had.

He only thought of performing Karma's and Paralyze's funerals when he was close to unconsciousness, and resigned himself to do so once he had received some money from tomorrows dungeon run.

Watch the fireworks with the gang
This guy okay?

Calling dibs on the token Mad Scientist!
Dirk Davidson

Health: 3000/3000
Mana: 1300/1300

Interactions: None
Location: Harbor (District C)

Theo was having arguably the most fun he ever had since he had first come into the game - The guild never really "hung out" as a group, and this was the first real time that Theo had the chance to simply relax and act like a normal kid his age. A large number of the stores in the city were closed for the day, just as the Inn wasn't offering food during the festival. It didn't make much of a difference, considering that there were countless stalls littering the city, mostly offering free goods like food and drink or small toys. Some stalls were selling weapons, from what Theo was able to see - he even saw one of his guild mates, Shiba, selling daggers to a few NPC women. Choosing to not distract his friend, Theo moved to a further location, closer to the harbor, buying the Solace Blade on the way.

The next few hours were spent with very little in the way of conflict - Hans seemed almost ready to get into a fight with one of the stall vendors who gave him a partly rotten caramel apple, but was calmed down when he was reminded that the food was free and there was no real harm done. The trio were sitting on a bench, which faced towards one of the fountains that were scattered throughout the city. They were eating kebabs with various roasted meats on them, which Theo had "Offered to pay for" - that joke had been a lot funnier in his head, and barely elicited a smirk from the pair. Still, Theo was happy to try something besides the Shepard Pie he was used to - he didn't get sick of the same food, but this was a special occasion, and it didn't hurt to change things up every now and then.

Or, at the very least, he'd have something to bring up whenever Julia complained about him only eating one thing.

The sun shown with a calm intensity, radiating the same heat and comfort of the sun beams that cats are so fond of sleeping in. It was almost easy for Theo to distract himself from his situation, and the hundreds of players who had already lost their lives in the game. The area they were sitting in was nearly devoid of players, mostly composed of NPCs - lines of code, that Theo could hardly believe weren't real. They were intelligent, or at least intelligent enough to hold opinions and articulate responses to specific questions. How did the programmers of Talrae get the processing power to create so many NPCs, all of whom possess this sentience?

Theo quickly shook his head. He needed to stop focusing on that - he simply needed to ignore his situation for once, and relax. This was what he had initially wanted when he started playing. A truly immersive experience, where he could be anyone except himself.

This thought was immediately eradicated as Theo read the guild message that Reylan had sent out.

"Legion of the Wolf. It pains me to say this but...Karma was murdered. I am not sure when, but this bastard named Valentine is responsible. His name tag is red, possibly black now, and if you see it anywhere...bring him in. We will find him and he WILL answer for his crime."

Theo felt cold - the same overwhelming pressure that had come over him when he realized the deaths of his other friends... Was friends to powerful of a word? Even though most of his guild mates were relative strangers, Theo couldn't help but feel an oppressive darkness surround the corners of his vision, and his stomach immediately begin to clench up.

The kebab, once emitting a delicious and succulent aroma, now was making Theo close to throwing up.

"H-hey, Theo, are you okay?"

Theo quickly snapped back to his senses, turning to see both Julia and Hans staring at him in a mix of concern and curiosity. It took Theo several seconds to respond.

"Of course I'm fine! This damn kebab is way too spicy - makes me feel like a damn dragon!"

Theo comically stuck out his tongue, fanning it in an over dramatic way, eliciting a laugh from Julia and a roll of the eyes from Hans.

"Told you to get mild, boy - It's better to have too few spices than to make your food inedible."

Theo laughed, scratching his head in an apologetic fashion as he did so.

Internally, it was a crushing blow. Karma was very close to Theo - they were the tank and the healer, the backbone of a successful raiding party. More than that, Karma was an acquaintance - a confidant in the incredible burden and responsibility that weighed on Theo's consciousness. He understood the weight of a human life - he had been responsible for saving at least one. And... other than Theo, he was the only one who came to Kajin's funeral.

Theo didn't let Hans or Julia know. Theo wouldn't be able to enjoy the festival in the slightest, but he would not ruin it for them, especially after dragging them out to celebrate. This was why he had done it, after all - he poured so many points into acting in order to act a certain way believably. The words of the GM quickly echoed in Theo's mind, and he was now unable to ignore them as well as he once could.

A double mask... very funny. Remove the masks and will you finally show your true face? Make your decision quickly, for in Talrae, you may find yourself being melded into your mask... permanently.

Theo would have grimaced, but he was unable to - his acting skill stopped him from revealing the discomfort he found in his companion's death. It served it's purpose - it was a mask, one that was far more appealing than the liar that hid behind it.

Buys Solace Blade (150 Renn Spent)
Extensional crisis/Philosophical BS (Yay!)
In Kakumei 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
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