Avatar of Duoya


Recent Statuses

4 mos ago
Current Graduation has happened - I am no longer a teacher. Won't have to work 12 hour days + weekends anymore, so maybe I'll actually have enough time for hobbies.
6 mos ago
I sound like a broken record, but only 2 months left till I'm done teaching. Not sure what's next, but it feels like anything would pay more and be less stressful lol
9 mos ago
Only 6 more months till the school years over. If I renew my contract, someone kill me lmao.
2 yrs ago
Teacher update: I feel like a villain from a cartoon. The laughter of teenagers gives me migraines, and I no longer feel guilt when giving bad grades to kids that sleep through my lessons.
2 yrs ago
First day as a Biology Teacher tomorrow - hopefully the kids will be able to read my handwriting.


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Will get a post out tomorrow - work has been pretty killer.

I cannot wait for the eventual healing/disease war. Just Nerplaguis going around infecting everyone and Hayim trying to save as many people as possible.

This is gonna be like the most f-ed up Wacky Races ever.

Some time had passed - whether it was a day or a year mattered not to Hayim. His perceptions of time were focused on the now, so gauging the past and future were difficult for him to accomplish. His best source for knowing the passage of time was what village he visited that day and, if he had been in a mood like the last few days, if he felt happy again. Luckily, the death of the tribe had not placed great strain on the childish God's psyche. Death was a difficult concept for one so connected with life - all he knew about it was that the dead would go to Azhriel, never to be seen again. He had tried on several occasions to convince the god to release his souls back to the living, allow the dead to regain a second chance. Of course, like all Divine attempts to claim the souls he reigns dominion over, all of Hayim's attempts had turned sour.

Today was the last day of Hayim's self-imposed silence. The passage of time had been unknown to Hayim, but two days had gone by while he dwelled within his meadows. Surrounding him were at least three dozen of his seedlings, who had already gone onto reproducing on their own. Hayim awoke from his stupor just in time to see one of them shove itself into the ever-fertile soil of the meadows. In a day, three more seedlings would sprout from the hole created by the first, the only thing remaining being an empty shell. Hayim, after producing at least half of the seedlings present, was noticeably tired.

Still, even at a reduced power, he'd surely be able to get rid of all the Mortals Hurties!

Wait- no time for that now! Hayim focused on what had awoken him from his slumber. Hundreds of animals, and at least a few thousand plants had all called out for help, running from some central point. Hayim was close to entering one of the nearby trees, only to realize that the other end of the portal had moved at least 500 feet from it's original position - the land was shifting, moving to run away from some force.

Once he noticed the force, Hayim immediately ceased his efforts to investigate and help the animal and plant-friends. While his siblings may have needed to get close to feel it, Hayim was a natural coward, and could feel the aura of fear simply from focusing on the location it was in. The last thing that he would do would be to investigate something so scary! The last time he had been that scared was when he tried to hang out with Oao, and that was nothing compared to the sensation crawling down his petals.

Instead of focusing on that, he looked to another entity - some black thing, clearly unnatural. It drew Hayim's gaze like a moth to a flame, almost as if it was trying to get the young God's attention. Hayim, unable to discern the specifics from within his realm, exited through one of the nearby trees - a small pod of Seedlings followed behind him. They clung to the branches he stood on with robotic bluntness, the six of them creating a truly loud racket.

Eventually giving up on stealth, Hayim approached the large, humanoid figure. It was hard to detect, but Hayim could tell - whatever it was, it wasn't always that way. Warped, perhaps? Unfortunately, Hayim lacked the intelligence needed to try and make some connection between the creature and any of his siblings - instead, he merely resigned to believing that it was horribly deformed. In it's claws, it clutched some small, paper object vaguely reminiscent to items from the more developed villages. The five seedlings stood unmoving behind their progenitor as he spoke.

"H...Hello Animal-Friend! Do you want to play?"

It was of little interest to the god - he would instead wait for the creature to act and, if it proved non hostile, attempt to cure it of it's deformities.
Interested, will make a character some time tomorrow. Prolly gonna go with a rogue.
Hayim would probably get pissy that the fear aura made all the "Animal-friends and Plant-friends" leave their homes, walk up to the edge of the aura, and then immediately turn around and run away while crying like a baby.

"Humans are such a disgusting race, like snakes they slither to and fro spewing venom in the form of lies, like rats they scurry around stealing scraps and not able to see the bigger picture."

(The office has really good reaction images)
Still need to format and add an appearance, but posting to show that I've been working on something!

@A Lowly Wretch
"Alright guys - the next domain is Nature!"

"Yay! Hayim love Flower-friends!"

He'd be ecstatic (though this isn't much different from how he usually is).
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