Avatar of Duoya


Recent Statuses

4 mos ago
Current Graduation has happened - I am no longer a teacher. Won't have to work 12 hour days + weekends anymore, so maybe I'll actually have enough time for hobbies.
6 mos ago
I sound like a broken record, but only 2 months left till I'm done teaching. Not sure what's next, but it feels like anything would pay more and be less stressful lol
9 mos ago
Only 6 more months till the school years over. If I renew my contract, someone kill me lmao.
2 yrs ago
Teacher update: I feel like a villain from a cartoon. The laughter of teenagers gives me migraines, and I no longer feel guilt when giving bad grades to kids that sleep through my lessons.
2 yrs ago
First day as a Biology Teacher tomorrow - hopefully the kids will be able to read my handwriting.


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Dennis made sure the grip he had on his shield was extra tight as he moved into the arrival area - as soon as they had gotten their bearings, the creatures began to jump from behind the foliage, charging the group as soon as they could. Naomi seemed the first to react, quickly casting a spell in the area around them before moving directly behind Tower with inhuman speed (another spell, of course), and ending up right next to River. Tower maneuvered himself to stand between them and the surrounding Wargs.

Cecilia was quick to follow in the assault, making great use of her high agility - she proceeded to pull the strongest monster, the trainer, towards the rest of the group. She then launched over the trainer which, in combination with the damage that River had done, made the Trainer look far weaker than it had before. Not wanting to risk anything, however, Tower was quick to cast Radiating Challenge on the Trainer, making sure the strongest enemy would only attack him.

Not wanting to burn through his remaining mana too quickly, Dennis then used Mass Aggravate, still doing his best to cover the two magic users behind him. He then called out to the pair.

"Try putting yourselves against a big tree, I'll follow. Guys! I got the Goblin after me, so take him down first and don't worry about Aggro!"

Stand between the Enemies and River/Willow
Radiating Challenge on the Goblin Warg Trainer
Mass Aggravate on everyone else.
@A Lowly Wretch

Higher and higher, Hayim was thrust into the air by the friendly human (or was he a plant-friend now?). As he rose, faster than the health god had ever moved in his long life, the growing presence of his siblings could be clearly seen. Dragons flew through the air, the three serpents of Drakairós being the most easily seen thanks to their large size and glowing radiance. Fire and ice slammed into the leaves of the constantly growing tree, rendered into more leaves and bark from which to grow - at best it left a burn or a bit of frost for a few seconds.

Hayim was lucky that they seemed more focused on the upper portion of the tree, allowing him to focus on moving up with his ally. He'd have to think of something quick, or else the dragons would accidentally slaughter the animals and humans that were turned into vegetation below. Or worse, they would intentionally slaughter them.

Just as Hayim was thinking of pouring some of his essences into the tree-man, helping him boost himself higher, Hayim was slammed onto the nearest branch. Grappling the bark with his ungainly limbs to prevent falling hundreds or even thousands of feet, Hayim watched as the tree was slowly left behind in the spire's growth.

"Go now. Go and... Free our people... Tame the tree."

"Thank you Humie! Hayim promise you - I'll save everyone!"

'I?' Weird, Hayim usually didn't speak like that - that level of self-awareness was typically restricted from him. Considering his current predicament, Hayim didn't pay it too much mind. Instead, he crawled along the wide branch, eventually moving to a walking pace as the branch continued to widen and guarantee he wouldn't fall.

As soon as this safety was guaranteed, Hayim began to run as fast as his boosted limbs would carry him - the light, the damn radiance that caused all the problems here, was growing further by the second. The light was posing an issue to his other siblings - the fear they had for their own bodies prevented them from coming close. Understandable, since the closer they got, the more they slowed and weakened. But for Hayim, it was the total opposite - his limbs were heavier, but they were boosting attributes he already had as a plant. Grappling forwards with eight limbs, each wider than all of his previous limbs put togethor, Hayim was making rapid progress towards the light.

But as he grew closer, the desire driving him towards the light so fervently seemed to... weaken? No... it'd be more apt to say that it dulled. Why run so much and try so hard to do something, when he could simply take a break, rest? The sun was beautiful today, and Hayim was feeling somewhat parched...

No! Why was Hayim thinking like this?! For one, there was no sun out - a storm overhead was a dark grey, and from Hayim's position, the sun was impossible to make out behind the clouds. He shook his head, a new addition to his growing body, and continued throwing himself forwards, occasionally teetering somewhat on his new limbs. He'd make it to that damn light, even if it meant falling off the tree when he was done.
Will get a post out tomorrow.

George kept a firm hand on his mule's reins - the last thing he wanted to do was cause an uproar or some kind of commotion with the envoys, in case one of them broke from their harness. The city of Flemont couldn't be seen from their distance, but George was well aware of their proximity - if they were ordered to, it would take less than a day to be upon them. George really didn't like thinking about that kind of stuff though. The killing was something he disliked greatly, and if he could, he usually ran from a confrontation or tried to deal non-lethal blows.

Besides, the chances that they would attack today were pretty much impossible. They had gone over planning, but George felt fairly confident that they were not close to being done with a concrete execution of it. The envoy was inside of Aria's tent and, in his usual distaste for the high-stress environment, George chose to remain outside with the mules. If he had time, he'd recheck their food and water supplies, maybe polish his armor and maintain his weapon if he had time. Work was a far preferable alternative to lazing about, in his opinion.

Unpacking some provisions for the mules, George gave Cocoa and Gus their feed and some of the water. Maybe he could take one them down to the creek he saw on the march over to the campsite in order to replenish the water supplies? Being responsible for the food and water was his main goal since he was the one who carried the most of it, and he really wanted to serve something special tonight. If only he was a hunter - then they wouldn't need to stop at cities to replenish their supplies nearly as much.

Rising from his seat, George grabbed the harness that was connected to Gus' bridle, shifting it to a leash instead. He then gripped the saddle and saddlebags, before throwing them over the Mule's body and fastening them. It only took grabbing several empty water skins and canteens before George was on his way, gently leading the apathetic mule towards the nearby water source. At most, it'd take an hour walk there and back - plenty of time to prepare for tomorrow and cook a good dinner.

It was good to help people. Or, more specifically, it was good to not make random girls he barely knew cry. Haruma rarely ate out anyways, but having more coupons was never a problem if he wanted to save a buck and he was in a tight situation. Haruma took the card with her contact information, putting it into his pocket and being careful to remember it later in the day.

By the time he had opened his eyes, he had already taken out another card and handed it to the representative, extending the pen out as well. Haruma nearly yanked it away, but the man grabbed it and began to write before he was able to pull away. Haruma was so distracted with handling the girl situation that he accidentally did something disrespectful to the man who represented the company that Haruma planned to invest in.

"O-oh, wa-"

"I would prefer to use email. The role given to me is to liaise with any potential investors. As I was about to say earlier, I can direct you to the brokers and give any information within reason."

Haruma took back his card shamefully, increasingly aware of the fact that he still had the representative's business card from earlier in his jacket pocket. He nodded briefly, his face a bright pink as he spoke.

"I-I would appreciate that greatly, sir."

Internally, Haruma mulled over this incident carefully, thinking of the fastest way to do what he needed and get out. He hadn't been this embarrassed since he once fell into a dumpster searching for anything valuable... Hopefully, the girl wouldn't blab about this to the rest of the school. The last thing he needed was his clientele hearing about how he lost his cool.
Dennis LaMotte, like many of the players standing around the Guild meeting, was writing on a piece of parchment and carefully recording anything that was said. Thankfully, acting as the occasional secretary for the student government at his old high school had helped him immensely with shorthand and note taking... If only his handwriting wasn't so atrocious. The pen etched across the parchment's surface, only pausing the stream of cursive when he needed to dab the tool in the inkwell sitting at the table.

Nearly 300 people had died.

Dennis had come to this fact a while ago, but it was always a surprise to see that in the newsletter. And, like always, it shook Dennis to the core. 300 lives pointlessly thrown away in some game, something that was supposed to be a fun pass time. He could have spent the last few weeks helping at the soup kitchen, maybe helping the various clubs on his campus with cleanup and maintenance - instead, he was watching dozens of strangers die every day. For a while, before he found his friends, Dennis was much more traumatized by the constant death - he was one of those who spent the first day freaking out and running around.

He was better now.

Dennis looked sternly at Datalink 66 throughout most of the meeting - they always were in his ire, and the only reason he owned a subscription to them was so he could tell anyone he met the news that was shared in the letter. The fact that they refused to share information for free was despicable considering this was life and death, but Dennis was just glad that even they weren't willing to stoop so low as to charge for info on the floor dungeon. When a scroll was placed in Dennis' hands he was almost shocked into making a sound.

Of course, the Astral Blade did it - unlike Datalink 66, they were actually kind and sought to guarantee survival. That was the smart thing in this situation, and Dennis couldn't help but admire them everytime they made an appearance. If he hadn't found his friends, there wasn't a doubt in his mind that Dennis would have joined them. Placing the scroll, parchment, pen, and inkwell into his inventory, Dennis leaned further back in his chair.

The fact that there was an item that could spawn an infinite number of monsters was very interesting - it would make an invaluable farming tool, especially if a line of tanks could block off a small area for AoE spellcasters.

Well... Dennis wasn't really a big fan of video games - hell, the only real hobby he had outside of his charity work was his avid weightlifting. If these guys didn't think it was a good idea, then it probably wasn't. Instead, he turned to the rest of his guild and spoke quietly so as not to annoy anyone, not in their guild.

"Thanks for placing your trust in me, Naomi - I'll work hard to be the best... meatshield? Oh, um, for when we get into the dungeon, could we stop after every fight or two to heal up and replenish mana? I'm not sure if I'm used to being a tank, but it seems like a lot of these aggro-thingies take a lot of mana."

Several seconds passed before Dennis spoke again.

"Wait, wait - I also got this Living Wall thing, it's super cool. I can just step in front of one of you guys and take the hit if one is coming at you. So if you guys are low on HP, stay near Naomi so she can heal you like she said, and I can protect you guys."

Beyond knowing that the Tank was supposed to take the hits, and the healer kept people alive, Dennis' knowledge on MMO's was pretty limited. So, he just stuck to knowing what he did about his class abilities and hoping that the Aura of Confidence applied out of battle.

The last thing that was needed in this game was more negative emotions.
@A Lowly Wretch

From the stone's throw of a distance that Hayim stood, he was eerily aware of the changes his body was going under - limbs growing thicker, size increasing, and the multiplication of his petals. The sensations that were once unknown to the God - vibrations, texture, complex touch, now they arrived in bursts that only grew in intensity as the minutes passed by. Hayim paid these changes little mind, however, as his attention was devoted entirely to the black spire that seemed to grow even more quickly than Hayim. Bark surrounded it, twisting and contorting to form a protective sheath around the abomination that disfigured the animal-friends and the Humies. A brief thought flashed in Hayim's mind - he had heard of a fairy tale similar to this, in one of the hundreds of villages he had visited.

But that was decades ago. And decades for a God like Hayim were simply too large to remember.

"Wh... Who are you?"

Turning swiftly, Hayim was shocked to find that the Humies weren't totally decimated - standing before him was a massive tree, but of inconsequential stature when compared to what the spire had become. His figure was one of twisted fashion, branches extending out like limbs before fading into long, mangled fingers, and a face distorted beyond recognition.

"Hayim! I'm Hayim!" The man seemed uncaring, or at the very least unphased by the claims.

"It matters not... I know not what I've become or how but it's clear your feet are free, unlike mine. Whether or not you can fix all this I do not know... Seeing as you haven't ran like those more fortunate than I. You clearly have your aims set upon this... fountain of light. I can get you to the top where the tree opens up for the lights... I must implore you, if it is within your ability... Please disentangle my tribe from the tree... Many rest upon the tree's face but I fear some may have been pulled inside of it... If they remain I fear they may never see the light of day nor the escape of death."

The massive branch was lowered to Hayim's level and, with a speed that his new body and extra limbs afforded him, Hayim leaped on.

"Hayim promise to save Humies! Hayim loves Humies more than anything else, so Hayim do anything to help them!"

There it was again - that damn lack of fear. Hayim knew, even with his childish intellect, that he should have been terrified beyond measure. His body, one which had remained static over the long decades and centuries, was mutating and twisting before his very eyes. While having a stronger body was nice for once, Hayim could tell that whatever was corrupting him was not good.

But even with the very real possibility that he'd lose himself, just like the Humans and Animals, Hayim allowed himself to be lifted to the light.
Whoops, sorry - wasn't sure if you forgot or not.
Sorry for taking a bit, post will be up by tomorrow.
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