Avatar of Duoya


Recent Statuses

3 mos ago
Current Graduation has happened - I am no longer a teacher. Won't have to work 12 hour days + weekends anymore, so maybe I'll actually have enough time for hobbies.
6 mos ago
I sound like a broken record, but only 2 months left till I'm done teaching. Not sure what's next, but it feels like anything would pay more and be less stressful lol
9 mos ago
Only 6 more months till the school years over. If I renew my contract, someone kill me lmao.
2 yrs ago
Teacher update: I feel like a villain from a cartoon. The laughter of teenagers gives me migraines, and I no longer feel guilt when giving bad grades to kids that sleep through my lessons.
2 yrs ago
First day as a Biology Teacher tomorrow - hopefully the kids will be able to read my handwriting.


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Definitely Interested, if there's still room! I don't have a preference for Servant classes, so I can take whatever's leftover or just play a Master if this gets a ton of players.
Interested, if this isn't already filled up!
Very interested if there's still room, SoL is almost always awesome. I plan on playing a Mouse or Tanuki, or maybe a Rat if the setting is in America.

Luckily, the guy she was talking to seemed willing to at least humor Rich. That was good - at worst, she'd have someone to bounce ideas off of, and at best, she could actually make this trip into something worth her time instead of an excuse to escape classes. When he inquired what the pair should do, she paused and thought about it. Really, she was expecting him to have something in mind, but asking would be kind of awkward, especially if he didn't have anything he wanted to do...

When Rich realized she was silent for nearly 8 seconds, she laughed very loudly. It was somewhat of a nervous tic she had, but she didn't find it too debilitating in her daily life. Not to mention, it bought her enough time to think of a good plan of action!

"I'm glad you ask, my newfound ally! I am as of yet undecided - Would you prefer to prank some people, or look for something to eat?

Rich thought about it for another few seconds, before her energetic disposition fled.

"Honestly though, anything is better than looking at this ancient stuff..."

Really, at this point, Rich was starting to get a little upset with herself. In her haste to leave her house in the morning, she didn't bring anything with her to even attempt to sell to her classmates, so her chances to make any real profit from this trip were basically nonexistent.

Can't wait for this to start up! Really excited, I don't think I've ever written in a Soul eater RP before.
Sorry for the wait - classes are just starting up where I'm at so things are a little hectic and I haven't had time to work on this guy. It's pretty late when I'm finishing this, so let me know if anything needs to be changed.

@Lunarlord34 and @CelesteEste
Just got back from getting dinner - You can totally have that Meister spot if you want it Lunarlord, I was only making a Meister because I thought we were missing some. I have a good character planned for Meister or Weapon, so it doesn't matter to me.

The gemstones that Rich had checked into were significantly less interesting than she initially assumed. Sure, they were really pretty, and she could definitely see the value in having one... But in the end, they were still stuck behind glass containers. It wasn't the same as holding it, but Rich knew it was obvious that the gems would be behind at least some kind of protection. The thought of using her special ability crossed her mind, but she immediately disregarded the idea. It wouldn't be worth the trouble, especially when selling the stolen gem would be nearly impossible. After another few minutes of looking at the gemstones, she finally grew bored and decided to look elsewhere in the museum.

Even if everywhere else wasn't as interesting, at least walking could help distract her from the trip. She only really decided to come because she wanted to avoid some of the other students at school. She couldn't even try selling anything to anybody - not when the gift shop had that area cornered... and the fact that security would probably escort her away.

Dinosaurs, Mummies, Neanderthals - none of them struck any chords with Rich. Sure, they were interesting at a glance, but Rich preferred things with more tangible existences. The gems still existed, and compared to a fossilized skeleton, were much easier to identify as valuable and sell. Extinct animals and plants meant nothing to her.

As Rich explored the massive museum, the thought of taking notes for the inevitable quiz - another student on the trip said that it was likely, and Rich didn't doubt that. Still, without a syllabus or checklist of things to look at, Rich honestly didn't feel like even trying to study. If it meant spending the entire trip reading pointless pieces of trivia, it probably wasn't worth it.

She passed a few other students, but she only decided to interact with the guy looking at a small toy on display. She wasn't interested in the attraction in the slightest - no, the young man was what Rich was looking at. Honestly, Rich barely knew the guy, but compared to the occasional student she passed by, this was the one with the most personality. Well, Rich was basing that solely off of the fact that he was listening to a Walkman, but at the very least he might be a good way to kill a few hours. She got within his sight and motioned for the man to remove his headphones.

"Pretty lame museum, huh? Wanna help me find something cool to do, chief?"

It was pretty boring in the Museum, but Rich felt that it would be at least tolerable with someone else there. She always felt more comfortable in a pair.
Oops, sorry for causing worry - have been busy the last few weeks with a few winter classes. I’ll try getting a post out in the next few days.

Edit: about halfway through my next post, should be up by Monday.
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