Avatar of Duoya


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3 mos ago
Current Graduation has happened - I am no longer a teacher. Won't have to work 12 hour days + weekends anymore, so maybe I'll actually have enough time for hobbies.
5 mos ago
I sound like a broken record, but only 2 months left till I'm done teaching. Not sure what's next, but it feels like anything would pay more and be less stressful lol
8 mos ago
Only 6 more months till the school years over. If I renew my contract, someone kill me lmao.
2 yrs ago
Teacher update: I feel like a villain from a cartoon. The laughter of teenagers gives me migraines, and I no longer feel guilt when giving bad grades to kids that sleep through my lessons.
2 yrs ago
First day as a Biology Teacher tomorrow - hopefully the kids will be able to read my handwriting.


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The girl, Ethos, laughed as Ethan finished speaking.

"I dare you to fucking try me."

Shoot her in the throat with your crossbow, even if you miss you can lunge with knife or smash her head in with-

Ethan shrugged his shoulders, not bothering to respond to the other Ward. He expected some pushback from the little display he did, but not that much direct hostility. Guess she has some emotional hangups. Probably like everyone here...

Everyone in this room had gone through a Trigger Event at some point, and if it was anything like what Ethan went through for his, then every kid in this room needed some serious therapy. He tried keeping that in mind, hoping it would help him cut the others some slack when they didn't use a coaster or some other inane shit that would piss him the fuck off.

“Shit, that sucks.”

Ethan was knocked out of his internal monologue, turning to face the girl in the body armor. She quickly elaborated, sounding apologetic as she did so.

“Sorry! I mean, it seems like a useful power, both for the obvious and because pointing out our weak points means we know what to work on. It’s just… no, that sucks. It sounds like a lot to deal with, all the time.”

A few tense seconds passed before Ethan let out a light chuckle, a stark contrast with his demeanor this entire meeting thus far. He seemed a little less tense, shoulders slumping slightly as he spoke.

"You're right, it fucking blows."

At least one person here could kind of get it. Ethan wondered how long she'd be able to hold onto that sympathy - it was only a matter of time before he snapped at her, and she didn't seem like the type that would take it lying down.

The girl, Hornet, introduced herself and gave the briefest of comments on her power. Nothing for him to work off of, but teleporting was always useful.

Another Ward, the boy who had a similar outfit as Ethan, was next. They boy introduced himself as Richter, and decided to give a demonstration of his power rather than a direct explanation. He held the coin that he had been playing with most of the meeting, and promptly caused it to disintegrate.

...Well, that explains why his power didn't recommend he get close to the kid. Some kind of disintegration ability? No. Vibration Manipulation. Don't let him touch you, he'll find your resonance frequency and turn you into a puddle. Trigger a fight between him and Ethos, worst case scenario one is seriously-

So he's one of the heavier hitters on the team. Between him, Shattercrash, and Hornet, the team could probably compensate for having so many non-offensive capes. The thought of throwing a smartass comment about how descriptive Richter was crossed Ethan's mind, but he decided against it. For some reason, annoying the guy that could disintegrate shit didn't seem like the smartest idea.

The tinker-looking girl seemed to skip introductions - must have had her cards close to her chest?

... Attack fast before she can react... Crossbow? Sneak behind and stab in the back of the neck...

Ethan frowned, shaking his head a little bit. At first he appreciated his power not really working too well on the girl, but when he actually wanted some information, the delayed and imprecise responses were a little annoying. Thankfully, Shattercrash's introduction quickly drew Ethan's attention, as she flicked a blast of violet energy into the nearest wall. Thankfully, the tinkertech material the wall was composed of did its job, and Ethan didn't even sway on his feet as he felt the vibrations echo through the floor.

Kinetic energy manipulation sounded strong on paper, and based on the few pieces of information he knew on Shattercrash from the news, Ethan could tell that she was experienced and her power was strong. But the complete lack of subtlety was definitely gonna be an issue in the future, he didn't even need to use his powe to figure that one out...

Grandmaster answered his phone and was making his way out the door within seconds, leaving Axiom to take over the rest of the meeting.

”Any questions?”

Ethan had a lot of questions - 'Do we get to pick our babysitter hero' and 'Does the health insurance cover getting brained by a lead pipe' were some of the big ones.

"How many hours are we working on average? Dad wants to make sure I get caught up at the new school you guys set me up with." Ethan paused for a few seconds before adding; "You guys probably already covered it, but I didn't read the documents that much. The weird margin spacing and small font kept fucking me up."

He'd save some of the questions about pay and benefits for later, but this one was pretty important and would at least fill the silence.

"Power dampeners are a little hit-or-miss on if they work. They're hard to find, and harder to apply to one person in particular. I'll ask around, I know a tinker or two who can try and work something out. But I can't promise anything right now,"

Ethan grit his teeth in annoyance. Of course it wouldn't be that easy - if it was, why aren't all the villains slapped with power dampeners the second they're arrested?

"Fine, whatever. But try and talk to them as soon as you can, got it?"

Abrasive, demanding - you're being an asshole. Keep it up an-


From someone as socially obtuse as Ethan, that was about as pleasant as you could ask for. Grandmaster's commentary was a bit annoying, but Ethan felt that most Thinkers would feel that way when someone was a step ahead of them.

Axiom removed her helmet, before having a heart-to-heart and reassuring the Wards. Her words did little to assuage Ethan's anxieties - he could see the platitudes and falsehoods, the little cracks whether known or unknown, the fact that it wasn't guaranteed they would make it to 18, let alone graduate to the Protectorate.

But of the Heroes present, Axiom was probably the one whose attempt at comforting the youths was the least aggravating.

"Trained to do what exactly? Feds never gave me anything I didn't already know how to do. What exactly are we all workin' with here? What powers do we all have around here?"

Ethan smirked. He actually found the training to be pretty helpful - over the last few weeks he got workout routine and dietary advice, experienced some basic close-quarter combat, and most importantly received first aid training. His power allowed him to make a lot faster progress than almost all of the other Wards in that regard, and while still a novice, he felt confident in his ability to stop someone from bleeding out.

Ethan would have brought that up and tried making Shattercrash feel like a dumbass, but he was thankful she brought up the power question, so he let it slide. He was planning on broaching the subject after the meeting with each member, but this was a lot more convenient.

The first to respond was the clone girl, one of her bodies speaking up. The fact she had multiple bodies was obvious enough, but her storage ability was unexpected. Some kind of pocket dimension? It was a great power for shoplifting and general thievery, especially if she could create clones through walls or barriers...

Thick barriers are a good counter - her items displace objects when drawn out of her storage space, allowing her to bypass locks and damage objects, but this doesn't matter if a large enough barrier impedes her. Avoid direct combat, has dangerous weapons within her storage that could prove lethal in close quarters. Clones must maintain a set distance from one another, area of effect attacks should prove use-

Enough of that. Ethan grabbed a handful of the candy that the girl offered, shoving it into one of his many pockets absentmindedly. He couldn't eat any with his mask, and he sure as hell wasn't gonna be the first ward to take his mask off. He cringed as the massive canine-bird changer grabbed one of the candies that was offered, some kind of taffy or gum, shuffling about nervously and carefully placing the sweet in his mouth. He almost immediately relaxed, his form shrinking slightly and fur evening out.

Clearly had some kind of effect on him, maybe his power was reliant on his mood? Positive emotions weakening him? Could be useful, give him a false sense of security and then slit his throat, he might bleed out fast befo-

The guy bowed and profusely thanked the clone girl for the sweets. The entire interaction lit him up like a Christmas tree to Ethan's power, and the boy's discomfort was clear despite the full body covering his costume provided.

"Jesus fucking christ, this guy..."

Ethan muttered under his breath as he glowered at the Changer until another girl, the blond one in the dress, decided to introduce her power next - thankfully providing a distraction. She revealed that she was the Master who warranted the creation of the earpieces. He could have guessed that, considering his power was practically screaming at him to stop her from speaking at all costs... Masters were always a hot topic on the news - Ethan wasn't a big cape geek, and even he could recount incidents of Masters forming cults or trying to rig elections across the globe. At least this girl had the decency to give some warning about her powers, so she could be worse.

And having a tinker-made device that rendered Ethan immune to her was some insurance. He wasn't sure how his power interacted with Master abilities like that, but Ethan felt confident it would provide at least some protection - at least enough to last the meeting, and let him put his earpiece on in private.

The Changer decided to take initiative and go next, and Ethan was already biting his cheek to stop from verbally lashing out at the stuttering wreck. He couldn't speak for an entire sentence without pausing or inserting an 'um' or 'ah', and he kept glancing at everyone in the room as he spoke like some kind of prey animal.

One of the only good things about him was that his desire for approval pushed him to share far more about his power than the other two - enhanced strength and durability, flight, silent movement, improved senses, and natural weapons in the form of talons. That, alongside what Ethan's power could pick out (-form grows stronger the more anxious he is, calm him down and then go for the kill. Bash his knees in, his bones are hollow and will give way with a good wack from a club or tire iron. Grab the nearest chair, that can work if you hit him in the right s-) gave him a more detailed understanding of the Changer's power than any of the other wards present.

Didn't make up for the constant stuttering, the hunched posture, the little neck turn thing he was trying to show off, and all the other little minor annoyances that meant nothing but still pissed Ethan the fuck off. As soon as he finished and awkwardly shuffled off behind the blond girl, Ethan couldn't help himself.

"Keep practicing, I'm sure you'll be able to do the neck thing eventually. Will definitely come in handy against guys like Necrophage and Sundown."

Not missing a beat, Ethan took a small step forwards and continued speaking, his tone immediately shifting from sarcastic to nonchalant and uncaring.

"Keystone. Thinker. Hypersensitivity to flaws and vulnerabilities in systems. I know the best ways to break things, literally or metaphorically. I can crack most locks and passwords within seconds, bash a guy in the face with a bottle just the right way so the shards blind him, and can emotionally abuse someone into the fetal position if I get long enough to read them."

He pointed a finger at the girl in the black catsuit and dress with the ponytail. "I shouldn't get close enough for you to touch me, but other than that you're just a normal person - pepper spray you, throw a knife, anything to keep distance and keep others away from you. Definite Striker vibes, maybe Master or Trump ratings too?"

Not a trump, Striker/Master. Shoot her in the neck with your crossbow-

Ethan's finger moved to the changer, rising a few inches until it was pointing at his chest. "Your bones are hollow, so I hope you don't fly into any buildings. And avoid dudes with baseball bats or lead pipes."

And avoid me if you keep being a neurotic mess...

"The first four digits of the admin computer account password is 4I82, the tinkertech material the walls are made of are great at absorbing kinetic energy but can be fucked up with rapid heating and cooling, and if I was suddenly bleeding out-" Ethan drew a knife and quickly pressed it against his own throat, pausing for a few seconds as he observed the reactions of the crowd. "...At least three people here would have the first aid training necessary to attempt to save me, and the clone girl already has a first aid kit on hand. You win points for being prepared."

Ethan smirked a little beneath his mask as he flashed a thumbs up in the girls direction. He could do this all day, but he had probably burned more bridges than he wanted to already with that - people didn't really like getting their flaws pointed out, even if he avoided the emotional and personal shit.

"I don't get Thinker headaches, but seeing a lot of this shit without pointing it out or attacking it really pisses me off. Can't turn my power off either, so if me knowing your computer password or emotional baggage creeps you out or you have a lot of shit going on around you that aggravates me, we should keep interactions to a minimum."

Ethan stepped off to the side, not bothering with any other pleasantries now that he finished introducing himself. Even with the mask covering his face, his body language was notably more positive - clearly the chance to talk about brutally assaulting his fellow Wards had helped ease his mood.

"There are exactly nine of you. Have some faith, Keystone. You will find that your teammates aren't as inept as you think,"

"Nine!? Jesus, did you guys drive to the local high school for crime fighters or something!? Offer puppies and bikes as a sign-on bonus? I mean c'mon, before getting nearly a dozen cape kids, shouldn't you guys be replenishing-"


Ethan stopped in his tracks, a cold insight brought on by his power. To him it was stupid, hiring nearly double the number of capes in the Bridgewater Protectorate to join the kiddy team. But Ethan knew when to pick his battles, and bringing up the dead teammates of one of the most dangerous capes in the city was a pretty stupid move. A tense few seconds passed before Ethan backed off, the light from his eye lenses dipping a few centimeters as he tilted his head down.

"...My bad. You're right, they've probably been drilled for this or have experience. Shouldn't judge a book by its title or whatever..."


Several more Wards entered the room, each a few minutes later than the last. Normally Ethan might have been a bit annoyed at the lack of adherence to deadlines, but anything to distract him from the scene he just caused was more than welcome. He needed to watch himself a lot more carefully here, especially considering the room was filling with people who could kill by looking at him the wrong way or something.

The first brat was freakishly tall, draped in massive wings and black feathers. A changer of some kind, or at the very least a Case 53. The guy looked like a crow and a fox had a bipedal mothman baby, with green scales near the end of his limbs. He was slouched and anxious-looking, and still dwarfed everyone in the room. One of the more intimidating figures at first glance, giving Ethan a bit of pause... but as soon as the boy finished introducing himself, he immediately lunged for the nearest sofa, and curled into as tight of a ball as he could manage.

Hollow bones to reduce weight during flight, snap his arms and legs with well-placed kicks to the joints before going in with a hammer. Call him a failure, he's feeling inadequate joining the wards and his self-confidence can be tanked even further. Desperate for any social connections, especially with peers - sabotage him, degrade him, ruin his connections, he will break down, then cave his skull in with a rock and-

Ethan physically had to turn and look in another direction, a look of disgust hidden under his mask.

Jesus fucking Christ, this kid needs therapy. Er, well, more than everyone else here, at least.

Landon was a ball of neuroses, and despite having a brute rating, had physical vulnerabilities that could easily be exploited - all things that lit him up like a Christmas tree to Ethan's power. If he wasn't trying to have good behavior, Ethan probably would have lashed out then and there. Whatever respite Jen gave his OCPD, Landon more than made up for it.

He's scared of you. Use it - stare at him the whole meeting, don't let-

Thankfully, another Ward entered only a minute later, giving Ethan something else to shift his focus onto. A blonde girl, tall and a little older than Ethan himself. Her costume was much more 'formal' than Ethan expected, a white dress with gold highlights, with a white mask made of some kind of paper-mache or plaster. She didn't look half bad, though while the aesthetics of her design were appealing, the lack of practicality threw Ethan off.

Inexperienced in costume, trip her up quickly and slice her throat before she can speak. Pepper spray in the eyes, mouth, and sinuses can also serve as a distraction, give you time to cover your ears. Takes solace in her religion, can really get under her skin-

This was getting annoying - Ethan was starting to remember why he disliked parahumans even more than normal people. It was this kind of shit nonstop... He sighed, resorting to the breathing exercises the Bridgewater PRT Therapist told him about.

It helped a bit, but that was probably more a result of closing his eyes and shutting out the disturbances. He could hear the two new arrivals talk to one another briefly, presumably trying to break the ice and fill the silence.

God it would be so easy. 'Turds of a feather drop together', maybe throw in a Jesus quip for bible thumper over there.

He stayed like that, breathing and ignoring the chatter that was spreading throughout the room. A few more Wards came in - two girls, one in thick yellow-black armor and the other in a simple black bodysuit. Ethan managed to focus on the tiles on the floor and the ventilation system before his power got too into the nitty-gritty with those two, and Ethan allowed himself a small smirk of satisfaction at that. When three more girls who looked and dressed identically came in, Ethan's smirk quickly disappeared.

She looked vaguely familiar - probably on the news at one point or another, but Ethan wasn't into the cape scene enough to recognize her. Hopefully, that was one of the 'hivemind' kind of cloners, and not the 'throw a bunch of flailing bodies at the bad guy' kind.

Eventually, Grandmaster and Axiom began to talk amongst one another, presumably about the missing 9th Ward member. It didn't last long though, and Axiom quickly manifested several cases of tinkertech origin, containing earpieces. Ethan was one of the first to snatch his from the table, already looking over the device and muttering to himself while Axiom spoke.

"Casing is hard enough, and I don't see any cracks into the wiring... probably observes brain waves rather than neural connections, and I'm guessing bone conduction and vibrations to clear deviated thought patterns? No fucking clue... How would it work against something like that super-LSD Chemtrail made a few months bac-"

Before he could continue muttering to himself like an idiot (or speak louder and get talked down to by the actual Tinker around here), the door to the room slammed open with a crash. A knife was already in Ethan's hand by the time he turned around, raised to chest height as he shook with adrenaline.

Embarrassing. It was just the last ward, looking to make an entrance/disturbance. Thankfully the annoying boy's scream was enough to conceal Ethan's surprise, and he quickly sheathed the knife. He wasn't a cape geek like a lot of the kids at his school, but even he knew who Shattercrash was.

At least Ethan wasn't the only bad kid on the team. That was a plus.

Poison and sneak attacks works best, don't attack with blunt force and avoid melee combat as much as possible. Grenades? Not an option, pepper spray and a lighter can work as a sudden distraction. Overconfident with her experience, play into it a-

"Hmph, quite the entrance. Must have been a nice catch for you guys, isn't this the chick that made the Protectorate look bad for, like, a year? Two? Pretty crazy. How come Miss Breaking and Entering here-"

Temper, instigate a fight with authority so she gets humiliated in front of everyone. Complex about joining the team of her old friends, tell her how she should be bloody ashamed after everything Karnstein did-

Ethan bit his tongue before continuing, backing off. He didn't look into the gore pics about the Karnstein incident, but shitting on dead loved ones wasn't something he usually did. A bit too close for comfort.

And he didn't want to get his chest caved in today. Ethan shook his head, turning to the protectorate heroes and shaking the small earpiece case.

"Whatever, not important. Axiom, can I put in a request for power dampeners too, or is that a privilege after a month or two of baby's first drug bust or whatever we're doing?"

Pierce Residence, 6:54 AM
June 19th, 2021

Sunlight beamed in from the kitchen window, the only source of light in the dreary room. Ethan grabbed another egg from the nearby carton, cracking and pouring the contents into the pan with a single fluid motion. He grimaced a bit as the oil from the pan splashed, stinging his arm.

High temperatures, can cause first degree burns with extended exposure. Handle is loose, will detach with enough force and/or when swung at a 60 degree angle. High in cholesterol and saturated fats, this meal can contribute to high blood pressure and heart disease.

Ethan sighed as he continued cooking, turning the temperature on the stove top higher as the information from his power flowed in. The meal wasn't the healthiest, but right now his dad needed comfort food.

Eventually Ethan's power signaled that any more cooking could burn the food, and he slid the eggs and bacon onto a plate. Ever since the incident, he had taken over the cooking in the house - and while he wasn't the best at it, his power and the last few weeks of practice has made a massive improvement.

Ethan grabbed a fork and knife before going upstairs, stopping at the door to the master bedroom. He knocked twice. Paused.

No response.

That scared him the first few times, but he had gotten used to it over the last two weeks. Ethan walked into the dark bedroom, maneuvering past the bundled piles of dirty clothes and bags of trash. His father was laying on the bed pretending to be asleep, some wildlife documentary playing on the TV. Ethan gently placed the plate down on the bedside table as he spoke.

"Morning dad. Made your favorite - eggs and turkey bacon. Breakfast of Champions."

Exposed jugular, slicing his carotid with the knife will result in death by blood loss within 10 seconds. Depressed. Holding it together for his son, say you hate him and he can be pushed-

"I know you're probably tired, so I'll just leave it on the table for you, okay?"

Ethan turns around and begins making his way out of the room.

Focus on something else, anything else. He's fine, don't worry, everything will turn out okay. Just get out of here. Don't break down. Don't let him know that you know how bad things are.

Ethan stopped at the door, resting his hand against the frame as he spoke.

"I'm headed to meet with the other Wards, so I left your lunch in the fridge. I'll try putting myself out there a bit, maybe make some friends - order a pizza or some Chinese if I'm not back for dinner... I, uh... I love you, dad. Just want to make sure you know that."

The man didn't stir from the bed, and Ethan closed the door behind him.

He stood there for a dozen or so seconds before he heard the creaking of the bed, and the clinking of the knife and fork on the plate as his father ate. Ethan smiled a bit to himself, before grabbing the duffelbag with his costume and heading out for work.

Protectorate HQ, 8:42 AM
June 19th, 2021

Ethan bristled under his costume, thick cloak wrapped around himself as he walked down the hall. The costume took a lot of time to design and still didn't match his specifications. The name wasn't his first choice, all of his coworkers were going to be traumatized teenagers that would probably be as annoying as the kids at his old school, and the less said about the douchebag PR department the better. This hero gig would have been an instant rejection if the protectorate wasn't Ethan's best shot at getting these powers under control.

The only upside was the paycheck and the new school. Fuck saving people, making six figures before he could legally drive was the real reason he was playing dress up.

The security checkpoints were a nightmare for someone like him - when he saw one guard walk past the gate without going through proper Master/Stranger password protocols, Ethan nearly had an aneurysm. At least after the first checkpoint things seemed to be more up to standard - metal detectors, patdowns, access cards and passwords, the whole nine yards.

Ethan suspected that the guards were pulling out all the stops to try and annoy him or make him late, but he preferred the full view of the protocols. Let him see all the little steps that they were fucking up. He planned on writing up some notes for the Director later - a fingerprint reader at the very least would protect against a lot of Strangers.

Ethan ran his hand along the wall as he walked down the hall, feeling the cool material against his hand.

Kinetic force won't work to break it - tinker-made material, crystalline structure and shifting resonance frequency absorbs impacts to a nearly perfect degree. Rapid temperature fluctuation can help destabilize the chemical properties, causing fissures in the-

Ethan shook his head, continuing to walk down the hall. Not the fucking time. He was about to meet his coworkers and superiors, and meeting new people always triggered his power the most. Didn't want to lash out too bad, especially when everyone else in the room could probably shoot lasers or breath fire or some shit. Especially when his dad would be happy to see Ethan make friends with kids his own age.

What the fuck am I thinking. I'm gonna die here.

Protectorate HQ, 8:45 AM
June 19th, 2021

Ethan walked into the spacious meeting room with a measured gait, the glowing eyes of his costume scanning the surroundings. Just in time - showing up late or early put him a bit on edge, so this was already better than it could have been. The architecture in this part of the building was decent enough - several exit points was nice, the one-way windows were reinforced decently enough, and the TV and consoles nearby should keep his coworkers too busy to annoy him.

Ethan bit the bullet, and took a look at the people who had already arrived. Three of them were recognizable Protectorate members, all of whom Ethan had gotten the chance to familiarize himself with since joining the Wards. Grandmaster was (relies on melee and throwing knives, keep barriers or enemies between one anoth-) decked out in formal wear, two swords at his side and a number of throwing knives hidden in his sleeves. Next to him was Nightstalker, the (highly adapted for night vision, can use flashbangs and high-powered flashlights to disorien-) only case 53 that Ethan knew off the top of his head and Axiom, a tinker who (clog air intake on larger pieces of tech with flour from the kitchen, can further capitalize by striking joints with a knif-) Ethan had already spoken with a few times for recommendations on his costume design.

The other two figures in the room were new - presumably other Wards that had arrived early. One was another boy who was seated on a nearby couch, his costume superficially similar to Ethan's. He actually gave Ethan a bit of pause - he was spread out on one of the couches, and Ethan noticed several parts of his costume seemed a bit tattered or damaged already.

Internal or indirect damage such as poisons or drowning is best. Avoid direct strikes, might break your hands. History with the foster system that he doesn't talk about. Lacks empathy for others, may-

The lack of direct physical vulnerabilities gave Ethan pause. Most people couldn't handle a knife in the throat or having thumbs jabbed in their eye sockets. A brute of some kind, with a focus on durability? Not relevant, he'd reveal his power later. Ethan stopped in front of the couch the teen was sitting on, looking at the coin moving in the other ward's hands as he spoke.

"Let me know if you want me to put a word in to the engineering department for you about that costume. They do alright work, but you gotta needle their ass if you don't want something subpar. Either they're fucking something up or you don't know how to put your clothes on, and I really hope it's the former."

Ethan didn't bother waiting for a response, already turning and scoping out the last person in the room. To be honest, he just wanted an excuse to go complain to the engineering department again.

The other ward looked like some kind of tinker, an older girl with an armored bodysuit and some kind of high-tech helmet. Pretty similar looking to Axiom in that regard - maybe they compared notes?

Cover the oxygen vents with adhesives or pepper spray before they seal. Spray paint on the helmet to reduce visibility, can kick out the knees while shes wiping it clean. Bodysuit doesn't provide protection against blunt trauma, shouldn't be too useful if she gets kicked out of the window... Physical assault difficult due to power, requires sneak attacks or exceptional timing...

His power was working, but when it was targeting the ward herself and not just her equipment, the responses were slower. Less accurate. It was... nice. Less aggravating when his power wasn't pinging like crazy. Ethan wasn't sure if it was some kind of tinker tech she was using or if she had a trump ability of some kind, but whatever the case, she was the least annoying person in the room right now thanks to it.

Ethan thought about sitting on the couch that the other boy was taking up a lot of space on, but quickly decided against it when his power signaled how stupid that would be. Instead, he stood a bit off to the side, standing somewhat near the older girl and Axiom. He leaned closer to Axiom and murmured a question.

"How many kids did you guys pick up for this? I don't want to get you in trouble since you're cool, but I'm not very good with big groups. Especially if there are a lot of dipshits."
Haven't made a character in a while so this is a bit overboard - made it in the style of an official file since I love that shit. I'll try to go through and edit/trim the fat sometime after Thanksgiving. Let me know what I should adjust/remove if anything!

Interested! Probably gonna go for a Thinker or a Brute.
Things are finally slowing down at my work, so I'm interested if there is still room! Power Creator Xenon is one of my favorite CYOAs (though I'll never forgive you for removing the Subspace Swimmer lol).

I don't have a preference when it comes to high or low power levels, I have characters in mind for each. If we want to discuss it though, I'd probably prefer Discord for communication since it'd just be faster for me to respond.

Date/Time: November 11th, 2022. 5:55 PM.
Location(s): Redline PRT Headquarters

Will stood outside the PRT Headquarters, leaning against the side of the building. He had been there for about 10 minutes, alternating between fidgeting with his tie, playing on his phone, and anxiously pacing. He'd been there before around a week ago - he received a tour, went through an hour or two of them testing his power, and had an extended talk with the PR team and Fashonista about his cape persona and costume. The HR head refused, like, 10 of Will's ideas before they finally compromised on 'Faeble', which Will was still somewhat annoyed about.

Will looked at the entrance to the building, working up the courage to step inside. He thought about leaving now while he still could - it'd be easy to steal a car with his power. He could be in Portland before anyone noticed, and after hopping on a plane, Will could go wherever he wanted.

He knew that, really, there was no choice in the matter. He'd be sacrificing his life, his identity, if he fled the country. All things considered, his brother scored him a pretty sweet deal. Only three years with the Wards, and he'd be scot-free. Three years risking his life, alongside other teens, like some kind of YA-novel or some shit.

Will started messing with his tie, straightening it for the umpteenth time.

If he walked in there, he'd basically be signing his life away. All it would take is a guy with a gun and some earplugs, and Will would be worse than powerless. There are powerless people who know how to throw a punch, after all - and don't have to deal with the stigma being a Master brought with it.

Oh god, he forgot about that. The tie dug a bit deeper into his neck as Will tightened it even further. Most capes were traumatized crazy people with emotional issues - combined with teenage hormones, Will was probably going to have to worry about getting his ass kicked by his own team when they learned about his power.

Hell, after the stunt he pulled with the coffee last week, who knows if the staff here would even help him. He could leave right now, just walk a couple blocks before finessing a car off of someone, it would be so easy-

Will paused.

'Breath in.'

'Breath out.'

He was overthinking things, getting worked up for no reason. His counselor at school said the same thing, Will just gets anxious. Is it a superhero team where he's going to have to fight against criminals? Sure. Does he lack any actual ability to fight - both in terms of powers and actual physical ability? Of course.

But that didn't mean he was actually a big deal.

Will stopped fidgeting with his tie as he calmed himself. Yeah, this wasn't anything big - the Wards would probably be just like Mascots or something, maybe go against C-listers alongside a dozen cops just for publicity. Hell, with how corrupt the internet made the PRT out to be, maybe they'd purposefully pay off Jobbers to lose to a bunch of caped teens. Despite how much he argued to the contrary, Will was still just a child. imagine if a child got fucking shot , and it was the government's fault? Even if his brother didn't care, the public would lose their shit.

A slight smirk crossed the boy's face as he entered the PRT Headquarters, much calmer with his reasoning. Hell, today was probably just going to be a tour of the building, maybe some team-building exercises or a patrol at worst. If he had the time to talk and build a relationship, he could at least have a rapport with the team before the inevitable 'I can brainwash you' talk. Just the bare minimum exposure, some pictures and cute showings to the press for the next 3 years, then he was out and could live his fucking life.

'Everything will be okay.'

Date/Time: November 11th, 2022. 7:02 PM.
Location(s): Convoy 1, En-route to the Museum of Parahuman History

Everything was not okay.

Not only did Will grossly underestimate the intensity of their first day of work, but his power was outed to the rest of his team by the director about 5 minutes into meeting them. Will was really hoping he could have kept the 'Hey, I brainwash people on accident constantly' thing under wraps for a little bit, but that apparently wasn't in the cards.

He could feel eyes on him as the convoy drove down the road - well, he thought he did at least. He's always been pretty good at reading body language and faces, but it was hard to really tell when most of the people in the convoy were wearing helmets and were fearing for their lives.

There 4 other Wards in this convoy, along with the armored PRT members in the front that were driving the vehicle. Will eyed the others carefully, trying to get a read on them that he couldn't in the last hour. One girl was either a tinker, or put a lot more thought into her costume than Will did - it was some cyberpunk-esque skinsuit, with all kinds of glowing lights and gadgets. Another boy in the convoy kept to a similar theme, with a mask and glowing highlights to his costume, and a star-studded cape. There were two other girls, one with a welder-esque mask and costume, while the other wore little more than a basic mask to conceal her identity. That last one made Will feel more positive about his choice in costume, but not by much.

'Think positive, asshole. There'll be at least two Guardians, and who knows how many cops. I'll probably be stationed behind the lines along with that 13-year-old kid. Plus there's a lot of people here - statistically speaking, I probably won't get shot!'

Will nearly flunked Statistics, so that was more wishful thinking than anything else.

'What else... Oh, new costume! Probably bulletproof.'

The only thing that led Will to believe that was the fact this suit was made by a Tinker. And as someone who knew the bare minimum about capes, for all Will knew, he could be shooting lasers out of his cufflinks to melt through steel bars or some shit.

Will looked down, using the excuse of checking out his costume again to have something distract his thoughts. It was a very simple outfit, at least compared to the skin-tight jumpsuits and medieval armor that capes seemed to love. A simple suit and tie combo, with a black motorcycle helmet that didn't hinder his vision in the slightest. Other than the padded gloves on his hands and the boots on his feet, he wouldn't be out of place at a prom or court hearing. Patting his pockets, he could feel several items through the soft fabric - pepper spray, a boxcutter, his wallet ('why fuck did I bring my ID with me, god fucking damn it'), his phone, and a pen that was prominently displayed in his coat pocket.

And of course, the earpieces that fit snugly into his ears. He initially thought about leaving them behind while changing into his costume out of principle. It felt... targeted. Everyone got protection against his power, but if a brute got roid rage and wanted to bash his face in, he was out of luck?

Of course, it wasn't the same - Will had to actively focus to avoid mind-controlling someone, while another team member would have to deliberately target him. Not to mention, his power was probably a lot easier to prevent, while other team members could be punished later for friendly fire.

This was just to stop him from having an accident. 'And they can't trust me, of course.' Will thought to himself, still bitter despite the logic behind the device. The main reason he was wearing the things instead of throwing a hissy fit was that they were useful in communicating discreetly, and almost certainly had a tracker in case he got kidnapped or something.

Fashonista took some liberties, but that was to be expected when his request was 'something formal that blends in with a crowd.' A gun would have been really useful, but there was no way in hell Will would succeed in bringing one to the PRT Headquarters, and he'd probably have a panic attack the second he fired it anyways.

With his loadout confirmed, the young boy took out his pen and began to twirl the implement between his fingers, a desperate ploy to keep his hands busy.

"Anyway, any of you played Dungeons and Dragons? Or, I guess, any RPG game with class roles in it? Just think of me as your party Rogue. If you let me, I'll do my best to ensure the path is clear before you dive in, scout things out and see about lessening the number of surprises we have to deal with. I can get in and out undetected. Better still, I can transmit pertinent information back to you in real-time."

"In general? I'm yer' gal for information gathering. That's what I bring to the table..."

Will paused his pen twirling and gave a long whistle as the girl in the Cyberpunk-style costume, Wattson, finished speaking. If she could find any hostages quick, Will would have even fewer reasons to enter the museum. Fantastic news.

"Nice - I mean, the last part we can kind of do with these handy-dandy earpieces-"

Will tapped the side of his helmet with his pen, roughly in the area his ear should be.

"But finding what's in the next room is pretty useful. Could probably find any hostages pretty quick, then maybe the Police will come in and we get to clock out early."

Anything sneaky was the best type of power, in Will's opinion. Back when he was a kid, he always thought invisibility or super speed would be the best powers to trigger with - though he imagined the less legal applications of things, so maybe that was why he gravitated towards those easily exploitable abilities.

"I don't know if it fits. But I play... Eh... League of Legends,"

"I... blow up stuff. And melt stuff down. I make these little spheres of plasma, which I guess you can call miniature stars. Anyways, you lot can just call me Alman. 'Astromancer' might be a mouthful to say after all."

Will learned a little about people's powers an hour ago - mostly the ratings that he still couldn't remember, despite the cute little nursery rhyme it had. But now that Alman was explaining his directly, it made Will start to wonder why he was really brought on this team. After all, shooting mini-stars at people seemed a little bit more useful than a power that could be blocked by covering your ears and yelling nonsense.

Was it really just to keep him from becoming a villain when he got out of juvie? Will wasn't sure if he should feel inadequate or relieved.

"You got a Star Trek-style 'Set Phasers to Stun' mode? Cause if these bad guys can tank mini-stars, we'll probably need a few more Guardians, heh..."

Will closed his eyes when the comment didn't get any laughs, but kept pushing forwards, glad he didn't have to avoid cringing when his face was covered.

"Still neat though. Lotta problems can be solved with enough fire. You cool with nicknames? I got Al, Astroy-Boy - we can workshop some later if needed."

Will would have appreciated the unintentional namedrop of another Ward, if he knew her name. Instead, he leaned back, tapping his fingers on his legs to keep his hands busy.

"You guys probably know my power already, and if you want to know specifics, the people that tested us probably know more than I do. Just think of me like a really good liar, that's all I really got going on."

"Oh, uh, I dunno if I missed intros, but I'm Will. Faeble, if we're using our weird made-up names."

Will was starting to relax - talking helped distract him, and by talking about the mission, he could at least feel a little more in control of the situation.

"We have any plans so far? Getting possible hostages out is priority uno, so I think having Wattson scope the place out and then we rush in for anyone is probably the smartest plan."

'And it's the only plan I can think of where I'm useful but still not in danger of getting shot,' Will thought.

"We good with that? I'm open to suggestions, cause it's pretty barebones, but we only got-" Will checked his phone. "Like 7 or 8 minutes till we arrive."
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