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Here is another one
Name: Zerry Bell

Age: 46

Starting Location/Current Location:


His 'long strands of hair" are actually jellyfish tentacles and he has the Slave mark branded onto his back.

Personality: Despite being a former slave Zerry doesn't hate all humans, those included in the slave-industry being an obvious exception. Another thing he can't stand are racists of any kind.

Overall he is laid-back and easygoing, speaking rather slowly and occasionally drawing out the last word of his sentences. Because he is so easygoing he hardly ever shows surprise during unexpected situations. He also has a tendency to mock his opponent during combat.

He prefers to do things according to the rules whenever it's a reasonable option, but when necessary he is willing to break them .

Dream/Goal: To become rich and buy as many slaves as possible so he can legally free them.

History: Zerry has never actually been to Fishman Island as he was born in slavery. When he was ten years old he was put to work and while his first tasks basically consisted of chores, it was discovered that he had some talent for carpentry.

Eventually he was put to work building ships for the World Nobles while under constant guard and wearing leg chains made of the nigh-unbreakable Sea Prism Stone. During that time he befriended several human slaves which made him realize that not all of them were like the Celestial Dragons.

Years later the revolutionary army attacked the factory Zerry worked at and managed to free most of the slaves. Being a fishman he avoided being recaptured by literally diving for cover and spent another year underwater and training himself using what little he had heard about Fishman Karate as a basis. While training he got the idea of becoming a pirate and using any treasure he got his hands on to free other slaves

Crew: Both former and current if applicable.

Specialty/Profession: Shipwright

Fighting Style: Stinging Fist Fishman Karate, a mostly self created style that combines Fishman Karate with a jellyfish's stingers and tentacles.

  • Fifteen Tile True Punch: A punch that can knock an opponent back and is strong enough to break through fifteen tiles.
  • Tentacle Wrapper: After wrapping his tentacles around an uncovered bodypart Zerry uses his stingers to inject a very mild venom that will cause the bodypart to hurt for some time.
  • Tentacle Catcher: Similar to Tentacle Wrapper but used to stop attacks. Zerry uses his tentacles to catch the limb that is used for the opponent's attack, IE an arm in case of a punch or attack with a mêlée weapon or a leg to stop a kick.

Weapons: None

Devil Fruit: None

Bounty: bounties will be assigned based on your character's actions in the RP.

Rank: Applies to marine characters, can be used as your position in pirate crew. Maximum rank at start: Lt. Jr Grade.

Other: Any other information you deem relevant.
As Briex managed to stand up for the first time with help of the cave wall, she noticed several of the other goblins leave the cave. She wondered why they would do something that stupid but not much later she discovered a possible reason to brave the outside. Her stomach was growling and as far as she could tell the only edible things in the cave were her own kind. Not wanting to resort to cannibalism so soon she felt like she had no choice but to head to the light.

Still hugging the wall she took her first steps but after Briex gained confidence she tried balancing on her own, while still shaky she managed to avoid falling. When she exited the only place she had ever known the first thing she noticed was how open everything was and honestly it felt unnatural to her. Going by her fist impulse the light green skinned goblin quickly waddled to the closest bush and hid in it. She knew she couldn't stay there and decided to head out further when she had calmed down a bit.
Tear it down
In Six Letters 8 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
I don't impress on tea suckers

You're clearly not a nineties kid wade watch and be educated

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