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Definitely interested, and I think I will make a male yellow Ranger
@Burning Kitty@SparkyCutie@mattmanganon@RumikoOhara

Both Emily and Cain brought up some good points about her costume and why disguising might not be as smart as Shocker thought it was. That said using a young girl as a target didn't sit right with him, but on the other hand it meant less bullets coming his way. He didn't really appreciate the big guy mocking him for telling he knew German. "I know it might not come up but I figured that if we get a chance to get some info from one of the Germans, we don't want to waste time figuring out who can talk to them."

He agreed with the fact that they did need a leader. "Normally I would object to a teenager as leader but if she was an Auxiliary Avenger, she is probably the best choice." After Wolverine told the others his plan he decided he would be the best choice to go behind enemy lines.
"The second suggestion seems a bit extreme to me as most Germans probably don't agree with the whole Nazi thing, but since they will try to kill us I'm not gonna go out of my way to keep them alive either. That said due to my speaking German I'm probably the best choice to infiltrate, though I would have to dump both my gauntlets and protective suit to avoid drawing attention and if I get found out I'm most likely dead, so I really hope someone else has a better idea."
American propaganda
@mattmanganon@RumikoOhara@SparkyCutie@Burning Kitty Just to let you know I'l be on vacation until Monday, I should have acces to internet but either way posts might be a bit slow
@Burning Kitty@SparkyCutie@mattmanganon@RumikoOhara

Like Caine, Herman quickly picked upon where and when they were sent. He didn't have a lot of knowledge of the people in the group but he figured it might be smart to try and get on their good side so when asked to tell about himself he decided to neglect the less then legal parts. "I'm Herman Schultz, though Shocker is also acceptable. I used to work at Stark Tech where I designed these gauntlets, they let me fire off concentrated blasts of air. And since it might be useful in this situation, while not fluent I do speak German." He made sure not to mention his sonic staf since he had only one and he might need it against "teammates."

"Also not to order anyone around, but it might be smart if we find some disguise for All American Girl over there at least, in case we got placed at the wrong side. Don't want any unnecessary attention over all."
Secret compartment
Winter Wonderland
Having finally finished the suit that should allow him to safely use his gauntlets, Herman Schultz was ready to test them. Since he had no intention of doing so in public and possibly having already he had set up in empty warehouse, that he hoped to convert into a lab after having "acquired" the necessary funding and equipment.

Despite being certain his suit would work, he was still a bit about activating his gauntlets the first time. The second his thumb pressed down on the trigger of the right hand gauntlet, everything went white. His first thought was that something had gone wrong after all, but he quickly discarded it as he felt no pain. Just as sudden the white was gone and Herman found himself in what appeared to be a desert. In the distance he saw a humanoid figure and not knowing what else to approached it, with both his arms stretched out in front of him and his thumbs near the triggers just in case.

"I assure you Mr. Schultz, or Shocker if you prefer, there is no need to use your weapons. Not they would work anyway." the figure told him after they were in hearing distance of each other. "Who are you?" The man seemingly ignored him and kept talking. "This place exists outside of time. You and several others were brought here because reality was damaged, badly enough that unless fixed you're stuck here. However if you agree to help me fix it there is a good change you will be able to return to you dimension."

Herman thought things over for a few seconds. "I don't have much choice, do I. Either you're telling the truth or you're some kind of insane being powerful enough to teleport me." He was barely finished talking before he found himself in some kind of meadow along with some guy in metal armor and a huge helmet.
Quiet time
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