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When the alarms went off and his interrogator left to do whatever her duties during an attack were T.J was actually worried that it could be some of his allies who were attacking in an misguided attempt to save him and Mike.

A few minutes later some kid came and picked him up so he could be brought to the command room where he almost realized what was going on when he saw the monitor. "Yeah looks like that threat I was talking about is attacking. Since it is the fastest way to proof whose side I'm on I'm willing to let your telepath do their thing." The Blue Ranger didn't make his decision lightly but given the circumstances he felt he had no choice.

Mike wasn't surprised that the alien didn't believe his story, though his causal acceptance of magic seemed strange to him considering how scifi this universe seemed. Before he could ask who those "crazy bastards" were alarms went off and he was left alone in his cell.

He briefly wondered if he should try and escape but since he no doubt was still being watched decided against it for now, no need to unnecessarily antagonize his captors after all.
I'm willing to give it another try.
T.J looked at the woman interrogating him, he had no idea what happened in this universe but he wasn't surprised that there were evil Rangers out there, heck he had faced the Psycho Ranger multiple times. "Okay this is gonna sound crazy, even compared everything you have seen as a Ranger. I'm from another universe, one of many without evil Power Rangers." He put extra emphasis on the word "power" because of the Psycho's.

"An aged version of a friend and predecessor of mine recruited and several others, including your other prisoner and the corpse who was our red Ranger, to fight some kinda huge threat that as far as we know wants to wipe out all in the Multiverse." T.J knew it was unlikely that she would believe him but he was sure that Mike would at least tell the story in broad strokes. "As for how we got here, we were in a fight and about to return to our H.Q when something went wrong and we arrived on this planet instead."

Mike was surprised to see that his interrogator was an alien or monster of some kind, but he tried not to judge after all as human as Maya looked she was technically an alien as well. He wasn't sure what was going on, but the whole probably rehearsed spiel about them being unauthorized Rangers and trespassing did fill in some blanks. As he started his explanation he made sure that the alien could see his hands the entire time, to show that he wasn't up to anything.

"Okay I don't know how familiar you are with Multiverse theory but it's apparently true. The three of us were in some kinda fight and Zane, our Red Ranger got killed. T.J and I were ordered to retrieve his equipment and return to our H.Q. For some reason probably a blast of magic, which is real by the way, interfered with our portal and we were sent of course." While Mike couldn't read the four-eyed face of his interrogator he had no doubt that his story sounded unbelievable, but he knew better than to lie with no way to contact T.J.
@clanjos Yeah I know
Name: Yuuji Sakamoto
Rider Name: Kamen Rider Minion M@ster_1999
Age: 18
Sex: Male
Starting Gashat: Gururu Monsters
Skills and Abilities: Yuuji is a pretty skilled artist. As Minion Master he can summon monsters of different strengths depending on his level.
Additional Gashats: Magic The Wizard.

Background: Despite having no interest in the urban legends and conspiracy theories surrounding them Yuuji always liked the creative designs that people made up for the monsters they claimed to have seen and often used them as inspiration for his drawings. When he heard about a game featuring those monsters and even a class that allows you to control them, he decided that he could at least check it out and bought Chronicle.
@clanjos This could be interesting, does it matter if I don't really know anything about Kamen Rider?
Not knowing what was going on and not willing to start a meaningless fight both Cosmos Rangers demorphed and surrendered as ordered by the unknown Power Rangers. They tried to keep Zane's equipment hidden when their Morphers and Globes got confiscated in case they needed it, but that plan failed.

Mike was waiting in what appeared an interrogation room for someone to come tell what was going on and of course ask questions. He wasn't too happy about things but being separated from T.J did make sense. This way their captors wouldn't have to worry about the two of them working together to overpower anyone and it would be harder form them to corroborate on any falsehood the other told.

While T.J never had the official security training his partner received he was smart enough to reach mostly reach the same conclusions. He noticed that the building they were in didn't look like a stereotypical evil HQ, which from his experience meant that it was unlikely their captors were the villains of the dimension they were stranded in.
Sorry I was waiting for @pyroman to post something, I will get something up today though
While Mike had figured out Billy's plan, he still didn't really see the point of the centaur transformation. Surely there were less strange looking ways to boost his speed but it probably had to with the whole constellation theme this group of Rangers had going. Not sure if T.J's shield would reflect his shots he stopped firing his Morpher and took off, using the energy sphere surrounding him and his rider to force a path through the mooks.

Seconds before he could grab the Red Ranger's Morpher and Globe T.J noticed one of the upgraded foot soldiers reaching out for it. Fortunately for them being caught of guard by a forcefield ramming into it at high speed knocked it of balance. The Blue Ranger quickly removed the Scutum Globe and grabbed his mission objectives. Using his free hand he reactivated the shield, just in time for footsoldier to regain it's balance and swing it's club towards him and Mike. "Okay Billy we got the stuff and are ready to go."

Mike and T.j were both unaware of the stray magic messing with their portal as they went through it.
@Burning Kitty I see, does my post work for that or should I edit it?
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