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Danny's good mood at having defeated such a seemingly powerful quickly faded upon learning about Ultimate and Mega Digimon as well as Tactimon and Titanmon. He did however have a potential idea about dealing with with those two which he hoped to discus with both the other and Norn.

Minomon unaware of his carrier's concerns wiggled out of Danny's arms and headed straight for Hirschmon. "I knew you could defeat him." The bipedal Digimon bent over and patted his little brother on the head. "Honestly Kiba's plan and Dogumon's last attack were probably enough. I only interfered to be absolutely sure Kuwagamon would be unable to flee and reveal our location."

While his partner explained all that Danny looked for Kiba. After a while he spotted the other boy. "Do you think it might be a good idea to try and turn Tactimon's army against those so called Big Death-Stars? I mean I doubt our group can handle two armies at once."

Name: Yuuji Sakamoto (Sakamoto Yuuji in Japanese order)

Age: 15
Gender: Male
Brief History: When he was Yuuji was young his parents moved from Tokyo to a much smaller city, where he never felt like he fit in, due that was mostly thanks to childhood and teenage angst. He always had an interest in electronics so when the D-tector appeared in front of him he was mostly curious about what it was and how it worked.
Personality: While he is aware of it and working on it, Yuuji has a tendency to take things more personally than intended. He can also be hotheaded when he thinks someone insults him, but most of the time tries to keep his cool.
Spirit: Fire
Line: Meramon



Name: Haydyn Kaneda (Kaneda Haydyn in Japanese order)

Age: 17
Gender: Male
Brief History: Haydyn spent his entire life in Tokyo and due to his thrill seeking nature he had the tendency to occasionally get in minor trouble with the police. In fact it was his police record along with his age that made Lucemon corrupt Hadyn when he accidentally ended up in the Digital World after breaking into an abandoned warehouse.
Personality: While Haydyn was a slightly overconfident thrill seeker before, Lucemon's corruption made him outright reckless and arrogant.
Spirit: Steel
Line: Guardromon


BlackMegaGargomon (While corrupted)

MegaGargomon (When purified)
Are fan made Digimon allowed?
@Crimson Lion Eh, it happens
While the three of them waited to see if the others would introduce themselves Kiba and Wolfy AKA Gabumon (X) headed back to the cafetaria. Not seeing any reason not to follow, the two Digimon siblings and the human decided they might as well go and grab a bite to eat. As soon as they entered the cafetaria Relemon found them again, somewhat angry that Minomon lied. "Lady Norn wasn't looking for at all!" It then took off in a huff.

After a few hours they could hear coming from far away and saw several Digimon rush to where the sound came from. Hirschmon handed Minomon to Danny. "I want you to keep my partner safe in case we're under attack, okay?" Minomon nodded, excited at the important task he was entrusted with. Danny meanwhile understood the real reason. "Don't worry. I'll try to stay out of danger but it's good to know I'll be protected." As he said that he winked at Hirschmon.

When they arrived at the site of the explosion the spotted Kuwagamon and heard the kid whose Digimon arrived say that he wanted the gold colored Digimon to rush in while Dorumon provided cover. In case it was necessary Hirshmon bent over forwards and readied his Swarm Attack so he could help with blasting down rubble.

Before they could even try too though, Kiba came up with a different plan which managed to ground the giant beetle. Ignoring Kiba's comment about squashing bugs Hirschmon, believing Swarm Attack to be too widespread to be useful in the situation, started charging electricity between his horns. "Lightning Bullet!" While the Stag Beetle launched his attack at the same as Dorumon used Hyper Dash Metal the electric bullet was only about seventy-five % as fast as the giant ball of metal. As such it hit Kuwagamon after it had already been forced into the wall. "Take that you big meanie!"
@Crimson Lion Danny did respond to Kiba's introduction in the last part of my post.

Just as he was about to ask the brownhaired kid came up with a good idea and introduced both himself and his new partner. Seeing no reason not to go along with it Danny decided to do the same. "Well nice to meet you, I'm Danny and this is my partner Hirschmon along with Mino..." "His younger brother Minomon." The larva Digimon interrupted.
But that will mean we also need to find bestial Digimon that somewhat resemble the humanoid ones, shouldn't be too difficult but still
As soon as Norn said how important the Digivices were Danny made sure to check if his had cooled off enough to touch again. He carefully pressed his finger against the now two colored machine and noticed it had cooled down significantly, so he picked it up wanting to check out the functions it had. Being curious Minomon had gotten his brother to lift him up so he could see what Danny was doing. "So do you have any siblings?" Hirschmon asked his new partner. "No, I'm an only child."

"Ah I see, technically Minomon and I aren't related either, but we both belong to the Jungle Troopers Family and so he has decided to call me his brother." Danny didn't really understand what the Jungle Troopers Family thing meant but he guessed it was something like how all cats belonged to the Felidae family.

Just as he was about to ask the brownhaired kid came up with a good idea and introduced both himself and his new partner. Seeing no reason not to go along with it Danny decided to do the same. "Well nice to meet you, I'm Danny and this is my partner Hirschmon along with Mino..." "His younger brother Minomon." The larva Digimon interrupted.
Both ideas seem interesting but the amount of Digimon capable of Armor Digivolution is rather limited.
Before either Danny or the bug Digimon could say anything else, Norn started clapping her hands to get their attention. Apparently their partners weren't at the cafetaria and now it was time to meet them. Unaware that Minomon followed him Danny headed through the door. After a while it became which Digimon was supposed to be his partner, as all the others had already teamed up.

Before he could touch the only remaining Digimon, a giant beetle with flight boosters, with his Digivice the bag worm revealed itself. "Wow, so you and my brother are partners. Cool!" Smiling the beetle bent over to face his sibling. "Hey, Minomon."

The fact that Digimon had families surprised Danny a little. As soon as two siblings had their little moment he pressed the Digivice against his partner's hand or claw or whatever it was. The thin metal device immediately started to get warm, and knowing it would get hot Danny quickly placed it on the grass. After a while it seemed to have settled on two colors, green and yellow, but since he wanted to give it some more time to cool off Danny decided to introduce himself. "My name is Danny and what should I call you?"

Before Hirschmon could say anything Minomon spoke up. "You humans have strange names, Minomon and Hirschmon are much better."

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