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In C R A W L 7 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
>Dan ignored the look Aaron gave him.
>"Ah know, ah'm jus' a bit uncomfortable."
>He doesn't care that the others know he is afraid, he doubt that anyone could honestly say they felt otherwise.
With Airdramon defeated Danny decided it might be better to forcefully dedigivolve Käfermon rather than having him waste all his energy, but he also wanted to make sure his partner was okay with it. "Good job! Are you okay with me turning you back into Hirschmon or do you want to stay like that for a while?"

"Can you do it a little later? I want to brag to Minomon a little" Seeing no reason to refuse Danny looked through the options on his Digivice in order to contact Norn. Because he was also listening to what the others said he didn't do it as fast as he could have otherwise. He agreed with the new girl's comment that a group calling themselves "demon lords" didn't sound friendly, but that didn't mean they couldn't be useful.

After a few seconds he managed to contact Norn. "I'm sorry for bothering you but can you put Minomon on?"
In C R A W L 7 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
>Ah would prefer ta stick together but syhaw

@Mae Did you post the rules already? Cause I can't find them
@Shiyonichi I'm not going to do anything, yet. If @Crimson Lion misreads one of my ic posts one more time though...
@Crimson Lion It happens, though that is the second time you mis read one of my posts so you're on thin ice.
The Airdramon now acknowledged Käfermon as a threat and decided to get serious. With a yell of "God Tornado" he unleashed a tornado of flame from his mouth. The insect Digimon had barely enough time to use Earth Barrier and protect himself with a wall of earth.

Danny was impressed but also a bit worried, his partner was doing better than last time but his opponent had better maneuverability in the air and seemed more powerfully offensively.

Airdramon meanwhile made a big mistake when he decided to make the fight close range, figuring that the newly Digivolved Champion didn't have any mêlee attacks. "Let's see how well you do when you can't fire any missles.Big Jaw!"

Käfermon felt a sharp pain when the Dragon Digimon chomped down on one of his front arms. Still he wasn't going to waste that chance. His boosters roared to live and he slammed himself through the barrier he made earlier, using Airdramon as a cushion. After Airdramon let go of his arm he began clawing at the serpent furiously until finally his opponent degenerated into a Digi-egg.
@ALonelyParrot Yes, but he isn't in the rp yet
A year's supply of free arsenic
Hirschmon seeing this attack to prove himself decided to help Wolfy out against the Airdramon and began charging electricity between his horn. "Just because we can't fly doesn't mean we can't hit you. Lightning Bullet!" Unfortunately the warning he gave was enough for the winged snake to dodge the attack by flying higher. Danny saw what was happening and hoped Hirschmon could actually prove himself this time as otherwise the beetle might really get depressed.

Hirschmon meanwhile silently berated himself for letting his enemy, before realizing he could now use his strongest attack without danger of hitting Gabumon x with a stray missile. Deciding to act like he planned it that he fired as many beetle shaped missiles from his back. "Swarm Attack!" This time due to overconfidence Airdramon reacted too late and got hit by a good amount of the explosives.

He didn't seem to be harmed by it though, in fact all it did was piss him off and with a swing of his tail he sent an air bubble at the Rookie. "Tailwhip!" Having learned from the Drimogemon incident Hirschmon was ready to jump out of the way this time, before realizing that would leave his partner wide open.

Danny also figured out what would happen if Hirschmon dodged and could only hope Hirschmon would be able to tank the attack that time. The Digivice in his hand began to heat up and after it opened up on it's own he almost dropped it in surprise. the code coming from the D-terminal surrounded Hirschmon like a cocoon. Inside the semi transparent cocoon Hirschmon's form seemed to warp and grow bigger. "Hirschmon divivolve to.."

His wings disappeared and were replaced by an upgrade to his boosters while his metathorax greatly increased in size. His arms became much bulkier and he grew a second pair of shorter arms. His hoofs became actual feet and his antler became thin forward curving horns with two pairs of extra horns behind them while a dimly shining mark appeared briefly appeared in the withe tip of the right main horn. "Käfermon!" Thanks to Käfermon's bulk and exoskeleton it effortlessly took the hit Hirschmon might not have been able to handle.

Not wanting to give the Airdramon any chance to recover from it's shock Käfermon fired of his boosters to get as high up as he could. The Dragon was still to far away to hit with short ranged attacks but long ranged attacks would hit their target that much sooner. "Thunder Rocket!" while he launched a smaller amount of rockets then he did as Hirschmon their increased power and accuracy combined with the lightning beam coming from his mouth made the attack a lot more powerful than Swarm Attack. Once again they all hit their target but this time they clearly had more effect, despite still not being enough to completely destroy Airdramon.
I really hope that the timezone differences between me and you guys doesn't slow things too much as you guys seem to be mostly active when I can't post.

Edit: Wow that turned out to be my longest post yet, my previous record was about 2000 character this one was 2950. That is including the mark up for color and the link, but still.
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