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Goblin Zats & Goblin Gina

Day three outside

Gina happily made her way to Zat. “I want to find something for him or her?” She answers gesturing to its wounded and bleeding leg. “And something I want to hunt more of them just to be able to make something I’ve thought of.” She follows. “IT WOULD HELP ME CLIMB MY TREE!” She ends waiting for her partner’s answer. “And also I need to make something that can make me hide my body.” She says care freely unknowly emphasizing herself.

Since Zats did ask her what they should stay he saw no reason to disagree. "Yeah alright, just try not let my loincloth get damaged and while we are out here can you help me look for a long stick?" He hoped that whatever Gina wanted to make didn't require the horns of every rabbit they ended up bringing back home, but if it did they could probably figure things out.

"Thanks." Gina smiled as she expects his kill giving him a thumbs up for executing his part in the plan as she hoped for. "Do you want to eat it now?" She asks pointing at the carcass. "Its been a long day and I haven't eaten anything as of now, of course, I can still want if you want to." She continues quite embrarass because she though that she was being too pushy and asking him for too much since he did land the final blow to the creature.

Zats agreed that eating now was easier than carrying the carcass around and he was kinda hungry himself. "Yeah okay, I am pretty hungry He looked for away to get past it's hide before realizing the perfect tool came attached to the rabbit. After picking up another rock he began the horn close to the base, until it broke off. He then used it to poorly skin the dead animal. Once he was he tore off some the meat and began eating.

"Yeah." Gina said happy to finally get something to eat taking a piece of the rabbit and shoving it towards her mouth. Due to hunger or to her new form, Gina noticed that she could easily eat it raw, though it didn't taste that good and cooking it is clearly a better way of eating it, they just didn't have the time and the patience to do so.

By the time they were finish, they were able to finish off most of the rabbit eatable flesh. "Thank you for the food." She glady says to him. Now well fed and full she was able to think freely. As she goes to her pet cutting some of the loincloth, forming a small long bangang like cloth and tying it to the rabbits injuired leg, wrapping it tightly to its wounds to stop the bleeding.

"Want to make some tools?" She asks pointing at the bones of the rabbit.

He was surprised, the rabbit meat tasted a lot better than the catterpillars he had eaten so far. Before long he and Gina had devoured every edible part of carcass."I just want the horn, a stick and something to tie them together. What parts do you want?"

He looked around for a stick that was the right size while not being too thick and heavy. It took him a few seconds of searching but he found something he thought could make a nice spear. Ths stick was a bit shorter than he wanted but it would do.

"I'll get the bones then." She responds quite happy that the he didn't decide to get the bones. Grabbing a rock she bash the joints that still connecting the bone to the body. After a few strikes she was able to break the tip making a unaligned but, jagged edge that she could use to stab someone or something with. But, she didn't see it as a weapon but, a tool to help her in climbing her previous tree.

Though she fashion it to help her collect the other materials she needed. "Want to go to the river with me?" She asks him, wanting to collect more of what she needed for something that she wanted to make. "Nice." She said as she sees h partner's spear.

Zats gave his spear a few practice swings, while the stick was light enough to use easily, he wasn't too sure about the rabbit guts he used to tie the horn to it. Still they seemed to hold for now. He was curious what Gina wanted to make and was about to ask her when she suggested going to the river. He had to admit it was a good idea as he was a bit thirsty. "Sure, I can use a bit to drink." In order to familiarize himself a bit with the weapon he started thrusting his spear, making sure that it was impossible for him to accidentally hit his partner.

"Do you have the fur of the rabbit?" She said, gathering the bones of the rabbit, thinking that it could be useful for the group. "I was thinking of making clothes with it." She said as she grips the bones with her right arm and keeping the sharp bone in her left hand. She starts ahead, slowing down to make sure that Zat is with her. Hoping that they could see something useful on the way or the rabbits to get more experience.

"Hmmm... Zat what's you're goal?" She asks him to break the ice lowering it down to prevent potential prey from fleeing. "You know that I plan to climb my tree. " She follows as they try to find the river or a source of water.

Gina's idea aboyt making clothes out of the rabbit fur wasn't a bad one. In fact he had been thinking of the same thing, though it would probably have to be cleaned first. "Yeah I got it."

He made sure to stay behind Gina a few feet to avoid bumoing her if she suddenly stopped or something. Her sudeen question about his goal surprised him. so far he hadn't really though about it, in fact it woudln't shock him to hear that the same applied to the rest of her generation. "Don't know yet, I'm sure I will think of something though." he answered honestly seeing no reason to be embarresed over it.

@Wildman13 @Jangel13
Goblin Zats

Day three continued
While Zats was glad that they managed to both get what they wanted from their first trip outside, he hoped Gina's net aka his loincloth wouldn't get damaged to the point where it became useless. He also wasn't too happy with how he killed his rabbit, sure crushing it's skull worked but it required getting way too close the business end of the horned rabbit.

He had an idea on how to solve that problem, but had no idea if it was possible. He would ponder that in the cave, for now he dragged his kill behind him and looked for a relatively straight stick that was about twice as long as his arm.

"Yes we did. Do you want to go back to the cave or try and find more rabbits? Personally he preferred to go back but since they didn't know how lucky the others were in their hunt, it wasn't a bad idea to catch some more.


Goblin Zats

Day three continued

When he saw Gina sprint into action Zats followed suit. He had just enough time to realize that his partner was focusing on the wounded rabbit to avoid crashing into her. Hoping that the other one was still disoriented he went after the victor, not slowing down to think cause that might give his prey time to react.

Fortunately he ended up behind the rabbit and thus away from the pointy end. Standing hunched over he brought his rock down as hard as he could, hoping to crush the animal's skull in one go.

Goblin Zats & Goblin Gina

Day three outside

Seeing the rabbits for the first time, Gina eyes shined, like a child she gets excited and from the looks of it she seems like she about to ram herself into it. Winding up she assumed a position like those runners in track and field. "Zats, I want one." She says suggesting that she would ram herself and with both her arms hug it into submission.

This was highly ill advised, as she seems to be dismissing the fact that she could stab herself with its horn or head the tree in front of her if she would have missed. Fortunately she was toning it down enough for the rabbits to not hear anything.

When he saw the rabbits fighting Zats decided to wait and study their movements in hopes of making future hunts easier. Unfortunately it seemed Gina had different plans. For a second he was worried she would just run off and tackle one of them, but when she didn't leave immediately he calmed down a little.

Still he doubted he would have the change to study the prey as much as he had liked and wondered how he could convince Gina to wait at leats a bit longer.Eventaully he decided to take the most direct route and started whispering "I think we should wait. Two Goblins against one rabbit is better odds." Now he just hoped she would listen to him.

"We're gonna hunt them?!" She said quite shocked but, not too loud to make the rabbits flee. "But, I want one..." She continues quite depressed and down all of a sudden. But, she relents as she remembers the hunger that she felt before.

Then suddenly her eyes brighten in joy like an plan or considering her actions a completely rash and reckless plan. "Circle around Zat and grab a rock." She said as she grabs a rock nearby. "Wait for my signal and aim for the winner." She adds confident with her plan. "Also let me borrow your clothes for now." She said waiting for his answer.

Zats felt a littlle sorry for Gina when he realized she wanted one of the rabbits as a pet, something that wasn't that bad an idea, but he had no idea how they would accomplish that. Luckily she was still willing to hunt and kill them for their meat and had even come up with a plan to do it.

Despite not knowing what she was up to he decided to follow her lead as she sounded confident. While he was looking for a rock she surprised him by asking for his loincloth. After thinking it over he relented. "Okay but I want it back, in the cave you should be able to make your own anyway." Feeling a bit awkward he undressed and handed Gina the cloth before resuming to look for a decent rock. After he found one he slowly began to circle their prey.

Gina started picking up many of the rocks and stones near her. She then wraps up the stones with his loin cloth making it and tieing it after which. She grabs a rock which she plans to throw on the other side to scare the rabbits to them both which Zat would hit the winner with the rock she told him to grab.

Though she waited until one of the rabbits must wound the other enough for the plan to work, as she wanted to have her own pet of course. She then moved to her place and gets ready to throw the rock on her hand.

After sneaking around for a bit Zats found what he though was a good hiding spot. He ended up diagnolly acrsso from Gina, but more importantly he was directly behind one od the rabbits. If that one ended up winning he should be able to to hit it without being noticed, while it losing made it relativley easy to throw his rock at the head of the other one.

When he saw Gina putting rocks in his loincloth he wondered what she was up too and made sure to watch her just as carefully as he watched the rabbits. If what she was planning worked, he wanted to know what she did so he could maybe use it himself later.

She then ties the rocks onto his loincloth, making a makeshift net that she would use to capture her pet. So she whispers to herself the plan. From waiting for the victor to injuire the loser which would make it slower. Then, throwing one of the rocks on the sides to scare them and herding the victor to her partner which he would bash it with his rock and the injuired one to her, which she would cast her net to it capturing it and then naming it to Gi if it was a female and Za if it was a male.

Now having gone through the plan several times in her head she waits for the victor. Arming herself with the determination of getting her pet and to satisfy her hunger. She readies herself to execute the plan.

While Zats had no idea what Gina's plan was he was waiting for her signal. At that point he would go for the winner if ony one rabbit was alive or tge one with the most injuries if she decided to strike while both rabbits were alive.

He had abonded his plan to throw his rock so he would have to charge inand attempt to bash the skull of target in without getting any serious injuries. He didn't like it but if he threw and missed he would give his location away and be unarmed.

Summary: Zats cirkels the rabbits, end up across from Gina who weighted his loincloth with rocks to use as a makeshift net. Gina will trow as soon as one of the rabbits is injured hoping to lure the uninjured to Zats so she can catch the injured with her net. Unaware of her plan Zats was planning to wait for Gina's signal to charge in and bash the skull of the injured rabbit in, trusting his partner to deal with the other one and hoping not to get hurt.
@Wildman13 Yeah, sure
Goblin Zats

Day three continued

After he inspected his own body Zats noticed that some of the other Goblins were moving around on their legs, if that's what those were called, and also that one used cloth to cover himself up. Not wanting to be thought off as stupid or something he decided to imitate them. With some effort he got up and after taking a few uneasy steps got the hang of walking. Next up was the cloth, it took a few tries but before long he had copied the dark green goblin and was no longer naked.

Before he had any time to feel proud of himself though what he presumed was an older Goblin gave him and the others a name and told them they needed to go out and hunt. Zats wanted to protest and say that he wasn't ready yet but he doubted that the elder would listen. Instead he stared at what he believed the exit to the cave and gathered his courage, silently wishing one of the others would ask him to go hunt together.

@Burning Kitty I'm fine with it being the three of us for now
@Duoya Our characters don't remember anything about their past lives
Goblin Zats

Day one

If the being that would end up being called Zats knew what "darkness" was they wouldn't think it described their current location. Though since they didn't have a concept, both not yet and not anymore, it never occurred to them to describe what they experienced. After what could have been an eternity or ten seconds they got a strange though, a thought consisting of just one word:


Shortly afterwards the being felt someone was touching it and got the idea to open their eyes, despite not knowing what eyes were before. Trusting their... no his instincts the Goblin opened his eyes and immediately closed them again. In the brief period of time his eyes were open he didn't actually see anything except the total opposite of the "darkness" he knew but that somehow hurt his eyes.

Day three

Overcome by curiosity the young Goblin had finally brought up the courage to try and open his eyes again, slowly this time. He started by squinting a little and noticed that didn't hurt as bas as last time. After about thirty seconds he had opened his eyes fully. The first thing he saw was the cave's ceiling, not that he knew that. After he grew bored of staring at unchanging stone he managed to move around and roll over.

While lying on his stomach he noticed that he was surrounded by small green creatures, wondering if he looked like them he inspected his body. From what he could tell he was indeed pretty similar.

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