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While Burnet had to admit the Namekian had a point slavers purposely killing their victims seemed unlikely to him to he decided to stay on the lookout for anything suspicious. No one else had any questions and the Saiyan predictably enough wanted to get things started so Clementine contacted the Yardrats,m though not before some insect showed up wanting to join the team as well. He placed his hand on the brown alien's side when he told to make contact with someone and they were off.

When he saw planet Karkon he was glad that he ate his fill before going on this mission because it wasn't exactly the haven for fruits Fealts was. One of the natives called Grippa informed them what was going on though he seemed most impressed with Brackus, in Burnet's opinion that meant he probably had never seen a Saiyan before.

The introduction didn't last long due to an emergency broadcast from one Kanka which ended up jammed though Grippa knew where she was. The cat like alien surprised Burnet by being a fairly fast runner while other natives gave them directions. With those directions in mind he took off and flew towards Sunshi village without paying much attention to the other Planet Breakers, confident that they could easily handle a few small time slavers.

When he arrived he was surprised by the large amount of strange looking motor riders, he was expecting a smaller group but still went to work, starting things by firing a Kankousen at the nearest rider.
Just when Burnet was about to head back out with his marker in hand the mission notification came up. Seeing that it woke up the intended target of his prank he quickly hid the marker in his pocket before she got close enough to notice it and casually changed directions heading the captain. The man had a good system going and Burnet not so secretly wondered what deal he had made with the Yardrats, though he had never openly asked him. He figured it might be smarter to at least wait until he actually had Tempest's trust before asking something that he could potentially use to start a rival business.

Anyway it turned out the mission was to stop small slaver crew from bothering a planet's natives. It sounded simple enough and Burnet saw no reason not sign up since Fealt had been rather boring so far though one small thing bothered him. "Why aren't they asking us to try and return the slaves already taken?" Sure it made things seemingly easier but he couldn't help but think someone was hiding something and given how little he knew about his two most likely team mates he figured it was better to know as much about the mission as possible.
"Danny"I'll do my best to slow him down, if you can make a break for the animal pens, you'll have a better chance of losing him!"
Danny wasn't too happy about the idea of abandoning all his equipment and had no idea if the human was able to hear what Jason said but he decided to trust his companion. Still just in case he used Lesser Force to throw sand in his opponents eyes before heading off. Not wanting to leave too many tracks he opted to keep Levitation up and hoped he wasn't blooding enough to give his away anyway.

Due to him facing away from the farmhouse Danny didn't notice the figure in the window as he floated as fast as he could looking for the pens. Not knowing how much time he had he also decided to check upon his status since it was clear that he wasn't at full health. hoping he didn't have to talk out loud to contact the system he formulated his question in his mind. System please show my health and mana."

It didn't take him long to find what he was looking and he floated into one of the pens. After landing he not only made himself as small as possible he also used Muffle I in hopes of concealing the sound of him breathing.

@AmpharosBoy Both work honestly
Unlike the female Saiyan Burnet easily found food on Fealt even when ignoring the meat from the invasive herbivores, he was a Frugivore after all. He did have something he agreed with Rabi on though, for the most part the planet was kinda boring. Sure killing the invaders was something but they were still just animals and didn't require a lot of effort to defeat.

However bored as he was he knew better than to harass his fellow mercenaries. After all he didn't know them well enough to be able to judge their reactions yet and if he accidentally went too far he might burn some bridges. So instead he spent most of the time outside as well trying to teach the natives some card games hoping to get them good enough to make cheating at least some what of a challenge.

So far he didn't have much luck but it was better than nothing, even though he had no idea what he was gonna do with all the different fruits he had won. Eating them before they would spoil was unlikely and while he could share with the other Planet Breakers that wasn't his style, though he wouldn't mind at all if he noticed someone "stealing" a few of them.

With no other idea in mind to kill time he decided that he could at least try to get some training in. While snacking on his favorite fruit from Fealt, some kinda blueberry the size of an apple he approached Rabi. He knew enough about Saiyans to be reasonably sure she would be up for a spar. Unfortunately for him she turned out to be asleep.

After a few seconds Burnet came to the conclusion that this might actually be a good chance to prank her without getting caught. Settling on something minor but more childish then his usual style he went back to the Scatter to find a marker.
@IceHeart Since the dragonball wiki considers the Maykyan transformation a form of gigantification, does that count as a technique or a transformation for Burnet?
Danny had no idea what had been going on between Jason and the human but judging by that terrifying scream before he removed the ax from play he doubted the Undead Slime had many way to non violently deal with this opponent. He didn't have much time to think of anything himself as the tip of a knife left a long but thankfully shallow gash on his chest. Unfortunately while he was able to avoid the following thrusts by constantly backing up while also making sue to hide his supplies from his opponent's point of view with his body, he was surprised by the second slash attack which resulted in another injury to his chest.

There was also no way he could back off any further without revealing his equipment which would no doubt make the situation worse and it turned out the human was ready for his Lesser Force trick by the way he prepared his third thrust which he only dodged by disabling his Levitation and falling on the ground. Still not actually wanting to fight Danny used Lesser Force to try and throw sand in the human's face and hopefully blind him long enough that he could both change his direction away from his hidden item stash and get some distance between him and that knife.

@IceHeart A female version of Vile? Interesting choice for a faceclaim, not bad just not something I ever expected to see which knowing the internet I really should have
@IceHeart I have changed Burnet's power level to be equal to Cui since otherwise the difference between him and Lord Gastrod VI would be too big to make for an interesting rp in my opinion, about 100 000 higher according to the site I use
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