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@ZxyxZemon I have expanded Jax's CS a bit. Is there anything that needs more detail?
@mattmanganon My cs is ready to be reviewed
Before Simon could any leeway towards the tower a small familiar creature revealed itself. Even without his phone telling him what it was he would have recognized it as a Mettaur which at least explained the battle chip but in a way that raised only more questions. Still forcing himself to sound calm he addressed the girl again. "I have no idea what is going but that is an enemy from a video game I've played. We should be fine as long as we don't stand directly in front of it." Following his own advice Simon side stepped until he and the Mettaur were standing diagonally from each other.

Meanwhile either due to Simon's Omniphone sending some kind of signal upon detecting the virus or simply because some timer ran out Solarman began to wake up.

@mattmanganon Not sure yet but might go with Kotemon or Elecmon
@mattmanganonInterested and it's no big deal but the images for friendly, sarcastic and cute don't work (at least not on my computer), iconic is fine though.
@ZxyxZemon I have made a small edit to Pasche's CS by naming his uncle and parents in the notable relations segment.

Also it's not done yet but can I get a review of what I have got so far for his npc uncle?

Since we were asked for ideas for NPCs, I decided to start with the most obvious choice given Pasche's backstory.

Also while I don't quite think Pasche is at the level of a Celestial Beast his hatsu would be rather appropriate for The Black Tortoise. So I just decided one of his goals will be to become The Black Tortoise.

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