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>Inspect the illuminated table on the right.
<Snipped quote by Duthguy>

That's actually very funny, especially since you never bothered changing it and even elaborated on the misspelling in your custom title.

Yeah by the time the typo got pointed out to me I had used this name for years here without anyone, myself included, noticing. At that point I decided to just run with it
I'm Dutch, I'm a guy, I didn't want to think about my username and ended up misspelling it when joining this site
Einhorn came too just in time to hear the ship's systems describe the lifeforms on the planet and was more than a little surprised to see that so many others woke up before him. There were more important things to worry about though which also meant he might have to wait until he could choose his new alt-mode. Since Septishock had set himself up as acting leader during the mutiny and still seemed to know what needed to be done Einhorn figured his current course of action was pretty clear "Anything I can help with, boss?"
After exiting his stasispod Blitzwing walked up to the other Predacons. What he heard Wingwraith say didn't sit well with him, the maximals had already proven tougher then he liked and now there potentially was a third faction on this planet. He briefly wondered if he was safer just abandoning them and acting like he was part of the local fauna after getting his altmode. He quickly decided against it, getting back on their good side was gonna a lot harder then just sticking around and maybe leaving in the future. "Well Wingwraith, are you planning on sharing those scan results or are you going to keep us in the dark?"
Not much happening here, I wonder if that is because of how long the opening post was. It seems to be more advanced in length than casual after all
When the mutinous Predacons headed for the stasis pods Einhorn at first wanted to go after them but he quickly decided against it. Even if a fight wouldn't needlessly endanger the ship even more, on his own he wouldn't accomplish anything. Instead he decided to look for a way to help the others Maximals, and with Nauticaa handling communications and Septishock in charge of the thrusters he could think of only one thing. He headed to an empty console and after taking a few seconds to remember the controls began routing as much power to the shields as the ship could spare. "Leave the shields to me."


Blitzwing remained conscious just long to hear that the ship entered the planet's atmosphere before the statis pod did it's job. He would have no way of knowing if he actually managed to survive until he came back online and that terrified him. Still it was better than being online while his spark shut down and his odds of survival were higher this way.
After hearing Septishock's spiel Blitzwing aimed at his weapon at Wingwraith again, he had no desire end up stranded in space after all. Luckily he once again didn't have to risk angering anyone as the ship's com systems confirmed what the Maximal had juts told them earlier. Not needing to be told to head to the statis pods twice Blitzwing took off as soon as the order was given.

Despite being one of the first Predacons to reach the pods Blitzwing didn't enter one immediately. After all he wouldn't get the chance to take down a Cybertronian again this easily. Before he could choose his victim though the ship entered the atmosphere and part of it exploded. This was enough for Blitzwing to cancel his plans and get in a pod while Wingwraith taunted the Maximals one last time. "Ugh blowhard."
I have seen the original cartoon back in the early 90's, as well the nineties extreme ghostbusters, which was surprisingly good and not extreme in the wrong ways.
The backseat of Zeek's car was a bit crowded but Danny was used to it, after they rode it pretty often. While he wasn't as big as a fan of the music as Zeek was he didn't complain and he had to admit that this Angus McSix at least had some interesting ideas for what he wrote songs about.

As he had expected Danny didn't do too great in most of the games, except for the shooters. He had enough experience there that he won a few matches. Of course he had fun, just hanging out with the others, chatting about stupid stuff and eating snacks.

After a while though Zeek got serious and wanted to talk about something important. At first his claim that he was the Power Ranger seemed like a joke but the way he acted implied he was telling the truth. Danny wondered how he should react before deciding it couldn't be true. Just as he and the others started laughing though Zeek proved him wrong.

Danny still hadn't recovered from the shock of seeing Zeek transform like that when several more bombshells got dropped. Zeek needing help did explain why he told them but it was a big responsibility and if he hadn't fully reprogrammed those Scarabs any of them could end up like that "Dark Ranger". "I don't know, I need some ti..."

Danny never got to never finish his sentence as suddenly Zeek's house was attacked by flying bug monsters and cyber-punk werewolves. One of the bugs nearly hit him with some kind of laser but like the others Danny managed to get to safety in time.

Seeing Zeek fly off talking about the Dark Ranger was trying to kill them he made up his mind. "I hope this works." Danny waited until the monsters were distracted before running towards the coffee table and grabbing the first Scarab he could.

He quickly placed it on the back of his neck, wondering how long it would take to bond. To his surprise the heads-up display and user interface appeared almost immediately and while it was rather expansive he didn't have time to study it. He quickly selected the transformation function as well as the first gun like weapon he could find.

Just like with Zeek he got covered in nanobot which eventually took the form of black and green armor and disappointingly small gun.

After a few seconds Danny ran to the door and did his best to help Zeek out by shooting at as many monsters as he could from the ground and discovering that he could take the bugs down with two or three shots. "Ha,take that."
I de-aged Danny from 21 to 19 but changed nothing else about the cs
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