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Like most people here said I'm fine with getting a discord and fine with not getting one
<Snipped quote by Duthguy>

It's going to be interesting to see how he compensates for that. Especially when he comes across our story's enemies.

I can see him upgrading his helmet by adding an ironman style hud and having it display it all directions thanks to camera's, he won't have to make it himself after all
<Snipped quote by Duthguy>

I noticed. I thought it was an interesting choice, but wasn't sure on the why.

Yeah, he is gonna be in a disadvantage in fights but since I read that Spider-man uses his spider sense to determine good spots to attach to his web to while and I saw the gloves in the art I used for Weaver I got that idea. It was originally for another Spider-man rpg I considered joining a while back but I never got to making a character sheet
I do wonder if anyone noticed bob doesn't have spider sense, or that I did that because it works well with his gloves which spread his weight out over a much surface when web swinging
I hope you Americans had a good thanksgiving
I don’t know if I would call that rumors… He was pretty much outed.

I have removed the part about the rumors
Omg, there are rumors about Danny? :O (lol)

Just meant rumors about his sexuality, I can rephrase it if you want
I'm pretty sure I've finished my cs, unless I should add relations with more pc's
@Crimson Flame

Sorry I picked the wrong name when asking

<Snipped quote by Duthguy>

Yeah, I'm cool with it and since Bob also got his powers 5 years ago, I just wanted to make sure it was after Caty and Danny did since they'll be the first ones bitten.

Okay I'll edit the backstoy some time to make a reference to their activities as Spiders
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