Secondary names
The Uteqx Union, Uteqx Multisystem, The synthetic republic (Kolus used name) the federation of Ivar (Ryzaus used name)
General Information
The Uteqx is the oldest nation of all the galaxy with its arrival date from its birth universe either marked 5 billion years ago or 500 million years ago depending on what historian you ask, their empire joined in the great war more by combination of accident and will, after all there was high in military power in the government at the time and demands at the same time, that led to the entrance into the Great war this led to the utilization of their military tech that has been put in rest for millions of years this lead to opening of the Uteqx foreign policies and first entrance to the galactic stage in millions of years
Currently the Uteqx find themselves damaged by their civil war and the damage dealt to their economic sphere during the great war although weekend their nation still stand strong in unity compared to the times before, now they focus on their current economic and military situation, before restarting their research upon the Stroclonos dimension, attempting to go back to their creators but still shadows of their past still lure in the current times and once again the Uteqx might find themselves engulfed in this darkness.
Many may claim who was the first race to start to walk in the stars but all admit that the Uteqx where there and say they were always there, little is known about Uteqx Creators, the only thing that is known is that they are not from this universe, the Uteqx landed in our universe in a mysterious machine Planet called 01010010, the name is a partial recovery of its original name, landing on the center of the Nebula of Cyuoene their arrival in the galaxy might be marked by the other powers as millions of years ago to the extremes saying five billion years ago the only thing for sure is that the Uteqx worship an organic humanoid that is said to have seen their creators.
The Uteqx came around the galaxy almost two billion years ago the only marks of their creator's universe and who they are is an only know to a humanoid creature that is worshiped to this day on his regeneration capsule in a Superfortress on 01010010 the time of arrival is only remembered still by the so-called first generation that only five survivors exist.
The Age of anarchy/The age of swords
Only know by some exiled Uteqx who still have some levels of knowledge of their history, the eon of anarchy was the time their species arrived in the current universe this time was marked by the awakening of the first generation and the war for control over the scrap and “biodomes” scattered across the planet before being united under a single nation under the domain of the Ember Conclave
To the citizens of the Core sector, this time is known as the time of warlords also called as the age of swords where their kind most relatable is a bronze to iron age period of a civilization this time period ended when six warlords unified their states and conquered the remaining regions of the planet unifying the world under the Uteqx union led by the five surviving warlords of the time forming the Ember conclave launching their kind to the stars and leading to an age of prosperity.
The Aeon of Peace/The Aeon of stagnation
With the centuries passing by the Uteqx came to colonize all the region of the nebula Cyuoene and then for an unknown reason decided to freeze their expansion and for next millions of years of an unmarked time they also stagnated technologically for some members of the Uteqx, they call this time period as the Aron of peace or the Aeon of stagnation due to the politically divided political nature of their country on current times this time ended by the arrival of the Ashtar
The reason being called Aeon is due to the fact that even the Uteqx historians don't know when the events that led to the colonization halt in Aeuburus and technological stagnation started, either way, the Uteqx froze in time for millions of years and when a power that came to rival than arrived they simply would submit in switch of high levels of autonomy and giving more resources in exchange for greater freedom this period of time also ended in confusion some information say 500 years before the Ashtar appeared to 2000 years before the arrival of the Ashtar what happened during this time is still a mystery reserved to the oldest of the Uteqx mostly because of the confusing times the Uteqx had during the existence of the Ashtar in the galaxy.
The times of confusion/The times under the Ashtar
This moment of time is very unknown some Uteqx who reported live during this time said that their armies have been reduced it is said that the parliament has been under confusion about the Ashtar most likely by the Ashtar sheer power probably impressed by their charm or their powers or technology.
This moment in time is considered very odd for Uteqx inside the Military Sphere of the Union during the Ashtar early times of mediation and peacing the galaxy the Uteqx was the first race to be visited by then, not on Luria but in the homeworld most already though what was gonna happen, but once they left only asking their state to simply reduce their armies and ask for cooperation the Uteqx got shocked by what the Ashtar asked for instead of what they expected this led their military branches to go insane by what they truly wanted and soon their parliament and the Amber conclave to constantly debate the true will of what the Ashtar wanted but once the Ashtar disappeared the Uteqx simply let their nerves calm down but their doubts never calmed.
The great war and the Uteqx civil war
In the first moments of the great war the Uteqx decided to stay neutral as always their kind followed during the initial days unfortunately the military grew impatient of the Uteqx not seeking conflict especially since some rumors spread of pirates and raiders in their nation being funded by foreign powers after a “border incident” the Uteqx joined the war having an initial good moment but after a while the great war proceed to its mid moments making the Uteqx face attrition warfare although their home/military sphere of influence wasn't damaged but with increasing problems at home and in the fronts exploding, rumors spread that the government would make start peace negotiations that led to a major civil war.
The event known as the military coup of the Uteqx had started just after weeks when the rumors of peace talks began to appear this lead their army to intervene in the government making their nation fall towards military autocracy, under command of general Krynar but instead of stability the members of the old amber conclave joint together in Nilos and launched a full scale uprising that led to a civil war inside the union although some fleets had to be rerouted and even territory abandoned the Uteqx were able to still maintain enemy fleets off their home sector keeping most of the damage to the Economic sphere of the union the civil war ended at the same time the great war ended with Krynar killed and a region of space outside the economic sphere officially declared Uteqx territory and banned from to all with the penalty of death if violated, the civil war was considered ended two weeks before the end of the Great war but officially ended almost two months later by the death of the former captain turned pirate Zuloz.
Modern days
The Uteqx in the aftermath of the great war and their civil war decided to follow the treaty of detente having their most recent fleet build following the stipulations of the treaty although the economy still is damaged by the conflict the reconstruction efforts are still in full swing with the industry again recovering from the most violent times of their race although it seems like shadows had passed problems still arise.
The civilian levels of the nation show discontent towards the existent result of the civil war, at the same time the Uteqx face problems of piracy and raids in its economic sphere making sure that planets organize militias making the Army feel tense towards the situation together with limiting their forces, as problems arise the Union now must struggle to find again its balance.
Major Holdings
01010010: is the homeworld of the Uteqx the planet itself is an artificially built world made by their creators when they landed on the universe the Uteqx worship this planet as not only a birthplace but also as the first object that will return to their universe being an ecumenopolis planet it is also the economic and cultural center of their race.
Luria Station: The station was constructed to be a deportation zone for races that lived inside the military sphere of influence and declared none Uteqx race allowed the first race to live in the station has been long gone but named it Luria station the station is the only door for the Uteqx to the outside world for both inside companies to diplomatic meetings are mostly arranged in Luria bring also a hub of almost all races of the galaxy that either seek asylum or simply freedom since Luria is quite literally ruled by a republic and policed by militias but protected by the Union´s military
Nilos is a habitable planet that is considered the second industrial core of the nation due to supplying resources that only livable planets make and also due to its proximity to Blouthil crystals that allow the production of Koslite to fuel their race once the headquarters of the General uprising that led to the fall of the dictator Krynar consequently its population has a serious distrust of the military.
Blouthil is the name of a uninhabitable planet located in a resource-rich area of the Uteqx territories it was thanks to its enormous quantity of resources that the Uteqx self-sustained themselves for millions of years without much trade with other nations this allowed their state to become self-sufficient at the same time the moons of the planet including the region around was rich in Blouthil crystals this way the planet was renamed to Blouthil.
The Union population is roughly around 300 to 500 billion depending on what information you pick the species of the union is split between four races major races and many others now follow this thing because the Uteqx gonna get a bit complicated so I simply oversimplified
91% of the Union´s population is made of the Uteqx their race is synthetical mechanical species made by their creators to fulfill an unknown purpose due to their easy switch of bodies their race physical body is built with living metal that then is applied to what is called Construction physical Format codes that are their bodies that citizens will use until their death or the Codes destruction by unwanted external force, the choice of the code comes from birth being the following in abundance by percentage: (PS THIS IS LIKE THE PERCENTAGES OF THE USED APEARECENS)
31% Uses the
Format Code-21 the oldest kind of the codes in operation being used by 32% of the population being a humanoid cybernetic body, made to all kinds of tasks this body allows the implantation of specialized equipment although, of limited carrying weight, thanks to its easy fabrication and manipulation is generally the favorite but also more used because of the form of the called prophet.
24% Uses the
Format Code-27 the so-called female version of Code-21 being similar to code-21 the only difference is the including of female levels of appearance such as breast and hair modification one thing that sets its difference is the fact that it can have wings while code-21 no the reasons being is unknown, it must be also noticed that Uteqx used propaganda has been depicting Code-27 soldiers as “Angels”
15% Utilises
Format Code-100 Nicknamed “the eye” it is the most agile of the other codes, been known for easy escalation of walls harsh terrain and others due to their octopus design and also easy to stick in surface tentacles this format is utilized due to its effectiveness in closed zones and also other everyday jobs they also have been noted to be exceptionally good with camouflage fields and hacking abilities in military levels of utility their code is famous for having extremely good levels of stealth most notably during the great war as it was utilized to break encryption and steal information.
10% Utilises the
format Code-132 also known as the “Titan” or “Colossus” most used on civilian level as transporter of heavy materials and constructor of large infrastructure but also this format has been more seen in the warfare use, dealing with strength issues such as fighting tanks, is also seen to be able to absorb damage and use the energy, to double down its strength and firepower, but this application is rarely seeing, due to the fact that overload of energy is commonly seeing, their armor is rather mysterious, but it has legends saying that many of them could survive, the collision of moons, but to differentiate the propaganda, with true is rather difficult but has been known, to be remarkable to sustain enormous damage, Such as artillery
6% of others Uteqx utilise
format Code-211 its civilian purpose is only know to be a common worker or simply more efficient in manual job, because of its 4 to 6 arms depending on which construct, when dealing with military information the survivors call Code-211 as the “Red Singer” due to the fame of they been able to create psionic illusions and even deactivate others psionic abilities
1% utilizes
Code-186 this code is very not utilized thanks in part for being the appearance code for Krynar consequently people think adopting this code indicates a symbol of rebellion or madness this codes are very famous for having part of their bodies submerged or included chemical and toxic material.
The remaining 13% is built in what is called Specialized formats good examples might include mechs, vehicles, animal looking robots and other codes.
Kolus make up the second rank of the population they are a reptilian-like Race that lives more in the economic sphere colonies
Ryazus are darkened humanoid creatures with four arms that habit Luria station they are literally the most psionic powerful race in the Union behind some codes of the Uteqx
1% Others the nature of the Economic sphere makes it prime ground for all races settle most noticeable because of economic and military aid to the Sphere
The Uteqx culture is divided between six main philosophies, that are respected by all uteqx but generally said who is better than the other, five of the philosophies are based upon the six members of the Amber conclave due to then being the eldest of their kind to exist consequently some of their teachings on the earlier days of their race become teachings to their kind being Cyerian, Prismor, Auriasm, Codexia, Helexis, and Tyviras believed to be born out of the people these teachings are all supported or simply attached to the heads of state or the creators.
Cyreian “Only through our leaders we will rise” preaches the concept of trust in the leaders and obedience and order in the concept itself is that the destiny of all is defined on the first moments of birth based on the logical idea that the creators designed their kind for a specific purpose.
Prismor “Perfection is needed for foes never disappear” preaches the concept of constant upgrading their bodies saying that the Uteqx should seek physical and mental perfection and to gain strength to win the battles that will come followers of this philosophy are mostly popular with Codes-132.
Auriasm “We all are brothers/sisters we shall work together for the betterment of all” believes on kindness to the person next to you utilizing, the concept of peace, love, and meditation the Auriasm believes that the best way to the Uteqx is not through Violence but trough talk.
Codexia preaches the concept of seeking knowledge above all in other words “Live like if you gonna die tomorrow, learn as if you gonna live forever” consequently is the most famous for having Codes leave the Military Sphere of influence of the nation and go beyond the borders of the nation.
Helexis “Do you want Total war? do you want a war more total and more radical than everything we can imagine?” Helexis preaches the concept of union and nation above all the only that can be easily compared is nationalism in the extremes believing on putting the nation and duty above all.
Tyviras “Of the people, by the people, for the people” The philosophy of Tyviras preaches the concept of equality to all and democratic choice for the people the idea itself pulls its inspiration from other cultures but also adapts itself from the Uteqx self-learning and criticism of the so-called “Oligarchy bureaucratic ruling class” that control government and the nation.
The Uteqx in a level of oddity appears to have a religion/spirituality centered around their creators with the concept that one day they would return to their creators and together both would achieve a new golden age in the universe in the ideas of their faith the Uteqx should focus on developing Trans-Dimensional travel to find their creators.
The Uteqx is an industrial powerhouse like none other due to their lack of need for organic materials and only need for resources consequently most of their worlds are generally focused on industrial output meanwhile the Economic sphere also follows the same idea but the need for food and other livable materials slows progress due to the need for importation of food and other things making the overall population growth of the Economic sphere be slow.
In the aftermath of the great war and the Utexian civil war, the Uteqx economy was damaged on critical levels recovering it now the main priority of the union but currently the economy needs rebalancing on investments most noticeable is the possibility of selling the existing state-owned companies, that appear to have attracted some high-level Uteqxian seeking fortune in the recent economic chaos
Is also know that the more resource-rich areas of the union are finally beginning to run dry thanks in part to eons of extraction but thanks to the times where they submitted to a power and had to give resources to appease but thanks to the civil war and the great war mass extraction has officially run dry some regions this made some parts of the government really nervous.
The Uteqx government is divided between 3 government branches nicknamed the Amber conclave, The Congress of the crescent moon and the Obsidian council
The amber conclave is where most of the executive power resides led by the five chancellors and the high chancellor leader of the nation members being Cybel, Prism, Aura, Codex, and Helix with Cybel being the head of the conclave, making him the Head of state although only in theory in practice his powers are just a little above the others, the five have the power to generate lawns and rules in a instant, including accepting new laws of the Crescent moon council and Obsidian council although making only by five members the council is currently split between the leaders of two factions most notably the Progressives and the conservatives. (Please don't start, PLEASE)
The Congress of the crescent moon is the parliament of the nation formed of elected individuals across the sectors or states if you prefer the name, the Congress holds the ability to create new laws decide investments on sectors and the members also have the job of representing the population of their sector while major proposals that can affect the whole nation such as embargo or limitation of trade need to pass through the Conclave are directly send to Amber conclave minors dealing with sector status or simply small issues are generally delegated to the Congress meanwhile laws and proposals that affect the lives of the citizens such as rights and population control it must pass through the Obsidian Council making then hold part legislative and part of the executive the congress now stays in a rough position most notably by two factions splitting the Congress in half following the same problems in the Amber conclave.
The Obsidian council holds the remaining part of the legislative having the power to influence the lives of the citizens of the nation from both military and the economic sphere of the nation while its power to judge and protect the citizens are ensured the Obsidian council still bows down towards the Amber conclave one of the most notable acts of the Amber conclave can do is the appointment of the Head of the council.
The Bureau of protection of the Union is the secret police and special forces of the Union tasked in espionage information gathering and a number of Black ops operations the bureau itself is very secretive organization and its inside only know to a few people, their operations are generally put into the high priority of the state.
Technological Information
The Uteqx live with still the most relevant levels of technology of the galaxy although their once unrivaled levels of technology have been put in equals has been centuries ago, their civilization still is ahead in some fields, just in the aftermath of the Great War and the Uteqxian civil war scientific progress kickstarted once again in fields neglected many eons ago.
Major Techs
Keydronyx steel
Keydronyx is a synthetic metal created by the Uteqx to be used on construction of space ships to even be primary construction replication for living metal used on certain times this metal is very strong remarkable against a certain speed of a object such as bullets and cannons capable of even resisting Nuclear detonations although is remarkably extremely weak against plasma and lasers.
Electromagnetic shields
Using electromagnetism the Uteqx developed a energy sphere that can be created in tanks, ships and even to a certain degree mechs this technology permits the protection from majorly energy weapon but dealing with projectiles it has tendency to be more week and having half of the projectiles to pass by it very easily something that the uteqx decided to fix the issue by using a new steel called Keydronyx.
Living metal
Living metal is only produced by a ancient artifact made by the Uteqx creators nicknamed by a human “The philosopher's stone” this artifact held inside a pyramid is the most defended object in the whole homeworld due to the fact it was made by their creators the artifact utilises all kinds of metal and turns it to called Living metal this metal reacts almost in similar level to organic matter such as regeneration and growth although limited to consumption of minerals to regenerate making the skin of the user or machine more vulnerable when the code is destroyed the living metal automatic triggers a self-destruction protocol making it melt away in both radiation and extreme heat this tech is not only used on individuals but also used in ships and even vehicles.
The Koslite Heart
Powering the Uteqx there is their heart made by their makers and ever since remade and never innovated ever since the only thing that can power him is Koslite a refined liquid from Blouthil crystals, Koslite is a very mysterious substance together with the very ancient creator technology it is drinkable for the Uteqx to power their hearts acting like water to organic creatures its energy potential is unknown but due to the H.E.C.C utilizing the crystal to create a powerful laser some wonder what Koslite can do on its full potential.
High Energy Concentration Canon
Also known as H.E.C.C this weapon is a form of high energy artillery cannon this weapon is powered by Blouthil crystals mixed with the energy of antimatter allowing the unleashing of an immense quantity of energy in a single shot but due to its energy use and size it is implemented into dreadnoughts, into the battleships and also to some extent battlecruisers, although limited to the older models
FTL: The Stroclonos dimensional gate
Uteqx has a weird preference to their own unique form of FTL. SDG or Stroclonos Dimensional Gate technology opens a portal to the eponymous Stroclonos dimension, an extremely hazardous world ruled by endless space storms. Projecting a safe path is practically impossible without AI assistance and only for short distances. Stroclonosi lightning annihilates real matter but Straussian Fields can protect ships to a limit. Side note, astronomical objects with sufficient mass project a shadow into the Stroclonos dimension, making exit near them impossible. Conversely with the "image" of stars and planets projected to the Stroclonos finding your target destination is relatively straightforward.
Stroclonos EMP blasts
It is known that the Energy of the Stroclonos dimension is highly intense is also know that when opening the gate to is normal to create EMP´s although week in strength it is now utilized as an EMP weapon know that creating a small rift it creates a massive EMP that is able to permanently turn off strike craft on range and also damage circuitry in corvettes and frigates.
AI-controlled point defense
The Uteqx utilize advanced AI to protect their ships the Ai although not sentient is very good on destroying enemy missiles/strike craft and protect the ship been armed with Gatling guns with piercing ammunition its accuracy is thanks in part to its AI having good prediction and precision aiming
Switcher tech ammunition
Thanks to energy attachers in some guns and some advanced engineering in others the Uteqx created weapons that are capable of switching their ammo from the projectile types to energetic types in cost of having a much bigger gun this technology is amply applied into the army although some of the guns are simply the common types
Uteqx Cybernetic communications hub
The Uteqx are all connected to a collective communications hub called the Cyber mind this mind although week, when too far away from the heart of the Uteqx union, the allows the communication of Uteqx in close region allowing them to talk with each other in planet to moon levels of distance thanks in part of to quantum communications.
Thermal Blades
Thermal blades are swords, daggers or chainsaws to a certain extent these blades use living metal to create a highly heated part of a sharp weapon or sharpy body part, this equipment and also an application for Codes in case needed but as well in some military equipment
Xeno mutants
Xeno mutants or Biological sentient weapons are genetically altered monster grown in tubes and tanks of clones created to be a biological weapon for a planetary incursion in simple words creating a genetically altered monster to create rampage in a planet or a ship
Sensor detection systems
Sensor detection systems are the utilized method of radar using many types of detection systems it allows the formation of what is called a Hologram of what lays in a region been ships, troops or others.
Radioactive toxic ammunition
Utilizing a mixture of chemical weapons and radioactive materials it was created a material that can create massive quantities of unbreathable air and radiation in the question of minutes this weapon is generally armed in siege cruisers and battlecruisers.
Military Information
Military Overview
The Uteqx military dates itself back to the initial age of expansion of the Union but after major resources have been acquired together with a necessary sense of security with that accomplished the Uteqx military was all but, laid to rest in their zone of influence making their army be more utilized towards keeping order in both the military and economic sphere of the Union leading then to become very experienced in policing rather than military conflict.
The great war in the second hand showed the need for some reforms although initially successful in the war the mid times of the war showed what their armies were not ready for most notably the lack of actual tactics besides attack, defend and hold positions having to mostly rely on their own advanced technology.
The Uteqx doctrine is focused on the utilization of superior firepower to overwhelm the enemy focusing on having distance rather than close combat quarters but also having their small ships contain boarding systems that allow the boarding of enemy ships.
The Uteqx Military is divided between two branches nicknamed The Union´s flotilla and The Guard of Worlds with both branches having to a certain extent competition
The Charybdis Dreadnoughts are the most advanced in the galaxy even although not produced recently thanks in part to constant updating of its equipment in part of the lessons of the great war, their equipment include
Cyuenian Battleships are the older models that are still operational in the scheme of things, being equipped with long-range railguns, Gatling cannons, and massive main batteries also including the H.E.C.C energy cannon into its design
Yakasir marais Class Battleships are the most recent design of the Union including only parts of the weaponry of the Cyuenian Battleships but been a bit smaller been more designed to be fast and agile compared to its predecessor due to the treaty of detente being equipped with H.E.C.C cannon
Helexis Battlecruisers: Are the last of the Pre warships although not many remained they are still very useful most notably by having a high number of railguns on their ships and the only variant to have a H.E.C.C mixed with four main turrets
Conflict Code Battlecruisers: Are the new models of the battlecruisers been varied such as missile barrage types, siege, and space conflict being with its equipment constantly modified the idea of Conflict code battlecruisers is to have diversity for any possible engagement in fleets a good sight to know is that their battlecruisers can even be re-equipped for different situations, in other words, their battlecruisers is hull that can easily attach any kind of weaponry to armor.
Union Cruisers: The cruisers of the union are the more diverse mainly because of the need for diversity in the Uteqx forces in case of conflict some of those include:
barrage/siege cruisers: these cruisers are known for having hundreds of missile pods as its armament capable of taking a good quantity of ships in barrages and in planetary sieges considered very deadly.
Boarding cruisers: In Close range location it is considered very dangerous since Boarding Cruisers contain several hundred boarding pods that can easily drill the Armor of ships its boarding team can be either Uteqx Codes or even Xeno mutants.
Shield cruisers: also considered Defense cruisers lack weaponry besides point defense and powerful shields considered the best defense when put in strategic positions
Destroyers: The Destroyers are considered unified in design but are officially divided into two designs:
Conflict led Destroyer: also known as warfare Destroyers are simply the ships made for normal conflict with artillery and weapons including planetary support although not put much use the Destroyers are generally the more produced ship of the Union seeking Numerical power.
Wind Chasers: The second class of Destroyers has been nicknamed Wind chasers due to its extreme speed in battle know for having very good agility and speed during combat although not having a good quantity of weapons it is very fast during encounters it is mostly used as boarding ships
Frigates: Frigates, on the Other hand, are unified by design been used mostly towards conflict and exploration and support such as artillery support and others
Corvettes: Corvettes are utilized also as support although their missions might more include planetary operations rather than space operations
Orbital-Air Strike craft: The Uteqx utilize Strike Craft that can operate in both atmospheres and in orbit and space being equipped with missiles and piercing rounds and lasers making then very deadly together with the ability to turn in 180 degrees with the facility due to their construction having an electromagnetic attached hull.
Orbital-Air Bomber craft: Build different then the Strike craft the bombers are very agile in air combat rather than space combat making then more useful in planetary incursions consequently they are mostly equipped with bombs and Gatling cannons.
Drop pods: The Uteqx drop pods vary in size and transport size some might carry 10 soldiers while others can carry entire mechs and even in some cases multiple mechs, tanks, and troops to a planet's surface.
Army/Planetary forces
The Uteqx utilize speed and mobility when dealing with planetary invasion consequently you gonna see then after clearing some defenses to launch an unexpected thrust into positions that the enemy both expected and not expected by dropping from the skies in drop pods and transporters.
At the same time, the Uteqx utilize a number of different types of planetary invasion forces most notably the Utilisation of so-called Specialised codes of construction being quite literally sentient mechs designed to fight conflicts together with controlled Xeno mutants
In case of non Uteqx personal main supply of guns might include a supply of many different kinds of Energy weapons in case of war now dealing with the Uteqx the fact that Modes can be attached to their body makes it easy to arm the population
Dealing with Mechs the army utilized the nicknamed Specialised Codes, its name been a guideline for Codes build for specialized work mostly attributed for war machines these ones include
SDC-21 Nicknamed “Wall” utilizing spacecraft armor in its fabrication it is used as defensive mech/machine capable of securing soldiers to tanks in conflict attacking it also might not be recommended due to its Gatling cannons.
SOC-13 Nicknamed “Watchers” Tripods are not uncommon in the Uteqx military although the most used is also the slow its agility in combat is unbeatable but its speed makes it more like a zone control to be deployed when needed due to its facility of deployment at the same time being equipped with Lazers
SOC-14 Nicknamed “Mech warriors” are giant humanoid Mecha piloted by either A.I or a pilot equipped with missiles a hand used guns of multiple types, also is known for having different modes that can be attached to the machines noticeable being arm cannons plasma throwers or strength aprimorators.
SODC-5 Nicknamed the “Oliphant” the only one ever designed by a non-Uteqx these machines resemble giant mammals with several guns attached to it although its speed is not so great its artillery support is considered very useful.
SODC-10 Nicknamed “Behemoth” A giant spider-like CODE equipped with lasers and missiles its firepower is considered low but its armor makes it very dangerous due to it having abilities to sustain direct artillery fire.
SPC-2 “The Tiger” This code demonstrates what are the SPC or the full name Specialised Primal Codes these machines are built to resemble animals SCP-2 forms the appearance of a Tiger or a quadruped creature with Teeth that can rip through metal and in some cases Gatling guns.
SPC-3 or “The Swarm” Are wasp-like machines that contain neurotoxin on their storage systems considered highly dangerous to personal with very thin armor its size the ones who mostly scare from some even being build with 30 CM with their sting been able to penetrate steel.
Xeno Mutants are quite literally genetically modified mutants creating monsters to fight conflicts due to their unrelenting will for flesh and violence spurred by implants some of those creatures are:
Terkar Queen: The Head of a hive mind nicknamed Terkar due to a lifeless planet of creation the queens are under control thanks in part for being “Raised to obey the Union” so to say.
Terkar Parasites: Creatures that are under control of a mind queen that currently is subdued, the parasite can only infect Humanoid creatures for an unknown reason mutating then to deformed monsters under the control of the Queen although appearing dangerous the parasites can only be created be birthed by the Queen.
Terkar Variant one: Are the first Variant of infected by the Parasite becoming Fish like monsters extremely weak against most projectile weapons but highly proficient with its claws.
Terkar Variant two: Variant two only appear on females of a species this race turning most of their flesh into metal like bones capable of resisting large quantity of damage except from high explosive or AT weaponry although their attacks are more psychological than physical famed for creating psionic screams that make men not other females go insane.
Terkar Variant three: is subdivided into variant A and B,
Variant A remains some humanoid semblance but is known as a flesh devourer for having claws acting as blades and carapace resembling tank armor although very few in number have been found in utility.
Variant B shows a total lack of Humanoid features and Total mutation took command turning the individual into a quadruped monster that is bigger than a “Building” according to ground troops these creatures are generally the more favored of the Xeno control forces.
Shatal Hyper dread
Is considered the last remaining symbol of the Uteqx passed glory consequently the ship itself is mostly used for ceremonial or by the council on private missions