“A nation needs a strong leader, a nation with a week leader its history will end there
Marcela took deep breaths before stepping on the podium, she was already accustomed with the lights and the people she was about to give a speech, so she needed time to relax for a moment as she took deep breaths, behind the stage she heard someone say “Its time” She opened her eyes a flaming glow could easily, be seen on her amber eyes, she took a small look at her pendant, that her father gave to her she rose and walked over entering the podium.
As she stepped up in the podium to the cheering crowds and as she approached the microphones of the stadium she smiled and waved at the people as she approached the podium she then said to the crowd to hear with confidence and energy on her voice. “Brothers and sisters of Melizea our nation, still lives in poverty and in the grip corruption, that still chains our country and due to that, I Marcela Linhares candidate myself to presidency together brothers and sisters we shall walk united against the corruption of our nation and its backwardness follow me brothers and sisters and I shall end this grip of the cartels into our government and make our nation once again a reason for us to be proud of! For Melizae!”
It was a gamble, ‘the dice were cast’ like Cesar said when he crossed the river, on a march towards Rome for Marcela it was the same, she wished to reform the nation she didn’t care what people, might say its a herculean task true be told, but she can easily deal with that she already knows how the politics of the nation works and sometimes you have to get your hands dirty to be precise she more worried about the elections the chances of victory could be high or slim it all depended if the chess game worked well the problem that she most likely would face is the Cartels she knows she would have good allies but also enemies on the way like Cesar the dice has been cast.