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There will be only a few things you need to know and that I will tell
1. I am a guy
2. why are you interested in who I am?
3. it can be very easy to make a friendship but you need to learn how to handle someone with Asperger a spectrum of autism plus several mental issues.
4. and also I am a bit of a quiet guy sometimes Specialy after a while but if you manage to catch my attention I can be very close and talkative sometimes.

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@Marrone You know you have my contact in discord right?
The Republic of Prabog

Alternative name

The National Reconstruction Government of Prabog


Prabog was once a prosperous world in the times of the confederation the first daughters of earth some called it a heavy industrial and technological world marked by its output and technological marvels thanks to its amazing minds philosophers and many others it wasn't made to last

In the times of troubles of the confederation Prabog was thrown into anarchy initiated by a nuclear first strike who did it why is still a mystery this lead to a age of blood and war a time of warlords lasting for nearly a decade and a half ended by Alexander who forged the republic in his 30´s and launched a final war unifying half of the planet before dying arising to the position of hero and guardian of the nation

After finishing the unification the republic now faces its greatest challenge rebuilding what was left by the events of the past but where some may simply settle and wait for better times, hope is now back on people's hearts as now the nation and its people wish to not only rebuild their homes but every world and reunite with mankind under a single flag

As of right now the economy still lies in ruins and the politics grew divise due to the aim of ambitions and priorities in politics while the situation has been stabilized the armies now aid in the reconstruction of the cities and states something new compared to the times before where they just fought warlords this is now relied to pacification of regions that still are hold by rebels.


The planet of Prabog
is the world and capital of the republic while much of its natural beauty was destroyed many returned but many of its scars are still seeneble from space a world with nuclear craters radiation areas and ruins that can be seen from space.
Population: 6,4 billion

Military forces:



  • Sons of Alexander - The army being forged by a great man would be a understatement the armies of the republic of Prabog are very war experienced due to the past of the republic made much better by the hands of Alexander the man who made the republic the people also hold a high resilience mainly due to the conflicts that the planet itself endured.
  • Technological and Industrial Potential - While Prabog was devastated many ruins can be restored and the former glory of the planet put again ontop making Prabog while week hold a great potential to be a giant of economy once again like in times past but for now the world lies in ruins
  • A dream larger than us - Even though the republic was brought up from ruins its ideals of freedom equality for all of mankind as spoken by Alexander still sing across the planet something that now came to symbolise what they wish to move beyond not to just end chaos in this world but end it in the stars where mankind as well might be oppressed as a solene duty to spread liberty and unite mankind under a flag that will bring prosperity to all.


  • Devastated world - a limited Nuclear exchange and ten years of warlords and war can do a number at infrastructure and economy therefore more than 60% of the planet is in ruins leaving zones of radiation in several areas that still need to be cleared up

    Devastation level is currently high
  • Rather inefficient economy - Due to the collapsed economy of the planet something showed by how bartering it is still a main form of use by the people thanks in part to the nations coin being virtually useless in the field of economics is in desperate need of reforms.

    The coin of the nation is mainly useless at the moment thanks in part to an initial mass printing and making of then in an attempt to aid in the stabilization through the creation of a universal coin instead it became useless.

    A lack of reforms or an address of said issue can lead to severe consequences and possibly a dark age for many.
  • Divided Government - While united in communalities and ideals many of the leaders still need to grasp unity and work together especially since the parties were forged by different ideas some by artists who lived isolated from the conflict, others by scientists who survived the chaos, some by politicians from the few regions who didn't faced too much warlord damage, others by nationalists who gained a renewed sense of nationalism under mankind and some by the Order who were the original party of Alexander while conservative in name they literally aim to maintain peace and order

    As of right now politics are partially divise


The Government of Prabog

The Republic itself and its administration is ruled as of the moment the congress and senate who legislate debate and others with the judicial maintaining the rule of the constitution the government is led by a five party system the leadership of the whole republic befalls the president of the republic a system of government that only works based on coalition governments of two or more parties to form a majority.

persons of interest

Wasn't expecting an Essay on military, history and geopolitics while i am proficient in all i wasn't expecting someone putting this here.
This is just a test ignore it mainly for things to come

test made ignore what is written in here XD
Planet Boffzen in Saxonian controlled space
Idustrial outpost Girdenau, in the town square
Priest Jules (Citrix) Randvi

Jules surveyed the small gathering before him, his arms widely outstretched as if he was embracing the small crowd.

“ Brothers and sisters of the stars! lend me your ears, eyes and hearts for I bring the word of the solar truth! These beautiful, incandescent, heavenly bodies are the alpha and omega of the human species and we as humans are their chosen people. The solar warmth of love is given to all humans, not just those of the Solite faith.” he finished as he points up towards the partially obscured sun.

“ All of you feel its strength, even through the industrial progress of this land the stars still provide its love and warmth to all humankind! Who are we to refuse such unconditional love, who are we to reject to word of the solar truth!” he finished again, producing a book from a fold in his dingy robes before handing it to the priestess standing next to him.

“ My sister of the stars will give you today’s word as spoken by the high clerics of old, we shall hear the gospel of beginnings and discuss its meaning in this increasingly modern world.” He finished again with a nod towards his colleague

“ Beginnings, chapter three, verse one to thirteen” he said quietly before stepping down from the makeshift stage and walking through the small gathering to the other side of the dirt street.

Of the 10 priests that were sent to this world, only 6 remained, the rest were lost due to disease, exposure or other natural phenomena. He had been here for three years, watching the size and scale of this planets industry grow until is engulfed their formally isolated camp of shacks. Now they were one of many in the small slum community that existed around them, in between the foundries and smoke stacks of the planet.
Jules, dug into the folds of his robes again producing a small grey box, spackled with OD green chipped paint from years of use. Inside were two small reservoirs with what appeared to be contacts inside, floating weightlessly in a self cleaning fluid. Jules, quickly captured one of the contacts on his index finger and expertly placed it on his eye, blinking a few times before the contact found its proper place.
Code flashed across Jules’s vision as the contact booted up, before his vision cleared again, showing him multiple unread messages in the corner of his eye. Using the interface on the grey box in his hand, he slowly began reading through them, mentally taking notes of what was important and what was not as he sifted through a couple days of briefings and updates.

“Nothing here…” he said quietly to himself before his vision flashed again, flashing with a recently arrived urgent message.

Jules raised his eyebrow in concern, this was far outside of the norm. He knew that sending an urgent message was important, commonly mission critical to what he and the rest of his priests were doing. He scrolled to the message and selected it, taking note of the recipient list. Once again his eyebrow raised in concern as he realized it was only sent to him. ‘Why…’ he thought to himself before scrolling through the contents of the message.
As he continued to read his eyes became wider as the look on panic became increasingly evident on his face.

“ High Priest Barca was coming, accompanied by two complete carrier groups” he said under his breath, reading what was in the message verbatim.

With a shaky hand, Jules slowly removed the contact and placed it back in its reservoir before looking up towards the sermon in process.

“ As we were born we shall return to ash!” the priestess yelled to the now decently sized crowd before the pair locked eyes.

Jules quickly tilted his head to his left a few times before walking in that direction, indicating to his colleague that we needed to go, the panic on his face making it evident that something was not normal. As he began down the muddy street, his mind began racing, they had a lot to accomplish in a relatively short amount of time.

Cop sirens could be heard the planet was very urban but because of it crime was quite rampant due to a lack of planning on the development of the planet, riots were breaking out in news in televisions that could be seen in the streets a small group of individuals gathered in front of the priests blocking their way it was quite obvious who they were to then the Holy militia one of the gangs formed by the church to fight the spreading words of the Solar truth one man sticking out of the group a man wearing priests clothes he looked young too young to be a priest having black hair and a missing nose and equipped with a bat by the looks saying “look what we found in this place Heretics of all peoples”

“ We are all of the sun brother” Jules responded with a smile and a slight bow.

“Well let us see if your god favors you then” He says to the gang readying weapons.

Jules raised his eyebrow again, and stuck both hands in the air slightly. He was older than the man in front of him by at least 10 revolutions and slightly taller and more built. He was under strict orders not to cause trouble however and received extensive training in de escalation and diplomacy. The priests were trained of course, basic weapon handling, advanced combatives, use of blunt and edged weapons, but this was not a fight they could win. They were both outnumbered and out equipped.

“ Brother, please we are not all too different from your people. The gods do not like to see human fight human, their love is for all of us to share, and there is plenty of it” he said in a reassuring tone as he slowly backed away with his hands in the air.

“ Please tell me, what can I do what do you need, I will gladly give what I have” he said again, eying the young priest in front of him.

There was a tense standoff for a moment on what could happen in the next movements, before it was cut by the illumination of a light from a police car floating above the ground behind the Solar priests two cop cars landed officers leaving the car and pointing pistols a voice could be heard “everyone hands in the air this is a order!” In front the gang soon ran away, the leader screaming “scatter!”

The sudden noise made Jules jump slightly as they were spotlighted by the police car. The urge to run was nearly unbearable as he heard the commands from the officers. As Jules already had his hands up he just raised them further, quickly instructing his colleague to do so as well.

“ We mean no harm!” Jules yelled in the Saxonian language, his normally near perfect Saxon accent broken by hints of his mother tongue. “ We are but simple priests!”

Officers approached the priests while others at the same time runned after the gang after a moment Jules was grabbed by the hand and then said “You are under arrest sir anything said can and will be used against you” after being blinded by a device to avoid seeing things and possibly being a threat his eyes returned to seeing in the police station put in the interrogation room and left to wait for a moment.

Jules felt disoriented as he blinked his way back to where he could see again. The lights of the room seemed blinding for a moment, before returning to their normal glow. He was alone and still handcuffed yet unhurt, ‘a small blessing’ he thought to himself.
Almost instinctively, as a result of years of hard training, Jules began assessing his situation. Testing the strength of the cuffs and studying them for any structural weakness. Finding none, he began to look around the room, trying to find something he could use to escape or defend himself. A pained sigh passed through his lips as he realized there was none, he was resigned to his fate, and he knew what his fate will probably be.

Opening the door of the room came a detective seeing a file Johann was an experienced man in his 30 years on the job of policing had brown eyes and darkened hair seeing the priest he sighed looking quite tired or just annoyed by something and then he said to the priest “Riot or illegally entering a place?” taking a seat in front of him at the table.

Jules eyed the man as he walked in, sizing him up as he came to a stop in front of him. They looked to be the same age, maybe a little older, and of similar build. Jules’s expression hardened as the man pulled out the chair and sat, staring directly into the man’s eyes.

“ Neither” he said in a blunt fashion, his saxonian accent returning.
“ My colleague and I were preaching our faith and were accosted by a group of thugs as we left” he finished without breaking eye contact.

Jules was no stranger to staring down death. He gained prominence during the early days of the Mordant campaign and saw some of the hardest fighting of the rebellion. He had learned to face his end as all Solites should, with dignity, ferocity and rage.

Johann sighed reading the files he then rolled his eyes for a moment before saying “understood mister Jules from the Solia State emigrant non the less well the problem is...'' reading the file and seeing Jules partner he set it down saying leaning forward “Your so called colleague is a spy she was caught inside a place she shouldn't be i hope you know what that means right?” Johann was blunt during almost like he had dealt with that more times then someone could ever count.

Jules smirked as he sat back in his chair, adjusting the cuffs so they cut into his wrists less.

“ She is? I was not aware….as I said when you arrested us, we are simple priests.” he finished, his accent still stable.

“ Besides, she was with me when we were arrested...how could that be possible sir?”

A blank stare remained in johann face before pressing something in the table seeing a holographic display showing Jules partner literally invading a factory by jumping a fence followed by a cut straight towards a archive of sorts and a second cut of she leaving after which he raised a grey box inside it containing file after file of things made by her and putting on the table he then said “You know… when saying that make sure to hear everything the other persons says not just the beginning...” the image in the holographic system then cuts to her carrying the same grey box in the table seeming to have been converted to carry the files of the woman Johann then said “Would you like to say anything else sir?”

Jules was fuming internally, but maintained his friendly smile, his eyes betrayed him however as they resembled a caged animal more than a human. Either this is fake, or his partner broke one of the biggest rules they had, never….ever…..collect information yourself. Either way, the atmosphere in the interrogation changed suddenly as Jules began to speak again

“ Do as you must….officer” he said bluntly, his Saxonian accent fading almost completely to make way for a strong Solite accent. “ We are not spies….but simple priests…. Are you sure you have the right woman…”

Jules was far too loyal to sell out his comrade, and fellow Solite. Even if she was in the wrong, he would deal with it later, if there was a later.

“Yes we do…” He replied immediately he then sighed saying “well you know the situation but since you seem to not want to confess you can go to court after all you didnt commit much but you will be arrested for 5 years because of this at best unless the war rules declare longer your friend on the other hand will be deported back to your country” he reads the paper and then saying “but if you say it happend and admit you walking free obviously” he says with a smile he then sighs saying to himself “I wish this wasn't so common”

“ Your want me to confess to a crime that I have committed, or testify against my own people” he said incredulously, his smile slowly fading from his face. “ Eat shit and die….” he said in the Solite language “ I will not betray my people, and I will not confess to crimes I have not committed” he continued in Saxonian with a heavy accent. “ Do as you must..”

Staying put for a moment Johann sighed saying in Solite “I understand your language, you fuck” he then continue in Saxonian “I also follow your religion aswell” He does a very small smile before fading away he then continued by saying “Well i hope you like prison i shall…” a knock hited his door opening seeing a officer saying “Mister Johann someone is wants to speak with you…” Johann raised from his chair and left the room after a moment saying “excuse me”

“ In the end we all return to ash brother” He said in the Solite tongue, before his friendly smile returned with an evil tinge. He watched as the man left the room before dropping his smile again, as loud sigh escaping from his lips.

“ How fucked am I” he said under his breath as he looked up at the ceiling. This was catastrophic mission failure, if he left prison, or this room, alive he shouldnt even bother going back home. They would just kill him and those under his command anyway. He was probably better off dying here a hero than a disgrace back home.

Jules looked towards the door again with a raised eyebrow “ I wonder what they are doing out there….” he said in his mother tongue turning to looking towards what he thought was a mirrored glass window at the other end of the room.

“ Always watching...hmmm” he quipped.

After a time the door opened seeing Johann walking back to the seat he then said in Solite “You are free to go…”

“ What…” he responded in his Solite, his normally professional demeanor dropped for a moment, being replaced by genuine surprise.

“If you answer this man’s questions” He replied after the man said looking to the door seeing a man with medals entering the room he wasn't a cop a soldier or even a military officer he was a noble Frederick Von Zaschen one of the leaders of the current government and for all Jules knew the head of the Intelligence service he was a old man with grey hair he looked ot be in his 50´s or 60’s he had a very white looking beard he smiled saying “a pleasure to meet a man of god”

Jule’s face still exhibited his surprise as he turned to look towards the noble entering the room. His identity was only known to Jules through intelligence reports and pictures in passing, but he was a lot taller in person than the pictures let on.

“ It is a pleasure to meet someone of your status Lord Von Zaschen…” he said switching back to the Saxonian language and accent. “ What do I owe the pleasure sir?”

“The pleasure is mine is good saying a spy from Ecclesia reminds me of the times when i was a beginner infiltrated a ring of your group and dismantled it good times where those” he says sighing looking to the ceiling it could see it was a long time ago by how he says about then he then continues by saying and taking a seat next to Johann “Ironically that is a thing your people need to solve you have bad infiltration tactics” He soon smiled to see the response of the priest about his statement leaning back on the chair

Jules grinned, his eyebrow rising in intrigue as he listed to the man, he was clearly his senior in age, rank and status. Jules had knowledge of the events that Lord Von Zaschen was talking about, but it was before his time.

“ Yes, I have heard. We use that as a training lesson now, to remind us of the importance of good tradecraft. You Saxonians were on the cutting edge of intelligence and espionage…” he said with a nod

“ I will welcome any lessons you want to teach...but first, I was told that if I answer your questions I will be set free...is this true? he finished with a smile.

“It is true well free to go but it a but… and as a lesson i could give you right here and now actually” He says with a smile doing a small hold on gesture he then press something in the table making the holographic display in the wall show Jule and the entire missionaries he has been soon images changed this time showing a literal text of the plans of the operation they had soon followed by several images of agents images files and others some of him others of other Priests he didn't know looking forward seeing Johann looking shocked at that and Frederick looking bluntly to the screen a almost bored face constantly mashing the button showing you what feels like the entire operations of the Ecclesia in saxony after a moment he stops saying in the video of someone stealing something “You know your organisation might need some restructuring its not bad but somethings are easy to find once you know the pattern…” He coughed for a moment and then said “Well here is the question who is your boss?”

Jules sighed “ I report directly to the naval high command, the solar church and the minister of information, a high solar priest….” he finished in Saxonian. “ These are the only entities that know of my presence here” he quipped again, looking at the noble sitting across from him.

“I see well tell me if I were to ask would you be able to enter in contact with someone high in the politics of your country. I believe this would prove good to you and me” He says with a smile he looked quite happy with the man's response.

Jules tilted his head to the side slightly “ Yes...I suppose I can” he said quizzically “ Those in power ready my reports with great scrutiny” he finished before looking back at the holographic pictures.

“ Why?” he quipped

Smiling with the answer Frederick then said “Oh nothing special i just want to know if you would like a small in field promotion from Spy to… Diplomat” once frederick said Johann stared at him for a moment Frederick then said “You see our people are war with the Dominion and your people are also at war with then but we were first the Dominion made sure that contact between its protectorates was always small and relative to just leaders visiting each other…” Frederick then sighed saying “well i wish you to talk to your leaders that saxony wants to make a pact…”

A large smile stretched across Jule’s face, suddenly it all made sense. The message, the coming crusade, all of it. He didn't know this was a galactic effort however.

“ The galaxy never felt so small” he said quietly in the Solite language before nodding affirmatively towards the noble.

“ Lord Von Zaschen I can do this with great joy and purpose” He said, switching back to Saxonian. “ I must inform you that our people have answered your call and are currently en-route with two carrier groups and a number of strike forces. It is a vanguard force, but certainly more will come” he finished, as he shimmied in his seat slightly, attempting to regain feeling in his hands.

“ They are commanded by a high priest, Lord Barca, I am sure he will be very grateful to hear from a Saxonian Lord, they set off Maybe three weeks ago, and are making best speed to this system.”

Continuing with his smile Frederick knew everything would be good from now on he then said “well good to know that mr Jules… mind taking the chains off” he said to the officer he raised and soon took off the cuffs this soon led to Frederick saying “It would be good if our states could establish diplomatic lines between our peoples after all is better to be organised rather then chaotic don't you agree?”

Jules nodded “ Until our vessels get into range, communication can flow through me and my team, we have direct links to communicate with those in command and these messages will get to Lord Barca. There will be a delay of a week between sending a receiving, but they will be looked at…..I am assured of this”. he finished with a curt nod.

“ah this is truly marvelous i will warn about when your team gets released albeit there is a small catch in there since your group hasn't had much of a good history on our nation i am afraid you will be kept under observation you know how politics go hope you don't mind that small thing” He says his smile retaining the officer Johann leaving whispering “...time for bureaucracy”

Jules chuckled and looked at the noble with a slight grin “ Do I have a choice” he said in the Solite language before nodding towards Lord Von Zaschen. “ These terms are acceptable sir, I am sure my team and I are truly blessed to leave with our lives”

Frederick relaxed on his chair saying in Solite language “Good to know i hope you like the staying for now” he then raised from his seat continuing saying in his language “by the will of the sun it will be a fruitful deal don't you agree?”

Jules nodded curtly with a small grin “ The will of the stars was fulfilled by these actions and their warmth shines bright on us today. I'm sure the gods will look down on this moment favorably”. he finished, eyeing the man as he stood

Frederick nodded saying “Well let me take you to your friends you might want to speak with then” He says you notice a small chuckle in his voice like he knew what it might happen next.
13 days later

The priests where given a small apartment to live not a very good one by their requests of their faith while better then living in shacks there was observation every day by cops and sometimes the feeling of been watched when walking outside due to making sure after in a moment 13 days after the talking with Frederick someone knocked on the door of the small apartment.

The priests were not unaccustomed to being watched, but the surveillance machine of the Saxonians were immense. The solar priests noticed surveillance tools and techniques at all times no matter whether they were inside their new apartments or out preaching on the street. They did so with a renewed sense of duty however, their focus now on providing information to the oncoming crusade force and strengthening diplomatic ties with the Confederation.

A tablet was soon delivered to Jules in his apartment it contained instructions on read me when dealing with information inside was the number of contact of someone.

Jules, received the delivery of the tablet and studied it for a moment. his training had instilled in him a permanent paranoia of traps and assassination, something that is a common practices for elite solar priests and naval recon platoons. Tablets could contain bombs, lethal doses of radiation or worse some biological agent or poison. With a sigh, he slowly opened the container containing the tablet and sighed in relief.

“ Im still here”, he thought to himself, before reading the contents of the tablet.

The tablet only contained a singular number, without any supporting information, raising his eyebrow quizzically, he tapped the number of the screen and it began a video feed call.

A holographic display of Frederick immediately appeared after tapping it saying “took you long enough well now that i you answered here is the thing” a map of the region was displayed showing saxony their neighbors, the dominion and the obviously far Ecclesia frederick then said “we are ready to start the situation the army provided by the information your government and your group gave us is currently ongoing towards the union our plans according to our high command for Ecclesia are simple” the map soon showed the forces going and attack the dominion through the gap between the Union of Oros and the OPAO the targets majorly being industrial planets and fortress areas displayed on the map Frederick then said “this areas are believed to be good zones for initial conquest splitting the dominion into two fronts allowing us to slowly and steadily win trough attrition over a long period of time” the map displayed the Dominions armies or better what it is believed to be splitted up and losing ground over the passage of time victory believed to be achieved in a year in a best case scenario according to the holographic display.

Jules was no tactician, but he understood the benefits of forcing his opponent to fight a two front war. He studied the holographic map for a moment before nodding towards the holographic image of Lord Von Zaschen. “ This makes sense, is there any more information on Dominion forces in the area? Unit composition? defenses?” he finished, before looking at the map once more.
“Speaking in the best term possible there is no resistance… the Dominion is refusing to fight they don't want to be ready for a civil war they don't wanna fight it even though they need this is why Saxonian mobilization was not interrupted at all by any army of the dominion no attacks just a few raids'' Frederick says the map shows the region empty of forces besides stationed in a few important locations mainly outposts and industrial worlds of importance but still a very small fraction compared to the dominions whole military armadas distribution Frederick then say “according to the leader of our expedition to go she calculated we have precisely 2 weeks once the first world falls before full response is activated if we are lucky of in our attacks your armies need to be quick need to be swift we have a 2 weeks window once the attacks begun without any opposition to capture as much land as possible” The map display the invasion you notice extensions and salients formed in a very fast form in a blitzkrieg form aiming to take the best sectors as fast as possible Frederick then continued by saying “this might sound hard to believe that the most powerful state of the galaxy is refusing to fight but its the truth that exists you have this information including more in the laptop as its being uploaded send it to your armies and be ready i hope you understood”

Jules nodded “ I have no reason not to trust you, you have been true to your word with us, we shall be there when you need us” he said in a flat tone. Internally, he wondered if his was sending his forces into a trap. The Eclissia, has been far removed from the politics and affairs of the dominion for ages, but the idea of leaving something undefended was alien to the Solite psyche. He didnt want to be the one to lead his crusade force into a trap, that would be a fate worse than death.

“ I understand completely Lord Von Zaschen, I will be sure to pass these plans onto my forces” He finished

“May i ask you to deliver one thing to your men once things begins?” Frederick said he seemed blunt compared to the first time both met more worried rather then confident.

Jules grinned widely “ I'm sure you will have the ear of all the Solite forces in the area, we are at your disposal. You will also have the ear of Lord Barca himself, you should find him…...very willing to help.”

Jules narrows his eyes again, looking at the holographic map and pointing to the collection of worlds they needed to conquer first, “ Are these human worlds? Xenos? Mixed?” he aksed quizzically.

“for the location, it's mainly human worlds albeit there is Xeno minorities there is some worlds where there is a mix but just a few” He says showing data about the worlds in question especially in the area itself mainly the public ones available for people in the area since saxony was close to the dominion some of its nobles had access to local public sensus on populations.

After a moment he sighed and then said “send this to your forces…” He paused and then took a deep breath and realised he opened his eyes a feeling of discipline could be felt in Jules almost like saluting an officer of high rank he then said “your gods allowed you to have a sword to strike down a corrupt decadent state with the might of your rightness your enemy is week and thinks himself unbeatable his legions rest worrying about other things while you march in the light of the sun guiding your path the light of your god shining in your eyes do not waver and do not give up as your war is holy...” he stopped and then said “I believe this is everything i had to give anything you wish to know more about the plan?”

Jules nodded as he finished writing down the last of the message “ No sir, I think this will be sufficient, my admirals will be able to fill in the gaps with their expertise. This message will resonate well with the troops, you are a talented statesmen” he finished before looking back towards the holographic image of Lord Von Zaschen.

“ I will send this immediately” he finished

“Marvelous the rest of the information is on the tablet it has been downloaded and is now in the tablet send it all if needed be to then have a nice day Mr Jules” He says with a smile before turning off the communication in the tablet.

Jules sighed, and walked towards a large rucksack towards the back of his simple room. Kneeling down to open it, he revealed what looked like an oversized radio with an attachment for a large collapsible satellite dish. Before, Jules would have to walk for miles into the wilderness to get enough privacy to transmit messages. However, subtlety was no longer necessary and Jules grabbed the rucksack and began his ascent to the roof.
It took him a little while to extend the satellite dish and place it on its tripod before he began to boot the communication system. As the system calibrated, it automatically aimed the dish toward the closest known communication hub and began transmitting the plans laid out by Lord Von Zaschen. Once complete, Jules began typing the personal message from the Saxonian noble, before sending the entire package. He could hear the electric whirring of electronics working as the communication system transmitted its message as he waited on the roof, looking out towards the dusk sky.
Neu Saschen Capital world

Following the raids of the southeastern border of Saxony the debates stopped for the time being due to threats in some of the nobles homes for a time it seemed like the debate would take a time to continue but after a moment of peace the congress of nobles returned not in physical form as some did but as holograms at first the congress was majorly against the motion of making taxes obligatory and other policies of military and governmental expansion but following the event the room seemed more in favor Ermenrich looked into the congress around him he knew the majority of then because of his father's education it was rough but thanks to it he knew pretty much everyone in the room but thanks to his personal experience he could tell one thing it was a close race what was once a lost cause seemed close to achieve while he was more in favor of centralisation then his peers in the Nobelic Order different from then he saw the benefits of centralising Saxony while keeping some things in place after a moment in his thought he heard that a recess was called.

Leaving his seat with the other sighing he said “I feel like this has been going on forever” Frederick hearing that replied, “In actuality...” Interrupting him Ermenrich said “you don't need to tell me the date” Katrin then said her voice sounding relieved from the pause but also in some moments a worry existed “well no worry by next session it will be the voting and then it's done…” Ermenrich stopped walking in the hallway his co workers walking away without notice after all they needed some time from the constant debate Ermenrich though it wasn't enough by what he saw there wasn't enough he then opened comms as they went off sight and hided in the hallways scrolling through his contacts he called a number without name after a moment a man answer his voice sounding old and crisp by age Ermenrich then just said “Hello Uncle i need your help” the man in the other side said his voice sounding not surprised and tired “odd… dont you said that now you were the head of the family leader of the four branches and head of the Hergenrother dynasty afterall you seem to have been able to convince your cousin to go that diplomatic meeting Or…” Ermenrich sighed and said “Yes… I know but I had to have a long talk with her to go there and say how good it would look for her being the first diplomat to a lost human state. You know I still don't have the power or influence to…” The man in the comms interrupted saying “But you should and you have to...” Ermenrich stayed silent he was surprised his uncle never would have said that he always felt under his thumb since he became a duke sidelined but now he said that he should have the power and influence “a new generation is taking the reins if like it or not, my time is ticking down and now you should take the reins, you have to be assertive upon the four branches, the High born, the low born, the middle born, and the blind born, must be kept on line and for that our family needs a head of the same generation, as yours not of the previous one that is dying but tell me what you, need because this will be the last favor i do to you” Ermenrich remained silent partially stunned but keeping a poker face in case he is being watched he then whispered in a blunt manner “I need you to convince the members of the nobelic order to vote in the new bill” a moment of silence followed by him saying in comms “understood” and then cutting out after the request Ermenrich put away the comms sighing and walking to the balcony to get some fresh air.

After the end of the recess the congress once again gathered together after the final words of the leader and maker of the bill Katrin the voting begun to happen each member state of the confederation had two representatives and two votes from each representative based on the congress of nobles before the revolt making it 196 voters as the votes begun to be cast and the numbers were counted the room fell into silence in the brief minutes the room had before the result was shown after a moment the computer showed the results 125 in favor against 71 the motion the bill was passed the members rising in their holograms applauding while some raised but didnt out of respect it could be noticed in their faces the bill of national unity was passed from it new reforms were made from now on taxes on member states of Saxony was obligatory at the same time there was to be a expansion in the government bureaucracy and the formation of Zentralgouverneur des Herzogtums governors that live in dukedom counties and others with the objective of keeping a eye on taxes to the government and a special governor of the region in the matters of government owned lands.

When the situation calmed itself down and the nobles turned off the gang of four was alone in the room again Katrin then said her voice happy and even surprised she even spoused a smile she then said “Well with that i think we have everything done for the next months in the government” Frederick upon reading some documents then said “Indeed without that attack in our borders the bill wouldn't have passed and we definitely wouldn't have the fundings to field a large army for the war or fight in two fronts” Ermenrich sighed and said his voice sounding tired “And also this isn't the end... there is still much to be done...” Brunna then breaking her usual silence said her voice sounding sheeply since she didn't talk much due to Katrin in the room letting go of the worries due to her excitement “It's still a step in the right direction now comes a more direct problem right now” Ermenrich quickly said “...and what that is?” Brunna just said shortly and quickly “Who shall lead the 1’s expeditionary force once its ready” the room fell into a small silence it was truth there could be a general appointed but many nobles would wish to be in that position it could lead to another debate a sigh came from many but not from one instead Katrin Said “I shall lead then” the whole council looked at her Frederick scoffed saying “Yes you can lead then but you will be literally working two…” Katrin interrupted him saying “I can deal with that easily i am experienced in balancing things and you gentlemen know i was trained for war” Frederick sighed looking to Ermenrich he shrugged his face looking confused he then said “I guess you can” Frederick turned to Brunna she just nodded in agreement with Katrin after that he sighed and said “So be it i will just wait for the report of damage, on the mean time are we sure that the forces in the southeast should be in command of the you know who?” upon he saying the members of the room eyed at each other none showed concerns except for Frederick he then sighed saying “I don't trust Hildenbrand he triggers some worries on me” Ermenrich replied to Frederick understanding his concerns saying “nobody really trusts him but right now we can't bargain due to the current situation” Frederick nodded after a moment of silence Brunna cuted the silence saying reading the documents in front of her “Thanks to the bill we can now field a larger army the mobilization was already at 50% and was speeding up we would have been forced to stop it if it wasn't for the new law now i believe that by now our mobilization will be completed in a few days to a month tops”

Frederick nodded upon the situation he then said after thinking on the military organization “We might need to choose a Gran Reiksmarshall soon enough because as of right having me as in that job isn't good” Frederick chuckled for a moment he then said “odd didn't you said you liked to be a weapon” “A dagger...” Frederick replied quickly “... i am a dagger what we need is a axe i will work on finding a replacement for me on the military side of things unless somebody here is better” Frederick said Katrin then said her mood returning to her usual emotion she then said “We must also choose a ambassador for the Romans” Frederick upon hearing that just said “I take care of that dont worry about it” from the entrance to the congress the door swung open violently a diplomat rushing in the four in the room turned to him as the man runned he puffed in exhaustion due to a rush he then said his voice ecstatic and nervus upon the catch of his breath he said “Solia Eclisis declared war on the dominion” the four looked at eachother surprised and amazed by that Frederick then said his voice raised from the normal startled by the news “any other news from there” the diplomat then said “Our embassy on there reported military movements it's possible that a expedition” Katrin then said “Tell our diplomat to start talks between they and us this could lead to a formation of a alliance” the diplomat noded leaving the room in quick hurry Ermenrich than said as the diplomat left “Thing are moving fast thank god we are equally ready” Katrin raised from her seat saying “If you getelements excuse me i have to appoint someone to take care of some business as i get ready to leave” the three noded as she left.

In the halls of the palace Frederick walked over the empty halls it was a quiet afternoon of the day while walking he noticed a part of the hallway with a lack of illumination walking towards it and stopping in the middle of it he then said “So what did you find out?” from the darkness a voice responded its tone calm and blunt “The agents i investigated don't match their credentials like you said it seems like the Domestic Defense of the Saxonian People has covert agents from somewhere” Frederick nodded and then said “Keep yourself down we might have already dug out something we shouldn't have dug” the voice replied to Frederick “you don't need to tell me that i more worry about you” frederick looking to the right didn't see anyone else in there ‘those people’ he thought to himself not seeing his agent anymore he continued walking away his worst fear was confirmed a organization had infiltrated the DDSP after checking he was alone by looking around he grabbed a file from his paper file in it the title ‘Operation Darkened Sun’ reading this words his heart began to race he never thought this was going to be needed, initiating a call someone answered by saying “Yes sir?” after a moment of silence frederick then sighed and said “Initiate preparations for Operation Darkened Sun” “the light has dwindled” the man on the other hand said Frederick knew the code word he then said “But the light still will live on” after a moment of silence the man then said “The preparations for the purge will begin in a few days sir” the communications were soon cut frederick continued on his way.

Planet of Talinia/ the core worlds

Talinia wasn't the most prosperous or industrial of all worlds in the core sector a majorly agrarian planet with barely a couple hundred million living residents while not a massive population it was still a important world due to its ability to feed its neighboring systems with its exports in a farmhouse a young man got his things into a bag a voice from the door said to him “you Yeager know last time i checked you weren't very keen to join the army” looking at him a smile appeared across his face he couldn't stop but say “...and you as my little brother seem to have forgotten the amount of times you said you wanted to join” the boy scoffed on that saying “it was when i was a kid…” rising up the man walked to the door the boy then said his face growing sad “do you really need to go?” raising a hand and patting his head he then said “you know i have to go i was called for war you don't need to worry i will be back listen to our mother and try to stay out of trouble you promise?” nodding to the question he then gives a warm hug to him and then say “don't worry about me brother”

Giving the warm goodbyes Yeager entered a bus going off saying the last goodbyes to his brother he would be in good care of his friend after a few days he is taken off-planet arriving in the training grounds in a space station he was left in a barracks to organize his stuff several man and woman being in such place, while Yeager organized his stuff someone told him “so where you come from farm boy?” looking to his right seeing someone sitting on his bed raising an eyebrow and then say “I am not a farmer but... Talinia” a smile ringing in his face. A young man like him then said “still is an agri world I am leon” “Yeager” he replied shaking his hand. Yeager then said “where do you come from?” The man then said taking a laydown in his bed “Kronen an industrial world” Yeager then said “polluted to need a mask or...” “need a mask Jonas by the way” he replied immediately extending his hand Yeager then said shaking his hand “pleasure to meet you” “you two be ready training aint going to be easy” Yeager turned to left trying to see who said seeing a woman Jonas then said “that is Emma, Yeager she is the experienced one they say”
Emma stared at Jonas with a smile it could notice a level of anger in her eyes and a obvious fake smile she then turned said “pleasure to meet you Yeager as for the why experience is because my brother served” Yeager smiled saying “at least you know more than us” “attention you Pigs!” A shout came from the other side of the room looking back seeing a drill sarge all man and woman lined up in front of their beds the sergeant then walking forward said in an authoritative manner something normal for sergeants “Listen here you useless swines you are going to be pushed in this station to last the longest in the hell called war as I come from burgundy don't expect me to pick any easy compared to your normal sargeants do you understand?” “Yes sir” They shouted for that moment the training had begun and would continue as Saxony was getting ever closer to its offensive against the dominion while its armies were split thanks to the new rule their number of soldiers began to double by the day as the armies expanded.

South Eastern Saxonian Border

A dark void surrounded a partially illuminated table no sound could be heard from any direction on top of the table a chessboard existed the pieces moved the game seemed to barely had begun sitting on one side with the other chair empty a man in his 30´s Hildenbrand his eyes closed his black hair barely moving and shining slightly due to the light illuminating his area he face clean as he shaves his face to make sure it is in perfect harmony with his proportions, he opened his eyes seeing a man roughly looking old he has a large beard covering his face his beard and hair is grey he then says “Kinda of odd continuing his game” Hildenbrand looked down at the table he then grabbed a pawn and moved saying “it's a game we prepared for a long” “agreed” the man said moving a piece in the table he then says “She and her gang are being a problem” Hildenbrand thouged for a moment and then said “they are a problem she was supposed to die but we still can deal with” The man nodded saying “Indeed…” After a pause, he then says “this land will require more laborers and infrastructure…” “It will be easy to deal with, we just do a few deportations.” Hildenbrand says moving a piece in the chess after a moment of silence he then says answering Hildenbrand “don't you sometimes think that mankind is more than just evil?” Hildenbrand scoffed saying “Mankind is wicked and you know quite well-plotting killing war only through a strong leadership we will triumph even if that means...” “if that means what happened those days especially with you know what.” He said proceeding with him after a moment Hildenbrand nodded he then closed his eyes for a moment opening then seeing the bridge of his flagship in his mind he then though ‘hate closing these thoughts of mine’

Looking around the flagship the crew worked their way effectively under his vision many were afraid of what Hildenbrand would do if he saw someone doing something wrong looking around a message in a visor appeared close to him it was about the capital reading his eyes widened he then sighed whispering “can they not…” he then typed “activate protocol blind eye” the message was soon sent he then sighed again saying his voice sounding impatient “How long until the operation is ready?” an officer soon approached him he shook with fear a man had been shot just this morning by his hand he then said his voice gagging a little “...we …we are ...re-ready sir” Hildenbrand remaining silent nodded and then pressing a button a transmission for the rest of the fleet he then said “To all fleets begin the march towards holdings of the F.D close to our territories we are to exterminate this plague and then conquer whatever is good and burn whatever is left all forces advance”
The fleet has soon begun to depart into FTL arriving in the outside of the border a full-on military offensive or better a full-on military attack against what would be considered pirates the fleet moving southeast aiming to destroy capture anything that is a danger and expand the borders to the southeast the limited resistance begun to be pushed aside as the fleets moved forward to create a buffer zone and at best gain some new lands while not a formidable force mainly deployed in hurry from the garrisons but still an army capable of fighting quite effectively.
<Snipped quote by DX3214>
Really? This is the first time I heard of it. Do tell.

I don't remember many of the details i majorly just remember mainly Giuseppe Garibaldi the mad lad BUT from what I remember the plan was that Italy was to be unified around the papal states forming a nation with the pope at its head I think it was a confederation or something I don't remember the only thing that ruined that plan actually it was 2 things first the popes really didn't care about unifying Italy they had a kingdom so they didn't care even with a lot of support and the second reason, was the mad lad Giuseppe Garibaldi who literally after spending too much time hearing the debates put on the military gloves said "fine i will do this my dam self" and proceeded to unify Italy trough fucking volunteers and no support whatsoever
I am basically just trying to figure out a means of making sure those pesky italians don't get italy and instead the pope gets it. Because it's fun to imagine such scenarios.

I mean there was a plan for the unification of Italy to be centered around the papacy.
<Snipped quote by PPQ Purple>

Would there be a reasonable Point of Divergence for that? I am not sure that Austria would allow Tuscany to be annexed or vassalized by anyone...

France supported the pope and Sardinia a war would definitely break out or a proxy war would definitely brake out Unless either the congress of Vienna let the pope have more land a possible way to counter Sicily the good and old balance of powers shenanigans another dumb way that can happen is if the Austrians could let the papal states rule Tuscany is if they really weren't caring at the moment the way that works is if the Hungarians were throwing a party again but that happened in 1848 so most likely it happened earlier, and Tuscany was annexed.

small edit
Albeit i must remember that the leadership of Austria Definitely wouldn't be happy because the french sphere of influence would be larger in italy
hey, can i join???? what's this rp about? all i see is these gigantic pictures posted by this one guy

Feel free to join we majorly hang our in discord as for the images we like to display the worlds cities and others around through art albeit Shadrack loves to use it more.
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