Bit of a stupid question, but can humans and Gaulletics interbreed?
Question of the century gentlemen. lmao
Bit of a stupid question, but can humans and Gaulletics interbreed?
<Snipped quote by DX3214>
Paradise Falls?
A fun question for everyone: What is your faction's elite? Their Brotherhood Paladins, their Institute Coursers, their NCR Veteran Rangers?
Okay, my birthday weekend is over. I will totally finish my sheet asap.
I designed her as a foil to Mr House. They're both robotics geniuses ruling over their own state, but House is an old man with an economy based on services, who's quite isolationist and desires to rule as an autocrat. May is a young woman with an economy based on goods, who is expansionist and wants to rule quietly, from the shadows.
<Snipped quote by DX3214>
Oh, I understand that. I just don't want it to look like I'm just writing the character's backstory, that's all.