Avatar of EchoWolff


Recent Statuses

6 mos ago
Current "The echo of one's heart need not follow worldly principles. By the heat of passion, cold of apathy, light of cheer, and dark of grief. By Time and Space, be true."
6 mos ago
For those waiting on me to respond, I will be writing things up over the weekend. Hang tight!
7 mos ago
Doing well, writing responses and such
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7 mos ago
Hello quite bored, I'm Echo!
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8 mos ago
Apologies for those waiting on replies from me, life has been hell this weekend. I will attempt to get things out by tomorrow night!


Good morning/afternoon/evening!

If you are reading this, then for some reason you want to learn a little bit about the absolute anomaly that is me.

A few important things to note are:

- I am sometimes a bit slow for posting, though sometimes I will almost immediately respond.

- I have absolutely no interest in Romance. This has changed, but only for certain circumstances. It depends!

- I enjoy making very overcomplicated worlds to share with people, like you!

- I enjoy really heavy and psychological themes, but I will do lighter ones as well.

That's pretty much all I think you need to know, but if you want to you can send me a PM! I don't bite...

Most Recent Posts

To your first question, I chose post-Maderame Joker for the simple reason that I haven't actually played past that story arc, yet have read the majority of the manga series. I decided that it would be a good place to take him from as it would be a good place of reference so as to not have to struggle with that much of the past storyline of the Palaces, making for more room for growth without past experiences getting in the way of decisionmaking. In my opinion, the manga iteration portrays Joker with a more concrete personality along with a slightly altered frame of storyline, which I thought would be more fit for an RP setting. Of course, it also doesn't portray him as a one-man army as the Wild Card could give off.

An interesting thing about the Wild Card actually that in the manga iteration of Persona 5, Akira doesn't actually show any reference or capability of the Wild Card, and the only Persona used by him is Arsene, used as an actual aid in battle as opposed to the game using the persona as a skillset.

Gotcha, I'll keep that in mind.
Quick question; For the genre of a crossover RP, are we allowed to use OC's that are based in such universes, for example a RWBY OC or Genshin OC?
<Snipped quote by EchoWolff>

So generally, would these Quirks tend to benefit the runners in some way?

Benefit, hinder, maybe even both. Its all up to the player.
Sounds interesting! I wouldn't mind joining in on this.
What is the nature of the Runners? Are they physically different from other people?

So, the Runners are technically human, what sets them apart is the Soul Gears that mysteriously surfaced when the Teras did. My main plan for this is that all the Runners were previously a Teras before coming into contact with a Soul Gear, which forced a reverse transformation back to a human-ish form. All Runners have some sort of odd feature that they had as a Teras, that wasn't fully cleansed but isint really a problem, so they have a weird quirk or whatever that no normal human has. For example, a Runner might have an animal tail, or maybe a portion of their skin is replaced by scales or an amorphous substance, whatever the player can come up with that isint blatantly interfering with the Runner's performance or sanity could be implemented. At least, as long as it's not interfering to the point where it's pointless to play that character.
@Wayward Good to potentially have you! Feel free to PM me if you have any questions about Labrynth.

Echo was sitting against the shoddy walls of the cage, a black eye as a result of the rather rough mercenaries that had collected him. His eyes open when the door creaks open, a loose bar falling to the ground. If he wasn't so careless and didn't get tangled up while using his weavings, he wouldn't be in this mess. Maybe.

“Just great. All I needed today was a gladiator pit…”

He groaned as he stood, he wanted to get out of here of course but he wasn't sure if fighting his way out was the right option here. After all, he had no idea what kind of power those other Dreamers possessed. All things considered, he was safer in the cage. While the insomulite was annoying as hell and blocking out his dream, that meant that any other dreamer that came to him would have their dream suppressed as well, making them at least a bit more manageable.

“Hello metal pole, you’re going to be my smacking stick.”

He grabs the fallen piece of the cage, brandishing it like a staff, the tarnished metal rubbing traces of rust onto his palms as he repositions himself into a crouching position, ready to strike someone upside the head if they got to close. He was simply watching the others for now, trying to get a gauge on the other dreamer's abilities, and behaviors… Hopefully one or two of them would be willing to make a truce and get out of here in any way possible. He could care less about the shard, the damn things have already caused him enough trouble as it is, all he wanted was to get out of there.
~The Soul Gears~

A strange yet intricate clockwork cuff forged over a Runner's dominant forearm, a type of Ether Tech that surfaced after The Fall and is the most crucial to a Runner's arsenal. There are various types of Soul Gears, which adapt to the Runner it is bound to, a blade that sharpens as it is used if you will. The Soul Gear is set to a Runner's ideal weapon and grows in strength the more it is used. The Soul Gears are powered by an infinite Ether Battery and directly combat the effects of Black Ether on its Runner. No one knows who created them, or how to remove them, but no one is really complaining about it.
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