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"Necessary actions due to the universe we deal with. But for the sake of present company, yourself excluded, I won't continue. And as I said, Morgenstern, I will follow your orders regardless of personal beliefs in regards to your companion." Stukov did not like entertaining the idea of allowing a xeno into the group, let alone actually going through with it. That being said, he had explicit orders to behave and tolerate the xeno, so he would begrudgingly do so. Cogs outbursts and general demeanor were, well, jarring as usual and her suggestion towards alcohol, while sorely tempting, would have to be turned down. "Cogs, as tempting as it is, I don't drink on duty. Not a gamble I'm willing to take for when things go sideways to be drunk. And the odds of that happening, Smiles, are slim to none given current circumstances."

Frankly, Stukov wasn't a heavy drinker to begin with, given he'd seen what that particular coping mechanism did to some people. So he stuck to his less damaging vices, like a certain bitter stoicism distilled into a drink, and went about his business being the only sane person around in this retinue apparently. Cogs taking this all in stride was, well, not surprising in and of itself given she had to be missing a few gears up in that brainpan of hers. Smiles...had been off for awhile now, he wanted to blame the strange warp occurances going on for that, but those Throne forsaken eyes during the little trip through the warp lingered in his memories, though he kept those thoughts securely buried under quite a number of layers of nonsense and mental static. No need to make that read easy. Morgenstern had clearly lost it, buddying up to an Eldar Farseer of all things, but there really was little to be done for it right now, even as food was brought to the others, he ignored the meals. The mention of needing uplifted spirits got a snort from the man.

"Look Cogs, given current circumstances you'll be lucky to get civil out of me. And that was because I was ordered to be." Regardless it seemed they were determined to try and make fast friends with the xeno, and Stukov made no movement towards the food. Even if he was hungry, which he wasn't, there wasn't a chance that he would have the palette to even begin attempting to appreciate it, let alone completely do so. If he needed to, he could always wolf down a ration later, and he focused his attention on the plan for the rest of the evening. Wander the streets, indulge in the celebrations, head to this shop, and return to base. Great, he thought sarcastically, more nonsense while trouble remained on the ship. Still, he was not in much of a position to do anything about it so he would have to grit his teeth and make do.

"Wander like needlessly well armed tourists, visit some shop that, if we're lucky, is a front operation, and finally complete our objective. Sooner we get started, sooner we can be done with it." Stukov knew damn well he was stuck no matter what he did, short of painting the surrounding area with his blood and grey matter with a well placed shotgun shell, but he wasn't about to give the xeno the satisfaction of that particular outcome either. So he was stuck waiting for this night to be over with, even if something came up to interrupt things from going according to plan. He would be as ready as he could be, even with a broken pistol and limited remaining supply of blessed buckshot and regular shot as well for that matter. He still had a chainsword and knife beyond that, at least, so he wasn't completely out of tricks yet.
Location: Haven Academy

Mentions: @FrogRFlowR

Midori maintained his smile while putting himself firmly in the path of the lady he was addressing. Sure, he knew full well how infuriating being treated like that could be, but he really was trying to keep any trouble from kicking up on day one. Before the initial speeches and talks were done no less! No, no, he was going to do what he could to keep the peace, they were all here for the same reason after all! She seemed to be cooling off, relatively speaking, as he watched her gaze wander slightly. Probably processing his words, good, she wasn't the type to heat up and just, well, keep on cooking. That was a huge relief, the little tells were there that he didn't have to potentially brace to avoid being bowled over by someone fresh on the war path. Silme had been pretty rude, sure, but poor guy was the target of a lot of nasty words himself so he was going to stick up for him best he could. Even if that was just stopping a fight from breaking out so soon. She seemed nice enough as well, so no sense letting her run off into trouble so soon!

"Oh it seems that way, I know, but its reactionary. He's being treated awful, so it's only natural to react accordingly. Trust me, even with my less than plentiful dealings, he's really not that bad! I think you missed some context but, hey, you meant well so that's nothing to fault." Midori was the picture of a friendly, cheery young man, grinning even as she shook his hand a bit too strongly. His was surprisingly calloused, sturdy but not anywhere as overtly strong, plain indications of a craftsman of some variety prior to trying to be a huntsman. He seemed to be paying close attention to what she had to say, eyes practically flaring with light as she mentioned being from Atlas, all but bouncing where he stood with excitement. Sure, the odds of her having even ran into his mom, let alone recognize her, were slim to none but someone from Atlas attending here? He was practically ecstatic to have ran into her. Pretty much polar opposite of the response she got from Silme.

"You came all this way from Atlas, really?! Mom is working abroad over there right now Red, sorry nicknames are easier for me hope you don't mind, working with some of the weapons manufacturers over there to help with designs! Oh of course I'm stoked to try to be a Huntsman, its been a dream of mine ever since I got a hand on one of their weapons, and then when I heard about how they lived? Doing good for so many people, no matter the status or origin they came from? I did everything I could to make it here, literally, and there is no way I'm going to let anything get in my way of reaching my dreams! How is Atlas, by the way? I've heard it is far more uptight and regimented, not sure how some people could even live in that kind of life, let alone thrive!" The mention of Atlas seemed to practically set Midori's motor mouth off, rambling and prattling with a grin on his face and a twinkle in his eye. He was taking the fact she was from abroad not as a concern but an opportunity to potentially hear about his mom, or more likely learn about the land she was working in!
Location: Haven Academy

"Well you make a good point, maybe I should go with a cylinder, maybe a sphere? Not sure how easy gripping and carrying a sphere would be though!" Midori didn't even seem to be bothered by the remark, making a joke out of the whole thing, although that was all cut short by another prospective student, with brilliant red hair and she seemed to think Silme was causing him trouble? Oh he wasn't at all, but before Midori could get a word in edge wise, Silme took matters into his own hands, well hand in this case, and didn't really let the poor girl get a word in edgewise before heading off. Midori did call after him, subtly placing himself in the way between the young woman and the silver haired faunus as he departed.

"It was good seeing you Buff, I'll catch up later. Don't be a stranger!" The young man waved after Silme regardless of whether he'd see it or not before spinning on heel, offering the red headed girl a smile, probably looking slightly upwards at her given he was, well, pretty short for his age. He didn't mind, and it didn't bother him at all, but it was just the way things were. He extended his hand as he spoke to her now, part of trying to keep things from getting out of hand so soon after getting here, last thing anyone wanted was a fight breaking out after all!

"Sorry about that, he's really not that bad, he's just rough around the edges. First days nerves must be getting to him, I hope you understand? Never mind that all those awful things people keep saying when they think he isn't looking or listening aren't helping either. My names Midori Yoake though, it's nice to meet you! I know how that probably sounded but he wasn't giving me any trouble, I do appreciate what I assume was your concern though. Guessing from his remarks your not exactly from around here?" Midori was doing his best to try and smooth things out, as friendly as he ever was regardless of whether or not she shook his hand or not. He wouldn't be offended if she didn't, not everyone went for that sort of thing after all. His tone was also chipper and upbeat, as was his stance as he casually rocked from one foot to the other, almost like it was hard for him to ever stay in place or stay still for terribly long.
Location: Haven Academy

Mentions: @Raijinslayer

Midori had been practically bouncing from person to person, cluster to cluster, chatting with folks and pestering them with various questions about their weapons, who they were, and so on, when his latest victim person to chatter at got a moment's reprieve when an aquaintance decided to get the young man's attention with a remark on not expecting to see him here. The poor soul he'd been bothering had taken the chance to make themselves scarce, though Midori wasn't going to really worry about that. Instead, he walked on over to... Slime? No, no Silme! That was it, and Midori kept that light hearted grin on his face as he ignored the looks and remarks he had heard from before aimed at Silme. The comment on sturdy equipment got a sheepish chuckle and he scratched his head briefly, ruffling his hair unintentionally though it left it about as it had started.

"I wouldn't miss this for anything Buff, been my life's dream for quite awhile now. And you know the design was solid, but we just cannot get the materials to stand up to the sheer stress you put those poor tools under. Maybe Haven can help out with that and make it easier to get sturdy enough materials?" Midori treated Silme much like he treated most other people, tone friendly and just as open as ever. Sure, he saw the various looks and heard the remarks about the poor kid as he bounced around, but that didn't matter. They were all here to be huntsman and huntresses, and the nice thing was it didn't matter what got you here, if you didn't make the cut you didn't make the cut. He was pretty sure Silme would manage just fine, from what little dealings they had prior to running into each other again here, but it was always nice to see someone he recognized.

"Oh I've been waiting for this day for so long, I almost couldn't fall asleep last night. But here I am, Haven at last!"

The young man was metaphorically skipping up the long, some might find exhausting, flight of stairs, talking to himself along the way. He was practically bouncing with joy and excitement, beaming and humming happily to himself as he made his way upwards to the place he'd been dreaming of heading to, and doing everything within his power to reach, for quite a number of years now. Sure, he was as young as the majority that made it this far, but he wasn't going to let that discount the effort it took! He had to make his parents proud, for his dad who'd seen him off a few weeks ago so he could make the trip with time to spare and get a feel for the capitol, with enough funds stashed away for a rainy day. For his mom, who's letter wishing him the best and with some extra spending money tucked inside arriving only a few days prior to him leaving home for the foreseeable future. That extra money had to mean she was doing well with her contract abroad, hopefully between that and his own planned successes they could afford to get out of Kuchinashi and away from the people who had given them trouble for almost as long as he could remember.

With his wandering train of thought, Midori barely noticed when he reached the top of the stairs, stumbling as he tried to take another step that was simply not there for him to step on, though he shook it off with a trademark grin and chuckle. He had to pay attention, after all, who knows whether or not he'd run into one of his future teammates already! It was possible, and he'd hate to make a poor first impression just because he was almost day dreaming and ended up running headlong into someone or something! It was quite crowded after all, plenty of people around his age looking to make their mark and earn their place in the academy. There was a lot of people, sure, but Midori wasn't going to let that bother him. He knew his worth, and just how much he'd given in getting this far. Nothing like a little competition and reminder of just how desired these roles were to really reinforce how vital being a huntsman or huntress was. Being a bit early was nice for another reason as well, one that was a bit of a guilty pleasure.

So many new weapons! Midori had seen plenty of different components, styles, and designs working with his mom, but seeing so many different combinations, constructions, and design philosophies in one place was absolutely astounding in the best way possible. Given it seemed there was some down time before they were being ushered anywhere, well, that just gave the redhead time to promptly start wandering around, admiring the various weapons and equipment other would be students had brought with them, chattering at whoever made the mistake of actually listening or responding positively, or at all even, to his probing remarks and questions. Some might see it as trying to gather information on rivals, but for Midori, he just wanted to get to know all he could about the various weapons. Who knows, maybe there would be design ideas that he could adopt and modify into his own personal weapon, Promise, and improve overall! With a giddy, friendly smile he'd set to wandering and talking, chattering and enjoying being finally at Haven with so many others who'd, hopefully for the most part, genuinely earned their way here and not rode in on the coat tails of others.
"Being frank, Cogs? Scale of casualties does not justify their contributions by any stretch of the imagination. As for the Guard, I won't pretend to know their tactics to the letter, but if the only thing the majority did was collapsing rings of artillery, we'd have been doomed long before ever living to see current affairs. Ignoring all that, ranking enemies above each other in terms of damage caused is a damn fool notion. Holding one evil above others only invites someone to tolerate the lesser evils and threats. So I'll stick to my 'paranoia' in not trusting a xeno to be true to its words. Especially from a kind known for never revealing their true goals even after they are completed."

The talk of maiden worlds and having struck bargains with the local Imperial forces for her services in exchange for the continued safety and shielding of such worlds. Typical, using countless human lives to protect and screen their precious own, while playing at helping and having the Imperium's best interests at heart. He didn't buy it for a second, and considered the maiden worlds a convenient point to pin attention and inquiries on. He wasn't going to comment on intersystem commerce and trade agreements, even between xenos and the Imperium. He knew well that Rogue Traders cared little for anything other than profit and status, and if they could get that trading with xenos? Well as long as the Inquisition wasn't around and also in the xeno pockets, well, all the better then. The xeno turned its remarks to him, hiding its true form with some base illusory tricks most likely, though it did nothing to dissuade him or put him at ease, even if it prevented others from seeing it for what it was.

"I would save your concerns, xeno, there is little to discuss between us. I know enough of your kinds treachery and deceit, regardless of what is said, to ever trust even with the story you presented. Perhaps, Throne willing, I won't have to deal with you any more than absolutely mandated, but I'm not holding my breath on that." Cogs open acceptance of the xeno, the fact that Morgenstern was keen on traveling with, fighting alongside, and trusting this alien, and the strange air all mixed into a thoroughly grumpy and irritable armsman. He'd rather be completing their objective and mission here, not dining and sight seeing. He was concerned with how many likely escaped their recent operation and were preparing to resist further attempts on their activities and gatherings. A ticking clock, as it were, and it was being spent sitting in some high end restaurant, where he would never exactly be comfortable with being at to begin with, wasting time speaking with a xeno. Let alone sharing a meal with one, Throne forbid.

"Nothing for me, thank you." Stukov wasn't hungry, and wasn't going to simply pick at some needlessly fancy, and expensive, meal that he would never have the palette to appreciate, let alone make good use out of. He would stick to his rations and normal meals, with the odd indulgence in Tanna being the rare treat, and continued watching their surroundings carefully. He would remain on edge for as long as they had not secured their objective, and while the xeno was present as well, and given private places like this were bound to be rife with the less than throne fearing types, all the better to avoid giving them the opportunity to get the drop on him. So he kept his head on a careful swivel, keeping an eye on any potential entrances, escapes, and other points of note that might be necessary to deal with should things get out of hand suddenly. He wouldn't put it past heretics to make a move in such a place, especially if they had allies in the local security that could suppress alarms and delay Arbites responses.
<Snipped quote by Andromedai>

If only she knew...

She'll learn, oh she will learn alright.
In Forsaken 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Defiance was keeping track of the discussions and questions being asked, some good, some not, and he kept a mental running tally that would help with what he had not exactly gone and considered. Supplies and wagons being offered up, they would have assistance from retainers being sent along by their employer, covering a few other bases that had not quite been brought up yet. Overall it seemed like he was in quite the merry band of misfits, and even a handful were not outright decrying his presence or wanting to threaten him right away! It was a pleasant surprise, but not an unwelcome one, even if a certain fiery individual had been giving him the stink eye for some reason. He couldn't imagine why beyond the usual hatred his kind got and would write it off to that for now, unless given a reason to believe otherwise. He could always prove his worth as usual, especially since she had no say in whether he was here or not, so it wasn't like he had to worry as much about being run out of town instead of getting paid because of her in specific. Dinner time was determined as well, and it was time to collect their early payment and busy themselves until it was time to meet for dinner with their employer. Curious, but he wouldn't say no to hospitality.

"Well that was a fun little meeting we had, I think I'm going to see the sights and, well, see what might be interesting floating around, mostly figuratively speaking. I won't say no if anyone wants to tag along." Defiance chuckled, fairly certain no one had any interest in actually accompanying the Tiefling in his wanderings about the manor and grounds, to see what there was to see that wouldn't get him told off by the guards and serving staff. He pocketed the payment he was given, the first part of it at any rate, and proceeded to begin his tour of the manor and grounds themselves. He was more interested in seeing the various artifacts that might be on display, ignoring the various glares and looks he got as he investigated and looked through the displays, enjoying the chance to simply wander around, pester nearby staff with questions on items, and even the odd pickup and, albeit careful, look at certain items and objects.

Time flew by rather quickly while he wandered the grounds and manor and accomplished his own curious wanderings. He never tried to go where he was told not to go, though he did probably have to get told enough times to stop handling stuff so much. Sure, he was the picture of caution and never damaged anything at all, but it was still the principle of the matter of course. Soon enough the butler would finally track him down and, instead of just telling him to stop fiddling with things and investigating the various trinkets and artifacts on display, also mentioned that it was time for dinner. Defiance was mildly surprised at how fast time passed, but it didn't take being told twice to go where he was needed for dinner. He would settle in much like he had been in the morning, almost falling out of the chair and taking the time to simply relax and wait for dinner to start. There was probably more to discuss, formal introductions to be made, so on and so forth, but he was curious to see what everyone would actually share about themselves upfront. They had plenty of time to get to know each other, of course, but it was telling to see what kind of people he was working with based off this meal.
Walker let Isabelle tend to the misguided poor sod who had pulled a knife on him and tried to go about that strange church nonsense of a magical attack. The man had been spouting out a rather concerning amount of information, even as the blind woman all but leapt into his arms, one arm wrapping around her in a familiar motion as he listened to what was being said and processing it. Something showed the poor bastard their faces, that they would kill him for speaking the words, that this Daggard and his beasts had taken the survivors of that viewing and Kaath went after them. Whatever this Daggard was, well, was trouble and Kaath had been falsly considered to be at blame for the majority of this. Majority since she apparently ensured he couldn't run with that...transformation, curse, mutation, whatever one would refer to it as. Kaath's capabilities only grew more known, as fractional as one could refer to that right now, and he regarded the healed man quietly. Attempts on his life had been commonplace enough that, well, it really wasn't anything personal anymore, and he didn't bother holding ill will towards the poor bastard.

Instead his attention shifted briefly to Isabelle who was buried into his chest and hanging on for dear life. How in spites name had she gotten here? The last thing he remembered was fighting on the bridge and she had been getting those who couldn't, or shouldn't, fight through the escape tunnels and to relative safety. Well, not safety he figured, but at least the slim chance of survival as they could imagine across the seas. "Now how did you even get here ahead of us, little Saint, last I knew you were helping people escape..."

The sounding of a horn interrupted his train of thought and thinking, as was the discussion going on between Violet, the golem, and the plague doctor. What came out of the treeline was trouble, or looked it, given they armed themselves and started making their way across the bridge. He shifted Isabelle behind him, unslinging his own crossbow as easily as one might simply report the time of day or the weather. The other fellow seemed to have a similar idea as well, fetching his own weapon and making ready to meet the newcomers. He loaded the bolts with bodkin tips for that armor, of course all of them were still laced with as potent a poison as he had time to procure and manufacture prior to being dumped into...whatever he wanted to refer to this spite driven mess of a situation he had found himself in. He had made sure he was squarely between Isabelle and any approaching trouble given her, well, obvious condition in being blind. He also spoke calmly as he held the crossbow at the ready as well, wanting to take a chance to draw a better shot as they crossed, as well as try and identify their intentions, though he was ready to open fire at a moment's notice. "That doesn't look like what you'd call a welcoming committee, especially if they were driven this way. Stay back if your not comfortable in a melee, goes without saying."
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