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"Right, the week's drills have been disseminated to each of your data slates, make sure the lockers and squads are up to standards before beginning the drills. Just because we have the luxury of a relatively safe leg of the journey doesn't mean we get to slack off. I expect drill reports within a standard day after completion of the drill, as usual. Now get going, another day of work to be done." The subordinates departed after saluting, leaving Gerard Stukov alone in his office/quarters/whatever purpose it was serving today. While relatively spartan by Rogue Trader standards, it was leaps and bounds more luxurious than anything that the voidmaster had known before. That didn't excuse anyone else that answered to him from being able to slack off, however, as the voidmaster was determined to keep this ship as safe as he could possibly ensure, which meant plenty of drills, maintenance, and a whole battery of readiness checks to ensure the safety of ship and crew.

Turning from the closed hatch, Gerard started going through his own data slate, reviewing upcoming meetings he was required to be at. Silas Celeton, the Rogue Trader he was in the direct employ and the ship's Captain, was having a meeting for the various senior officers on board the ship. He had been both pleasantly, and unpleasantly, surprised to be serving aboard another Dauntless class so soon, as heavily retrofitted and modernized as this one was, the new weight suited her well. That being said, he tightened the straps on his carapace breastplate, something he wore at all times when not actively in his rack, and gave himself a once over. Dressed about as well as usual, fatigues and armor, any exposed bionics were clean and polished, clean shaven as usual, both head and chin. Good, he was as presentable as he ever got, and he patted himself down briefly. His pistol was securely holstered, the shotgun secured in the rack beside his desk, it wouldn't be needed for this meeting, doubly so since they were undergoing webway transit currently.

"Right, let's see what the skipper has rattling around in that head of his today..." Exiting his quarters, Gerard moved at brisk pace. He'd be just a few minutes early, which was the bare minimum to be acceptable frankly, but the meeting with the subordinates had ran longer than anticipated. Typical, frankly, hence the built in wiggle room between meetings and such. Fortunately he had not eaten yet, given the meal that was waiting. Swapping nods and quick words with crew as he walked, he did as he always did, kept as up to date on the ship's condition, as well as her crew, at all times. He was no Tech Priest, but it was often easier to talk to another human than it was the the gear heads, and he had more experience talking to them given his own encounters with them. Though thanks to his wandering thoughts, he arrived at the officer's suite in rather short order and, after a moment, entered.

"Sir, Gerard Stukov reporting. Seems like I've made it early as usual." Gerard would give a crisp, brief salute to the Rogue Trader before taking a seat, patiently waiting for the others who would be attending to arrive. A rather mixed bag, by all accounts, but what Rogue Trader could boast something as impressive as having an utterly mundane inner circle of officers and advisors? That being said, he did review his data slate again before the others arrived, seeing if anything worth mentioning would be present currently. Everything had been going as smoothly as one could reasonably expect, which was unusual in and of itself. Perhaps this meeting would be the thing that unstuck everything, such was life sailing the stars after all.
Alright, no more delays, CS time.

I do like the what-if angle being taken here, I am indeed interested in seeing where this ends up going, sure as sure.
"Only a phobia if it isn't justified or rational, which it most certainly is." Stukov was not interested in trading barbs with some xeno, no matter how determined it was to convince them that it was anything more than looking for the real reason it was here, and spend their lives to see it happen. Whatever higher machinations it had in mind, the armsman knew for fact, would not find an ally in him. The only thing that stayed his hand was Morgenstern's orders to the contrary, and the fact they had bigger problems to sort out. The open warp anomalies and cult presence were both equally concerning, as was the hazardous objective they had located. But no, they were going to be gallivanting about instead of securing the object and investigating the leads they had. Of course, Morgenstern put her foot down on not overdoing it, despite any amusement she may have found in such a contest. Fortunate indeed he was not feeling particularly festive nor competitive at this point at time.

"Duly noted." Stukov wasn't wasting his breath on stating the obvious, given the clearly untouched items in front of him. If he needed food, he had rations he could wolf down between firefights, and that would suffice. Solares' reaching for "his" food elicited no reaction from the Armsman as he instead referred to his dataslate, reviewing the situation and conditions they would be dealing with while on the planet. He would at least be as prepared as he could be, despite recent damaging of his equipment and the mild fact he was, by all accounts, critically under armed compared to the rest of the retinue. He had some ideas to rectify the situation, of course, but that wasn't going to happen in some needlessly fancy restaurant. Rather, he would need to get back to the base armory, restock, rearm, and if need be requisition the equipment he had in mind. Maybe have his arm replaced as well, given it was tainted by the xeno trickery, but he would have to burn that bridge when he came to it. The tech priestess, mad as she was, would no doubt be all too willing to hack his arm off if it meant 'upgrading' him, something to keep in mind. At the mention of being ready to move out, Stukov nodded briskly.

"Sooner we get moving the better. Let's get this done with." If he had any say in the matter, Stukov would have been up and on his feet right now, heading off for the transport to get their objective back to base. But it wasn't his say, and he wasn't going to just run off because he didn't like the orders or plan that was given. Better or worse, he was one to follow orders. At least rational ones, and while he firmly believed the current ones stretched that definition, well, that wasn't grounds enough to consider them unlawful. Not yet, at any rate.
Alright, took me long enough, but got this knocked out, let me know how it looks.

Well I am most certainly interested, I'll be taking some time to brush up on some lore to see what ideas seem most solid and I'll have a CS cooked up sometime this week, once I'm satisfied with the condition its in.
Location: Haven Academy

Mentions: @PrankFox

"Still excited even after that doomsday speech we just got huh?"

"Eh? Oh, yes of course! Sure it should be concerning, but anyone who planned to take this seriously should have been as ready as they could be already! If a little warning like that spooked them, well, I guess they weren't going to be making it far either way. I'm not gonna worry though personally, right now it should be fairly easy. Go to the hotel, and wait for things to kick off proper. Might do some maintenance while I wait, I'll have to find something to do." Midori was caught mid stride, figuratively speaking, and practically rebounded off nothing to shift his focus on the one who'd made the remark to begin with. Tall, sturdy, brilliantly red hair and impressively blue eyes. Well dressed too, and Midori had to look up, as usual, to meet the boys gaze. He offered a warm smile as he finished rambling, however briefly, and extended his hand as he picked up from where he left off on his ramblings.

"Right, introductions, can't forget those! Midori Yoake, it's a pleasure to meet you! You definitely seem like you were all but built for this, I can imagine you'll go through the initiation with flying colors, you and plenty of the other people I've seen around already as well. I'm hoping anyone who sticks around is serious about this though, I don't want to see anyone getting buried, I mean who does right? But I'm hoping the scare speech was just that, to spook those who aren't ready or prepared for this, well, as ready or prepared as we can be given how little information there is floating around out there! We should probably get going though, don't want to be late, right? Can chat on the way!" It seemed, better or worse, Midori had decided he would be walking with this new friend to the hotel, after all, most of the folks seemed off put by his outgoing approaches. Someone approaching him first that didn't already at least know him was a pleasant change of pace, and it would no doubt become apparent the energetic young man loved to chatter.
Location: Haven Academy

Mentions: N/A

In due time the various newcomers and prospective students were properly ushered into the great hall, and Midori's excitement only grew. It was finally time to hear from the Headmaster, and there was a name he'd heard thrown around quite a bit once his interest in being a Huntsman began. Goldi Lockhart, apparently incredibly focused and cold, a figurative ice queen. Well he couldn't say whether he believed it or not, rumors were nasty things, despite how many peddled them, and he was more interested to see how the Headmaster carried themselves before making his own judgement. Way he figured, she earned her place as the first and foremost in raising the next generation of Huntsman and Huntresses, regardless of demeanor, that wasn't something you sort of accidentally fell into. The murmurings and whispering finally died down once everyone spotted the Headmaster and she began speaking, and had Midori's rapt, and full, attention. This was going to be a moment that lived in his memory for the rest of his life, one way or another, and he wasn't ever going to let himself forget it.

She began by reiterating how hard this life would be, something he'd been hearing time and again, over and over, from people trying to dissuade him, and all they ever did was steel his resolve further. This was no exception, sure it was going to be hard, but what worth doing was easy? If this hadn't been worth doing he would have given up long before standing here, and anyone else who was standing here should be thinking the same! Still, something caught his eye about her stance and gaze had lingered, pausing just long enough for him to wonder who had caught her eye. He hoped it wasn't Buff, poor Silme couldn't catch a break if he was already being singled out by the headmaster. He needed to figure out something that would stand up to the sheer abuse his friend put anything built through, he had ideas but it wasn't like he could do anything with them right now.

The solemn remark that she would be burying many of them and that, well, she would have to write home to their guardians about their passing would have been sobering for most, but Midori didn't let it dampen his spirits. It was going to be hard, sure, but from the few he'd interacted with, well, he wasn't going to let the idea of so many of the people around him living their last days get to him. No, he'd see the dawn and he'd most certainly see it alongside plenty of the others here too! Sure, they were inexperienced and new to the lifestyle, but what good was an initiation that killed off too many potential recruits? It was poor design to throttle supply that much, and he wondered if it was as much an effort to scare off those who weren't as committed or certain in their decision. A smarter man might worry he'd be proven wrong come the next day, but well, for now, Midori remained confident in not just his ability to pass the trial, but that of the others he'd dealt with. Silme and Artemisia could probably do this with one hand tied behind their backs, so he had a lot of work to do to get up to their levels!

As soon as the speech had begun, well, it was already over and they were being told to report to the hotel. Checking his pamphlet, Midori indeed found the voucher good for tonight at the Celestial Swan. That was...serious money for someone like him, and even if they weren't going to spend the night there, getting any time at all to spend there would be a grand experience! He grinned once they were dismissed, and decided there was no point just taking off alone, might as well find someone to walk and talk with! Maybe he'd end up tracking down Silme or Artemisia, or maybe a new friend. That would be nice, new friends were a welcome addition, especially since maybe he'd be lucky and meet a future teammate! With that he practically bounded off, seeing who he could end up running into and chattering their poor ears off. Running into was going to be figurative, but given the high energy the young man had, well, literally could be a possibility too.
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