The good news was it seemed the surroundings were confirming they were heading firmly into fae territory, whether it was influenced or just their realm completely was beyond what Rolan could determine. The bad news was he was walking, quite contrarily, headlong against any and all advice and warnings he had received throughout his life in regards to dealing with the Fae, that being simply don't. Well, one person had instructed him on their usefulness if you could keep your end of a bargain, but that was not a man he ever intended to take life lessons from so that was safely ignored. He had to question the decisions he took in life that led to this moment, but all the questions in the world would not change what was to come next, so he kept his mind on the task at hand, as best he could at any rate.
Everything was natural, of course, but it was the wrong kind of natural. Everything was incredibly uniform and closely controlled, despite having none of the signs of man made tools or keeping of the area, it lacked the crudeness of even the most skilled of gardener's reliance on tools. It also all felt wrong, and the worse part was it wasn't an unpleasant sensation, but it was very much wrong, something he latched onto to keep him focused. Keeping himself focused on the task at hand was good, as the shadowy guards stepped out, cloaked and armed with darkness. Fortunately not the hungry kind of darkness, but it was a small comfort given they were at the complete mercy of the hunter's Lady. One of them might be able to slip the hunt should the rest fall in exchange, but that would be a dire prospect should it come to that, and if fortune held it would not be necessary.
The throne was something Rolan suspected more than a few he had met would covet greatly, a single grown piece rather than assembled or insulted with being forced into shape. This had been simply grown as such, in a way that let nature itself, such as it bent the knee here as well, adorn it with a natural form of beauty. Though most would not be looking at the throne, given the Fae ruler that seated herself upon it. True to the stories, stunning beauty that threatened to sear itself into his memory forever should he allow it. He appreciated those who were attractive, he had done so prior, but he knew better than to even entertain the beginnings of such musings here. The sooner they were done, the sooner they could be back among the normal woods, even if they were just a bit more unremarkable now that he was party to what they could have done to them with a deft will.
Rolan was third to kneel, though he was last in the procession of knights, still carefully holding the two Aessyr as to not rock the one who was still recovering, deferring to Ser Gerard as he began to speak far more properly given the circumstances. What he knew of diplomacy and the like was learned discussing contracts for those who had bounties on their heads, even with local authorities in a village or town it was very transactional. Even as old lessons crept up at the back of his mind, they were purely for the purpose of gaining every advantage one could and giving as little as possible. Not ideal for this situatio neither, but he would back Ser Gerard in his diplomatic efforts, though unlike him his gaze was level, staring at nothing when he spoke. He lacked the finer polish that Ser Gerard showed in his own words, and was far more direct, but he would not let a fellow stand alone, be it in combat or diplomacy.
"I suspect the Duke has transgressed, knowingly or not I cannot say with certainty, rather recently before the sudden onset of his complete loss of wits. The sooner our order can determine the transgression, the sooner we can do what is in our means to make it right to restore his mind."
Everything was natural, of course, but it was the wrong kind of natural. Everything was incredibly uniform and closely controlled, despite having none of the signs of man made tools or keeping of the area, it lacked the crudeness of even the most skilled of gardener's reliance on tools. It also all felt wrong, and the worse part was it wasn't an unpleasant sensation, but it was very much wrong, something he latched onto to keep him focused. Keeping himself focused on the task at hand was good, as the shadowy guards stepped out, cloaked and armed with darkness. Fortunately not the hungry kind of darkness, but it was a small comfort given they were at the complete mercy of the hunter's Lady. One of them might be able to slip the hunt should the rest fall in exchange, but that would be a dire prospect should it come to that, and if fortune held it would not be necessary.
The throne was something Rolan suspected more than a few he had met would covet greatly, a single grown piece rather than assembled or insulted with being forced into shape. This had been simply grown as such, in a way that let nature itself, such as it bent the knee here as well, adorn it with a natural form of beauty. Though most would not be looking at the throne, given the Fae ruler that seated herself upon it. True to the stories, stunning beauty that threatened to sear itself into his memory forever should he allow it. He appreciated those who were attractive, he had done so prior, but he knew better than to even entertain the beginnings of such musings here. The sooner they were done, the sooner they could be back among the normal woods, even if they were just a bit more unremarkable now that he was party to what they could have done to them with a deft will.
Rolan was third to kneel, though he was last in the procession of knights, still carefully holding the two Aessyr as to not rock the one who was still recovering, deferring to Ser Gerard as he began to speak far more properly given the circumstances. What he knew of diplomacy and the like was learned discussing contracts for those who had bounties on their heads, even with local authorities in a village or town it was very transactional. Even as old lessons crept up at the back of his mind, they were purely for the purpose of gaining every advantage one could and giving as little as possible. Not ideal for this situatio neither, but he would back Ser Gerard in his diplomatic efforts, though unlike him his gaze was level, staring at nothing when he spoke. He lacked the finer polish that Ser Gerard showed in his own words, and was far more direct, but he would not let a fellow stand alone, be it in combat or diplomacy.
"I suspect the Duke has transgressed, knowingly or not I cannot say with certainty, rather recently before the sudden onset of his complete loss of wits. The sooner our order can determine the transgression, the sooner we can do what is in our means to make it right to restore his mind."