There was what Rolan could say was expected from a fae, even one that had proven to be overtly amicable and willing to be helpful to the assembled knights currently present. Wanting to make the Moonlit Queen suffer a bit extra, minor as it might appear on the surface of things, for possible transgressions already made fit the stereotype of the dangers in dealing with Fae. The silence itself was practically deafening, no natural place should be completely and utterly devoid of noise, but devoid it was while Fae Lady mused and considered what she would ultimately ask of them. Rather than let instinct get the better of him and follow the only motion in his field of view, that being the swaying of the Lady as she shifted her posture once again, he made sure the two Aessyr were as comfortable as they could be given the circumstances. Finally, the Lady began to speak her terms, having finally decided on them.
Add a trinket of perceived personal power to the eventual wager to return the Duke's mind, and hand it over to her. Deceptively simple to say out loud, but from the sounds of this Moonlit Queen and her demeanor it would not be the most dangerous task to perform. Adding a trinket of personal power to what would be, if his suspicion was correct, an already dangerous gamble was not something that struck him as unreasonable. Even if, arguably speaking, it was petty to acquire something of little applicable power for the sake of chipping away at the Moonlit Queen's perceived power and, by extension, authority. Small steps on the road to overthrowing her, perhaps, or simple sibling bickering. He wouldn't speculate out loud either way, instead breaking the silence before it hung too long after the Lady spoke her terms.
"Very well, ensuring your prize is won will be part of my mission." Rolan knew agreeing bound him to seeing it through, but he specifically made sure that his agreement was his alone. The others could speak up if they so desired, but he would not bind them through his own words, he was in no position to do so even if he wanted to. If they chose not to speak up, at the very least it would be on him and him alone that such failure would be punished. While theft was unlikely to be necessary, he didn't discount it as an option. Better a thief than an oath breaker, in this particular circumstance, though the mention of the 'little sisters' staying here until a suitable tree could be found focused him again.
"A relief to hear, may fortune find them a suitable tree in good time." Rolan had little else to add currently, though he made no moves to set the Aessyr aside or otherwise try to hand them off. When it was time to depart such would likely occur, but until then he would not unduly jostle them by simply passing them off at the earliest convenience. Losing one's home was bad enough, let alone to a wretched abomination that personified famine and dire hunger. It had been far too long a day for them, no need to make it any more uncomfortable than it already was.
Add a trinket of perceived personal power to the eventual wager to return the Duke's mind, and hand it over to her. Deceptively simple to say out loud, but from the sounds of this Moonlit Queen and her demeanor it would not be the most dangerous task to perform. Adding a trinket of personal power to what would be, if his suspicion was correct, an already dangerous gamble was not something that struck him as unreasonable. Even if, arguably speaking, it was petty to acquire something of little applicable power for the sake of chipping away at the Moonlit Queen's perceived power and, by extension, authority. Small steps on the road to overthrowing her, perhaps, or simple sibling bickering. He wouldn't speculate out loud either way, instead breaking the silence before it hung too long after the Lady spoke her terms.
"Very well, ensuring your prize is won will be part of my mission." Rolan knew agreeing bound him to seeing it through, but he specifically made sure that his agreement was his alone. The others could speak up if they so desired, but he would not bind them through his own words, he was in no position to do so even if he wanted to. If they chose not to speak up, at the very least it would be on him and him alone that such failure would be punished. While theft was unlikely to be necessary, he didn't discount it as an option. Better a thief than an oath breaker, in this particular circumstance, though the mention of the 'little sisters' staying here until a suitable tree could be found focused him again.
"A relief to hear, may fortune find them a suitable tree in good time." Rolan had little else to add currently, though he made no moves to set the Aessyr aside or otherwise try to hand them off. When it was time to depart such would likely occur, but until then he would not unduly jostle them by simply passing them off at the earliest convenience. Losing one's home was bad enough, let alone to a wretched abomination that personified famine and dire hunger. It had been far too long a day for them, no need to make it any more uncomfortable than it already was.