Avatar of Emeth


Recent Statuses

10 mos ago
Current The last time I sent my picture to someone... oh wait, I've never done that.
11 mos ago
I will never emotionally recover from the knowledge that Fire Emblem Awakening could have been a Pokemon crossover instead of a waifu simulator.
11 mos ago
I can't find the brain anywhere inside this fog, chief. I think the brain has evaporated. It has become the fog itself.
11 mos ago
Psst. uBlock Origin doesn't have this "we've detected an ad blocker" problem. They also don't literally let companies pay them off to allow their ads through, like some other ad "blockers" out there.
11 mos ago
The ideal number of RPs depends entirely on how active you expect your partners to be, and your own mental bandwidth for keeping track of characters and story threads.


A late twenties/early thirties, they/them something-or-other who's been doing this writing thing on and off since my teens. When I need to blow off some steam, I play the kinds of games that would make the average Dark Souls fan scream with rage. Aside from those two hobbies, I don't make time for much. My roleplaying is probably the most social I'll ever be across the internet, but hopefully that's what you're here for. Time Zone: +9, Korea/Japan/Australia. Hello American night shifters.

Most Recent Posts

I was going to wait maybe another week before suggesting it, but yeah, there's clearly demand for this concept and I like all the characters here that got finished. If anyone here has had success GMing in the past, I'd defer to them, but if no one else volunteers I suppose I could be convinced to draft up something similar.
Guess I'll bump when I hit page 2 and hope that's not annoying.
It's been a day, haha. In RPG time that's like, a few minutes.

I'm curious about your suggestions though.
Hm. HMM.

Okay, I really like Kali, but if you do end up deciding that deities are off limits, I did come up with another idea today that I could try.

Azazel, the Scapegoat. Take a more "bullied kid" approach to her backstory and personality. Can summon hands still, but only one or two. Could do something with the laying on of hands ritual (curses?) and summon chains of darkness to bind enemies and cause general havok. Sacrificial decoy dolls could also be a thing, to draw enemy fire (and maybe cast hexes? I like hexes).

It's a complete 180 in tone at this point but I like non-gloomy dark mages and can always do another.
Learning curves and power creep are fun. I'm down for either a temporary or permanent nerf if you think she needs one. I'll leave it up to you whether or not she's the Kali, or a clever impostor. Like I said, it doesn't matter to me where she ranks. I can play the hotshot newbie with an undeserved A rank, or the girl who hates demons more than anyone but got tricked into a contract with one. If it's worth anything, I like playing characters who make mistakes and take a lot of punishment instead of overpowering stuff, hence the wimpy first draft.

Would it be more appropriate for the department's attention to be drawn away by a Titan, then? I'd like her archenemy to be a Devil so she can at least fool herself into thinking she could take him alone. Her decision to hunt demons alone doesn't make much sense otherwise, I think.
Thanks for clarifying.

Federica MK. II, featuring:
  • More Power
  • More Backstory
  • More Anime
  • More(?) Arms
  • And Knuckles

Hopefully, I'm getting warmer.
I have to say, a power boost is not what I expected. I expected her to be nerfed for soloing several monsters (and almost losing, but still). The descriptions are probably the culprit; I'll try expanding them after I get off work and see what you think. I did expect a request for more backstory and was hoping for a little help. I know that she doesn't want to make a contract with a demon. Does it have to be a real entity from history or can I just make one?
Just click send

Cute bruiser/protecter. A shot in the dark with the power level; I don't really mind where she ranks.
Indefinitely Closed

This thread continues to exist as a notepad of sorts for my ongoing RPs, but is "closed to the public" so to speak. I've pretty much figured out who my long-term partners are for the foreseeable future.

About Me
The tagline is a pretty good summary. Expect deadly beauties and dapper ladies in pinstripe suits; if you've found yourself in need of a character like that in your RP, tag me. I can handle anything above one-liners, from casual to advanced. High casual to mid advanced is my comfort zone. I stay out of the arena for fear of godmodding and out of the Star Wars stuff 'cause I'm a fraud who only likes the original trilogy and had barely any exposure to the expanded universe. It's okay, you can judge me; I played Shadows of the Empire on the N64 and I liked it. I'm OoC friendly and have a Discord, but I'd rather not give it unless we're actively writing something together. I try to stay relatively low key and semi-anonymous.

My Interests
Anything involving political intrigue or conspiracy will hold my attention like a vice, but if that's not your wheelhouse, good character moments and strong dialogue will also do the trick. I don't always do fluffy or slice-of-life stuff, but when I do, I fluff responsibly; I don't think I could finish a whole slice of life story without an actual... story. I like all kinds of time periods, as long as my partners aren't tenured historians with an axe to grind. I actually really enjoy settings with anachronistic technology and weird genre combinations, like sci-fi fantasy western, so if you have an idea still sitting in a PM draft or on your desktop in a text document because it's "too weird," send it to me and I'll at least read the pitch. I'm a sucker for romance and pretty flexible about it; I'll do fade-to-black or 18+ no-fade upon request. I'll pair FxM or FxF, and I'll also honor any requests for NO romance between the MCs. I like to think that my writing is just strong enough to not need to be carried by the Romance and 18+ tags. We'll see!

If you decide to send me a message, just give me some basic details of what you're looking for, a story suggestion and/or character if applicable, and—if you can—include a couple paragraphs describing one of your characters (any of them, from any RP) doing something mundane, like writing a confidential letter, taking stock of their equipment, admiring themselves in the mirror, or observing their situation while in captivity. Something short but detailed enough to show off your writing style, and how you'd handle "down time" during a slow burn. Reusing an old but recent post for this will save you some time. I won't require this, but if your "filler" is nicely done, you'll have my full attention right from the start. Where posting frequency is concerned, I'm not too fussed about it. You can probably expect at least two a week from me. If you haven't replied in two weeks or more, I might poke you to see if you're still interested, but as many people as there are on here who say "yeah totally I'm not dropping," I'll give it another two weeks, but then I'm re-opening my story for somebody else.

I like to think that I handle writing mature themes tastefully, and would like my writing partners to do the same; if darkness is your domain, just don't be a mouthbreather about it and we'll get along. I too am a fan of the strange, dark and mysterious delivered in story format. Your choice of words will probably put me off faster than your choice of content. Also, the entire universe shouldn't be doing a low% morality speedrun straight to the leaderboards of grimdark hell; a good story needs highs as well as lows, you know? On a similar note, I can't really do pure smut; I've tried to be accommodating in the past and I just lose interest. That'll be especially true in this thread as a few of the specific stories are backstories or alternate canon based on non-throwaway characters I've already made. I'm not interested in kink fuel stories and won't be listing mine here, but feel free to throw yours at me if it won't detract from the story too much. I probably have a shorter "nope list" than you, so the worst that could happen is that I politely turn you down.

Actual Rules
Don't go godmode on me, especially if we're both playing as capable fighters. It's no fun if your character (or mine) is just better at everything, all the time. Take the shot, but don't auto-hit—and of course, don't control my characters for me. Romance aside, that and one-liners are basically my only hard rules. For romance, when creating a character for any RP involving adult scenes, I humbly request that, if you prefer to use real life face claims, to use a site like this person does not exist to generate one. If you require me to use one, I'll be doing the same, for various reasons best left hidden in the recesses of my paranoid mind. On a related note, I'll only do romance with original characters; I'll use a fandom for some good set dressing but I don't write romantic fanfiction or crack pairings. I also won't play the male character in a romantic encounter; that's why I didn't mention MxM pairings, either. Nope, sorry, can't do it. Oh, and while I'm still paranoid, obligatory 18+ characters only reminder.

Enough about me—on to the stories currently rattling in my brain. These should give you a taste of what I'm about.

Specific Stories: These are listed in order from "most fluffy" to "most mature/dark." All of the text and linked images in this thread should be safe for work.

Open Format: Craving something darker, yet darker? Have your own story to tell? No? Why not craft one now, then? Welcome home.

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