Lemme know if I need to bump up the power a bit, but I was intending on going with a lower-tier power level to start with. I think everything else should be good though, but lemme know if I can't have the Raiju as a somewhat separate entity.

Kaeru Nakanishi
You'd be forgiven for mistaking Kaeru as a woman. Not out of any attempts to deceive or other impishness mind you, he simply likes being as he says 'cute and the best looking person in the room...also that most masculine clothing looks absolutely fu-ahem, really boring.', which, should incidentally, give you a little glimpse into his personality. Standing a slightly shorter than average height for men, a slender, feminine form Kaeru takes great care in his appearance. Long blond hair with lively, amber colored eyes. He takes fairly good care of his appearance and tries to always keep up with the latest fashion trends. Surprisingly, while not bulky he's got pretty good muscles under the clothes.
A cute appearance that belies an absolutely foul mouthed little gremlin. Kaeru is a lively, energetic sort that puts his 110% into basically everything with a smile. In fact, you could say he does everything almost with too much of a smile, whether it be fighting, working, or using an incredibly colorful vocabulary to express displeasure at something, chastising someone for making fun of his appearance, or when he's using his as he says 'extremely fine legs' to beat the ever loving doughnuts out of someone. (he does try to keep his mouth in check, though)
That is to say, you'd ever rarely find Kaeru not smiling about something or just enjoying life in general. Towards other people, he takes the same, casual approach. A overly friendly, pretty foulmouthed guy. Won't stop him from occasionally teasing people or behaving like a little imp, if he thinks he'll get a giggle or reaction out of someone, though.
Is infectious positivity a skill? If so, Kaeru has that in droves. Aside from that, he's fairly skilled with sewing, cleaning, and typical household chores. As he's trained in martial arts most of his life and youth, he's fairly skilled even for being fairly young. Often practices gymnastics alongside his martial arts.
Contracted Shadow:
Nyoko the Raiju Often taking the form of a white animal that seems to be a mix of a feline or some canine and follows Kaeru around. Rarely takes any other form, pretending to laze about. Perhaps accrediting to the legend, she's mostly harmless unless someone pisses her off.
Contract Type:
Contract Rank:
Contract Abilities:
As his contract is a possession type, Kaeru often is fighting on the front lines himself. Sort of, himself anyways. As Nyoko is effectively taking control of his body a bit so he can use her powers and abilities, he himself changes his appearance to be better suited to using it. Typically, he rather teasingly refers to this as his magical girl transformation sometimes.
When being possessed by Nyoko, Kaeru decidedly takes an actual feminine form. He says he doesn't mind, mostly, though it was a little weird to get used to the bodies new weight during practice. Nyoko also takes a bit more of an influence on his personality the more power he's able to use. Sometimes it can get a little questionable whose in control when.
As far as abilities goes, Kaeru's strength and agility increases to superhuman levels, able to leap near instantaneously from place to place, leaving nothing more than a crackle of lightning in their wake. They've also managed to infuse their blows with lightning, as well as able to manipulate and project electricity in a short range around them. Aside from this, though, they don't have much in the way of versatility. The two of them simply do one thing, and one thing well. Hit extremely fast, and extremely hard.
Brief Backstory:
Kaeru has had a somewhat uninteresting background, by his count. A father that was incredibly strict growing up that was heavily into martial arts, and a workaholic mother. His father, desperately wanted his son to follow in his footsteps, and growing up it seemed, initially at least this might be something that Kaeru wasn't initially suited for. A somewhat skinny build that lacked muscles, and what could be considered an feminine appearance, it didn't seem like he would.
So it came as a surprise and relief when Kaeru ended up taking to Martial arts, and seemingly enjoying them as much as he did, taking to them quite quickly and much quicker than some of his fathers most skilled students when he actually put his mind to it.
So he'd grow up, eventually becoming a fairly skilled martial artist, and taking up helping his father out at the gym and dojo as a receptionist and also the guy who tests new members that wanted to be trained by his father. (Ignore the fact he's got something of a fanclub among the members). How he met Nyoko is something of a comedy routine more than anything serious.
It was a particularly stormy day, a demonic alert had just ended, dying down and the threat dealt with. Kaeru, having been unable to make it to the shelter in time as he had been rushing home in the pouring down rain and thunder. It was here, he noticed an odd animal, something he couldn't quite tell if it was a dog or cat just casually napping out in the rain, not a care in the world. A little curious and also thinking it might be a trap...but he took it home anyways. How could he leave a little thing like that out in the storm?
Well, next morning he woke up with a rather busty woman cuddling him. After some initial shock she introduced herself as a Raiju and as thanks for taking her in when she was lost, hungry, alone, and cold, she was giving him part of her power. She thus, proceeded to make herself at home and laze around and that they were now bound. Effectively, she was possessing him and there was nothing he could do about it. As long as she got food and shelter, she seemed reasonable enough. A slightly bemused Kaeru merely accepted this, and joined the DDF shortly after. why not fight demons if he could, right? Might as well challenge his fighting ability against bigger foes. Nyoko had to make it clear though, she wasn't going to be doing any of the fighting herself.
Lemme know if I need to bump up the power a bit, but I was intending on going with a lower-tier power level to start with. I think everything else should be good though, but lemme know if I can't have the Raiju as a somewhat separate entity.

Kaeru Nakanishi
You'd be forgiven for mistaking Kaeru as a woman. Not out of any attempts to deceive or other impishness mind you, he simply likes being as he says 'cute and the best looking person in the room...also that most masculine clothing looks absolutely fu-ahem, really boring.', which, should incidentally, give you a little glimpse into his personality. Standing a slightly shorter than average height for men, a slender, feminine form Kaeru takes great care in his appearance. Long blond hair with lively, amber colored eyes. He takes fairly good care of his appearance and tries to always keep up with the latest fashion trends. Surprisingly, while not bulky he's got pretty good muscles under the clothes.
A cute appearance that belies an absolutely foul mouthed little gremlin. Kaeru is a lively, energetic sort that puts his 110% into basically everything with a smile. In fact, you could say he does everything almost with too much of a smile, whether it be fighting, working, or using an incredibly colorful vocabulary to express displeasure at something, chastising someone for making fun of his appearance, or when he's using his as he says 'extremely fine legs' to beat the ever loving doughnuts out of someone. (he does try to keep his mouth in check, though)
That is to say, you'd ever rarely find Kaeru not smiling about something or just enjoying life in general. Towards other people, he takes the same, casual approach. A overly friendly, pretty foulmouthed guy. Won't stop him from occasionally teasing people or behaving like a little imp, if he thinks he'll get a giggle or reaction out of someone, though.
Is infectious positivity a skill? If so, Kaeru has that in droves. Aside from that, he's fairly skilled with sewing, cleaning, and typical household chores. As he's trained in martial arts most of his life and youth, he's fairly skilled even for being fairly young. Often practices gymnastics alongside his martial arts.
Contracted Shadow:
Nyoko the Raiju Often taking the form of a white animal that seems to be a mix of a feline or some canine and follows Kaeru around. Rarely takes any other form, pretending to laze about. Perhaps accrediting to the legend, she's mostly harmless unless someone pisses her off.
Contract Type:
Contract Rank:
Contract Abilities:
As his contract is a possession type, Kaeru often is fighting on the front lines himself. Sort of, himself anyways. As Nyoko is effectively taking control of his body a bit so he can use her powers and abilities, he himself changes his appearance to be better suited to using it. Typically, he rather teasingly refers to this as his magical girl transformation sometimes.
When being possessed by Nyoko, Kaeru decidedly takes an actual feminine form. He says he doesn't mind, mostly, though it was a little weird to get used to the bodies new weight during practice. Nyoko also takes a bit more of an influence on his personality the more power he's able to use. Sometimes it can get a little questionable whose in control when.
As far as abilities goes, Kaeru's strength and agility increases to superhuman levels, able to leap near instantaneously from place to place, leaving nothing more than a crackle of lightning in their wake. They've also managed to infuse their blows with lightning, as well as able to manipulate and project electricity in a short range around them. Aside from this, though, they don't have much in the way of versatility. The two of them simply do one thing, and one thing well. Hit extremely fast, and extremely hard.
Brief Backstory:
Kaeru has had a somewhat uninteresting background, by his count. A father that was incredibly strict growing up that was heavily into martial arts, and a workaholic mother. His father, desperately wanted his son to follow in his footsteps, and growing up it seemed, initially at least this might be something that Kaeru wasn't initially suited for. A somewhat skinny build that lacked muscles, and what could be considered an feminine appearance, it didn't seem like he would.
So it came as a surprise and relief when Kaeru ended up taking to Martial arts, and seemingly enjoying them as much as he did, taking to them quite quickly and much quicker than some of his fathers most skilled students when he actually put his mind to it.
So he'd grow up, eventually becoming a fairly skilled martial artist, and taking up helping his father out at the gym and dojo as a receptionist and also the guy who tests new members that wanted to be trained by his father. (Ignore the fact he's got something of a fanclub among the members). How he met Nyoko is something of a comedy routine more than anything serious.
It was a particularly stormy day, a demonic alert had just ended, dying down and the threat dealt with. Kaeru, having been unable to make it to the shelter in time as he had been rushing home in the pouring down rain and thunder. It was here, he noticed an odd animal, something he couldn't quite tell if it was a dog or cat just casually napping out in the rain, not a care in the world. A little curious and also thinking it might be a trap...but he took it home anyways. How could he leave a little thing like that out in the storm?
Well, next morning he woke up with a rather busty woman cuddling him. After some initial shock she introduced herself as a Raiju and as thanks for taking her in when she was lost, hungry, alone, and cold, she was giving him part of her power. She thus, proceeded to make herself at home and laze around and that they were now bound. Effectively, she was possessing him and there was nothing he could do about it. As long as she got food and shelter, she seemed reasonable enough. A slightly bemused Kaeru merely accepted this, and joined the DDF shortly after. why not fight demons if he could, right? Might as well challenge his fighting ability against bigger foes. Nyoko had to make it clear though, she wasn't going to be doing any of the fighting herself.