Imagine having the willpower to retire from RP and actually mean it (I will never escape)
2 mos ago
Showing kindness is like loaning out emotional currency. If you never receive any in return, it's like having sleep debt. It's exhausting.
2 mos ago
Every 2-5 years or so I will look back and think everything I wrote in the "before times" was cringe. I used to change my username when that happened, now I just wear my shamelessness like a badge.
2 mos ago
God bless the old guy who said "hey good lookin' can you help me out?" at work today. Yessir, I'd be happy to help you find frames for your new glasses.
3 mos ago
I should write science fiction, so I can get paid to blackpill about how technology can be misused instead of doing it for free.
A late twenties/early thirties, they/them something-or-other who's been doing this writing thing on and off since my teens. When I need to blow off some steam, I play the kinds of games that would make the average Dark Souls fan scream with rage. Aside from those two hobbies, I don't make time for much. My roleplaying is probably the most social I'll ever be across the internet, but hopefully that's what you're here for.
At Rei's insistence, the faint sounds of a motorcycle could be heard in the distance. Among the oldest of the current members of the Detention Club, Evil Eye had a penchant for being somehow omnipresent, yet also fashionably late. Kiyo was a mellow and thoughtful girl, who could not be compelled to hustle. She would ultimately follow Schrade's lead, but only after pensively pondering her orders, as if they were the helpful suggestions of a friend, to be carefully considered rather than followed blindly in a militaristic sort of fashion.
Though she could still fly, as she did when she was blinded by the light, Kiyo preferred to remain on the ground ever since she turned. The cold chill of high-altitude air reminded her only of the night of Saya's betrayal. She still enjoyed the feeling of the wind in her hair as she drove towards the scene unfolding before Rei and Suki, parking just under a block away. As she did, she also transformed, her stylish leather jacket turning into an equally stylish gi. She shrugged, letting the garment slip off her shoulders so that her partner, sitting on the motorcycle behind her, could touch the tattoo on her back. She felt no fear in exposing both her neck and her emblem to the girl. Was it because she trusted her partner? Or did she simply no longer value her own life?
...Evil Eye was not the type to give direct answers.
She leaned forward in her seat, blood trickling from her eyes and pooling in her cupped hands. Soon, an eyeball formed and floated to the surface, and then the blood became flesh. The newly born abomination let out what was, approximately, a happy squeal as it stood up in her hands, its small tendrils twining with Kiyo's fingers, gripping them with all the strength of a newborn babe. "Go, my child," she lovingly cooed to the creature, looking upon it with blank and impassionate eyes. "Depart, multiply, and become. Be ye a Seer, and Knower, and an Apostle of Truth." With that, she cast the Mogall into the air like a carrier pigeon, a wide but subdued smile spread across her face. As it flew away, it grew, and it multiplied. Soon, a small squad of them spread throughout Hibusa town. Kiyo's eyes glowed bright red, visible to Rei and Suki even from nearly a block away. Evil Eye had arrived, fashionably late as always, and yet right on time. The nearby Mogall sat haunched on a window sill, watching as Suki flirted with disaster, whose name was Schrade. "Mm. Lust," remarked Evil Eye, absentmindedly. "—and perhaps, Envy? Ahuhuhu~" It folded its tendrils underneath its body, mimicking how its mistress would watch Suki flirt in person: with her hands folded beneath her chin, her smile full of piqued interest, while her narrowed eyes conveyed only token disapproval at best. It emitted a curious noise, an upsweep-like cry caught somewhere between the sound of a window being wiped from outside, and the high-pitched croak of a frog.
Kiyo and her partner watched as her eyes crossed streets, passed over overpasses, leaped tall buildings, and patrolled the skies. Already, she had caught a glimpse of the new blood, Nyxia. A pair of Mogalls watched from nearby as she cackled like a maniac, spreading her wanton destruction. No doubt mistaking her eyes in the sky for yet more Miseria, the monstrous eyeballs popped pitifully like balloons as they were caught in the crossfire. "Pride. Wrath. Greed... or perhaps, Gluttony?" she pondered the expression of feasting. "How endearingly energetic! She's so adorable, don't you think~?" she remarked to her partner, her voice taking on a dreamy quality, as if starstruck—then she flinched as her Mogalls were erased from being, momentarily wiping the smile from her gentle face. Shrugging it off without a care, she then watched Nonsuch as she appeared slothful in doing good. "Tonight is a beautiful night, dear Sister," she said breathlessly, letting out a wistful sigh. "—but it's spoiled by these naughty girls, out past curfew," she remarked, as a Mogall floating high above Nonsuch leered down at her condescendingly, conveying the thoughts of its mistress perfectly.
If nobody has objections with Evil Eye and Shatterscape being a duo, I'm fine with it. Basically I'm cool with anything, so unless somebody else has strong feelings about teaming up with Evil Eye, Shatterscape gets her by default.
I'll post sometime next week, ideally sooner rather than later.
Honestly I might lean in the direction of Shatterscape and Evil Eye being too good together. Depending on how much focus there is on PvP with the light girls, it might be kinda toxic. Like if Evil Eye just knows where you are and spawn kills you with Shatterscape because she has bodies stashed near all the major landmarks of Hibusa town, that's not fun to deal with. I'm open to input on it though.
Kiyo definitely has potential chemistry with Earthshaker. They've both seen how apathetic the world is. Evil Eye has seen more, but Earthshaker was more directly affected by it. I think it could be a neat dynamic.
Given that we are supposed to work in teams, I was thinking that Shatterscape would go well together either with Kriegspiel or Evil Eye. She could protect Kriegspiel while she summons her minions and protect her, allowing Homes to use the pieces exactly as she wished. As for Kiyo, frankly, their powers are made for each other - Kiyo observes the battlefield from above and Shatterscape keeps on switching bodies, diving into shadows and unexpected angles.
• Name: Kuroki Kiyo • Title: EVIL EYE • Age: 19
• Emblem: An eye-shaped tattoo on her back, at the base of her neck. Touching it allows others to see what she sees.
• Devil Arm - HEIMDAL GAZZO: A pair of magical red contact lenses, these once gave Kiyo an ability akin to x-ray vision, and a zoom feature which allowed her to be her allies' "eye in the sky." Now, her contact lenses emit a signal which, through eye contact, can cause psychedelic effects in her victims. Kiyo's hypnotic gaze quickly turns ordinary people into her minions, and with enough prolonged exposure, even magical girls can be convinced to kneel before her. The residual effects may allow her to command them for a short time, but after eye contact is broken, they will eventually recover, usually after a maximum of five minutes.
• Magic - FLESHCRAFT: Her once-innocent wish to see the world was corrupted when she saw too much. Now, like the evil ones she once spied upon, minions do her bidding. FLESHCRAFT can create levitating eye monsters called Mogall. These can transmit images of whatever they see directly to HEIMDAL GAZZO, giving Kiyo acute awareness of anything her minions are sent to spy upon. These creatures are weak, and can only use their sticky tendrils to stall Kiyo's enemies for just long enough to possibly allow her to escape danger and reunite with other Kurai Majokko—however, they can also terrorize ordinary civilians with ease, and quickly become a problem if allowed to multiply unchecked.
• Background: Kiyo was once a perfect little angel, just like all of her sisters. Like many girls her age, she wanted to make the world a better place, but had no idea where to start. She wanted to be a good person, but wasn't really sure what that meant. She understood that it probably meant helping people, but it turned out that, secretly, she doesn't actually like working with people all that much—working with people who are broken and needy, even less so. She was the kind of person who had her life pretty put together, and didn't have much patience for anyone who wasn't just like her. She needed a clique. She wanted to see the world. Thus, when Kiyo had the opportunity to become part of a troupe of magical girls with ambitions to see all of Japan—and then the world—she accepted without question.
The other girls weren't like her, though. Far from it—they were selfish, and craved the spotlight that their role as heroes afforded them. Kiyo, meanwhile, did thankless work behind the scenes, mostly just scouting for trouble. She thought she was giving the other magical girls what they wanted: the spotlight. However, with her ability to see almost anything, anywhere, she quickly found out that the others did not respect her, at all. That was fine, though; they had a point: she wasn't great at combat. So, whenever she had the chance, she took Judo lessons. It was through those lessons that she got close to a boy her age, and eventually fell head over heels for him. The other girls did not take kindly to that, either. Most of them agreed that, sure, she was cute, but she was a "basic bitch," and he was out of her league.
It all came to a head when, one day, she was doing her scouting routine, and was missing him, and happened to pass over his place. She told herself that she shouldn't, but he had given her a key to his apartment by this point, though she had yet to use it. She figured it would be fine to just take a peek into his room to see how he was doing. She had seen many things in her life, and many evils which slowly challenged her optimism for this job, eroded her purity, and questioned her convictions—but seeing her boyfriend cheating on her with one of her supposed "friends" was the final straw. The innocent Magical Girl of Light, Eagle Eye, was never seen again, vanishing into the night.
Kiyo's blood ran colder than the surrounding night air as she watched, her ex-boyfriend and ex-friend taunting her with the warmth they were sharing behind her back. Both her face and knuckles turned pale as they tightened along with her chest, her heartbeat racing along with her mind as she weighed her options. She was not a fighter. Saya was. So was Nobu, but he couldn't take Saya in a fight if things turned south, and who's to say he was even on her side? Kiyo's face twisted, irate, as tears of anguish and fury silently streamed down her frigid cheeks, providing the only touch of warmth she would receive tonight—or for a long while, she supposed, for it was over.
It was purely and simply over. She had seen enough evil in the world, and had enough of being powerless to change it. All she wanted out of this job, at first, was to see the world, and to help the people in it, and she had given up on her initial dream of traveling when her allies had become addicted to the spotlight and the fame they enjoyed in Japan. Failing that, she had decided that charity should start at home, and resigned herself to help the people of Japan—but the government was corrupt, she saw. She saw everything, and was politely—with a subtle menace—told not to notice. The existence of heroes in this world was not celebrated—it was tolerated—perhaps exploited in some ways. The worst part was—or had been—that she couldn't tell her friends the truth—that everything they did was for nothing, in the end. "This is how Japan is," she longed to tell them, but the world had replied "this is how the world is, you fool."
It didn't matter anymore. Those girls, and especially that whore, didn't deserve to know the Truth. She decided, in this moment, to reclaim her lost wish: to see the world. The tattoo on her back twisted, becoming not an eagle's eye but a Masonic Eye. Her contact lenses receded from the bedroom below, refusing along with Kiyo to continue to witness such debauchery. They sang as they resonated with a subtle glow, showing Kiyo the world that she so wished to see—yet the tears continued to fall, as she knew it to be both an illusion, and a sign of further mutations to come. She was turning, she knew—and could no longer muster the courage to protest the change. She would no longer be Eagle Eye, but EVIL EYE—the name coming to her as naturally as the wind, which chilled her more than the realization that she had become a Kurai Majokko. Her tears, too, grew cold, threatening to freeze to her cheeks. Her final speck of warmth was gone—as was she.
• Other:
Before being corrupted and becoming FLESHCRAFT, her magic condensed water vapors, turning clouds into ice, and crafting the ice into weapons. In a surprising turn of realism, this was pretty useless. The other magical girls made fun of her.
The kind of girl who types in ALL CAPS. Maybe this is why she doesn't have any friends?
Another recon and manipulative character, the only concern I have is that her power *should* have some effect on miseria, possibly able to exert some level of control over them while others do their thing. Would work well on a team that doesn't have Chess girl and Blood lady that I, as a good co-gm, totally and absolutely remember the names of.
Go ahead and move her on over to the character tab.
Immobilizing a horde of small fry or one big baddie was the idea in the back of my mind that I totally didn't forget to add. Basically, the stronger they are, the more direct and prolonged eye contact needed to exert dominance. Intelligent creatures will catch on and look away before she gains direct control, but they'll be on a drug trip for a bit. Unintelligent creatures will become her temporary pets.
Hug the miseria. Yes. Isn't it adorable?
Shh, shh, ignore the bloody lady currently clawing you to death. Look into my eyes.
Edit: I'm fine with it not affecting them too. Just let me know what I should roll with.
I'm probably too late, but the CS bug bit me, and the chance to make an evil magical girl was too good to pass up.
• Name: Kuroki Kiyo • Title: EVIL EYE • Age: 19
• Emblem: An eye-shaped tattoo on her back, at the base of her neck. Touching it allows others to see what she sees.
• Devil Arm - HEIMDAL GAZZO: A pair of magical red contact lenses, these once gave Kiyo an ability akin to x-ray vision, and a zoom feature which allowed her to be her allies' "eye in the sky." Now, her contact lenses emit a signal which, through eye contact, can cause psychedelic effects in her victims. Kiyo's hypnotic gaze quickly turns ordinary people into her minions, and with enough prolonged exposure, even magical girls can be convinced to kneel before her. The residual effects may allow her to command them for a short time, but after eye contact is broken, they will eventually recover, usually after a maximum of five minutes.
• Magic - FLESHCRAFT: Her once-innocent wish to see the world was corrupted when she saw too much. Now, like the evil ones she once spied upon, minions do her bidding. FLESHCRAFT can create levitating eye monsters called Mogall. These can transmit images of whatever they see directly to HEIMDAL GAZZO, giving Kiyo acute awareness of anything her minions are sent to spy upon. These creatures are weak, and can only use their sticky tendrils to stall Kiyo's enemies for just long enough to possibly allow her to escape danger and reunite with other Kurai Majokko—however, they can also terrorize ordinary civilians with ease, and quickly become a problem if allowed to multiply unchecked.
• Background: Kiyo was once a perfect little angel, just like all of her sisters. Like many girls her age, she wanted to make the world a better place, but had no idea where to start. She wanted to be a good person, but wasn't really sure what that meant. She understood that it probably meant helping people, but it turned out that, secretly, she doesn't actually like working with people all that much—working with people who are broken and needy, even less so. She was the kind of person who had her life pretty put together, and didn't have much patience for anyone who wasn't just like her. She needed a clique. She wanted to see the world. Thus, when Kiyo had the opportunity to become part of a troupe of magical girls with ambitions to see all of Japan—and then the world—she accepted without question.
The other girls weren't like her, though. Far from it—they were selfish, and craved the spotlight that their role as heroes afforded them. Kiyo, meanwhile, did thankless work behind the scenes, mostly just scouting for trouble. She thought she was giving the other magical girls what they wanted: the spotlight. However, with her ability to see almost anything, anywhere, she quickly found out that the others did not respect her, at all. That was fine, though; they had a point: she wasn't great at combat. So, whenever she had the chance, she took Judo lessons. It was through those lessons that she got close to a boy her age, and eventually fell head over heels for him. The other girls did not take kindly to that, either. Most of them agreed that, sure, she was cute, but she was a "basic bitch," and he was out of her league.
It all came to a head when, one day, she was doing her scouting routine, and was missing him, and happened to pass over his place. She told herself that she shouldn't, but he had given her a key to his apartment by this point, though she had yet to use it. She figured it would be fine to just take a peek into his room to see how he was doing. She had seen many things in her life, and many evils which slowly challenged her optimism for this job, eroded her purity, and questioned her convictions—but seeing her boyfriend cheating on her with one of her supposed "friends" was the final straw. The innocent Magical Girl of Light, Eagle Eye, was never seen again, vanishing into the night.
Kiyo's blood ran colder than the surrounding night air as she watched, her ex-boyfriend and ex-friend taunting her with the warmth they were sharing behind her back. Both her face and knuckles turned pale as they tightened along with her chest, her heartbeat racing along with her mind as she weighed her options. She was not a fighter. Saya was. So was Nobu, but he couldn't take Saya in a fight if things turned south, and who's to say he was even on her side? Kiyo's face twisted, irate, as tears of anguish and fury silently streamed down her frigid cheeks, providing the only touch of warmth she would receive tonight—or for a long while, she supposed, for it was over.
It was purely and simply over. She had seen enough evil in the world, and had enough of being powerless to change it. All she wanted out of this job, at first, was to see the world, and to help the people in it, and she had given up on her initial dream of traveling when her allies had become addicted to the spotlight and the fame they enjoyed in Japan. Failing that, she had decided that charity should start at home, and resigned herself to help the people of Japan—but the government was corrupt, she saw. She saw everything, and was politely—with a subtle menace—told not to notice. The existence of heroes in this world was not celebrated—it was tolerated—perhaps exploited in some ways. The worst part was—or had been—that she couldn't tell her friends the truth—that everything they did was for nothing, in the end. "This is how Japan is," she longed to tell them, but the world had replied "this is how the world is, you fool."
It didn't matter anymore. Those girls, and especially that whore, didn't deserve to know the Truth. She decided, in this moment, to reclaim her lost wish: to see the world. The tattoo on her back twisted, becoming not an eagle's eye but a Masonic Eye. Her contact lenses receded from the bedroom below, refusing along with Kiyo to continue to witness such debauchery. They sang as they resonated with a subtle glow, showing Kiyo the world that she so wished to see—yet the tears continued to fall, as she knew it to be both an illusion, and a sign of further mutations to come. She was turning, she knew—and could no longer muster the courage to protest the change. She would no longer be Eagle Eye, but EVIL EYE—the name coming to her as naturally as the wind, which chilled her more than the realization that she had become a Kurai Majokko. Her tears, too, grew cold, threatening to freeze to her cheeks. Her final speck of warmth was gone—as was she.
• Other:
Before being corrupted and becoming FLESHCRAFT, her magic condensed water vapors, turning clouds into ice, and crafting the ice into weapons. In a surprising turn of realism, this was pretty useless. The other magical girls made fun of her.
The kind of girl who types in ALL CAPS. Maybe this is why she doesn't have any friends?
Day 1 ◈ Time: Night ◈ Weather: Thunderstorms, with a 100% chance of Ni-Seraphi ◈ Location: Harold's Academy, Main Ballroom ◈ Participants: Raffaella Struna, Anastasia Arslan @Ti
Raffaella, thoroughly elated by her successful dance with Tessa, bouncing on her feet and all smiles, excitedly scampered off to find Kaspaan. "Okay! I'm gonna dance with Kass—oh, and Ana too!" she boldly announced, her newly discovered love of dance filling her with courage. Her excited proclamation would be cut off, however, and neither her jubilation nor her bravery were to last long, as a much more dire announcement echoed through the academy. It was then that Raffaella began to notice the song.
It was a beautiful song, and yet, something about it unsettled Raffaella, though only just. She had never heard it before, herself, but somehow it was hauntingly familiar. She didn't need to have heard the song to feel the increasing sense of dread. It came from inside of her, irrevocably etched into the DNA of all mystics descended from those dreadful days of old. She, like many other first years, stood still and uncertain as some of the older students scattered about in anticipation of what was to come. Then, there was an explosion that rattled the entire school. Little Raffaella, dainty and frail as she was, was thrown off balance with ease, falling face-first on the ground with a short and high-pitched cry, quickly stifled by her impact with the floor. Students fell from above, landing all around the girl—who would narrowly escape a meaningless and terrible fate of being simply trampled to death by her panicking peers.
"ESP..?" Raffaella mumbled in a daze as she staggered to her feet, a single drop of blood running down her perpetually pale face. What does extrasensory perception have to do with this? wondered the woefully underprepared teen as bodies moved all around her, knocking her about like a weather-vane in the midst of a storm and threatening to knock her to her knees again. As the haze cleared from her eyes, and the ringing in her ears subsided, she saw them—and they saw her. Not only did they see her, they stared at Raffaella—with hungry eyes.
This... is a mistake! You can't see me! You can't! she thought desperately, tears welling in her eyes as she stood in place, frigid with fright, staring helplessly into the white voids of their eyes. Something unfathomably cruel yet beautiful was going to eat her—alive, she would later learn. Her aeonheart began to race even faster, until eventually, it would stop, like some vengeful god of cruel and unusual punishment had decided to play a prank on the innocent child. "N-No. No, please..! Not now..!" she whimpered, sobbing. "Daddy..!" she exhaled, her voice hollow and devoid of any hope. No one could see her. No one would help her—and no one would remember. She shut her eyes tightly, shaking like the small and frightened animal she was, prepared to die, trembling with the overwhelming feeling of defeat.
Then, something snapped her out of it. It was Ana.
Raffaella gasped, as if Ana's very presence had forced the breath of life back into her already-departed lungs. Her aeonheart began to beat again, though laboriously. "Ana..!" she cried, like a child who'd just woken up screaming from a scary dream. Raffaella clung to her arm, leaning on her like the pillar of strength she was as she barked orders to the others. Soon, her heart would settle just slightly, and she made the mistake of looking up. "Ana!!" she cried out, terrified, tugging her arm and pointing up at the Ni-Seraphi as smaller, much more horrifying creatures poured out of their mouths like locusts.
A late twenties/early thirties, they/them something-or-other who's been doing this writing thing on and off since my teens. When I need to blow off some steam, I play the kinds of games that would make the average Dark Souls fan scream with rage. Aside from those two hobbies, I don't make time for much. My roleplaying is probably the most social I'll ever be across the internet, but hopefully that's what you're here for.
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">	A late twenties/early thirties, they/them something-or-other who's been doing this writing thing on and off since my teens. When I need to blow off some steam, I play the kinds of games that would make the average Dark Souls fan scream with rage. Aside from those two hobbies, I don't make time for much. My roleplaying is probably the most social I'll ever be across the internet, but hopefully that's what you're here for.</div>