Avatar of Emeth


Recent Statuses

10 mos ago
Current The last time I sent my picture to someone... oh wait, I've never done that.
10 mos ago
I will never emotionally recover from the knowledge that Fire Emblem Awakening could have been a Pokemon crossover instead of a waifu simulator.
11 mos ago
I can't find the brain anywhere inside this fog, chief. I think the brain has evaporated. It has become the fog itself.
11 mos ago
Psst. uBlock Origin doesn't have this "we've detected an ad blocker" problem. They also don't literally let companies pay them off to allow their ads through, like some other ad "blockers" out there.
11 mos ago
The ideal number of RPs depends entirely on how active you expect your partners to be, and your own mental bandwidth for keeping track of characters and story threads.


A late twenties/early thirties, they/them something-or-other who's been doing this writing thing on and off since my teens. When I need to blow off some steam, I play the kinds of games that would make the average Dark Souls fan scream with rage. Aside from those two hobbies, I don't make time for much. My roleplaying is probably the most social I'll ever be across the internet, but hopefully that's what you're here for. Time Zone: +9, Korea/Japan/Australia. Hello American night shifters.

Most Recent Posts

Kohaku glanced at Shinobu. Shinobu glanced at Kohaku. Shinobu shrugged. Most of the fairy girl's outburst went over her head, and she kind of stopped paying attention after the pocket dimension bit. "I'm not sure what kinda girl deals in pocket dimensions, but thoughts and feelings, I can maybe do something about," Shinobu offered, putting away her phone uselessly. The creature moved way too fast to properly focus on it. She continued to listen to the girl's plight, figuring that if she was on a drug trip, the best thing she could do, in the interest of everyone's safety (and the safety of her career) was to stay put and wait it out until one of her coworkers, who were hopefully sober and only playing along with this scenario in her mind, would pick her slobbering face off the floor, call 119, and keep her breathing until the paramedics arrived. Hopefully, she couldn't go anywhere, but if she could, it'd be better if she didn't.

She kept listening, and eventually Lux mentioned the possibility of turning her into a magical girl, and at that, Shinobu couldn't help but laugh. "Bwahahahaha! A thirty-year-old magical..!" she burst out laughing, quickly losing her breath. "Sure why not?! Let me be a beacon of justice!" she volunteered immediately, still wheezing. Shinobu didn't see a point in staying in her work-mode counselor persona if she was tripping out. A few of her coworkers had already seen the party animal behind the curtain, and at least one of them had probably blabbed to the others about it by now. If she was going to have a day off in the hospital anyway, she might as well let herself get swept away in this fun little "pocket dimension" the fairy had planned.

Day 1 Time: Night Weather: Thunderstorms Location: Harold's Academy, Hallways Participants: Raffaella Struna, Anastasia Arslan, @Ti Lhoren Ashdale, @Silver Carrot Manny Ryi @Ebil Bunny

Raffaella's eyes widened in disbelief at Ana's words. "W-What?! Ana, no! I can't, I-I don't..!" Though she protested, Ana had already started giving her orders to the fighters. Her jaw dropped—and her face, if it were possible, grew even paler than it already was. I don't know where the shelters are, she finished in her mind, hopelessness once again taking hold of her heart. In that moment, she felt entirely abandoned. She could certainly run down that corridor, but then what? Would she just... lead the other students in a direction, any direction at all, and hope they didn't die? What if she was wrong? What then?!

What then, Ana?! she thought, frustrated, tears of desperation once again streaming down her ghostly face. Before she could waste any more time agonizing over what to do, thankfully, the other first year girl pulled her away by the arm and instincts took hold, allowing her to at least run on her own two feet rather than be dragged by them. The first year in question, Raffaella hardly even knew. She was from a different house, and Raffaella was hardly a social butterfly. Neither was this girl, it seemed, so at least they had that in common. Raffaella knew Manny as the girl whose speech she could barely understand even at the best of times, and hoping to understand her now was laughable. Perhaps she'd managed to catch something about "a job to do," or perhaps she hadn't, but her face said it all regardless. Raffaella felt—no, she knew she was utterly useless in a situation like this, and the girl that was now pulling her along was understandably frustrated by that. Honestly, if she tripped and fell flat on her face now, it would be par for the course, and she wouldn't even be able to blame Manny if she just left her there.

Ana is right. You need to be strong right now. You're capable of that.

The thought interrupted her spiraling negative emotions like a clanging cymbal, and made her reconsider her previous thought—just as one of those hideous creatures spawned by the Ni-Seraphi began to approach the two girls. Wait a minute—why were they running? ...A good question, Raffaella thought, as she lifted her feet and then her new friend off the ground, giving them just the speed boost the girls needed in that moment to get away. Perhaps it was because Raffaella was so small that she could move so quickly in the air, or perhaps her tiny body just held that much more vitesse. Regardless, the two were now speeding down the corridor Ana had indicated earlier.

...But now what?

Raffaella looked around the empty junction. Only, the junction wasn't empty; there were heartstrings pointing in every which way. It was a mess, but it was a color-coded mess. Several indigo-colored threads were pointing in a similar direction. Indigo—the color of worry. If they were worried about someone else at a time like this, they were probably safe, which meant that the shelters were probably... in that direction? Woah. Am I a genius? Raffaella wasn't sure if she'd ever had as much mental clarity as she did just now. "This way!" she shouted out to the other first years gathered behind her, her face the very picture of a defiant child who had no more tears to shed—that is to say, not a very powerful face. Still, it was enough to convince those scattering youths to turn around and follow her and Manny as they flew down the correct corridor.

When Manny introduced herself, Raffaella was a bit taken aback. Still, when their eyes met, Manny saw the fire she was looking for. She quickly looked back, unwilling to take her eyes 'off the road,' so to speak. "Uhm, I don't really get what you're saying—but I'm Raffaella! You're Manny, right? I got that part!" In a show of half-baked strength, she smiled. "Don't worry, I figured out where we're going! Pretty sure!" she said as she rounded another corner.
I dunno what you mean. Evil Eye is perfectly sane. Never been better, in fact. If you can't beat them, join them. That's the basics.

Gotta get caught up on posts elsewhere, so I'll wait for a response from Rei.
I thought Shatterscape just kind of teleported to a new body near Homura and was speaking to her on the roof.

if you change your post, does it mean I have to change mine where I talk to you? @Emeth

Shatterscape is there, Evil Eye isn't. No edit needed.
Transmitting thoughts through eye contact with Mogalls might be something to consider picking up later.
Apparently I'm dumb and Homura was still on the roof, talking to herself like a weirdo so I've edited out Evil Eye's interaction with her.

Evil Eye smiled a smile that did not reach her eyes as her partner, who felt gratitude for the gesture of exposing her nape, opted to kiss it. As for Evil Eye, the only thing she felt in that moment was the warmth of those lips, and perhaps the grim satisfaction of having a partner like Shatterscape, who was a team in her own right, so wrapped around her finger that she could feel safe inside the grasp of those giant and sharp claws of hers. One wrong move, one twitch of an unruly finger, and Evil Eye would be in several worlds' worth of hurt. That was, perhaps—or it should have been—the scariest part: that she was no longer entirely human, and something as painful as a broken neck might not kill her as quickly and decisively as one would hope. Yet, as Shatterscape's heavy machinery gripped her delicate and bare shoulders, she did not quake in fear. It was almost a comical scene, from a certain point of view: Shatterscape's exaggeratedly large hands holding the relatively much smaller Evil Eye, who smiled wide and unflinchingly like a doll.

What did cause her to flinch, however, was Nonsuch, and her treatment of her Mogall. Snatching it out of the air like a softball, holding it out like a cell phone, and posing as if to take some cringe selfie with her equally cringey friend, Kaeru. Evil Eye involuntarily squinted as what she perceived in the moment as her own eye was grabbed, and flinched when it was eventually squished. No matter how many times she experienced it, painless as it was, some human reflexes were everlasting and couldn't be fought. "I thought I was going to have fun tonight. Why did it have to be her? It's not fair," she lamented in dramatic fashion, as though she were performing a tragic play for an audience of one. "Nonsuch is such a cutie. She should join us instead of buddying up with that weirdo," she sneered hypocritically. "Punish her for me?" she suggested, a hand wandering from the handlebar of her bike and tracing the edge of one of Shatterscape's claws.

Then, however, a magical arrow flew through the air towards the trio of Rei, Suki and Willow. Evil Eye's face darkened, her smile quickly turning to one of suppressed rage. "Change of plans, Sister. This simply won't do at all." Shatterscape's body went limp in agreement. She was off to confront this new face in town—and so was she. Evil Eye covered her shoulders, wrapped the arms of her partner securely around herself, and revved up her bike. She drove straight through a crowd of the low-ranking miseria threatening to approach the Detention Club members from behind, cutting a path and scattering the survivors to either side of her. She parked behind Rei's lamp post of choice, catching the tail end of her conversation. "Oh my. If you wanted me to take you out to dinner, you could just say so, y'know~?" Evil Eye replied to her unfair ruling with a pleasant smile. She briefly looked behind her at the roadkill she'd left in her wake. "Oops! That, ah, doesn't count?" She tapped her chin with a finger innocently.
Kaeru will probably just grimace into them before 'storing' them in a Toad's belly

I mean, if it works. But also, why?
<Snipped quote by ERode>

The way I read @Emeth's post is that Kiyu spread her familiars all over the city, sharing her sight with Shatterscape. I also read as though Lycoris approached the girls relatively closely. The way I imagined it is that she was within speaking distance or a block or two of the others. I can edit my post if needed, but I am going to bed in a couple of minutes so it will be in a few hours.

Yeah, this was the intent. A Mogall is watching Rei, so it makes sense for Shatterscape to react to an arrow flying in her direction.

I'll probably put the Mogalls on a cooldown, like if the light girls kill them, they can't be watched for X rounds, or something.
They're completely harmless! Letting them reproduce on their own without supervision is totally fine. Trust.
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