Evil Eye sighed as she watched the other members of the Detention Club bicker amongst themselves. Oh well, perhaps it was harder to keep one's eyes on the prize when they only had two eyes to keep on it. She snickered at the thought. Pink-hair had bolted, frog girl had just finished what was probably a pretty lame speech, and was now leaping down into her general area. "Nope, not dealing with this shit again," Evil Eye said as she kicked her motorcycle back into gear. She wasn't going to stick around for another dramatic re-enactment of the second Plague of Egypt. "Sayonara, girls~" she called back with faux cheer and a middle finger for Sayuri as she ran down another crowd of bottom-feeders, tearing through alleys that she hoped were too narrow for amphibious biological weapons to follow.
Indeed, the front line was no place for her, and Shatterscape's original target had just scurried away. The onus was on Evil Eye to give chase. "Pink-hair's surprisingly smart for a blind girl, don't you think~?" she inquired of her partner's still, unconscious body. Her maddening eyes glowed bright red as she watched Homura's flight through the all-seeing eyes of her Mogalls, driving her motorcycle with a third-person, bird's-eye view. Additionally, Nonsuch had just killed another, and, in her personal fashion, flashed a killer grin at Evil Eye that inspired one of her own. "I hope you wake up soon! The fun's just about to get started!"
Ah, Nonsuch—the only one who walked in the light, yet was not blinded by it. She was a fascinating one. Evil Eye could hardly wait to make that girl fall to her side. Yet, she had to respect her, for several reasons—the first being that, unlike her dumb friends, she didn't spout nonsense. Second, she could squish her like a bug, and that might just make a couple of members of the Detention Club a little bit sad. Third, and perhaps most importantly, she was the one force for good in this town that could actually catch up to her motorcycle. It was with this thought in mind that she had to abandon the idea of following Homura's path directly. The Mogalls would have to do the bulk of the work of tracking her, or in the event that she killed them all, at least slowing her down. Evil Eye needed to get on a highway, and she needed to do it five minutes ago, but right this instant would just have to do.
She drove up an exit into oncoming traffic, which for any normal person would be a terrifying prospect, but given that both she and her bike were invisible to all but the miseria and other magical girls, it was a much safer proposition, as much of the danger of doing such a thing would come from the unpredictable reactions of other drivers. This way, at least, everyone's movements were predictable, which would serve her needs in crossing several lanes of traffic and a median to get to the proper side so she could properly floor it. Taking an opportunity to check back on the others, she watched Homura's flight. "Of course—how polite and chivalrous of you, wanting to take this away from the so-called innocents, ahuhu~!" she chuckled. Then, suddenly, she threw her head back and looked right at the one who had given chase to her, her eyes mad and aglow with such. "Hello, friend~! Did you miss me~?" she called out.