Avatar of EmiliaBaiYue


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4 mos ago
Current “‎Life is a shipwreck, but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats.” ― Voltaire
4 mos ago
Hmm.. what is on my mind?
1 yr ago
I am the Plaza Ghost
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2 yrs ago
Everyday I believe people can't get any dumber an everyday I'm proven wrong
2 yrs ago
“Not all girls are made of sugar and spice, and everything nice. Some girls are made of adventure, fine beer, brains and no fear.“


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Heavy Gear has some nice images if you search the Table top miniatures an RPG

She's what happens when you try to enhance beyond your casting level, made her look like an Oni
So Illusions, Body Enhancing Magic and Wind Magic

Body Enhance is a perm spell so she can't do much more with it besides heal her injuries

It made her twice as strong, twice as fast, with endurance her healing magic is self only and requires she drop all other spells

Illusions are not area effect but appear in real world as objects, people, animals or things like fire, steam, or other elemental effect. Cannot do damage or manipulate the physical world

Wind magic at the moment allows her to fly, breath underwater or toxic environment, and create pressure waves which she likes to channel into a tube she loads with rubber, glass, or steel pellets. power comparison single shot .50 cal at max with a possible
40 shots before her power drops off till exhausted around 60 shots the last as strong as maybe a BB gun
I was thinking of an Illusionist type who has to use her illusions all the time because of how body enhancing magic altered her appearence

Almost pictured Furry
I'm thinking of sort of an organic Android, she was human once but her memories wiped Ghost in the Shell style
Enhanced sensors like eyes, ears, taste, smell, sonar, (IR/Ultraviolet/Thermal, Hear a mouse fart at 100 meters, detect toxins organic an artificial, track fresh scents (6 hours old), 360 spatial awareness 30 meters)
No serious physical augments outside of internal organs, maybe subdermal armor meant more for projectiles than melee

She's a CIC of a sort but mobile, meant to follow a highly financed unit of Corp troops
Out of contact with command and in unknown territory her entire memory was dumped as a failsafe and left with a base personality
She can act as Communications between all with Cyberware V-trodes or other communications devices even ham radio her send receive range 6 kilometers for internal systems and external dependent on the source, Ship systems she can receive planet wide.

Sorry I get carried away sometimes

She comes with a Arachne cyberdeck model 119E-EXM1 making her a mobile Mini Citadel Virtual Net

Color me interested
That looked like a Mega Traveler deck plan. I always loved their detail, just enough to picture it in your head

Today I'll be spinning on a Wheel
I'm a slave to a Wheel
And there isn't any stopping
What mistakes could I have made?
I'm a slave serving time for a life that I've forgotten.

I'm a slave of Karma
Spin the Wheel and I'm a king reborn
I'm a slave to Karma
I'm coming back, yeah, I'll be coming back
But for the last time.

Today I'm a king on the wheel
Still a slave to the Wheel
But this time around I'm smiling
Keep me cautious, keep me safe, just in case there's a chance
I can leave this Wheel behind me.
Stand in the Middle and you won't get dizzy
Stand in the Middle and you won't fall down
If you stand in the Middle you can keep your balance
Stand in the Middle while the Wheel spins round and round

I'm a slave of Karma
Spin the Wheel and I'm a king reborn
I'm a slave to Karma
I'm coming back, yeah, I'll be coming back
But for the last time.
I'm a slave of Karma
Spin the Wheel and I'm a King reborn
I'm a slave to Karma
I'm coming back, yeah, I'll be coming back
But for the last time.

How do all the Wheels inside the Wheels revolving,
Go on, and on, and on, and on, and on...
Spinning on the Wheel the souls of One evolving,
Live on, live on, live on, live on, live on...
Anyone who claims that they know the answer's coming back again...

Who's at the center of the Wheel
The inventor of the Wheel
Or another spinning servant
I'm the Master of my Wheel of my very own Wheel
Universal and recurrent

I'm a slave of Karma
Spin the Wheel and I'm a King reborn
I'm a slave to Karma
I'm coming back, yeah, I'll be coming back
But for the last time.

We were talking about the space between us all
And the people who hide themselves behind a wall of illusion
Never glimpse the truth, then it's far too late, when they pass away
We were talking about the love we all could share
When we find it, to try our best to hold it there with our love
With our love, we could save the world, if they only knew

Try to realise it's all within yourself
No one else can make you change
And to see you're really only very small
And life flows on within you and without you

We were talking about the love that's gone so cold
And the people who gain the world and lose their soul
They don't know, they can't see, are you one of them?

When you've seen beyond yourself then you may find
Peace of mind is waiting there
And the time will come when you see we're all one
And life flows on within you and without you
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