Avatar of EmiliaBaiYue


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4 mos ago
Current “‎Life is a shipwreck, but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats.” ― Voltaire
4 mos ago
Hmm.. what is on my mind?
1 yr ago
I am the Plaza Ghost
1 like
2 yrs ago
Everyday I believe people can't get any dumber an everyday I'm proven wrong
2 yrs ago
“Not all girls are made of sugar and spice, and everything nice. Some girls are made of adventure, fine beer, brains and no fear.“


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Hi hi Silver Wind

Ever seen a 7th gen hybrid flying wing lifting body stealth air craft


Sorry couldn't resist I love any type of aircraft
The other rp being slow might make a skelly for your approval

Hypersonic cruise?
Disappointing, frustrating, slow

Take your time no rush
Is it strange I have to subscribe in the new interest post?

Lonely Outpost

This is a story of a paradise hell, a place they rumor is used as a punishment post. It is actually a detailed study of an O class world meaning the planet a little larger than earth with a total landmass the size of the British isles on the entire planet.
The woman above is Named Si yue an despite her sharing some features with Vulcan she's not connected genetically an comes from a federation world that is also an O class an she an expert on aquatic environmental sciences.
There are 16 Federation personnel on the world an everyone works in pairs
You got stuck with Sisi as she likes to be called, hope you brought your swim fins

Sisi like Kira on Deep Space 9 is on loan to star fleet, a doctor of several sciences her body amphibious
Her age is 210 her people living into 600+ oldest ever was 782, Middle Aged among her kind

You could be here as planetary security, engineer, medical doc, no commanders I need her as Sim Mod NPC an She's an Orion Commander / Captain
Race grab one but warning lets not go dark an edgy
I don't see attacks but dangerous Missions like Riding a shuttle for a week inside the the great serpent a strange Typhoon / Hurricane Storm that hasn't shown an inclination to dissipate in 60 years since she was first discovered. There are ruins which is why the outpost is there a 6 people of the mission the antiquities you know Diggers.

I'm open to romance the world is beautiful when the storm isn't near an you sail a high tech trimaran / shuttle / submarine then there's the Base as teams spend time there on required R&R so people don't go feral or squirrely
Please even if the others have abandoned an don't post lets try an keep this going

5 people is still enough to keep an RP rolling in fact it's the general size of most table top groups I'm in RL

“Hello miss my name is Londo Xad I will be the chief medical officer on the USS Tucker. What position were you assigned on the Tucker?” said a Trill / Male to her. She had to quantify he a male because at present he hosted in a male form an idea that made her smile in delight because Nu's curiosity was her strongest drive an she'd only even met trill briefly.

"Uf eku'ki du dvel-tor wuh koli gen-lis ma du had ha'kiv k' au svi' veh t' ish-veh vesht kasu-tor?" (Uni-translator>"How interesting you choose the Koli language have you spent time with them in one of your past hosts?) she answered before shifting to standard again.

I am Nooma posh Soom a V'Tosh Ka'Tur an member of the matriarchal sect known to the Koli as Yel lates The first a label that says my people do not worship logic the later that I am a Star Wanderer woman. Please have no care that I see your assumption as any but an honest mistake as I do look Vulcan as that is the root genetics of my people. As a doctor I do believe you might need be made aware of the differences in my people an the Koli...the Vulcans which I'd be happy to discus with you time permitting.
My posting at this time is as Cartographer / Navigator aboard the Tucker"
says finishing her answer to him

Then she turned her smile on the other male a Pakled named Ocano "A pleasure to meet you Ocano please both of you call me Nu in any casual setting.
Archaeology and Anthropology, what interesting sciences an useful in knowing the history both physical an biological of people we meet or find the remains of

I think if no one posts tonight then tomorrow I can answer the question

@Eviledd1984 Will respond when posting order comes up an my turn
I'm wandering Second Life waiting to see if anyone posts
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