
C H A R L E S V I C T O R S Z A S Z ♦ I N V E S T I G A T O R ♦ I N D E P E N D E N T ♦ P R I M E
W H A T I F...?:
"I can tell you that in the spring of 2020, it was impossible to meet the consumer demand for toilet paper because Lexcorp had been buying it all up to block the Suez Canal in order to drive demand for their own proprietary waterway. What else would you like to know?"
Charles Victor Zsasz was raised in an orphanage. Through an abundance of notetaking, observation, and sheer immersion learning, he came to know the true tongue of the city around him. Under the name Victor Sage, he ministered for the municipalities, casting judgement upon their Judases, just as Jonah spoke to Ninevah, only on live television for a local news network.
Upon exorcising the city of a maniacal pharmaceutical executive's reign, he was able to rescue Doctor Aristotle Robor, a chemist. In order to protect Vic from future retaliation, Robor has since provided him with a supply of Pseudoderm, a material that looks and feels like flesh but can be seen through when applied over the face. He has since taken to finding many of his answers as The Question.
Lately however, Hub's been different. She hasn't been speaking to him like she used to. In fact, she's been downright hostile with some of the near misses he's had with the law lately. Sure, she's always had a mean side to her but never to him before. Not like this. If he didn't know any better, he might describe the change in behavior as truly alien. Fortunately for Hub, however, Vic is committed to not knowing better.
He's since taken to the road, chasing down leads to find out who's really behind the changes he's been seeing. He just can't bear to stick around while she keeps giving him the cold shoulder. But he'll be back to work things out.
Upon exorcising the city of a maniacal pharmaceutical executive's reign, he was able to rescue Doctor Aristotle Robor, a chemist. In order to protect Vic from future retaliation, Robor has since provided him with a supply of Pseudoderm, a material that looks and feels like flesh but can be seen through when applied over the face. He has since taken to finding many of his answers as The Question.
Lately however, Hub's been different. She hasn't been speaking to him like she used to. In fact, she's been downright hostile with some of the near misses he's had with the law lately. Sure, she's always had a mean side to her but never to him before. Not like this. If he didn't know any better, he might describe the change in behavior as truly alien. Fortunately for Hub, however, Vic is committed to not knowing better.
He's since taken to the road, chasing down leads to find out who's really behind the changes he's been seeing. He just can't bear to stick around while she keeps giving him the cold shoulder. But he'll be back to work things out.
P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S ):
With the Question, I think it'd be delightful to write about him stalking people and uncovering alien conspiracies in cities across the US in order to tie it all back to major Skrull activity in Hub City. I'd actually love to collab with other players this time around.
C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:
My version of the Question is fifty percent Denny O'Neil's gritty investigative reporter and thirty percent Richard Veitch's urban shaman versions of The Question. The remaining twenty percent of inspiration is split between the way that hunters negotiate with devils in Chainsaw Man and the "shivers" perk from Disco Elysium.
That is to say that this version will refrain from taking psychoactive drugs like Veitch's depiction where he had induced breakthroughs using hallucinogens, like he were performing Invisibles style chaos magic. This version of Q makes sacrifices to cities and negotiates with them in order to gain their blessings. Conversing with them by listening to an approving church bell or a critical choir of car horns. He knows that it's all connected.
The relationships that The Question has with different cities are quite different. For example, I have it in my head that New York might actually be a raging bitch towards him where Chicago would be rather friendly, seeing the windy city as something of an old flame for him, much more willing to give up her secrets if he treats her right.
Also, this version of The Question blogs and leaks documents online as The Question, or Q for short. And his investigations are crowdfunded via cryptocurrency by his online supporters.
That is to say that this version will refrain from taking psychoactive drugs like Veitch's depiction where he had induced breakthroughs using hallucinogens, like he were performing Invisibles style chaos magic. This version of Q makes sacrifices to cities and negotiates with them in order to gain their blessings. Conversing with them by listening to an approving church bell or a critical choir of car horns. He knows that it's all connected.
The relationships that The Question has with different cities are quite different. For example, I have it in my head that New York might actually be a raging bitch towards him where Chicago would be rather friendly, seeing the windy city as something of an old flame for him, much more willing to give up her secrets if he treats her right.
Also, this version of The Question blogs and leaks documents online as The Question, or Q for short. And his investigations are crowdfunded via cryptocurrency by his online supporters.
P O S T C A T A L O G: