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//Rhinecliff Estate
@Estylwen@Click This

The Duke’s mien remained implacable at the appearance of Duchess Agustria and Viscount Skybound, but he did turn to one of the servants in attendance. A look was all that was needed for the maid to stride briskly off to retrieve another chair for the surprise guest, while Laurent himself moved to stand up to receive them.

By right, two of the three chairs were owed to the Duke and Duchess in attendance, but it was cruel to let two children stand while the adults sat and ate, especially when they both already looked like a couple of brats who accidentally broke a vase or a window. Honestly, what was dear Evelyn thinking? Laurent repressed a sigh. Then, the corner of his lips twitched into a smile as he caught Mirie’s eye.

A two-for-one show, then.

“What a devoted brother you are, Viscount Skybound,” he chuckled, leaning against the railing of the gazebo to reach up for one of the branches and pluck a ripe plum. Brushing away the dust with the sleeve of his jacket, he tossed it to the young lad. “Two days travel without the benefit of a carriage must have been exhausting, though I see that like any proper nobleman, you’ve nevertheless managed to remain presentable.”

He gave the boy a moment to try the fruit.

“Alas, if you sought your sister, I’m certain that the footman who had let you in would have informed you that she was in the guest room with me, or perhaps at the courtyard, like we are now. Which brings to mind a story I’ve heard of lately…”

Laurent lifted his head up, a jovial light glinting off the rim of his glasses, as if he was sharing trivial, comedic news. “Duchess Agustria, word is that a masterful thief has been plundering the homes of the aristocracy as of late, disdaining what measures we’ve taken to safeguard our estates. I don’t suppose any of the lords and ladies of that social gathering you’ve been at recently have spoke of such incidents?”

What did she see indeed?

It didn’t matter, not when everything ended before the apparition could even manifest. In the shadow of the colossus that dwelled within her dreams, Estelle was left with only the broken remains of Dante, a teenage girl who cried over his body, and Timekeeper.

Scratch that, Timekeeper bolted, leaving her there, alone, with this bullshit.

With all this bullshit, really.

What had the point of this mission even been? What were they even here for? Did this constitute as a success? Did Timekeeper get what he wanted? Did they just make even more enemies? Was she supposed to kill this monster-daughter now, because that was GEMINI protocol? The Knight of Tomorrow was reporting in to Dr. Moller over comms, the fires were dying out as a result of the assistance of the mage-bikers, and this whole thing was a mess from start to finish.

She never had to deal with this in the past. Never had to, back when she was just the guardian of a village, dealing with masses of malice that hardly possessed sentience. Then she had picked and chosen, realizing her limitations and maturing like an adult. Life became an endless set of trolley problems and compromises. And now, if she considered all this, considered what was bound to happen, the adult in Estelle, the Witch Hunter of GEMINI, would act immediately and cut this grieving monster down now, before sorrow turned to hatred and distilled into vengeance.

She made a thing though, of never drawing her sword.

And she was only twenty-two years old. A young adult.

Estelle knelt down beside Amanda, and gave her a consolatory hug. Allowed her to cry until there was a break in between her sobs, and then said, “Your friends are outside. They were looking for you.”

What was Dante hiding her from? The schoolgirls hadn’t seen her, so she hadn’t been sent away just because he saw Finn.

“Do you want to join them?”
Laurent's literally going to hear of this (probably from Mirie) and be like.

"Damn. I guess I really can just chill and administrate while letting Nyx handle my public appearances."

And then do nothing but bankroll the changeling for the rest of the RP.
Not raining over here.

Hm, so would it be the case then, that anyone else who became aware of Helm of Kastrus would be able to join in the latter attunement ceremony? Otis bent his neck to the side, mulling over that idea. Valen seemed to be the type to incinerate someone for such an affront, but on the other hand, it would be interesting to see if Davil can cut his teeth there.

Interesting, if not lethal.

Regardless, the Strigidae turned towards Iraleth, seeing that Chunji and Ciara had already made their own escapes. He eyed the glower, the stiffness of her stance, and the emotional essence broiling around her, like the ambient heat of a furnace. Then, he shrugged. "We both get what we want then. Congratulations. See you tonight."

With that, he turned to leave as well, striding for the campus town. As he did so, a message was sent to Ciara's Adapa, informing her of the Principal's statement: that attunement could possibly have an effect on one's prime essence. There was still the duel, after all. And though Ciara had not gathered any advantages during the course of the day, she may as well do her due diligence and avoid any disadvantages.

For Otis himself though? While he did have his own plans regarding the Iris Record, the day was too bright to be sleuthing about, and the smell of burnt fabric reminded him of work to be done.

Simply put, he sought a fabrics store.
@Click This Feel free to have Emilie pop up whenever in your scene with the boyo.

@Estylwen I'll let you transport the pair to the inner courtyard of the estate. The general vibes would be a relatively open courtyard adorned with waterworks and flowering shrubs like forsythia and summersweet. There's more bushes for berries and other such pickable fruits than there are flowers, and the gazebo is an eloquent but simple thing that rests below a large plum tree. The tableware has already been set, and there are three chairs present.

//Rhinecliff Estate

Laurent laughed heartily at that.

"I can certainly understand that, Lady Skybound. Though House Rhinecliff has not suffered from any crisis of succession in recent history, there certainly were still no small number of incidents where my brothers and I butted heads."

Whether it be over the inconsequential matters that oft accompanied boyhood, or matters of state and love.

Finishing his own cup of tea, the Duke stood up, and the maid within the room immediately stepped to his side. "Emilie," he spoke, "Could you let the Head Butler know that I intend on having my midday meal at the gazebo today? And could you check if our guest has arrived while you're at it?"

The maid nodded, then opened the door for the Viscountess and the Duke to exit first.

"Shall we, Lady Skybound?"
WIP. Will finish tomorrow.

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