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Dang, Leon got a whole ass 100 Sugarcrush? Dude could sweep the entirety of Nocturnia with that kind of army.
the vegetarian variant of the traditional Noc Noc Burger.

Yeah, kill her NOW. Probably used humans for fertilizer for her soybeans.
Adel with the whiny bottom energy fo sho.

Honestly Matthias should've just cooked Vincent though.

It'd probably be Emily anyways. Even now, Matthias has never met Bella.
Man, Asterion got helicoptered, Adel is habitually kidnapped, Khor's going through the 'suffering builds character' loop...anyone that Matthias has semi-friendly intentions towards just keeps getting disappeared, ehhhh.
Damn, y'all were doing shit in Riverbend right under my nose?

Guess that'd definitely put up some complications regarding trusting the Eel with anything. Which is fine. I need more enemies.

Jack next round.
Oh ye, Xalt, FYI, but you've got a chunk of my post in yours.

At this point, the pair who'd gone to the farmlands in the south returned, and were equally stunned and confused by the unfolding events. As MacKinnon and Akitsugu's debate on the ownwership of the blacksmithing tools continued, Sheryl slid away from her husband and approached both Yingmei and
Plenty to clean, plenty more to use! While the well itself didn’t look like it had been improved in any of the ways that anyone else said it would, working with broken things was basically just want MacKinnon did on a regular basis either way. Hand over hand, she reeled up the leaky bucket and upended its contents into the barrel as she forcefully injected her way into the conversation the others were having.

“Not abandoned,” MacKinnon called out. “There’d be a lot more trash here if it was; feels like everyone took their time packin’ everything up 'fore leaving. Oh, and I didn’t come across any graves either, so it’s probably not a sickness that did it. Maybe whatever they were here for just ran out, and they had no reason to stay?”

That was a possibility. There were no proper roads that she saw leading here, and MacKinnon had seen her fair share of mining towns that turned into ghost towns over the years. But there was a forest; couldn’t they have gone into lumberjacking? Or fishing? Or just regular farming? Why were people here anyways? Why did everyone other than herself decide to come here? Surely, not all of them were treasure hunters, right?

“Anyways, didja let the others know about the whole ‘buildings with burnable furniture bits yet’? Not seeing lotsa em here. And Wilma, c’mon over! I’ll show you how to clean things up!”.

"Seems we've got our first local spat. The red-headed foreigner boy there claims that girl stole some tools of his. What a mess." The woman explained, making a lisght nod towards the male red-head.

It was something of an affliction.


It was delightful.

If it wasn't for his current allegiances, Elijah would have come more often. No other cafe made almond croissants quite the way he liked it except for this hidden treasure in Burberry, and the coffee reminded him of his childhood as well, that pungent, bitter aroma tickling his nose as he drew another sip.

Through the cafe's window, he could finally see the clear skies beginning to become obstructed by plumes of smoke, and it had been a joy too to witness the hurried work of regular officers in the district as they evacuated civilians when those giant dragons took to the sky, seemingly fighting nothing but an annoying fruit fly. The detritus left by the Butcher's Block certainly had a way of taking on far more than what she could bear, mm? But that doggedness was what made her endearing, adorable in the way that a small, barking dog was. He should buy something for her and Celina to share in the clinic. Maybe a toast box? A cheesecake? A...

"Oh, Wes?" A sliver of a tattoo peaked out from beneath his glove as he held a phone to his ear. "Yes. No. No. Yes. And of course, I'll let him know."

The ladies would have to settle for donuts then.

Fingers curling over the dragon's head once more, Elijah stood up, dusted the crumbs off his coat, and struck a jaunty stride as he headed to Burberry PD to deliver the Good News.
I'll endeavor to post tomorrow thennnn.
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