Avatar of ErosSense


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5 days ago
Current Is it a red flag or not if he makes me listen to Avenged Sevenfold like it's church music? I'm not sure, but I just found me a new favourite song...
12 days ago
I just met an absolutely enchanting person. He likes DOOM and D&D and WH40k and Keygen Church... and he's shorter than me đź‘Źđź‘Ź I'm head over heels already
21 days ago
I've been struggling a little bit the past few days, please give me grace as I struggle to reply to things lol
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29 days ago
Anybody else royally confused by the Starbucks drink sizes?
29 days ago
I keep sending people texts when I'm asleep then wake up with no recollection of them...


"Searing Flesh hardly saves
The time you could have bent
Such as the blade I lent the
Mother of the crimson steaks
Ingrained within your Skin

Hanging, knotted ropes
Can’t undo the countenance
Of wide-eyed anticipation
Or dissatisfaction with your
Cumbersome, bodily Being

When the Father looked
To reply to curdling screams
Of rusted, dulled iron, sinking
Deep into your Body, spreading
The disease of desperation"

"The Disease of Desperation" by Lawrence J. Lacorne


Hi! I'm Eros.

I've also realized that I really want to change my bio.

I'm 24, and Italian. I'm currently studying abroad in the USA! I want to be a child psychologist (though recently I have thought a lot about forensic behavioral analysis and law enforcement as a whole. They're both very interesting... now I'm questioning myself.)

I'm in CST.

I'm a synaesthesiac (primarily graphime-colour) individual. I love music, art, theatre, writing, books, and roleplaying! I've been roleplaying steadily for over ten years at this point.

I adore stories and roleplays that cover more sensitive or darker themes. I love the controversial and the stigmatized, the unusual and the seldom discussed. :)

Most Recent Posts

In Wretchedness 2 mos ago Forum: The Gallery
With quiet footsteps, I begin my descent down the flight. They're the trained sort -- the footsteps that one learns only the hard way. It's in this silent abandon I slow to a crawl past the stair that always groans when I step on it, sure to avoid it all together.

Once I reach the flight is where the real issue arises. I have memorised every creak in the aged floor, and know exactly where to lurk because of it. After all, I don't want to alert Them. I look around. It's at this point I realise the corridor at the foot of the stairs is longer than I remember. My stomach churns at the thought of the unknown.

But They always have ways of surprising me.

I steel myself and tiptoe down the hall, enthralled by what I see. There are many more doors than what I can recall, and pictures hung on the wall of people I have never met. I continue this search for what feels like an eternity, before bobbing my head to the side at a picture of me. I wasn't aware that They had a picture of me. Worst of all, the door my picture is next to is lit from the inside, and the faint golden creep cascades at my feet. It's begging me to enter.

The keyhole is blocked off by something. Somebody didn't want me to look in. Of course they didn't. My heart beats to a syncopated rhythm I am not familiar with, before I turn the doorknob, terrified yet anticipatory all the same.

I didn't know that They had more than one bathroom in the House. Let alone a bathroom as nice as the one I had just entered. It is the last thing I had expected, frankly, within my detour. Sneaking down the stairs at one point to escape, only to find myself in an unfamiliar bathroom. It's... almost comical.

The countertops are pure. I feel like a wretch for so much as looking at them the wrong way, as white and glowing as they are. This is a colour I have never quite seen in the House. Especially not given the state of things.

I almost want to touch it. To feel the smooth, clean surface.

I cannot.

I remind myself that I am going to the windiest ring of hell -- and for good reason. They remind me all the time. In fact, oftentimes They won't let me go down the stairs at all, in saying it is all my fault.

How odd, I realise it is. To be envious of a countertop.

I have been so distracted by this part of the room that I almost miss the mirror. When I look up, I see a perfect stranger's eyes. Somebody else inquiring within my irises.

And that is when I scream.

For these are not my eyes at all.
This is not my face.
I tremble, and cover my mouth.

Never have I ever been so fair, so round-faced or button-nosed. Never has my hair ever been so wispy, and my cheeks ever rosy.
I rest my hands on the countertop in anguish, trying all my best not to scream once more. After all, They would only antagonise further if they knew...

However, this hope is short-lived. I retract my hands in horror, screaming once more, realising I have tainted the innocence of the room with crimson seeping from my hands.

The tang of iron lingers in my mouth, breath ragged.

The Sin of the flesh. The Sin of blood.

The deafening silence rings like a church bell in my ears -- oh, how I shall pray the rosary later!

But for now, I am but a filthy, tainted sinner.
And Mary would be ashamed.
Does anybody still care about BATIM?

I recently replayed the two main installments, and about to replay Boris and the Dark Survival. Basically, it reawakened a love for the characters and lore I forgot I had. It's just so... dark, and mysterious. Those are things I love.

I would adore a roleplay based in and around this game. I'm pretty experienced portraying canon characters -- and juggling them, if that's ever a worry. I also have an OC or two for this game. But that's for later.

It'd be pretty cool (although this can be debated and revised) if we could start in the heyday of Joey Drew Studios (therefore some knowledge of the 30's and 40's are appreciated) and slowly work into the demented events we now know as in-game -- and mold them to our own desires!

I really don't know what else to say aside from I'm aware this game kind of died off and I'm honestly a little sad about it. I'm flabbergasted it came out in 2017.
@isla Thanks :D
Which definitely is NOT the title to one of my most favourite poems.
(Emily Dickinson, thanks for that.)

Call me Eros! I'm new here -- driven by insurmountable loneliness and the age-old problematic occurrence of IQ deviation.
In other words, I'm usually operating on a higher level than the people around me. And I get bored because of it.
(This is not to be confused with me calling other people idiots -- somehow, due to that claimed intelligence, people assume I'm calling them dimwitted because of it. It just seems to prove my point that people misunderstand what I'm trying to say. It's ironic to me -- and annoying to everyone else.)

I'm bilingual. I speak Italian and English -- both very well. I love to write, and you will find inspirations in my work from around every corner. Being an individual with Synaesthesia, music, poetry, and even colours inspire a variety of plots, characters, and gimmicks I play on.

I'm honestly very under-acquainted with these forum-type sites. (I was an Amino kid...)
So I'm struggling. In the best way possible.

I am a massive fan of gritty, psychological-thriller and mystery type stories. Battles of intellectual prowless -- plays on the realistic and feigned intelligence of man. I love character and plot-driven happenings.
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