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I need of Hunters!
Need players still, the roughest of the rough, most cynical, diabolical, sinister characters. Or maybe a dainty little naive flower stuck in a world of horrors.. Whatever your character may be, come on down and take a look. We have room for all!
Bumppp need some characters !

LOCATION: Salem Park → Apartment
INTERACTION(S): @blackdragon

L y r a ‍& ‍ I v y

Ivy was relaxing in one of Salem’s many old parks. She wasn’t a fan of the town’s Puritan founders, for obvious reasons, but at least they knew something about urban planning. Her fellow witch Lyra had contacted her to meet here, but she hadn’t seen her yet. Still, an event that required two dark witches to see each other immediately left only a few possibilities, none of which were good. At last, another young woman came into view, her raven hair gently flowing in the breeze. “Good to see you, Lyra. How are things going for you?”

Lyra felt her body dispute the journey to the park, each step sending a dull wave of discomfort throughout her. Whatever she had contacted had depleted her of all energy, something that seldom occurred. As she approached the park, her olive eyes would carefully probe through the mass of faces, stopping on one in particular. Once she had located her acquaintance, she swiftly proceeded forward, offering a weak shrug in response to the other woman’s question. “They could be worse, could be better... “ Lyra moved to sit on a nearby bench, obvious unrest painting her features. “Something is wrong in our home of Salem.. I feel something.” Hands would raise, gesturing to the air around the woman before resting upon her bosom. “Something feels so off..I don’t know what. So today I contacted something, something powerful. I don’t know who or what it was, but I asked it for aid. I fear we may need it Ivy…” Lyra paused, glancing off towards the rest of the park to allow the other woman time for thought.

As Lyra spoke, Ivy’s eyes grew wider and wider. Calling up a specific spirit was one thing, but sending your voice into the aether indiscriminately? You never knew who… what would be listening. “So, let me get this straight. You spoke to some sort of being, without so much as asking for identification. You knew that the kind of things we deal with never give favors for free, but you asked it for aid.” The redhead let out a deep sigh of annoyance. “You know, I should let this thing drag you down for your stupidity, body and soul. Good thing I like you.”

“Do you know anything about this entity at all? Did it at least promise to help you? I need to know everything about this situation, before I can decide what the best course of action is.”

Ivy’s harsh words were met with an eye-roll from Lyra, she would alter her posture on the bench as the other woman spoke, scolding her for the reckless witchcraft. “I understand it’s dangerous, but I feel something even worse is lurking Ivy!” The raven haired woman would wrench her head in Ivy’s direction, hissing her words out with force. Upon realizing people were peering in their direction, Lyra would compose herself, lowering her voice to a passive volume. “I don’t care what consequences it may have, I care not of that but the well-being of my fellow witches.. So if it drags me to hell, so be it.” As soon as the words had slipped past her lips, Lyra would erupt in a fit of hacking into her palms, the once ivory skin now splattered with scarlet droplets, but her voice would continue in a croak, “It didn’t respond to me, but I felt its presence, I know it wasn’t trying to hurt me.. I could feel it was on our side.” An unstained hand would rise to her face, fingers raking through her hair, a tick that originated from her becoming overly engulfed with stress. “I need to go back home, heal… It took a lot from me.” Without another word, Lyra would stand, dismissing herself with a sluggish nod as she drifted off out of the park. She could feel her body quiver against the frigid air, something that never bothered her before. The connection had left her ailing, vulnerable, in a position she would not allow to progress.

It wasn’t long before Lyra had stumbled into her home, moving briskly to gather the materials she needed to rejuvenate her bodies energy. The incantation was rather straightforward, she would surround herself with natural sources of all kinds, such as crystals like clear quartz, selenite, hematite and herbs ground to a paste, slathered generously over the entirety of her body. Lyra placed candles beside each gem, exhaling a few words under her breath that would bring lifeless wicks ablaze. Her body would be positioned in the center of each source, the conjuration beginning, a chant ringing out on a continuous loop.

“Tui gratia lovis gratia sit cura.”

“Tui gratia lovis gratia sit cura.”

“Tui gratia lovis gratia sit cura.”

The words would linger, as if the air were glue - the room growing heavier each time the chant was repeated. Lyra gasped, her back arching to force her head upward, facing the ceiling now. Hands would claw helplessly at the wooden floor beneath them, a great force tearing its way through her throat. Lyra sat paralyzed as a mass, sable in color, heaved itself from her agape mouth. The horrid sickness she had felt prior, diminishing to nothing after the dark being had evacuated her body. Lyra's body would slump once more, trembling from the violent sequence of events that had taken place. Muddled eyes would dart around the room, searching for whatever had withdrawn itself from her - but found no trace of the being. It was a different feeling from the one she had had while connecting during her earlier ritual. This being that had just left her body was weaker, likely something that had attached itself to her while she was vulnerable.

She felt much more robust, her body no longer quivering to the cold, the sickly paleness that cast itself over her skin waning to allow the rosiness her skin naturally held to return. Lyra drew herself to a stand, cleaning the mess that had occurred before slinking to rest upon the couch in her compact apartments living-room.

@Zoey WhiteSure! We can definitely discuss more
@RaylahYes!! Thank you

Hey guys, I don't wanna ruin fun or curb creativity, but we have to limit the use of vehicles. Vehicles would not be a common occurrence unless desperately needed; (Moving a group to a new place, short trips, etc.) Weaponized vehicles would likely be a one and done kind of thing due to lack of resources. This is a zombie RP, similar to TWD, NOT a military style RP with zombies in it. There is NOT enough fuel to run an entire compound + have multiple vehicles tearing up the city. I want the infected to play a large role, people are supposed to be terrified of them. They aren't exactly easy to take out, sure maybe if it's just one, but a horde would prove to be a massive threat.
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Problem #1

Toxo is supposed to be the safer, more maintained compound. BUT they got to that point by doing horrible things, hurting people, etc. Which is why it is a moral battle whether or not you'd join the "safer" group.

Problem #2

Ammo would be incredibly limited, most ammo would have been used up during the initial outbreak in attempt to fend off raging infected. So shooting an assault rifle, having large weapons, etc. Wouldn't be realistic, they consume too much ammo. Regular weapons such as pistols, shotguns, snipers, and things of that sort would be used more, however not all the time again because of ammo consumption and noise.

So all of this being said, please reevaluate your groups, remove things that are too OP, and take a look at your character individually to see if you may be crossing the line into OP territory.

Problem #3

Another issue arising I would like to confront is the amount you post, I would like this to be a casual/semi-advanced RP.. That means the bare minimum is two paragraphs, but I encourage more to be posted.

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If you have questions or concerns about your character or an aspect of your character, please ask here, over PM, or on the discord. I am more than happy to help you or answer any questions you may have.

@Zoey White
@Burning Kitty
@Violent Violet
@Sol Grim
@apathy@Default@Violent Violet@DeadDrop

Hello! Just a little bump to make sure you guys are still with us and alive! This is in no way a rush to make you post, just assuring you haven't dropped. If you haven't please join the discord so communication is easier and building IC relationships is a breeze !
Make sure to join the Discord if you haven't already, great place to set up future interactions and relationships!
Updated the "Earth after the fire" hider and added a little rough map of the healthy land the Kingdom's live on!
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