Ryllae's Abode, Odenfield
@Andre Valias
'We aren't late, are we Gervese? I hope you and Miss Evoek don't mind that I brought Sylrael and Melodia with me. They've been quite curious to meet you both.'Garvese gave a polite bow at the group's approach. He seemed to appraise the folks that Anton introduced momentarily before nodding to himself, and turning the door open.
Inside, it was a modest cottage. Wood furniture, and a brick chimney surrounding a fire and a bubbling pot suspended over it. There was a second pot where one had to assume was some type of tea brewing, given the strong, bitter aroma mixing with the meaty notes of the stew.
Tapping a spoon on the lip of the pot to knock off excess mixture, Ryllae turned to her guests, surprised amusement in her crystal eyes.
Gervese rumbled to alleviate her questions.
”May I introduce Sylrael and Melodia, guests of Lord Agravaine.”Satisfied, Ryllae gave a low curtsy,
”Welcome to my home, Lord Agravaine and his guests. Please, make yourselves comfortable.”The dining table was in the center of the room, with enough space to pass by the fire safely. Beyond, there were two doors. One had to assume one led to a bedroom, while the other led to a lavatory.
When everyone had taken their spot at the dining table, Ryllae brought over a tray filled with steamy bowls of stew, which she laid out in front of Anton, his guests, Gervese, and herself, along with accompanying wooden spoons. Then, the tray was taken back to be filled with cups of bitter tea, which was placed in front of each guest. Then, a board of sliced bread, butter, and sliced cheese were placed in the center of the table.
Ryllae took her own seat, wiping her hands on her apron. Her smile was soft.
Please, enjoy.”And, her eyes slid to the side, eyeing Anton's companions.
”I'm afraid I don't have the pleasure of knowing much about you, Sylrael, Melodia. Why don't you tell me about yourselves?”
Lady Furino’s Estate, Castle Gardens
@AWildSquirtle, @HereComesTheSnow
"How deep might I need to cut to free us four coins from this flimsy purse?"The cut struck deep, wide, and true. It was as if a great tear had been strong across canvas, billowing and flapping nakedly in the wind.
In unison, all the faces convulsed, a chorus of cacophonic shrieks and moans as, like a deflated balloon, the Shade crumpled and fizzled out into a cloud of ash, dispersing.
Among the coughing as the ash dispersed, both the angelite and changing were star-struck.
”That was so cool!” The angelite said.
”It didn't even stand a chance!’” The changeling giggled, immediately earning a scowling look from the angelite.
With the impending danger gotten out of the way, they had breathing room for proper introductions. The angelite smiled, childish excitement in her eyes.
”I'm Raguelie. This-” She said, pushing a bit at the changeling,
”-Traitor is Erfir.”Erfir immediately scrunched up his face, rubbing where she had pushed him.
”Hey, that hurts!”Raguelie looked at him with that righteous fury again.
”You deserve a lot more than that, traitorous scum!”She then turned to the two foreigners.
”Mr. Silverblade, Brother Spadoni, you both are heroes! I'm sure Her Majesty the Queen would love to meet you!”Her hands took a thoughtful posture, one hand still holding the necklace.
”She's not home right now.”Her hands swung to the sides, lights in her eyes.
”But Countess Vernon is home! You should talk to her!”Erfir slapped his forehead,
”They obviously came here to plunder from the rich, Raggy. They're thieves with noble causes, and they will help the rebellion!”Raguelie glowered at Erfir,
”They will not!”Erfir glowered back,
”They so will. They're pirates, feared on the seas! Here to help liberate the people!”I'll liberate you, you little-” Raguelie growled, grabbing Erfir by the collar and shaking him roughly. His head and big ears flopped front and back, almost looking funny.