Aetheric DiveThis is the true nature of Vincent's ability, and something he prides himself on. He is able to take his aetheric wisps, and sink them into the mind around him. From there, he can read, insert, and remove thoughts and memories. Essentially, the brain becomes his home, and he can fashion it how he likes. He can fashion commands that change the very structure of the brain, rewiring synapses and making the changes near-permanent.
It is possible for a target of his to fight against a thought implanted. However, they first have to recognize that the thought is foreign. This is a difficult thing to do, especially if Vincent inserts thoughts, memories, and commands that seem natural. If a person is prone to eating ice cream, and Vincent commands them to eat ice cream, it is very unlikely they will notice the foreign input, and instead go eat their ice cream.
However, if someone notices a thought is foreign, they can try to resist it. This is an incredibly hard thing to do as they are going against the rewriting Vincent has done to the mind, but can be done with consistent effort and time, typically a few days.
It is due to this that Vincent will often write in a command that will force a person to seek him out, so he can tamper with their mind again and solidify his hold. When he repeats his rewritings, they become stronger, less malleable, and more permanent.
Due to his influence in the mind, there is a sudden surge of chemicals like serotonin and dopamine, which flood the mind when he is done, giving the person almost a high. They'll become very happy for a few hours, before crashing and craving more. This too, can be overcome, though it is a difficult thing, just like any withdrawal and addiction.
(A 1d12 dice roll. If his is higher, he gets into the victim's mind successfully. If his is lower, he suffers mental recoil, unable to retry until two posts pass. An intoxicated mind or traumatized body takes -2 on their dice roll. A person can choose not to roll, meaning they allow Vincent into their mind.)
Limitations and Weaknesses:If a person is listening to music or is otherwise actively shielding their thoughts with surface nonsense thoughts, like what they want to eat or what groceries they need, he is unable to dive past that in Aetheric Hearing.
If a person electrocutes themselves or him continuously, this will disrupt his influence and he'll be kicked out of a mind (if he is in one). It will also make him unable to enter into or hear a mind.
He can attack or hear multiple targets at a time, but can become quickly overwhelmed with the stimuli and be unable to move.