Avatar of Expendable


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4 days ago
Current I'm about to be banished for the good of the realm again. Where is the trust in this world, I ask you?
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7 mos ago
I'm sorry, you've reached his personal secretary, Department of Shrubbery, Floor 64, Desk 1024. How can we help you today?
9 mos ago
Or buy a van or a used rental truck. Something nobody would look twice at. You can put in a rack for the rope, duct tape, plastic sheeting, shovels....
9 mos ago
Never trust a car salesman - especially a used car salesman. Have a buddy park across the street and see how many stuffed body bags you can shove in there. Gotta have room for plastic sheeting, etc.
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9 mos ago
Neil Gaiman wrote in his Good Omens bio that he likes it when fans send him $50. (He read Terry Pratchett's bio and figured it wouldn't hurt.)


I am a seven-foot tall minecraft-playing hindu guru drag-queen alien.

Possessor of an Ancient Device™ Model 17. No, I don't know what it does. No, you can't play with it.

Pronouns: It. As in: "What is it? What does it want? Why is it here? Oh my god, it's got my... <insert random body part or object here>"

Likes: World Domination, Writing, Rpg, scifi/fantasy, anime, sketchup 3d models, and anime music videos.

Companions: a host of characters from other games, my personal muse Penny (as in Bad), and the Badger gang - Toothpick, Buttons, Shark, and Mongo. They grew up in the balcony of an old theatre that played a lot of gangster movies. Normally benign, but may invade the OOC forums.

Most Recent Posts

Carefully, J-eon reaches behind him to grab the spear, trying not to bump it as he lifts it out of its oarlock cradle. He wasn't sure what was out there, but it was making too much racket to hide. Was this in response to the beacon? Did this rise to challenge?

In either case, if it attacked, he had to respond, for surely it would try to kill him.

He kept his movements calm as he pivoted towards the voice.

Did it come singly? Or was there two, one to give voice, others to blindside? He must listen closely in case there were more, lying in wait.
Greetings and salutations, BabyNeko24. Hopefully you find the grand romance rp you're looking for.
Greetings and salutations, Athos. Who doesn't like dragons? At least from a distance.
Welcome back, callmedia. Hope you have a great time here.
Greetings and salutations, SeaMirror. Welcome to the guild. I hope you enjoy your time here with us.
Greetings and salutations, funnyrumham. I must admit my posts tend to be a bit long as I tend to populate with scenes and locations as I go.
In Pariah 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Remy darted across the street and grabbed the sign post, panting hard as he glanced behind him, but there was no sign of Nkiruka. He'd gone maybe a block, but he needed food, now. Turning, there was the corner entrance of the Blue Seal Pharmacy, one of the few bodegas that wasn't a giant vending machine. The owner didn't like street kids coming in, and definitely wouldn't like the state he was in, but there was little choice.

Hauling out one of the c-notes Harry had pressed on him earlier, he stepped inside and immediately caught the eye of the owner behind his protective plastic shield.

"Get out!" Saul Henderson thunders, getting off his stool and grabbing his bat. "Out right now, you hooligan, or I'm calling the cops!"
"I've got money!" Remy cries out, crumpling down to the floor while holding the bill aloft. "Please mister, I'm hurt, I'm hungry, and I need a place to hide from some perv."

Saul pauses, taking in the boy's face starting to purple, his messed up clothes, and the bill. "Perv?"
"He just came up to me in the street, I was just walking towards the fire, told me he wanted to hire me...!" the boy wept. "I think he'd been watching me for a while. I was afraid he...."
"He do that to your face? You want me to call the cops?" Saul gruffly relented, putting the bat back under the counter and glancing back at the other patrons.
"So some bot comes and hauls me off to child services?" Remy shook his head. "Please sir, I just need some food."

Shelves under the counter held various candy bars, Remy leaned over and grabbed two energy bars, then put the bill on the counter. Issac looks down at it, then looked up, "That's not going to last long. Jimmy! Fetch this kid a sandwich and a carton of milk."

There was some rustling in the back, then a young man wearing an everwhite-tee and an apron appeared with a foot long cold cut sub and a carton of milk. He whistled when he saw Remy on the floor, kneeling down while Remy was chewing on one of the bars. "Damn, boy, who gave you that?"
"Truckers," Remy managed, gulping it down. "They caught me dumpster diving outside the Watershed, one of them gave me this." He gratefully took the milk out of Jimmy's hand and got it open, drinking it down.
"Maybe you should see a doc..."
"No!" Remy sputtered, milk dripping down his chin. "They'll call child services to come and get me! You don't know, mister, it's not safe in there. I'm better out here."
"Saul, this kid's gonna need more than a sandwich...."
"Please, I'll be fine!" Remy said, pushing himself up.

"Show him to the back," Saul sighs waving at the doors in the back corner. "Get him cleaned up a bit and let him eat his sandwich while he warms up. I promise, no cops."

Jimmy offered his hand, and the boy crammed the other bar into his pocket and let Jimmy lead him to the store room.

Dorothy, one of the shop's graying regulars, came up as Saul was ringing up Remy's purchase. "You're not going to charge him for that, are you?"
"Don't worry," Saul said, "This time I'm giving him the employee and desperate kid discount."
"Well, I want to pay for sandwich," Dorothy insisted, reaching into her purse.
"Dorothy, it is not necessary, I assure you," he smiles thinly.
"Well, what about some soap and some washing tabs? He's got to keep clean!"
"Yes, that's fine. Could someone fetch me those?"

A young man and his date pushed through, putting a bar of soap and a box of washing tabs on the counter.
"Thank you young man," Dorothy smiled, giving his girlfriend and approving look as they slip out the door.

"John," the girlfriend said when they were outside, "Are we going to leave that boy there like that?"
"I'm already dialing," he replied, holding up his phone.

"Thank you for calling the New Haven Police Department," the voice menu announced. "If this is an emergency, please press 9. If you wish to report a homicide, please press 1..."

J'eon sighs as he put down his bowl and spoon. His simple meal of stewed mashed grains with a dash of liquor he had picked up in Ertiseda was now a warm lump in his first stomach that was slowly spreading.

The small pit fire cast was little more than embers now and well-screened from the road, the cart and camp hidden under a few boughs of leaves from prying eyes. Not that he expected company on this rather desolate track that would take him by a few of the farms. If he was lucky, he might find the very thing he sought....

It appeared suddenly, a fireball of light launched to the heavens, its brilliance robbing him of his night vision so that all he could see was splotches of color that burned and blurred, so he buried his face in his hands, massaging them. All around him, even the tiniest of insects were still, but when he looks up, he could see the fireflies had risen, like sparks from a massive fire, all around, giving tribute the only way they could to the brightest light this night.

"What was that?" he asks, in a voice as soft as a whisper as he continued looking in the direction of the light, but it did not rise skyward again. There was a faint glow in that direction, miles ahead. Without taking his eyes off the spot, his right foreleg rakes the dirt back into the pit, extinguishing the flames.

Whoever had sent that light aloft had announced their presence for miles, there was no need to announce himself. If it repeated, he might have to think someone was in distress...
In Pariah 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Remy nods and waves at Jimi. Glancing towards the street that the three truckers went, he turns in the opposite direction towards the back alley that ran behind the bar, leaving Jimi behind. As he rounds the corner, he took a couple of steps past it, then pauses to lean against the vibrating wall of the Watershed, rubbing his aching cheek.

Please don't let it be a fracture, he winces as he gingerly pressed on the bone. The ache became sharper, but his cheek bone didn't budge. He sighs with relief.

A couple of pain killers would be nice, but the drug store would want an ID for anything stronger than baby aspirin. And buying it so close to the alley might be trouble....

Remy pushes himself off of the wall and glances around, then heads up the alley towards downtown. Food and meds was going to have to wait while he got away from the alley. Slipping his hands into his pockets, he began rolling up the bills a few at a time in the one pocket and sliding them through a small hole in the fabric so they'd slip between the liner and the shell.

That was lucky. Guy must have been gambling, Remy nods to himself. Or going gambling. If it was legit, they'd use their banking app. So they're not likely to call the cops...

He pauses for a moment to glance at the burned out preschool yard through the broken wall. They just had to put up those D-Corp princesses on a mural. And instead of threatening to sue, they had a couple of those troopers with the big ears on their helmets raid the place. Pity, it looked nice.

By the time he reached the end of the alley, he could hear the sirens and the bright flickering lights somewhere ahead. Some sort of opening? Not another disaster 3D?! Did they pay for the trucks to show up or did someone trip a fire alarm?

Well, it might be fun to watch, Remy decides, heading towards the burning labs.

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